M SIS ' he Drake Hotel is ready to serve Luncheon, Parties or Ban quets at any time. Don't be afraid to talk with the ma-iagement about the menu or decorations. BOWMAN & SON ! 8 8 II a I T Id fmhv I COURT? NEWS DISTRICT COURT ARJOURNS Michael K. Nolan, Appealant. Set for jury trinl MM term. The Jury cases will be tried at Hi.- first term early next year. SThe most satisfactory way ot heating a house Is with a furnace. I handle the Wise and j 0 Jewel furnaces. They can be seen at my shop I m ing work. J equipped to hand S 4t jjj good time to have that plumbing job put in before cold X weather sets in. Judge Westover Goes to Chadron Wednesday Noon (Crowded out last week.) Following is a report of the term of MlUkM Court which adjourned Tuesday evening: Naturnli.Htioii matters CUTWd ov er until next sfttlng or this term, I leceniber Ufth. Dismissed on Motion of County Attorney: Stale of Nebraska, ex lei. Thos. Marnes vs. GeorKla I'almer, et 1 have experienced men for my plumb- A m le a I I kinds of work. Now is a B m State of Wright vs. N liraska, ex rel. Hm Yodcr. State of Nebraska. C";l ('. vs. Nellie Wesson, et oi. State of Nebraska, ex rel li-irry Cannon. Mogef Smith vs. State of Nebraska vs. Central Lumber Company. Case passed. State of Nebraska, Cecil C. Smith vs. Nellie Weston, Alo State of No brasska, ex rel. Kugene Heeves vs QttOM Snow. Itonds tiled and p manent injunctions granted. . w. aPlMaanTplng and UHHMt; lie RAYj Boards of ail descriptions for any part of a house or barn. Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. Phone 22 0. Waters, Mgr. JOHN GARRETT Successors Frank Wallace Transfer Line Household goods yiP'' and transfer work umwj.i.&ium Office at Rodgers' Grocery, Phone 1. Res. phone 583 - The Telephone Operator Needs Your Assistance Are you alwiys blunting tb ojerator for your telephone troubles? Report your troubles to the proper department at the time they occur, yivUtfc tlie nature of the trouhle ami llie telephone staff will promptly do the rest. Many time the operator is a mueh misjudged girl. Ih'i vork is diftieidt and her errors marvel- ously tew. and she alwavs tries to be )Hlite and i courteous. Civil Docket: Charles K. Wiltsey vs Isunc llook ey. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost without prejudice. Howard I.. Mnshnell vs. Herman Schultalbers, et al. Go&tlattod by agreement. Clws. Herbert, Appealee, vs. C. Herl)ert, Appealanit, set for trial by jury next term. John W'allis vs. C. A. Anderson. Set for Jury trial next term. Adelbert l. Ilinman vs. John II; Trueblood, et al. Stay of execu tion of foreclosure filed. T. H. Tobiin vs. John C. McOor kle, et al. Sale confirmed. Q aorta P. Qui re vs. c H. & q. Ry. Co. Set for jury trial next t nil Olie Wnlbridge vs. Kred Wal bridge. Dismissed by plainniff at llaintiff's cost. Howard I. Hushnell vs. K. K. llovard and H. M. Anderson, first and true name unknown. Continued by agreement. Kred Kulpcr, Ivmma 1). Harris, Rose Crtaman, William Kulper, (ieo. Kulper vs. Men ha Kulper, a minor for whom Mary Kulper is guardian and Clarence S. Chrisman admini trator of the estarte of Kred' and Minnie Kulper, deceased. Report of referee approved and stle con finned. Lizzie S:ott vs. Charles Posvar, Mary Poovar. his wiic. The Durland Trust Company, a Corporation. Se? for jury trial liext term. BfttO U. Simpson, et a', s. Kred V. Reader, et al. Set for jury trial next term. fleorge Snyder vs. Conn Sin 11, Alias Conrad Sneil. Spo ial appe ir- auce filed. V w Vorte.u vs. Conrad Snelt. Si'( ial appearance Med. Christine J, Ivey vs. Claren e K. Ivey. DtVOrOfl awarded plaintiff. Itirdie C. Springer vs. J. l,awrenee BOWUMM and Mary llowman. his wile Sale or foreclosure confirmed. Nebraska State Rank vs. William A. Daupin. Mary Daupin, real name unknown, wire of defendant, William Daupin, Ora K. I'hlllips and Luke rhilltps. lKrendants allowed to rile answer in cross petition. Arthur Volker vs. Chas. C Jam. son. Set ror Jury trial next term. Helene . Schmidt vs. Ora B. I lllai k. Set tor jury trial next term. Minnie .1 IL ter vs. John . Hot ter. Plaintiff given dvorcie and cus tody of eJstUbN n. Charles King vs. Mae KiiiR. IMaln tr ivf-u divorce. Kva V. Klm.ne vs. W illiam W Kl mere. Plaintiff given divorce and title to her property o)l;r:r..'d in her name. floors B. Siantoli v s City of Al lianoe. Bet for jury trial n-'Xt lria Willis tl C.ntle v. C. H. & Q Ry. Co. l)'.smis!eJ by plulmPrt. The AIUMsOO Mntldiim k Loan As so.ia.icn vs. Klla 1. Hamblln et ai umrtfoJ $:4Lt.j; wth u interest. Kort closure u BRYAN WILL DELIVER ADDRESS TO TEACHERS Omaha. Nebr., Oct. ft. W. J. Ilry M will deliver the primlpnl address tjf tore the State T ai hers Associa tion, which will be held In Omaha on November fi, 7 and 8. Mr. Hryan bM mad- a study at first hand of edtration In many of the leading cr.untrie or the world. H - will speak on Thursday evening, Novem ber 7, his address to be d iiv ied in the Auditorium. James W. Crabtree or River Falls, Wis., (Orator sui)erintendnt or Publ'n Instruction or Nebraska, will reiurn to (5 od's Country and deliver an ad dr. ss His appi-Jirance again In the state insures a hearty reception rrom the (Metiers or the commonwealth. Dr. Frank Mc-.Muny of New York, w:ho has accepted a place on the pro gram. Is one of the most widely known educators' in the United Slates. He will speak on the 'Char act. Tistica of (!ood Supervisicn", be fore the ipertatoadOfl and prin cipals' sjoctton, ():her spealt rf are BojfeOO Dave .1 poit, dean and director of the Col lege or Agriculture, I'niverslty of Illinois; Charle.. II. Jud, Dean or the s:hooi or Bdncetlon, Uolverotty of Chioaso; anl the llonorab'e Philan der P. Claxion. t'nited States Com- missioner of BdOCfltlon. Mr. ClaJUOfl Is an ora t of of repowj and his ad dress will he w.jrth a trip to the moettne. CARLOAD OF AUTOS C. H. Tully received a carload oi' new liuick automobiles Satunlay. Mr. Tully has the agency for these popular cars and exepcts to place a largo Dumber of them in this territory the coining seaaon. UT..V.V.V Vliilli.'.'.""iiiiiiiiil C.!'omii,,,V.V.,A'I I,'.V"iiniiV, V.l IBS e: :: ;;in . risk i Hi J?Sil Nebraska Telephone Company More Economical Both in Use and Cost CALUMET BAKING POWDER And it docs better work. Simply follow your customary method of preparation add a little less of Calumet than when using ordi nary baking powder. Then watch the result. Light, fluffy, and even ly raised the baking conies from the oven more tempting, tastier, more wholesome. Calumet insures thebdkmgof m expert. A:k your groccf io-ujy RECEIVED HIGHEST AWARDS Ptatastta per cent dor .1 Seph My mUsud Vonnie World's Pure Food Exposition, Chicago H 1 Van Dm :han vw. C J' e si' tled and Hi mm vs BlfiO LOff vorce given to plaintiff Lois ililcy vs. Alvin Kilcv. Wwcoj ftiven to plaiutiff. fanie H. UOM v. Mmt K t'oiiiinuinl to next sitting Howry Hi. r, l'iealee vs. Loran.lo H !!h :u. S. : for jury trial next tt nn Lawrcme H Lackey vs. Uobert Kittleman, el al. Set for Jury nexi term. Thomas J. OKeefe. Appealee vs. Puri posittOBi France, Marc h , 11)12. You don't save rrtnty alien yu buy i heap or tiig-can baling pou dtr, Don I be mulcj liuy Calumet. It'i mart economical more uholtmmc givt beit result!. Calumet it Jut superior to tour milk, and soda. THE FOLLOWERS. Winner In the Pittsburg Post. Alliance Tailoring Co. Cleaning, Pressingand Repairing Neatly Done Ladies' Work a Specialty Only Steam Presser in the City FRENCH DRY CLEA1S11SG Stanton & Keeley, Mgrs. C. W. Zurn Co. CEMENT CONTRACTORS Sidewalks, Foundations, Porch and Floor Work. Cement Water Tanks, etc. All Work Guaranteed PHONE 562, OR SEE G. ZURN Alliance, Nebraska CASH PRICE LIST COAL On and after November first we will sell coal for cash only Cash prices in effect at present time are as follows: Sunshine Maitland Lump, delivered, 8.40 Sunshine Maf., washed nut, del.. 8.20 Monarch lignite), delivered - - 6.00 J. H. VAUGHAN&SON Wholesale and Retail Feed and Fuel Phone No. 213 Box Butte Ave. October Rate Specialties TOURIST RATES SOUTH: The usual winter touri.st and homeseekers' rates to southern locali ties have been announced. The South is Krowinn in its attraction? for northern penile. Ask for some of the attractive literature, dc script ive of southern resorts, hotels and tours. THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPERS TO CALIFORNIA VIA SANTA FE: (Y.inniencint; November .".;h. from Omaha every Tuesday ninhi, a' ll:o p.m., personally conducted through tourist sleepers will be run to Li:s Angeles via Denver, thcnii iMta ' dir.- t line, (IRANI CANYON ROUTR. The. e itoepOltl OU V bi aken from Omaha earl Tuesday nigh:, from Lineola at midnight, or leavh.m Denvor, Wed ucsday oTpnYlH $i s4 P -m- INT Lit rOUIUST UATKS TO CALiKOILVIA are daily in eftiKi. Free literature, " Calif orata Rxourstoas," "Paolfle t'oast Tours." "Soutaera Tours" W allet. Have your ticket road "Uurllnffton", You will then have tli.- broadest i-.:oice of illvi rse r.,.u-s to and from : lie coaat. J. KRID6LBAU0H, Aent Alliance L w. WAKELEY, G, V. A,. Omaha SAVES LEG OF BOY "It seemed that my 14-year old txy would have to lose his iet, on account of an ugly ulcer, caused by a bad bruise," wrote 1. K. HowanJ, AUine, N. C. "All icaiedies failed till we tried Muckli-n's Arnica S;.lw, juid cured him with one box." fares burns, boils, skin M ients at. frod Advert Hm m nt ei-uptions, fUm K. Moisten 'm. Storage of gouls, moving , .,),,, and general dray. I'hone 5. W'ALLAt K OKAY LINK Advert iseiueui (44tfl4M)