1 I. L. ACHESON i 2 HEADQUARTERS FOR i International Harvester Company Implements and Machinery I V ir NEBRASKA NEWS INCLUDING advertised in this paper PHELAN OPERA HOUSE BLOCK ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA J I. H. C. Oil and Gasoline Engines I i I Boards rJZ-j a descriptions f house or barn. vv; Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. Phone 22 0. Waters, Mgr. Bireau o! Animal Industry Gives Some Valuable Suggestions. PO SONOUS FORAGE IS CAUSE. JOHN GARRETT i Successor to Frank Wallace Transfer Line j moved nrnmntlv Xv and transfer work r. . i i i i i ii , j 1 1 1 1 , v 1 1 wpw iiwi ii iiiimi mi tiiini ii mull Office at Rodgers' Grocery, Phone 1. Ret. phone 583 Public Need Demands Universal Bell Service That is the socret of the remarkable growth of the Bell System, demonstrating the people's appreciation of the tremendous value of a sys tem that is truly comprehensive and universal. More than keeping pace with the commer cial growth of the city and state, the loftg dis tauce lines of this Company are being steadily extended into every locality where economic need require them, nnd new lines, new ex changes and neW suhscrihers are being steadily added to the system, to the end that the service may be worth more to every subscriber. Nebraska Telephone Company " Farm h Ranch Scenes Post Card Work as well as larger Photographs. Persons wanting work done send me word and I will call. Latest improved camera for instantaneous work. First Principle Given for the Treat ment of Meningitis Dei In Complete Change of Feed and Water Medical Remedies Unsatisfactory. Omaha, Sept. lb During the last ft v- months numerous re ports have bull i vi ciwil by the bureau t animal industry at Washington relative to the existence of lornge poisoning in various sections of the United State I, particularly in Kansas and Nebraska. It has usually occurred when a hot. dry period has been followed by rains. Such conditions pre most fa vorable to Lie production of molds, and all outlueaU that have been in vestlgated hy the bureau have been traced to th" eating or unsound or moldy fornge or feed, or to the drink Ir.g of water from wells Of OOts c ii talning surface water drained thft decomposed or moldy vegetation. 1 : disease has been shown to i e also due to eating drainage ensllag , hay, c :.: . oMWara grains, oatsi etc r art' mules at pasture may potJti ' ' v:se when the growth of U en profuse that it nuts te:-t. i and ' ' lower part dies nnd f KDOpM cr l conn s moldv. Prevention an:l T.'tal . CI The first principle In th' : ct:n I of this disease consists. In tot I change of teed and forage, i'. kept In the stable k! oul I be fe d v l round forage and grain From an tin contaminated soun -e. evt n If BUCb !e I ! hns to be brought from a distance HerseR that have become affected while nt pasture should be removed from the fle'd In which they have been running. The animals should be brought to the hum or rorrnl nnd fed on whol som nnd clenn feed and for age. The water, unless from nn un polluted source, should likewise be changed At present this preventative treat ment Is the only satisfactory method known for cheeking the disease, as all medical remedies used have been un satisfactory tn the vast majority of eases. The first step Is to empty the bowi Is and remove the poisonous products, but on RCCOUnt of the diffl Cultf in swallowing, an aloes ball or Glauber's salt Is hard to give. In fact no remedy should be given In the mouth if the throat Is paralyzed, as pneumonia Is liable to result. Fifteen rains of barium chloride Injected into the lunula"- vein, or two grains of SSerin tinder the skin, II the animal is not too greatly depressed, will usually act promptly. Intestinal disinfec tants, such as cn'omcl, salicylic acid, or creolin. are aKo used. If much weak ness i- shown and the temperature Is below normal eive aromatic spirits of amtnonla. H"ctal infections ot warm v:ate r are l. i d. and warm blankets strong out of hot water may also be applied to the body. Subsequent treat ment should rqnslst of two grain doses of strychnine twice daily, or a mixture ot two drams tlne-Miro mix vomica and one-half ounce of Fowler's solution g'ven at one dose, and repeated three time's daily, to combat the effect of poison upon the' nervous system. PARKER DIES0F INJURIES Yourg Motorcyclist Crashes Into Post While Making Sixty Miles an Hour. Broken How, Neb.. Sept. 16. .loe Parker, the young motorcyclist, who was fatally Injured In the race's at Un fair ground'i li,,l from his injuries at the Uyer.M'ii hospital. He never re sained consciousness. Parker was the sole support of u irldOWed mother and several voung sisters and brothers. During the last motorcycle race on the fair grounds trac k Parker crashed into a jKst while his machine was making sixty miles an hour. It was the hardest fought race or he week and Parke r, who rode a sev en ho me power machine, tried to take the carve with his motorcycle wide open lie' was thrown against the heavy boarding of the fence and ro hounded te the track, where his body I ua about like a top. Dr. Penning ton, who made the exaininat 'on. says Parker's neck was broken. Parker was a voung farmer, about twenty one ci'- old, and took chances no other rider would. Ex Furnas Sheriff Commits Suicide. Heaver CitY, Xeb.. Sept. lti. George W. Lewis '.vay found dead in the office of a local implement dealer. He had blown htl nrftlM emt with a rifle. Mr. Lewis was ex sherlff of this county am! for tin' last seven years had been a carrier on g rural mail route. Ha laaVM a widow and five children. Aside from poor health, there is no Known re'asor, for the act. IRY DESERT Writ AT CORN Cumlrfj Coilfity F.-.rrr.ers experiment lng Wit'i New Plant. West Joint, Neb, Sept. le;- 'Desert Wheat f'eun" is the name of the new f' od nnd fe),nge' plant Introduced Into this countv by Roland g. Langer wh broiiKht the seed with him ttvm Okla homa. A number ol imental fields of this grain btVe n planted In Cutnlng county with t!ie view of testing Its fitness for the- eiil of Ne braska and demonstrating its value. The habitat of the- plant Is Mexico. The fruitage is v iy much like wheat, the heads being similar, but much lnrirer and with larger grains. The plant withstands drought and hot winds perfectly and will grow freely Under arid and semi arid conditions. It makes excellent fodder. Is a fino chicken feed, can be used as popcorn. When cracked makes a good breakfast fooel, when ground can be used for pancake fpuir and can be used lor hominy and !f necessary the parched product makes good coffee. PLANS FOR BIG CONVENTION Nebraska Manufacturers' Meeting to Be Held on Nov. 14. The convention of Nebraska manu facturers is to bo held at Omaha on Nov. 14. This has just been de cided by the committee that was ap pointed by the Omaha Manufacturers' association to make arrangements for the call of IBS manufacturers of the state in mass convention this fall lot the purpose of organizing a state as sociation. A great niMiiber of letters have boon received at the club rooms from manufacturers In every part of the state favoring the calling of Mich a convention. The personnel c:t the con vention will he repre' .tatlve or every part of the state and rCPTi sentative ol every line o nianutacture. ELEVATION CHARGE REDUCED Alliance Tailoring Co. Cleaning. Pressingand Repairing Neatly Done Ladies Work a Specialty Only Steam Presser in the City FRE1SCH DRY CLEANING Stanton & Keeley, Mgrs. C. W. Zurn Co. CEMENT CONTRACTORS Sidewalks, Foundations, Porch and Floor Work, Tanks, etc. All Work Guaranteed PHONE 562, OR SEE G. IURN Alliance, Nebraska Interstate Commerce Commission Is sues Important Order. The beginning of the end is bollovt 6 to have been reached in the custom of paying arbitrary grain elevation charges. Notice has been received that the in terstate Commerce commission has Is. sued an order reducing the elevation charges at Omaha and all other Mis souri river point! from ni of a cent per 100 pounds to 'J of a cent per bushel on wheat. The old rate ef :', of a cent pT ion pounds still maintains on oats. Burlington tc Build Into North Platte. North Platte, Neb., Sept. Di. E. M V.'estervelt, right-of-way agent of the Burlington railroad, and nnother offi cer of that railroad we re lu re exam ining the houses owned by the rail road on I be' right-of-way ef the road 10 be built In m N' wark through the Platte river allcy t8tO Wyoming. A price was fivel upon all of the build' logo along the right of way through this city. Twe lve of the fifteen houses wore sold before the1 advertisement was put in tiie paper. The buildings are to lie removed not later than April I, 101.'!. 1'nis is taken as an indication that the Hur'ington will need the right-of-'.vav soon Iter this date for construction purposes. No Special Train for Roosevelt. LhUCOTn, Sept. 16. There will be no spec ial train for Colonel Hoosevelt. A telegram received by V P. Corrle k, manager of the presidential campaign in Nebraska, from O. K. Davis, secre tary of the national Progressive com mittee, state s that Colonel Roosevelt demands that speeches be out to one In each state in oreler that he may last till e h e tion day, and that all -.peeches must he Indoor and no local committees can tide the train and dinners and lunches miit be cut out. "Kverv consideration must ho shown him. and the chiefest consideration la to let him alcne," said Mr, Davis. Su't Against Lodge. The' Royal Neighbors of America, an auxiliary to the Modern Woodmen of Am iba. have appealed to the su preme' -court of the state from a judg ment In the eiintrict court of Lincoln OOOnty seouree! by Thomas J. Youda, wi.ose wife. Annie, held a certificate for $".'' ft in camp No. 301 of North Platte Md who was given judgment tor the full amount. The order an paals on he grounds that at the tiuie Mrs. Yond.i made application to join the organisation shi mule representa tions (bat lbs was In sound health, whe t; this was not the case. Harvey Myers Alliance Nebraska Fatally Kicked by Mule. He nry (loebed of Riverton was fatal ly kicked In the- face by a mule recent ly. The eioctors removed nine pieces e)f bone Horn the orbit. The mun's brain vas exuding 'hrough the cavity when the operation was made Recovery Is tut probable. Many Horses Dead In York County. York, Neh . Sept. 16. Reports from all paits of the' county are to the ef fect thst there i no abatement of the yatorkUM malr-dy affecting horses. At tin- present date- the loas in the roiim y has been Veterinary sur geons are k -pt busy. Dundv Cirn Crop Is Large. Benkelman, Neb., Sept. 16 Reports from over all of Iiundy eemnty imlb ate that the com crop will be the largest in the history of the county, the aver age per BOH being ptBCOd at thirty bushels with about Sn.Onu acres in I the crop. A'iout half of the crop is J new out of the way of frost and the remaiiub i will tee- in ten days. The j hay cron Is also very heavy this year. Ordered to Bring Suit. I The state railway commission will ! notify til attorney general to bring suit against the following telephone companies, who have failed to report on their phyrieal valuation: Are he-r independent. Boyd Count v Mutual. Orant Telephone, Hastings Independ ent. Wilcox company, Stella company and the Jackson Telephone company Dundy May Have New Court House. Benklniaa. Neb.. Sept. 16 - Peti tions are being circulated in the coun ty ask bin that a 5 mill levy be made for thro years to provide funds fe.r building a new court house for Dundy Bounty at penkelman The propos'tiun Is gMktttng with favor. nf: V CASH PRICE LIST COAL On and after November first we will sell coal for cash only Cash prices in effect at present time are as follows: Sunshine Maitland Lump, delivered, 8.40 Sunshine Wait., washed nut, del., 8.20 Monarch (lignite), delivered - - 6.00 J. H. VAUGHAN&SON Wholesale and Retail Feed and Fuel Phone No. 5 213 Box Butte Ave. Autumn Special Rates LOW ONE WAY RATES TO PACIFIC COAST Special colonist rates Sept. L'5 to Oct. 10, $:!0 to California, Oregon. Washington, British Columbia; $96 to Utah, Central Montana, Kaste-n Idaho. Secure berihs early. Tickets good in chair cars or through, tour ist sleepers to Salt Lake. Los Angeles, San Crane-isco, ia Scenic Co1., rado, and to Spokane, Portland, Setattle, over the Great Northern aud Northern Pacific railways. ROUND TRIP, PACIFIC COAST The $r5 coast rate is in effect daily until September :lnih, with spe cial $o0 round trip rate October 12, 14 and 15 to Portland and Seattle. SUMMER TOURIST September is the last month for these rates to Atlantic Seiaourd, Kasiern resorts. Colorado, the Black Mills, or other summer ksialHtpS Yellowstone Park rates expire September 12th. DRY FARMING CONORE8eB At lethbridge. Alberta, October 21-28. Bp clal rates available. Special free publications cover any journey you ilesire to make. De scribe it to your nearest Burlington Agent, let him furnish you printed matter, or obtain the same from the undersigned. J. KRIDELBAUQH, Agent Alliance L. W. WAKELEY, G. P. A., Omaha The Celebrated FREE The Only Insured Sewing Machine OAbl AMI BXANINB m ami ir WOHM Best 3. Machine j!'' Made 4m Gadsby 121 West Third St. Alliance, Nebraska