The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 19, 1912, Image 3

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His Father Captured by United
States Troops.
U. S. Commissioner cf
Indian Affairs. Who
Quits to Aid Colonel.
Possibility RebH Commander May Be
in United Stues City of Ojinaga la
Taken Federals Drive Rebels From
Place After Severe Fighting.
Washington, Sept. lbv Major Gen
eral Leonard Wood, chief of staff of
the aitnv, OfdSred Brigadier Gemini
Steever of the Mexican frontier to
hold Pasmnl Otozeo, Ir., the rebel
Jeader, for UlC Unit-d States depart
men! ot justice it lie was c .tptured in
American territory.
Ge n' rnl Steever ndvitied General
Wood he had unofficial reports 01 the
capture of Orozco and his father by
Captain Thomas. F. Mitchell of the bor
der patrol nai Marin, Tex.
El Paso Sept It'..--OjlnaKR, the
Mexican bolder town oppoMte l'ie
nidio. Tex., vax taken by federal
troops after brisk lighting at day
lii. Mi eirordiuc to advices received
nt Knit filiss by Q neral K. Z. Steever,
commandi'.-.K the Department of Texas.
General Steever also received a fe
port from army officers at Presidio,
Tex , opposite OjlnaKR. Mox , that
Co toW 1 Oroco. Sr., father of
the ft bel !r"i('' r, was raptured .itid is
held by United States tn.ips at Pit
sldio. together with Colonel P (
Whether General Pnsettal OrOSCO,
Jr.. the rebel ronunand. r in chief, was
fight in-.' at Ojinaga or escaped over
the International line Into the United
Btatefl la not known.
Fed' forces numbering 3M. und' r
commend of Ootonel Manuel Lands.
cnteri'd Ojlnapa proper, driving the
rebel them.
Federal Government Begins Fight tc
Dissrlve Great Company.
Chicago, Sept. If. -The govern
IDent'l attempt to "bust" the "har
vest, r trust" opened in Chicago this
morning. Cyrus H. fttcCormlck, presl
dent of the International Harvester
company; Clarence S. Funk, general
managt r, and various local directors
and company officials have been sum
moned to the federal building to teatl
fy before a special examiner regard
Inu the company's formation and
methods o! Opt ration.
After several yeara of runiort, of
prosecution and a few months of at
teinptel iigrc incut between the com
pany and th" department of justice
Gyp the Blood'aid "Lefty Louie"
Captured in Brooklyn Hal.
Pawns Her Jewels to Save General
From Beincj Sold Out by Sheriff.
General Daniel E. Sickles' wife
pawn, d her jewels and used the moil
ey to pay the $S.i'M which her bus
band owed to the Lincoln Trust com
pan? of New York.
So the force I auction of the furni
ture and koc akt-s and civil wnr com
missions signed by Abraham Lincoln
is off.
Mrs. Sirkler and her husband are
not now on good terms. They sep
arated not long after their marriage
in Madrid in 1 ST 1 . and have been
estranged most of the years since
then. But when Mrs. Sic kles learned
that the general, who is eighty-six
years of nfte, was about to be sold out
by the sheriff, sne resolved to help
Members of Rosenthal Gang Four
Con-pany With Wives by Deputy F:
lice Ccmmif'iioner Dougherty--C
trlct Attorney Whitman Supxis..
New York, Rapt, 15. "Gyp the
Blood" and "Letty oule," the mtaalnr.
gunmen indicted as two ot the aitu;'
Bluyers ol Herman Rosenthal, th'
gambler, were lonnd by the police liv
ing with ihelr wives In a flat In the
BtOWMtlUe geOttOal of Brooklyn. Tin
were arrested by Deputy Polite Com
niissioiu r Dougherty and a Bqitad ot
;!e tctives, who brought them to police
headquarters and loc ked the in up
They will be arraigned today.
The two men had been occupying
the flat since Aug. IS and were alone
until last Tuesday, when they were
Joint d by their wives, through who-i.
cluer to their whereaboutB were ob
tained by th" police. The four were
State! at tn when Deputy CV.r.miis
llOHel' Dougherty and his men burst
0000 the door of their apartment anil
with revolvers drawn ordered them to
hold up their hands. N ither of th"
men made any show of resistance.
Duchess of Connaught to Open Alberta
L"thhrid2e Alberta, Sept. 16. The
United States will be represe nted con
spicuously in the' discussions of how to
brighten the lives of women on the
.i;....,.l... i. ..r ..... ft. .,. , ,,,n,
"trusf wa, filed a, S. Paul in April, j 1 1;"
The suit is tnder the civil provision!
of the Sherman antitrust act and the
charge la that it is a monopoly in ro
etraint of tr;.de
Brewers to Answer Governor's Ques
tion, "What Is Beer?"
Batten, Sept. HI. The government's
question, ' What is beer?" will be an
swered by the brewers of the country
at their MUlttal convention here, bo
giniling Wednesday.
The questm will he answered by
fhowlnf a miniature brewe ry and Iwit
tn ry in operation. This model "plant"
occupies a spare 20 feet long, S feet
Vide and 10 feet high: and is equipped
throiigiiort Ith modem brewing ma
chin, nr.
Less spectacular, but equally inter
esting 'rout the popular standpoint in
these dan of close examination into
food products, will be a complete i of the raw materials of the brew
cr hops, barley malt, cereals, etc.,
made bv the crop improvement com
mittee of the fJnlte4 States Brewers'
aso latlon.
of farm women, to be held h 're dutln
the week of the great International
dry farming congress next month.
American women are among the Mov
ing spirits ef the congress, which is
i a development of sessions held last
year at Colorado Springs.
The congre ss will he opened Oc t. Tl.
1 it Is oxpe e ted, by the w ife of the gov-
ornor general of Canada, her royal
I highness, the Duche ss of Connaught,
the MkO of Connaught also being
i among the seeakets. Their daughter.
! Prince ss Patricia, is expected to be
present. Mrs. Lewis A Merrill or
j Utah and Miss Irma K. Matthews of
Oklahoma will be- among the Ameriear
women on th" program
Another Murder Committed by Sneed.
Aniarillo. Tex. Sept 1 Al G.
Borce, .ir., irni shot to death Merc by
J. M. Smeel, with whose wife Boyee
elcqn d to CanadH last fall. Sneed
Boon Is to stand trial a second timo
for the murder of Bovce's father.
Whom he shot at Port Worth .Ian. II
The pres.nee of Sneed in this city
was not known until the shooting
Boy ce ret Wiled onlv recently.
Whitm?n Not Surprised.
St. Ixmis, Sept. 16 District Attor
ney Whitman of N' w York stoppe d
here on his way to Hot Springs Ark.,
where he Intends to take depositions
concerning statements Sam Sc hepps is
The lellcwlnu rtepesftl Bmcndnirnt tS
the of the State of Nebruaka,
at ken ' .ii. r set forth In full. Is sub
mitted to the electors of the State of Ne
lraskn, te tic voted uion at th rtenertil
election to te held Tuesday, November
6th. A. I ' J 1' 1 2.
"AN ACT tor a Joint revolution propp
ing am. -niment to Section 1 nud Sec
tion le Article 3 of the Constitution of
the St ite of Nebraska, and sm pi.-ment-Ing
Art .1 U entitled 'Amendments.'
Be it H. i , and Unacted bv the Legis
lature of the State of Nebrasku:
aeetlon 1. That at the (jenenil aleetlM
for stat.- and legislative officers to be
held on the Tuesday succeeding the first
Monday ,n November, the following
provisions be proposed and submitted as
smendn.rnt to Section 1 and Section 10
of Article 3 of th constitution of th
State of Nebraska:
Section 2. That Section 1 of Article I
of th Constitution of the State ot Ne-
f.raska is hereby amended to reud as fol
ows: Section 1. The legislative authority of
th state shall be vested In u legislature
consisting of a senate and house of repre
sentatives, but the people reserve to
themseUrs power lo propose laws, and
amendments to the constitution, and to
enact or i elect the same at the polls In
dependent of the legislature, and also re
serve power at their own option to ap
prove or reject at the polls any act. Item,
section, or part of any act passed by th
actlon 1A. The first power reserved
by the people Is the Initiative. Ten per
cent of the legal voters of the state, so
distributed na to Include five per cent of
the leg:el voters In ench of two-fifths of
the counties of the state, may propose
any measure by petition, which shall
contain the full text of the measur o
proposed. Provided, that proposed Con
stitutional Amendments shall reuulre a
petition of fifteen per cent of the legal
voters of the State distributed as above
provided. Initiative petitions Cescept for and wholly local legislation)
shall be tiled with the Secretary of State
and be by him submitted to the voters at
th first regular state election held not
less than four months after such filing.
Th same measure, either In form or In
essential substance, shall not be sub
mitted to the people by Initiative petition
(either nfflrmntivelv or negatively)
oftener than once In three yenrs. If con
flicting measures submitted to the people
at the same election shall be approved,
the one receiving th highest number of
affirmative votes shall thereby become
law aa to all conflicting provisions. The
Constitutional limitations as to scope and
subject matter of statutes enacted by the
legislature shall apply to those enacted
by the Initiative.
Section 1B. The second power reserved
la the referendum. It may be ordered by
a petition of ten per cent of the legal
voters of the state, distributed ns re
quired for Initiative petitions. lleteren
The following proposed amendment to
the constitution of the Slat of Nebiaska,
as hereinafter set forth in full, Is sub
mitted to the electors of the State of Ns-
The following proposed amendment te
th constitution of th State of Nebraska,
as hereinafter set forth In full. Is setb-
I Tiiiiien i" ine eieriors 01 cue ncnie or re-
t raska, to be voted upon at the general braska. to be voted tinon at th general
eiernon 10 ne neici I uescjay. INOvemDT
6th. A. D. 1912.
"A JOINT KKSOl.trriON to amend Sec
tion nineteen 41 of Article flv (6) of
the Constitution of the Stat of Nebras
ka creating a Hoard of Commissioners
of State Institutions.
Be it Knacted by th Legislature of the
State of Nnbraska:
Section 1. That Section nineteen M9).
of Article five (5) of the Constitution ot
the State of Nebrasku, be amended to
rend as follows:
Section 19. The Governor ahall, prior
to the adlournmetit of the thirty-third
,f..., in. session of the legislature, nominate ana,
III' I I" I 1 . k. .,. . . - tkl.l. tUm,
election to be held Tuesday. November
6th. A. f lsll!.
"A JOINT HRPOM7TION on proposing
an amendment to section 4 of Article
S of th Constitution of the State of
Be it Resoived and Knacted by the Legis
lature of the state of Nebraska:
Section 1. Thai it the general election
for state and legislative oltlcets to be held
on the Tuesday following the (list Mon
day In November, 191:. the following be
submitted as an amendment to Section 4
of Artlclo ;l of the Constitution of th
State of Nebraska:
8c. 4. At the first election of mem
bers of the legislature held
s'leeed to have made following his ai
r. st Du re as a Witness In the Rosen I dum petitions against mcusures passed
taai murder,
So 'Oyp the Blood' and 'l.eitv
Louie' are arrest'il in New York as
."oon as I leave," he said, when ap
prised of the arrest. "They were ar
rested by the police as soon as I trot
nwav and they are' turned over to the
police and now are in the custody of
the police. Well. 1 have always said
the murderers were in New York and
rould he arresled hy the police whe n
ever the police wanted to make the
Arctic Erplerer Stefansson Tells of
Chicnpo, Sept. Ifi. "The last Qatar
haHltml ,nirntrv of the American COfl
. . . 4iaM-w,M i.v ,, ,. it tectlon lost preceding the fllln;
tinent hns been discovered b mysell lnltiatlve or rWeicnuum petition
and companion, and we an nappy. , the basts on which ihe numb
by the legislature shall be tiled with the
Becretnry of Slate within ninety days
after the legislature enacting the same
adjourns sine die or for a period longer
than ninety daya; and elections thereon
shall be bud at the first regular state
election held not less than thirty days
after such filing.
Section tC. The referendum may be
ordered upon any act except acts making
appropriations for the expenses of the
state government, and state Institutions
existing at the time such act Is passed.
Wben the referendum is ordered upon an
act or any part thereof It shall suspend
Its operation until the same is approved
by the voters; provided, that emergency
acts, or ucts for the Immediate preserva
tion of the public pcac, health, or safety
shall continue In effect until rejected by
the voters or repealed bv the letslature.
Filing of a referendum petition against
on or more Items, sections, or parts of
an act shall not delay the remainder of
the measure from becoming operative.
aeetlon ID. Nothing in this section
shall be construed to deprive sny mem
ber of the legislature of the right to In
troduce any measure. The whole number
of votes cast for governor at the i --cut&r
adoption ,.f this amendment members of
the S. . it.' and House of Representatives,
ahall be elected for the term of two years.
Both senators and representatives shall
eoch receive pay st the rate of six hun
dred dollars for each regular Boaston of
th Legislature, during their term, and
ten cents for every mile they shall travel
In going to and returning from the place
of meeting of the legislature, on the most
usual route. That neither members of
the legislature nor employes shall re
ceive nny pay or perquisites other than
their sal. ii and mileage. Each session,
except special session, shall not be leas
than sixty d.cvs After the expiration of
twenty days of the session, no bills nor
Joint resolutions of th nature of bills
shall be Introduced, unless the governor
shsll by special message call the atten
tion of the legislature to the necessity of
passing a law on the siibtect-matter em
braced In t ho message, and the Introduc
tion of bills shnll be restricted thereto.
Provided, that the general appropria
tion bills may be Introduced up to and
Including the fortieth day.
Sec. 2. That at said election on th
Tuesday suceeedlng th first Monday In
November, 1912, on the ballot of each
elector voting thereat there shnll be
printed or written th words: "For pro
posed amendment to the constitution fix
ing the term of office and salary for
membera of th legislature," and
"Against proposed amendment to th
constitution fixing the term of office and
salary for members of the legislature."
And If a majority of nil th votera at th
said election shall he In fsvor of such
amendment the aamo shall be deemed to
be adopted. The returns of said election
upon the adoption of tlila amendment
shnll be made to the State Canv.isslng
Board and that Board shall canvass the
vote upon the amendment herein In the
same manner ns Is preset ibed In the case
of presidential electors. If a majority of
the vote s cast at the election be In f IVOI
of the proposed amendment the covernor,
within ten days after the result Is ascer
tained, shall make proclamation declar
ing the amendment to be part of the
constitution of the state, and when so
declared the same shall be In force.
Approved April 10. t?ll."
I, Addison Walt. Secretary of State, of
the State of Nebraska elo hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendment
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska Is a true and correct copy of the
original enrolled and engrossed bill, aa
passed by the Thirty-second session of
the Legislature of the State of Nebraska,
as nppears from said original hill on file
In this office, and that said proposed
Amendment Is submitted to the qualified
voters of the state of Nebraska for their
adoption or refection at the general elec
tion to be held on Tuesday, the 6th day
of November. A. D. 1912.
In Testimony Whereof. I have hereunto
Set my hand and affixed the Great Seat
of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lin
coln, this 20th day of May. In the year ot
our Ixird. One Thousand Nine Hundred
and Twelve, and of the Independence of
the United States the One Hundred and
Thirty-sixth and of this Stnte the Forty
Seal Secretary of Stat.
said Vahijnltnar Stefansson. Arctic ex
plorer, who arrived here on his way to
New York after four years' stay tU
the fiozeti north.
In speahini of the race of white
Bafclmo which he dls-covered in the far
north Mr. Stefansson said:
"These lit'le peOpM are ninth like B
White man and are better dressed aril
healthier than the c ivilized Bafclmo,
who are disease'!. The tribe we rl!s
eovi'teii numbered about 1,090, ami
lived around Coionation Milf. e'xisHni
on the caribou and musk ox. Th,
had no fishing nets, which was a sur
prise to us. as all Indians and Bald'
mos have neta,
"They had nerei seen a white man,
hut were not afraid of us, for t!:eT
evidently believed us to be member
of some tribe of BakimO. They had
never seen a piece of cloth, never
heard a rifle crack or seen a match
Then are li.-low Hie Kskinio in intelli
qence, Betha abb' to count only as hitth
KB six. while the average Bafclmo can
coum to U0. But they are a better
class of people and learn rapidly."
voters required to sign such i iuii sio.ll
he computed. The veto pow.t : the Km -ernor
shall not extend tn hbcliu in.ii
ated by or referred tc. tn t i lo. All
such measures shall become the laf or a
part of tho constitution when approved
bv a mntorllv of the votes cast thereon,
firovlded, the votes cast In favor of said
nltlattv measure or part of said Constl
teflon shall constitute thirty-five per
OOOt (M) of the total vote cast at said
election, and not otherwise, und shall 1
take effect upon pioclamation by the '
governor, which shall be mad within
ten duvs of the completion of the official
canvass. The vote upon Initiative and
referendum measures shall be returned
and canvassed in the same manner as Is
prescribed in the case of presidential
electors. The method of submitting and
adopting amendments to the constitution
provided by this section shall be supple
mentary to the method prescribed In th
article of this Constitution, entitled
'Amendments.' and ttie latter shall In no
tsaae be construed to conflict herewith.
This amendment shall lie self-executing,
but legislation mnv be enacted especially
to facilitate Its operation. In submitting
petitions ami ordeis for the Initiative and
the referendum, the Secretary of State
The following proposed amendment to
the constitution of the Stat of Nebraaka,
as herein .iter set forth in full, is sub
mitted to ttie electors of the State of Ne
braska, to be voted upon at the general
. ... . , . . ., . , '
election i.i ue in iu i uesuay. .u.eniuor -
A, I .
with the consent of two-thirds of th
members of the Senate in Kxeeutlv 8s
alon. appoint three electors of the stat,
not more than two of whom ahall belong
tn the same political party and no two
of whom shall reside at the time of theli
appointment In the same congreaslonal
district, ns members of a board to b
known as a "Honrd of Commissioner ol
State Institutions " Said members shall
hold office ns dealgnnted by th Governor
for two. four and six years respectively.
Subs.. i I., i appointments shall be mad
as provided and. except to fill vacan
cies, shall be for a period of six years.
The Hoard shall st nil times be subject
to the abov restrictions and limitations.
Th Hoard of Commissioners shall ttav
full power to manage, control and gov
ern, subject only to such limitations as
shall be established by law, the Stat
Soldiers' Home. Hospitals for the Insane,
Institute for the Deaf. Institute for th
Rllnd. Industrial Schools, Institute fr
feeble MlndBd Children. Nebraska Indus
trial Home. Orthopedic Hospital, th
State Penitentiary and all charitable, re
formatory and penal Institutions that
hull bo bv law established and main
tained by the state of Nebraska. They
hall each give bonds, recelv compensa
tion for service, perform nil duties and
romplv with all regulations that shall bo
established by law. The powers pos
sessed by the (lovernor and Board of
Public I.anda and Rulldlngs with refer
ence to the management and control of
the Institutions herein nsrned shall, on
July I, 1913. cease to exist In the Gov
ernor and the Hoard of I'uhllc Lands and
Buildings and shall become vested In
Board of Commissioners of Bute Institu
tions, and the aald Board Is on July 1. 191i.
and without further process of law, au
thorised and directed to assume and ex
ercise all th powers heretofore vested
In or exercised by the Governor or Board
of Public Lands and Buildings with ref
erence to the Institutions of th stato
nnmed herein, but nothing herein con
tained shall limit the general supervisory
or examining powers vested In the Gover
nor by the laws or constitution of th
state, or such aa are-vested by him In
sny committee appointed by him.
Section 2. That at the general election.
In November, 1912. thre shall be submit
ted to the electors of the state for their
approval or rejection th foregoing pro
posed amendments to the constitution In
the following form: On the ballot of each
elector voting for or agalnat said pro
posed amendment shall be printed or
written "For proposed amendment to tha
Constitution creating a Board of Com
missioners of Stste Institutions" and
"Against said proposed amendment to
th constitution creating a Board of
Commlsstonars of Stat Institutions.
Section 3. If such amendment to Sec
tion nineteen (19) of Article Hv (6) of
th Constitution of the State of Nebraska
hall be approved by a majority of all
elector voting at such lctlon said
amendment shall constitute Section nine
teen (19) of Article nv (6) of th con
stitution of the state of Nebraska.
Approved April 10, 1911."
I, Addison Walt. Secretary of Stat. of
th Stat of Nebraska do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendment
to the Constitution of th Stat of Ne
braska Is a tru and correct oopy of th
original enrolled and engrossed bill, as
f assed by th Thirty-second session of
he Legislature of the Stat of Nebraska,
as appears from said original bill on HI
In this office, and that said proposed
amendment Is submitted to the qualified
voters of the state of Nebraska for their
adoption or rejection at th general lec
tion to be held on Tuesday, the 8th day
of November. A. D. 1912.
In Testimony Whereof. I nave nereunto
Din, n.. .'. mj. " C " j ' j 'ta-x .. .1 , a.t
A JOINT HESOI-UTION to propoae ei my nnu jjiiu f'T" ' . , ...
Ol ' Jl IIIB Dlrtir V, I' HI" ...... -
amendments to Section five (5)
Article six () and Section thirteen (13)
of Article sixteen (it!) of the constltu- I
tlon of the state of Nebrasku as found
! the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska
for 1909 (Section thirteen (13) of
Article eighteen (18) of Cobbey's An- ;
noi.ii. d Statutes for 1909). relating to
time of electing Judges of the supreme
court. Axing the time of the general j
election and providing for holding over
ot lncumoentB until uieir successors
potn this 20th dav of Mav. In the year of
our Lord. One Thousand Nine Hundred
and Twelve, and or the Independence of
the United Statea th One Hundred and
Thirty-sixth and of this State th Forty
(Seal Secretary of Stat.
Animal "Poison Souad" to Decide K
Such Train Is Injurious.
Washington. Sept. lri More than
lhe) I'.'tnle, horse--, sheep, hogs anil
ehlckena on the govern B3cboi expari
mental farm :rt Hcthesda, Md., were
formed into a "poison squad" by ex
ports o ine department ol a Sericulture,
in order to determine whether
"lii. nc tie c .mis and damaged corn are : thA l .i.. . i m- Mntsiibito. w a
..... j. ... 1,1,.... I . . . , . ...... , ... Bute) or rseumsKU.
niiii inns .in., inn;- -i mint- a ( pineeil Hi in" imperial inaiisiiieiim ... enacted exceDt b
i .. . ... .,
Be it It.solved and Kn.cted by the Legls- ! Kv.-ry .-.v. in tnan.v per'- Of the
lature of the Slate of Nebraska: I country, thousands are driven from
Bectlon t That Section Fly (6) of ,, ir 1(,,,.M tv ,()Uh8 und Inn-, di--Article
i?ix cC) of the Constitution of the ... ...
State of Nebraska be amended to read as e ase s. erlneds and b-U vines are left
follows: behind fir oilier climates, bill litis
aection 5. That at the genial election js n aUav; n- A
to be held in the State of Nebraska ml... ' ... .
the year laiej. and each sU yearn there- j hotter way the way of miiltt udos
after, there shall be elected three t3 i is to use Dr. King's New DIkcov-
ana an otner omcera enau ue ruined ny juugea or the supreme uourt, wno snail i .... . , . .,.,., -i . h .nv. ii-iv
this amendment and th general laws hold their oftlce for the period of six () - J 11,14 " , , , ',
until additional leKlslatloii eJiall be eSDe- year: thai at the General election to be right there, Willi your tl'l.'lliU, ami
daily provided therefor: all propositions held In the Slate of Nebraska in the year
submitted In pursuance hereof shall be 1918, and eucii six years thereafter thr
submitted in a i. on-partisan manner and ahall be elected three (3) judges of the
without any Indication or suggestion on ; Supreme Court, who shall hold their office
the ballot that the-y have been approved for the period of sis years; and at the
or endorsed by any political party or or- general election to be held In the Slao-
Conization, and provided further that of Nebraska in the year 1920 and each
only the title of measures shall be printed six t) years thereafter there shall be
on the ballot, and when tcvo or more etacted a chief Justice of th Supreme
measures have the same tttte they shall Court, who ahall hold his office for the
be numbered consecutively In the order Deriod of six iti) veara. Provided. That
of filing with the Secretary af State and the member of th Supreme Court whose
Funeral Services for Mutsuhito of Ja lacludlng tho name of the first petitioner, term of otflce expire in January. 1 9 14.
Section 3. That Section 10, of Article S, shall be chief Justice of th Suprem
pan End With Burial. of tne Constitution of the state of Ne- Court during thut time until the exptra-
, . . , braska be amended tu read as follows: tlon of bis term of otflce.
Kioto, lapan, S"il. lt ine nou oi Section 10. Tha style of all bills shall Section 2. That Section Thirteen HSi
ake th's rale tnatHcine. Throat and
lum; trouble find quick relief and
health returns. Its ht-lp IS coughs,
e e.lei s. xrip, croup, v, hoopin(j-e:ugh
and sore Mm fc:v niak.3 It a positive
MaoeCag. tOc ami $1.00. Trial bot
,1 tite Cuaran'.eed by Fn-d K.
II .:. La.
Mails close at the Alliance post
be "Be it eaaetod bv the people of the of Article Sixteen (If) of the ioiistili;tlun office as follows, Mountain lime.
Pana-na Canal Will Be Opened in Year
Washington. Sept. 1'.. The Panama
canal is to be opened to traffic in th
tall of 101S. This statement was
made officially at the navy departnu-nt
with an .iniiouni-e'iuenl that the Atlan
tic fleet would be ivnelHzvoused al
Colon this winter before the water is
turni el in. The navy's estimate
based upon the latest report from the
ftrmy engineers
William D. Haywood Arrested
llostoi:. Sept. It; William D Hay
fqod ol Denver, g 'neial organizer of
the Industrial Workers of the World,
iriis arrested he re on a capias warrant
issued n- 'he result of an Indictment
the Essex county grand Jury,
charging hlni with conspiracy in eon
flection uilh the strike of textile
workers in Ijtwrenee last winter He
was released on $tiMt bond.
controversy between the government the grata growers.
On the results of the experiment
bancs the rjuestion of whether the gov
ernment will forbid the interstate
shipment of tha two products for fool
Trouble Is Ejected at Convention at
Herlin. Sent. 16. -The Social Dcimi
cratic party faces a crisis at its an
nual convention which opened today
at Chemnitz A spirit of lnsuhoielina-
tion and revolution tor the first time
prevails in ceitain ranks on account'
nf tflasatiafaetton with the manage
ment of the present leader.
a reorganisation is propose.)
Monoyama, 'bout five miles
and no law shall
bill. No bill shall
from be passed by Lhe legislature .unless by
assenr or a majority oi an the members
Kioto Wntantttrj had bee,, escantftol tlorlott'"
y fond eil tne surrounding scenery ana una the question upon nnal passage shall
had expressed the desire lhat this
should be his last resting place.
Prior to th" interment a groat pro
cession was formed at the station, in
Which the loe-al authorities partlci-'
pated, All th" ancient Implements of
war and ritualistic ornaments w r -earried
behind the casket. Amid
prayers and the chanting of dtrs'. 1
be taken immediately unon Its last read
ing and the yeas and nays shall be en
tered upon the
aeetlon 4. That at said election on th
Tuesday succeeding the flist Monday In
November, It 12, on the ballot it each
lector voting thereat there snail be
printed or written the words: "For pro
posed amendment to the constltutien re
serving to the people the right of direct
legislation through th initiative and ref
erendum," and "Against proposed amend
ment to I lie constitution reserving lo the
people the right of direct legislation
the recension moved to the bur'.al through the Initiative and refeienduan.
Traction Resumes Service
Without Rioting.
DulUtll. Minn. Seii Hi Stre.t rail
And If a maj.iltv of all voters st said
election shall be In favor of such amend
ment the same shall be deemed to be
adopted. The returns of said election
upon the adaption of this amendment
shall be made to tha sine canvassing
board and said board shall cauvasa the
vote upon the amendment herein in the
same manner as is prescribed In the case
of presidential e.ectors. If a majority of
the votes cast at the election 1 In favor
,1 of tne proposed amendment Uie governor.
wiiaim leu oays airer tne result is ascer-
of the Slate of Nebraska as found in tne
Compiled Statutes of Nebiaska for lStt
ISectlon thirteen (13) of Article eighteen
(IS) of Cobbey's Annotated - for
lt09) be amended to read aa follows:
Section 13. The general election of this
stat shall be held on the Tuesday suc
ceeding the first Monday In November
In the year 1H14 and every two years
thereafter. All state, district, county,
precinct and township officers, by the
constitution or laws made elective bv the
people, excel. i school district ..ftlceis. and
municipal .Ulcers in cities, villages and
towns, shall be elected at a general elec
tion to be held as aforesaid. Judges of
the supreme, district and county courts,
all elective county and precinct officers,
and all oilier elective officers, the time
for the election of whom Is not herein
olherwiso provided for, and which ar
not included in lhe exception,
shall be elected on th Tuesday succeed
ing the flrat Monday In November. ltlS.
and thereafter at the general election
next preceding the time of the termina
tion for their respective terms of office.
Provided. That no office shall be vacated
tbetel.y but the Incumbent thereof shall
Gives Cow to Campaign Fund.
Raleigh, N. C. Sept. 16. A Jersey
row. giving five gallons of milk dallv
Is the "til. pie contribution of S. Pope
of KnnVld. N. Ch to 'he Wilson cam
palgn fund being raised here by .To
aephttfl Daniels, chairman of the pub
HHty bureau of the Democratic na
tional committee. The cow is to be
told st auction She Is valued at $75.
in wa.v r. ii e 'v;i- i esvtiin .1 In re
which Debal, fb remaining member !east 7". per cent l thn curs munins . tained. shall make proclamation de'ur-
of the obi triumvirate of Rebel, Singer manned by strikebreakers 'oi . jjtijn ssy tmsst tn hsasrt at ana oso-
and I iebk: c lit is to be subject to the brick WSJ thnnvn. Sheriff MeiolOK Stared the mncftsntliVe?erenseta
direction and authority of an advisory hail men locate at vital points read ! Shall be In force and self-executing,
committee to nip in th" bud any disturbance bj L AMisoswStl eeiofsisiT of S'.at. of
' sympathisers Sritll .--trlking, tract;. h: the State of Nebraska do hereby certify
American Killed. bMnlnvui i 'bat the foregoing propsed amendment
rv.eica. I employe. lo the constitution of the State of Ne-
Wushington, Spf. 1; K.lward Ha' : It WSS learm d that pan of the braska Is a true and correct copy of the
moor an American, is I,.-!, v.d to hae;Mrikel,al..r, here are students of I Jfl&'-Xi. fgfTH" J
hsien kil'ed by Mexican rebels near the (flltversitv eif Chicago On.- o! th I.egisUtuce of the State of Nebraska.
ai. w it.. I- u ...... i., . Mr,.-, th. in ,..i,i he u.el : lam nartv of tin ! M PParsfrom said original bill on die
"' " " l " r ;' , in tnis omce. and that said proposed
niein i-iiiejnv in iiiioiiik ii c hi ii.i hi a : .n-ii.:- up . rc-. mr e-a im,.
of his property and his clothing was i promised them
reported by Mormons arriving at Nee
East Bound
11:10 a. in for train No. 44.
II oo p. oi for train No. 42.
West Bound
IL' Ju p, ui. for train So. 43.
ll.oo p. in. for train No. 41.
South Bound
If'.ft p m for train No. .'.(Kl
11 00 p. m for train No 301.
On Sundays and holidays al) night
mulls close at ti M p m. instead ot
11.00 p in IRA E TASII. P M.
.Many Alliance people who Irive
ohronte appendicitis, which is not
tvld over until BM succeaaor is duly very painful, have doctored for vearu
elected and iabfld. fOT (M OB the stomach, sour s-toiu-
aection 3. The form of ballot on th , . .. 5 , ,
amendments proposed herein shall be as iu'h or onsl lfa. ion. Harry rhiele.
follows: "For proposed amendments to DrU!iist, slate.- if these people Will
the constitution provldlns, for general try si,ple buckthorn bark, glycerine,
election on.-e In two years and Against . r ... . , , , , .
proposed amendments to the constitution etc.. as compounded iu Adler-i ka. the
providing for general election one tn QarmaU SPpeMldlCrUS remdy, tliev
Approved Apr.. 7. Mil " ? tka gCICK ben-
I Addison Wait, .'lecietarv of 81 ite of eflt. A MM. 1.1. I '( ) - r. relieves
Charges r orgery by Erasure.
Chicago, S -pi. m -I' ter King, an
attorney, has be. n Indie ted on an .in
usual charBe- forgery by erasure ol
tils name on a promissory note. A
'notion to uuash the true bill was de
niiil by Judge Cooper,
Cnatiars Demand Freedom.
Kalians ity. Sept n United effnrl
for liee.lo'n from tie alleged tyrunnv
of Austria I!. "igarv was urged in reso
lutions -lelceiied by the National Oo
atian soe'ety, iu convention. The de
sirability of union with Servla was
emphasized The s.xletv represents Cioatiaiis in this country.
amendment Is submlttsd to th iuali.1e.
v.ueis oi me state or Nebraska their
adoption or rejection at the general elec
tion to be held on Tuesday, tha 5th day
of November. A. D. 1112.
In Testimony Whereof. I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed the wieat Seal
of th Rtat of Nebraska, lion at Lin
coln, this 20th day of Mav. In the year of
our Lord. On Thousand Nine Hundred
and Twelve and of the Independence of
the United Statea the line Hundred and
Thlity-aizth and of this State th Fortv
IS!) Becretary of Stat.
th Stat of Nebraska do hereby certify
that the foregoing prop sed amendment
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska is a true and correct copy of th
original enrolled and engrossed bill, as
passed by in Thirty -second session of
th Legislature nf th State of Nebraska,
as appears from said original bill on Al
In this office, and that said proposed
amendment is submitted to th qualified
voters of th state of Nebraska for thalr
adoption or rejection at the general elec
tion to he held on Tuesday, th 5th day
of November. A. D 1912.
In Testimony Whereof. I have hereunto
sat my hand and affixed the Oreat Seal
of th Stale of Nebraska. Don at Lin
coln, tills 2uth day of May. in th year of
our One Thousand Nine Hundred
and Twelve, and of th Independence of
th United States the On Hundred and
Thirty-sixth and of this Stat th Forty
(Srai; Secrtarv of State.
lhce l roubles INSTANTLY
T aDt masks ud raari vtit uUln oru
fM, St-l.,1 modvl. nape.' ben er pCSoa and btwC BBS
de- aji'iii.u, cur rass saaeca sod ri.n m m
i.lauiuij . wp l.M-rK-.M-e
BrOfl (.ll MJU. ,1 I". BXW SCIURLI .
fbi. iiut ii.i imiin u It wiu asmfa lo
RC AO PACKS ed K Mum twAju M
s rnti-n' Wr.u- uedsjr.
D. SWIFT & C0,
303 Seventh St , Washington. D C J