S I. L. ACHESON I 1 I 2 HEADQUARTERS FOR j International Harvester Company j Implements and Machinery ajj INCLUDING W. il. H. C. Oil and Gasoline Engines 2 advertised in this paper H PHELAN OPERA HOUSE BLOCK I ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA NEBRASKA NEWS Boards of all descriptions for any part of a house or barn. Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. Phone 22 D. Waters, Mgr. DOYLE & MOON Building Plans, Specifications and Estimates Furnished Without Charge TWENTY-FiVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE Member Local Union No. 1138 PHONES: 50 and Red 440 JOHN GARRETT Successor to Frank Wallace) Transfer Line Household joods 1 moved promotlv )y and transfer work Office at Rodgers' Grocery, Phone 1. Rei. phone 583 Don't Talk Loudly Over the Telephone Moat people using the telephone talk an- DOOMMTfly loud. Speak in an ordinary con versational tone, but slowly and distinctly. Half the art of telephoning is in deliberate ftpeeoh. Talk directly into the transmitter not Imply at it. Keep youi-lips close to tbe mouth piece but not against it. Hold the receiver close against your ear. Your conversation over the telephone re flects your iH-rsonallty. He yourself wben you telephone. Talk as you would face to fan He natural in your ftpMoh, Nebraska Telephone Company Bell System He! o! Stale Board Will Give County Boards Ciianc EFFECT OF SIAIt BOARD'S CUT Tax In Majority of Counties Will Be Less This Year Than Last Twenty two Show Slight Increase Owner's Land Tax. By reducing the levy l mill the state board of assessment has made it pos sidle lor taxes to be reduced. It is now up to the county boards whether tbe work begun by the state board will be followed by the county boards. By reducing the levy 1 mill, which they did, the board cut out lt?,620.l from the total amount of state ttlM chargeable to counties, as compared with tbe amount last year. The 1 -in 1 1 1 bvy for university and the 1-5 mill for state aid bridges has to stand, as the stale law requires that much of a levy. The total amount last year on a mill levy was $2,r.T7. 1 r4.45. This yctt on a 5 1.1 mill levy the amount will be l,409,Mt.7?, making this year's total to be $li;?,('.L'0,i;s b-ss than was raised last year. While the amount is less, it will Rive the state university fund $17,701.78 more than last year and the stcti' aid bridge) fund 9,460.fS, places where It will probably be needed the most. The state tax in a large majority of counties will be less this year than last. Twenty two counties show a slight increase. Owner's Land Tax. County Asressor Coffey of Terum sen has written to the state board of aFPessnient regarding the increase of land valuations made by the board and its effect on mortgaged lands. Sec retary Seymour has replied that the Increase is added to the land value and that the mortgage interest re mains the same. STATE SCHOOL ATTENDANCE; Peru and Kearrev Normals Follow After University. Unro'n. Aug If. The state superln tMdtfJl'l office has Just finished com piling til nt'ei, dance at the state normal and other sc hools of vhe state for the term yar of 1911 12. Ill Is to be expected, the t"nllsil of Nebras la shows tie largest attendance, the Peru state noimal coming; second and the Kearney no:mal third. The attend ance Is as follows: t'nlversi'y of N biaska ,M1 Pern state normal l,3fif Kearnev state normal IJM Creightcn university. Omaha 9S2 Nebraska We-steyan university... t44 Wayne state normal 750 Nebraska agricultural school (common branch) 574 York ccl! ge 464 Chadion state normal 34o Cotner university 3:15 Nebraska agricultural school (higher branch) 332 T'nion college. College View 310 Doane college 2 ' 4 P.ina college 103 Hastings college 153 Hellevite co'lege 148 Ciand Isliiid college lifi TTniver-slty of Omaha 86 LUTHERAN MISSION FESTIVAL Great Rally Held at Seward During State Convention, Over 4,5 !( 1. itheians met at Seward !n a stirring mass mission meeting. Two candidates for the ministry were ordained as missionaries for RftSt India in the presence of 140 pastor' and professors. The onward march the gospel in home and heathen mi sions rang out in the hymns sung by the whole assembly. Kight pastor. officiated at the ordination of the two missionaries. Workers on the field of home mis sions In Vehraska and Wyoming made short addresses and reports. Sen lees were held In the city fair j grounds park. Iarge c rowds were : present from all the neighboring i towns, also Irom Oram! Island, Hamp ; ton. York, Benedict, Cermantown. Mal colm, Ruby, Utict and Waco. Rev. C. I H. Bec ker of Seward led In the ser- I Vices. MORRISON DEMOLISHES CELL Omaha Srnitary Officer Becomes Vio lently Insane in Jail. I'd R Morrison, former sanitary of-1 fleer of Omaha, who has been held at the Douglas county jail pending his re moval to the Insane asylum, became violent, demolishing everything in his cell and threatening to kill the person who dared enter. He was sprayed with ammonia, which overcame him for a few minutes. When taken from th" cell It took twelve men to hold him whlb' a straight Jacket was put on him. j Morrison demolished the Iron rot and other fitniltur-' in the cell, broke ill of the windows and pulled off the gfls and water pipes. H- would have been asphyxiated had not the attend ants tinned off the gas in the basement. ENTIRE STATE IS SOAKED Scarcely a Town in Nebraska That Es capes Copious Rains. Copious rains fell in almost every part of Nt bnttka) and the railway re ports show that hardly a town, hamlc t nr city In the state was missed. Grain experts at the various rail ways say there is no spot in Nebiaska now which needs rain at this time and plenty of sun Is needed to make the corn crop this ear one of the largest In the history of the state. Lincoln Stntue Arrangement. Arrangements have been nearly com pleted for the unveiling of the Lincoln statue. It is thought that William J. Bryan will be the principal speaker and that the unveiling will he done by two veterans of the civil war. The board of public lands and buildings passed a resolution "that the statue and memorial to Abraham Lincoln on the state house grounds. Lincoln, be unveiled and dedicated on Sept 2. 1012, and that the plan lor said ceremonies he placed In the hands of Dr. lowery. ntl such aids as ho may designate, it be ing undt "stood that Governor Aid rich is to sec ure speak -rs and preside on the o 'Chs'oii." JOE MILES DIES BY OWN HAND Son of Fall-i City Millionaire Commits Suicide in Oakland, Cal. St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 19. A dispatch announces that Joseph T. Miles, son of JOK)p H. Miles, millionaire Of Kalis City, Neb., committed suicide by tiling a revolver bullet through his head in an Oakland (Cal.) hotel. He was mar rie d a week ago to Grace Tygart. di vorced wife ol William Tygart, former postmaster here. She says parental Opposition to the marriage caused the suicide Immediately after the mar riage she cams to St. Joseph. Richardson Apple Crop Large. Falls City, Neb.. Aug. 19. Weaver Tiros, are rece iving 7iOO0 apple barrels. They expect 7,000 more later on. Charles Smith e xpect to use 5,000 at Forest Hill fruit farm, and Kmerson Bowers l.inn at Verdmt. This is 23,000 apple barrels for three producers in this county. This will make 140 cars of apples, which Is only a small part of the apples raised in this county. It Is confidently expected that the ship ments of apples from this county thl3 year will All 1.000 cars. Cozad Roll-r Mill Burns to Ground. The Coxad roller mill, owned by J, J. Darner, burned to the ground just be fore midnight and is a total loss. About 7 000 bushels of wheat was stored in the mill and was completely destroyed. The cause of the Are ii not known and smoke was pouring from all the win dows when the fire was discovered. The building was constructed of heavy timbers and burned fiercely for about two hours. The plant was worth be tween $25,000 and IS0.000 and 118,000 Insurance was carried. Father Drive"! Wagon Over Son's Head Hastings. Neb., Aug. 19. Flovel Menonn. ths one-year-old son of John Me nenea, : farmer, was instantly killed when his head was crushed un der th' wheel of a wagon containing a heavy load of wheat, driven by his father. The child was attempting to climb upon the wagon, unseen by his father, when he fell. Palntinej Bertha on Deck. Dr. Kern, superintendent of the Hastings asy!m. was at the state house and reported that "Fainting Bertha" Lieabecke ese:ieel from the asyium the 4ft) before, but had been captured bv a policeman down in the city. Bertha has been a pretty good girl sine.- lvoming a resident of the hospital Mid the only trouble she has I given Is htr fre quent attempts to run away. fft" jift Ca. La C a- H as .-. Uas McCoy, a convict in the penlten tlary. snt up from Holt county for cattle ateftllftg, began ha!eas corpus proceedings in the district court of lactatef county, usking that his sen tence oi one to seven years be an nulled on a- c ount of a claim he makes tb it the grand jury which Indicted aim vas not holding a legal sitting. Money in General Fund. The aate general fund has now I149.ii.ei. while the investment fund has II M ,009, The- Fremont school dis ttlct has ''onds to th" amount of $ 1 25. 0"0. which Treasurer George expects to purchase as soon as they are ready. Canninq Pack May Be Large One. Blair. Neb . Aug. t9. Mr. Martin of the canning factory reports that the sweet corn crop is late this year and canning Will not commence for about 'en days or two weeks. The company has aoarly 14.004 acres contrac ted for this year and expects to have a pack of 1,500.00(1 cans Laborer Killed by Union Pacific Train. While under the Influence of liquor, Richard Quii . a laborer, reeled in front ot a L'nion Pacific switch engine at CoI"tt!;:: and had both legs mangled am: crushed 0wl OftO hand cut off. The victim dbd at the hospital wmm 1 0 0 n. a . THF FNTIPF CHFYFNNF (WYO.) frontier Days Show $13,000 IN RACES Wort mam & Al l fn Shows vaudeville MfrrAkars mS Vacation Tours Through the West TO THE YELLOWSTONE PARK The Cody Way over Sylvan Pass Into the Park is one of the most attractive routes for Park tourists. It is the only cenlc way into the Park; alongside the perfect government road is the magnificient Sho shone Dam the highest dam in the world. The outlook from Sylvan Pass is one of the world's great views. The regular excursion rate in cludes automobile, stages, hotels, etc. Then besides, there are person ally conducted Iti-day camping tours and the Wylie Tours. You can go via Cody and come out via Gardiner, the north entrance. Thousands of dollars have been spent in developing the Cody Scenic Way Into the park. Ask nearest agent for "The Cody Way" booklet. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Trans-Mississippi Congress, Aug. 27-:!0, National Irrigation Congress, Sept. 30-Oct. 3. These occasions make an unusually attractive time for a visit to Salt Lake, through Scenic Colorado. J. KRIDELBAUGH, Agent Alliance L. VV. WAKELEY, G. P. A., Omaha The Celebrated FREE The Best Sewing Machine Made it" The Only Insured Sewing Machine OALkLi aMJ EXAH1XR IT ANU SHE IT WOHK Gadsby 121 West Third St. Alliance, Nebraska Farm k Ranch Scenes Post Card Work as well as larger Photographs. Persons wanting work done send me word and I will call. Latest improved camera for instantaneous work. Harvey Myers Alliance Nebraska TRY A CLASSIFIED AD Washington Wheat Record. Blair. .b . Aug. 19 1 evi Kinsey. living mar Tyson station, threshed fifty tbrer- apd one-quarter bushels of wtieaf per acre from a twelve-acre Add. Mrs. Campbell Ends Life. Superior. Neli., Aug. It. Mrs. Isaac Campbell committed suicide here by hatiKinx herse lf to a rafter in the wood sh -d She was In ill health She was an old settler and leaves a husband ami tWU mat lied daughters. 51DO Bankers Accept Invitations. Omaha. Aug 19 More than tVI hundred hunkers have accepted imita tlons to atteud the annual state con i ventiou, which will be held in Omaha on Aug. 26 and :'7. Juliu Beckman. Fremont Banker, Dead Fiem nt. Kofca Aug. 19.- Julius Be Chilian, vic e pre sident of the Pre mont National bank, died aJtaf a lobg il'ness Alliance Meat Company C. E, PHILLIPS, Mgr. 2Q6 BOX FULL LINE OF MEATS Best Goods at Living Prices