The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 26, 1912, Image 1

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    Gives all the news
of Box Butte County
and Citv of Alliance
The Alliance Herald
Largest Circulation
of any Newspaper in
Western Nebraska.
Big: Tliiee XDa.3rs' Sstle
At the Stock Yards, Alliance, Nebraska,
Thursday, Friday
and Saturday
Oct. 3, 4 and 5
The hors market will be in better condition, our dates
have been arranged to not conflict with other western sales,
we will have the buyers here, and the salesmen who will dis
pose of the stuff.
We want every ranchman and dealer or anybody else hav
ing horses and inules to sell to list them for this sale. We will
have plenty of buyers here, firing in your horses and mules.
V will see that you get a square deal.
List them as soon as possible so that We can get a line on
what to advertise. '
Single hcrses and pairs,
or more, $1.00 each
$2.00 each; 3
For further particulars phone 259
Men and linys will find it to their
Interest to call at Nichols' .shoe
i-hop and inspect his stock of new
good before buying their fill and
winter sho.-s. 1 4U-1-M.:: i
S. C. Hickman, an attorney of
Chariton, town, arrived in Alliance
Monday and spent a few day in
Box Ihitte and Garden counties on
leui.1 business.
' Special sale all week at Achesan
Hardware Company. See us. Adv.
.Mr. and Mr. 1'. A. Walton of Bro
ken How arrived in Alliance Tuesday
nf last week on their return frott
California and remained a tew days
visiting ' 'he home of their daugh
ter, Mrs. T. V. Hi: hards. They
think of removing from Broken How
it Alliance.
.Miss Kathryn Stratton returned to
hit home at Agate, Sioux county,
hist Saturday, after being employed
for a long time a' Nohe's restaurant.
M. 1). Ni.-hois has built up a good
trad in ilea's and hoys' ah cs by
oeHIng a superior grade of gjods a!
nieney savins prices. A new stock
for 'i-c tall and winter Made just
received. (421-145:!)
wife who
had been
Hit Custer,
S. D.
K. A. McFi
jiasMd i mi (i
on his way
went, on
all. he Reno merchant,
Alii in K) last Thursday
to Denver. where he
Alt, don't forget the Majestic
Rangf exhibit. $s.O(i worth of Kitch
en Ware free. All invited. Acheson
Hardware Company.' - Adv.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Poster of Osh-
Vk1i cllllie llll :o Alliance to attewi'
llH lair last week. They found that
ftfca lair had MM called ott. mucn
to their disappoint inent, hut took oc
easion to visit a day or two v ir h
friends. Mrs. Coster is a sister of
Oeorg Douglas
Mae Snoddy came up from Alli
ance a:id was visiting Rushville
friends Monday and Tuesday.
Blttttivllle He order, Sep. I'll.
A Ml slock of men's ami oys
shoes just received at Nichols' shoe
shop Any kind of nhoe JM waul,
from a heavy work BiKM to a fine
dress tboe, at prices away beiOW
what yoH have tO pay 1'or the same
grade I goals at oilier places
iH 1-1413)
Wm. Gilbert of Ashland. Illinois,
i if Of Tin- Herald's "Sucker" state
subscribers, was vietthkg in Box
Butte county las: week. He owns
what is known as the dadsby ranch,
lwinty five miles north of Ailliame.
an. I is an old-time tri.-n..l of the.
Hu--s. He eahe with .hums (!. Fix
ami son fohgMJ of Jacksonville, 111.,
who are guests at the hbffle of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. AsikIcii, north of
this city.
They all started for home
Shoes ; hut fit your feet, stand
the wear and suit you in every way
at Nichols' shoe shop. 217 Box Butte
Ave. 42-1-145::)
Mrs. C. 1 Hall and daughter, Miss
Migiiou. are in Omaha this week at
tending Ak Sar-Heii.
The Majestic Walking Cake will
he mashed flat and like "truth crush
ed to earth will rise again" iu five
minutes. Adv.
Jofan H. Beach is a new employe
at the C. S. land office, acting in
the capacity of stenographer.
Mrs. J. J.
Young, Miss
Mr. H C. Young
light (0 Dentral
Vance, Mi-s Mabel
Blanche Batter and
depa:'ed Sunday
City, where they
will be in
COUV4 nt ion
convi hi
You nt; a.nd
at ives
at ten Jan e a
of the w. c.
there this
Miss Young
Hastings on
Hie statu
T. C. which
Week. Mr.
will visit rol
their return
Mrs. Ben Price and
Heiuingrord visited at
home and with Miss
ovtr Sunday.
I i l le n, of
i he Mourns
Delia Beed
us that the people of his neighbor
hood are prosporlng and everything
ts fine, but there has been a good
deal of difficulty In getting hay put.
up on aeount of the wet woat.her.
Mrs .1. II.
spending the
her claim in
ed to arrive
Cairoll, who has I I
past lew months on
Sioux county, is expect
in Alliaace today.
Hex. B. Yon POCeU of Scottsbluff
wne in town the first of the Veal
to officiate at the Gregg-New land
PIANO FOR BAUD on gggy terms.
Bui slightly us,m1 and in first-class
condition. Apply at Herald office, if
lames Potmesil orders
for The Herald channel!
side to Alliance.
.1. W. (Jut brie came in
from a business trip to
Platte valley
his address
from Lake-
the Nor. h
Mr. and Mrs. .1. Mann of near
Bridgeport came in Wedncsdav to
visit Mr. G. N. Hoag and daughters,
lather and sisters of Mrs. Mann.
A. Homgardner, who lies on the
Britten ranch twelve miles north of
Alliance, was Hi town yesterday try
ing to secure mem to hnlp dig po
tatoes, but did not meet with very
good sucesB, although offering go:d
w ages.
The growing business and the in
creased sto.-k of goods have crowded
Ce.,. V. Mollring's large store room
In the Burner block and made in
creased capacity necessary, conse
quently a balcony has been placed on
each side of the south wimg, the
two being connected by a bridge
Mr. Mollring has recem'ly increased
his stiles force, and informs us thai
they are kept busy waiting on eg
Kev. I. M. Maxi'ield, w ho w a pan
tor of the A. M. K. chur ii 1,1 All:
anee, ami who left about a mom li
ago fur Coloiado and other sjutheru
potot intending lo return tii;(-k
this city, has iiiform-ed her harg t, .,
lieie. that she will return to Mat
up ii P tlutka a thtis point :ilx.H
the last of l his month.
Yr. Yaa rsdall is a jolly good fel
low and wishes io see ekcry one
present on Crulay alieruoon at '
Acheeon Hardware Company adv.
On Mmulay night Mrs. I. K. Tash,
Mrs. J. W. Heed. Mrs. M K Bern
hardl and Mrs. J. (i. Bei k departed
t Ct'.rril City where they will at
tend the W. C. T. C. state conveU
t lull held tlnre this w;ek. lira. will probably stoy at Ha ; 'm i
( :i her re' urn home to visit a da.
or two with Mrs. Carl .WImhi, i:ul
Mis. Beck will pii.-c d to l.iacoln
for a few das' vii;
4u ladies to stand on Majestic
Walking Cake at Ache-on's Hud
ware store. Crida aftenMMMk, S:Sd.
Mrs .1. t;. Beck ret iirmd la si
Week, having atteiido.1 the Nebraska
State Kair and visited relatives at
liidlanota, la , during her absence.
Ward is received from Mrs aei
Kfl I r thai Mr KecMer hM
appointed director of
he V M. C A. a North Yak;m,i.
Wash., which place i.s now their
Judge John McCawley of H.vaa l
cniiuy judge of Qraat eauntr,
iA Alliance the hiiiir part of last,
week. He came here to meet his
B, H. Klncatd of Bingham came up
to Alliance on bnataeat Taeaday, ne
iiii'ug the uexl day. lln his a
ranch south of Binaham and run-, a
tore in the town. While in Viliaiice
Mr. Kteoald called at The Heiald ,.t
l'i e lo -e:i;ie a supply of legal
blagkl ami lo order Ins name plaoed
on our siisi rip ion lfat He infoims
Mr. Hutton
of Hutton &
was in town
of the real estate firm
Clark of Hemingford,
today on business.
Bulloik is III with typhoid
William Husk
noss In .Alliance
of Angora had Dual
last l"rida and Sat
Mr. and Mrs. H. () Weyan! of the
Spade neighborhood in Sheridan Co.
drove up to Alliance the first ot
the week lor medical treatment for
Mrs. Weyant, she having contra tec
blood poisoning. While in (he citj
they called at The Herald office ami
ordered the paper sent to them.
Mr. and -Mrs.
UjT of Cleman
home of Mrs.
Alliance last P
Kd IVngius and fain
were visiting at the.
FeagintT parents iu
Miss Olson, who has been in St.
Joseph hospital for some time re
eeiving medical treatment, has gone
to her home in the city.
We are requested lo announce a
dance at Y. K. Peterson's, ten miles
aaal and two miles north of Alliance
Saturday night. (Jctober !!.
Miss Woody, who has been visit
Ug at the Snow ranch and whose
home is m Montana, was brought to
St. Joseph hospital Satuidav Where
ike underwent an operation for ap
pciidiciiis. Her condition was v r
had al the time and has 1. n siiu t
tli- operation but seems to be better
this morning.
Mrs Cbarlea Kans. Who has been
in the hospital here for some time,
together with her little daughter re
turned to her home in Marsland Sun-
daj .
Miss Kva Sherdeman of Omaha
has been eleited to fill ths vacancy
iu lie corps ot High school instruc
tor caused by the resignation of
Mi-s Lulu Wirt.
c w. Hargartea of
Ua. efttved Tuesday of
lake charge as manager
Lumber & Coal Co.'s
H b rl Sutherland. Jr..
art lag as manager hav:
reutrn to Kmi - fJBi
leu appi ai's lo be QUltC
Love's Flame Glow Bright; Young
People Will Face Winter's
Storms in Pair
Klmer H I'ederson and Miss Ma
he) M. Mtipps were married Sunday,
September tS, llll, at 30 a in at
the C. IV parsonage in this city,
Kev. A L. tJodfrey peitorining Ihe
ceremony. The groom is the son of
N. C. PedertMMl and the bride Ihe
daughter of .1. w. Mappa, all of the
Antioeh neighborhood.
The young couple left i mniedlii t el y
after the ceremony for their future
home, about twenty -five miles north
cast of AlUanoe where Mr I'ederson
has a claim The Herald joins their
mahy friends in wishing them health,
happiness and prosperity in their
new relation in life.
On Monday morning, September
23, at n o'clock, at the rectdenon of
the bride's parents, Mr. Mrs.
K. I. Gregg, occurred the marriage
Of their daughter, Agatha, to Dr.
i.yndsa.v Newland f Qreetwille, Ten
nesec, Bev, K. von Porrell of BOO I -bluff
Dr. New land, now a prominent
young physician of Greenville, was a
student in the medical department of
the State University at Lincoln, and
Miss Gregg attended Cotner Univers
ity when the romance began which
culminated In the wedding of Mon
day. Mrs. New land is a charming and
talented voting lady, and very popu
lar nmong her associates who will
miss her much but wlio With her
great joy and happiness in her far
away Tennessee home. Dr. New-
land Is a bright, genial young
who will undoubtedly make a
for himself in th medical pro
After the wedding c.ereniorv
licious breakfast was sen .
. veiling the beautiful Gro ,
wa the scene of a re ( dim
wa.f If rgely attended by fr auds
relatives of the young couple.
a i.
i thi
Will b
a. id
Misses Broome. Betebeiuier and Bow-
miu received ta guests, and Mbwea
Prencen Bownian and Winnie Spaclit
lerved pun oh. Dr. and Mrs. New
land were the recipients of many ex
quisite gifts.
They left on U Monday night for
Greenville where the
fine bogus in readtnu M
Doctor has a
for their com
Reception for Teacher
Miss Wirt
Retiree fiom Force
liance Teachers
of Al-
The latin Club wei h ist esses a:
i reception given hisi Tuesday even
ng at the home of .Mr. and Mrs.
('. C. Smiili on Laramie avenue, giv-
Ord, Nebra-i-
this weeh to
of ihe Dierks
Mliance yard,
who has been
to; de Ided to
.ir. Hargar
an agr. i ubl
man and has be, a making fri nds al
randy among the business neg of
this city. lie expe is his wjt'e and
son to arrive next WeCiY t'. make
their home here. Mr. and Mrs
Sutherland left on 44 yesterday for
Kansas C'ty. The b -st wtegen i
their Alliance friends go with them.
L. K I. wis i f Scc: isbbifl' was in
Gli .uce a fhort w hile yesterday . and
,ld us that e.eryb.Mly in his town
i as busy as can be. The MbPtf
fai levy opens today for their annual
iawiialin of sugar making. Mr.' Lew
is is a horseman and under- amis
the borne Hunt Ion thoraij. He is
of thu opinion that the damages
i -at i he a) 1' mi. in oth.-r eJai -has
h en etreratalad thm Una newn
papers. Alihoach indi dual- haw
Buffered heavily from their loan
Ihe total Of horse dying he thias
has in ' be .1 sufficient to eft.
gn raj noadittoun much If any. tie
ihinks, ai.-o, whatever danger
there ataj bgfM bang of ihe disease
raaehing this pan of the country
has been eutirelj removed by the
frosts which We bnve had aireaiD
this fall.
Democratic and People'
Independent Candidate for
Box Butte County
Your aupport respectfully solicited
spoke In the court house hall last
Friday and Saturday nights to fair
si7.ed audiences. He la a good talk
er and has a faculty of expressing
his subject so as to make it chvarly
understood by his hearers.
Mr. Chase claims the distinction of
being Ihe first person ever nlCCtOtl
lo the office of city mayor in this
country as a socialist. He was elect
ed lo that office In his home elt
In Massachusetts, twelve yens ago
and Mrved two terms. When he
ran for re-election the second time
be was defeated by a fusion of 'he
other parties.
Kred J Warren of North I'latte,
socialist candidate for congress In
this dlsrtlcl, will speak at the I'he
lan opera house iu Alliance on Hie
evening of October II Mr Warren
is at present police Judge of North
I'latte-, having been elected to that
office- as a socialist.
Geo. E. Douglas Beats Them All on
Number of Kinds of Farm
and Garden Crops
of Box
doubts ihe productive
Butte county soil, they
arc- invited to inspect the display of
giains. grasses and vegetables which
Is now on exhibition, at The Herald
office, and which was all grown on
Hie fa mi of Geo. K. Douglas, four
miles southeast of Alliance.
The display is remarkable for the
number of varieties of each product
as well as for their quality. We ap
pend the following list: .::! varieties
of squash, 7 varieties potatoes, yel
low and white sugar beets. Z kinds
garden beets, 4 kinds beans, :: kinds
cucumbers, . kinds turnips, 4 kinds
radishes, i' kinds bailey. '1 kinds rye
'.' kinds wheat, - kind kaffJr corn
! kinds oats, .1 kinds millet, G kinds
grasses, Canary bird seed, ilax,
Kinds vvi et -ii, buckwheat, alfalfa.
'! kinds field corn, 2 kinds pumpkins.
'. kinds watermelons, 2 kinds pi
melons, 5 kinds musk melons,
kinds gourds, L' kinds popcorn.
Rev. George Allen Beecher, D.
D , of Kearney Diocese, to
Lay Corner Stone
At three o'clock next Sunday after
noon. September IV, Rt. Rev. George
Allen Beecher. I). !.. hlshon of the
Kearney diocese of the Broesttant
Kplseopal church, will lay the corner
stone of St. Mat I hew s church In Al
liance and deliver an address. Kv
erybody la cordially invited to attend
The flnancinl arrangements have been
provided for os htat htere will be no
collection or subscriptions taken at
t.hajt lime
Indications are now that the weath
er will be settled and a nice ilnv In
anticipated. A large attendance la
expected at the ceremonies. It l
thought that quite a number from
out of town will be nroseni
On Tuesday of this week occurred
'he death of Kiel Quade, a farmer
who had lived in the Hemingford
neighborhood for many years, on
Saturday he pur bused a bottlo ol a!
cohol at a Hemingford drug store,
following his custom of diluting the
same ami drinking as a tjevtrngn
Thru some misunderstanding, ntthei
on his own part or the part of the
druggist, he was given wood alcohol.
He whs a German and spoke Eng
lish poorly and was probably misun
deretood. The druggist says he
asked for wood alcohol. On Monday
the effect of the poison began to
be felt and Tuesday was ao ill that
he informed his wife he felt that he
would die. She prevailed upon him
to tell her where t lie bottle was out
of which he drank. Cpon Investiga
tion the mistake was discovered. Dr.
McKuen was immediately called but
was too late to be of any service,
the man expiring while the doctor
was there.
Dr. Single was notified and con
ducted an Inquest with Jury n, a Bar
ratt, L. ipolt, .Mueller. I'hrig, Rom or,
Krohnapfel and W'ildy. They con
cluded that he came to his death
from drinking contents of bottle not
with suicidal intent and rtol know
ing the effect the contents might
have on him.
He was buried in Hemingford on
Wednesday aftemOOtt,
an for Miss Lain Wirt, 'he retiring
Latin and G -rmaii teacher in the
High school.
It, fi- abluents wen s.-rv -d and
music was furnished by the High
.-chool or:h--ira. Miss Win was
thi recipient of in any beautiful pies
nt from former pupils iu token of
ihe very high ,stecm in BfhJ h sat
is held.
During the evening about two hun
dred of Miss Wirt's friends. co
syvorkevn and former pupils called to
bid beV adieu and wish her su cs
iii bar new position as critic teacher
' Hit? if no rear state Normal, wkl
-. oik she will siNin begin.
Weekly Weather Report
We have b. en hav ing mfXed wcath--r
the pis: week. Today the weath
er is lovely hut It has not been so
during lie past seven days. Besides
having rain and some snow there
was a freeze Tuesday night which
did some damage. Ice froze lo a
Miickness of "s of an inch on water
tanks. The thermometer registered
ten above zero that night Indica
tions are pan that we will have a
spell of nice weal her.
Owing to rush ot work at Herald
citice some political don- Intnndnd
for this Issue is necessarily deferred
till next week However, the aver
age reader of a local newspaper is
probably more interested in local
news than polite s. ami as we have
i good amount of the former any de
ficiency in the- hitter will probably
not be missed.
Colorado A'.bcrtns, $J l'" a bushel
basket at the Kanners' store this
week. Phong fJkL 42-1-145 adv I
Mrs. BntCreca of Bingham. who
was operated cut sain.- rime ago at
St. Joseph hospital iu this city, con
tin us io improve, Which will be
gratifying news to her many friends
b : h here an i iu Blnghnai
It Can Be Relied Upon
The American Drug ami I'rcss As
social ion authorizes it.s members to
guarantee absolutely Meritol Hair
Tonic. It has no equal it is a
wonderful remedy. A trial will con
vince you. k. .i. Branaoa.
Mrs. Al Wiker returned Monday
n on from an over Sunday visit at
AnaetflBO with her daughter, Mrs.
Dick Waters.
Pure Home Rendered Lard
Cure lard al Ihe Palace Meat Mar
ket. All sized p;..ils and cans at
Hi cents per pound. KVKRY BOUND
IS M AKANTKKD W hy do you
pay one-third more when you can
get better lard a I le? We are
going to introduce our lard and
this is tJie way we do it for a short
time. This price is below cost to
us, but will make us money in the
long run. when oar lard be omes
Known. This favors our customers
will make an ni'iiicv do,
Phone 131. Alliance, Nebraska.
Mi. n- its :j,nr- ci-trl- Ih. wi-tlori ot tf e m trt
Hun Jil irtiii-r I H loaHfef, ai'-l uiuil Uv Iji
m yrAta val aupiJ-Mft-,1 lei ba tuc-uciiii l i a niriii
nn'iy v--r.- OimI'.ti tn-c!iiitl .1 t. i ! .- .. . nl
lr -.--a-ti lurjj nmt-ltti'. . -1 li ,-ant4fltl I .11-u
In 1 ,!' III l-tril lri"Uli' Ml .'U- ,1 tl lIlCUfLbir
! s-:'- u-.- hi i,r.iviv c'.iCirrti It- ifc- h ccruMlttttkn 31 U'-1-1-.
.Hid tlM-rrl'ili- PiumiIi j- w itlli,tifili;tl lr il'llrl.l.
h j ,1.114 Citarili ( lire-, aaaafw tuivrt br K. 1 ' 1 1 v
I a c'.i Iu4-Ui. OMs, it"- -M-iv Oarttml l .un- an
Ihr uurkrt. H ix t.tkm I- ii-m.Ulv m 1. e-"i.
' nSBM (0 a t,'rtiii. im f il. II uctH itirr-tlv 11 II.' biiMMl
j - - I 1 - 1 1 1 - wirtiwi- til th-- 1i-ni. Th , nil. r ,-
Ii 1 'l ilill..r KM- s'iy "" II lail M o r -' : U
f lur i r.-ulr utid l.-ilnnii .S
r. J. I'HrM 1 A eo . IoImIk. Ohl.i.
Iriltrftfl1, r
II .1. 1 1 eiiiU I - ir .1 -Mlp:tUuU
I .K.
Two Addresses by Hon. John C.
Ciase. Socialist Candidate for
United States Senator
Honorable John 0 Chan, so ialisi
candidate for United stan-B Senate.
Turn Over
a New Leaf
as heads of larg enterprises arc
men of great energy. Suec-eas, to
day, demands health. To ail is to
full. It's litter folly for a man to
endure a weak, run-down, half alive
conditicw) when Klectric Hitters will
put him right on his fwt in short
order. "Four bottles did me more
real good than any other medicine
I ever took," write ("has. B. Allen,
nyivama, t,a. "Alter years of suf
fiing with rheumatism, "ver trou
ble, stomal h disorders and deranged
kidneys, I am again, thanks to Elec
tric Hitters, sound nud wejl." Try
them, Only ".it cents at Fred K.
I lolsten's.
fa- -I- --1-gyg hH-i-I-f y-fS-M-p-W-y
FOthce m Alliante National Hank Ulk
Over Fostotbce.
Fhcce 391.
All Electrical Equipment
Evenings by Appointment
By subscribing
Office Upstairs, First National Bank
Phone, Office 32
Phone. Residence 16
Hi I 'ft ASKA