State Historical f Gives all the news of Box Butte County and Citv of Alliance The Alliance Herald Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. VOLUME XIX ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA ! THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1912 NUMBER 35 S Lumber Prices Reduced Figure with us and we will show you that our prices are as low as the very lowest, and our lumber as good as the best Dierks Lumber & Coal Company ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA LOCAL PARAGRAPHS Mr. and Mrs. Andrews of Morrill, relatives of E. W. Ray, visited in Alliance Friday and Saturday or last week. This week A. T. Lunn and family take up theiT residence in the J. F. Richards house, corner Emerson av enue and Sixth street, having pur-fusiiiess and pleasure trip chased the same. Postmaster Walker of Hemlngford was an Alliance visitor Monday and Tuesday of this week. Grandma J odor Went to Denver Monday for a visit with I Jr. Frey. Some of our readers will remember Dr. Frey, the lady osteopath, who removed from Alliance to Denver a few years ago. Philip None, Jr., relumed last Thursday morning from Colorado Springs with the Intention of remain ing in Alliance indefinitely. Since leaving this city last March he has been in Colorado most of the time, Although he was in New .Mexico about a month engaged in work in connection with the mine in which his father is interested. Mrs. None, who is now in Colorado Springs, will arrive in Alliance in about two weeks. Geo. E. Douglas called at The Herald office last Saturday with I basket of the most delicious sweet corn roasting ears that it has been our privilege to sample for a long time. He has some eight or ten acres of sweet corn that has been furnishing roasting ears for about a couple of weeks. He claims to have furnished the first green corn on the Alliance market each year for the last eighteen yens. E. W. Kay returned last Sunday from Omaha where he had his de lict ive eye examined by Dr. Gifford, the noted oeculist. After an X ray examination he was told that noth ing could be done to improve t'ie condition of the eye. The sight now almost entirely none sight of the other eye is good the doctor informed him that was no danger of losing it. is The ami there road. He has desired to make this trip for some time and now takes advantage of the opportunity afford ed by there being no services at the Episcopal church in Alliance next Sunday on account of the Chautau qua. E. T. Kibble and Robert Campbell 1f1 Tlini'lav mortiinc frr rsn .aiilrw' mobile journey to York, a combined Hef ore starting Mr. Kibble had some cir culars printed advertising this city and county, which he intended to distribute along the way. By the time they got as far as Oshkosh, Garden county, they found the rain had made the raods so bad that they decided to make the balance of the trip by rail. A letter written from York on Saturday states that there had been no rain there yet and it was pretty dry. Miss Delia M. Reed is enjoying a visit from her aunt, Mrs. H. At kins, of Bayard, who arrived last Saturday. Mrs. F. Houser went to Crawford Sunday for a visit with her husband who is working on Crawford hill. MlM Myrtle Joy returned to home in ScottsbLiff Thursday. her E. Reed of Des Moines, lowu, un cle of County Superintendent Miss Delia M. Reed, visited in Alliance from Saturday, July -'7, to Mondav of this week. From here he vveut to Rushville. He informed The Her aid that it. was too hot In Des Moines to remain there this sum mer. hence he Is spending a few weeks in northwestern Nebraska where it is very much more agree able. Rev. Geo. G. Ware left on 4 Mouday tor a ten days' visitation of the Episcopal churches in the sand hills, south of the Burlington rail MlM Hazel King je.urned to her home in Sidney Sunday morning. While here she was the guest of Miss Katie O'Donnell. Ed. Pebbles was in town Saturday and Sunday, returning to his home at Grand island Monday. Mrs. Fred Ayers and children came up from Sterling Tuesday for a visit with her mother, Mrs. McDermoti. W. M. Robinson, manager of the Orkin Brother Piano c-ouipany of Omaha, was iti Alliance Sunday and Monday. He is very much pleased willi the business carried on by the Alliance branch of the lompnay. Mrs. E. P. Sweeney returned home from Central City last Friday. She steeple of the Baptist church and was socompaBied bl her daughter. I damaged it considerably. The bolt Mrs. Barge who will uisit here a struck the gilded ball on the ber of Alliance people visited the vards to see the trains come in. Some of the cages were uncovered, a'lowing the people to get a glimpse of some of the wild animals. When the bill posters of this circus passed through Alliance some few weeks ago, they told a Herald reporter that no high grade circus would stop here owing to the fact that an ex orbitant price was charged Rlngling Brothers for giving a street parade. Alliance has always been a good cir i at tewn, but Barn uni and Bailey preferred making the long jump from Sterling to Sheridan, in prefer ence to stopping here. file Scott, who ha been work ing on the ice wagon broke one of his finges-s last week by getting H caught between a cake of ice and an ice box. Mrs. C. K. Simpson returned from Omaha Tuesday, where she has been in a hospital for the past two weeks. Her health is greatly improved. Russell and Bertha Ray, children of Ellis Ray, left the fore part of the week for a vacation with relatives atj Council Bluffs. t Oscar Zurn, youngest son of the Judge, returned Wednesday from t 'raw ford where he has been spend ing a couple of weeks visiting his uncle. Miss May me Tyson returned to Al liance from Manville, Wyoming. Tuesday morning for a two weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. Win. Cor betL She is employed in a dry goods store at Manville. Miss Ty son formerly resided In Alliance, and has a host of friends here. J. 1 Ambrose, a professional wrestler from Omaha was in Alliance the fore part of this week trying to arrange for a wrestling match. He will wrestle any one over IS5 pounds and under 210. Uist Friday afternoon, just before the heavy rain, lightning struck the Lumber Prices Slaughtered AT ALLIANCE G-eneral Reduction of $4.00 to $5.00 per M. has been made Present margin allows bare cost of handling. We have done this to pro mote building in the Alliance territory BUILD NOW Wholesale prices are actually advancing Forest Lumber Company er is a niece; of Mrs. Hall. Thi was their first visit to this part, of the state. They expressed themselves as being well pleased. They and Mrs. Hall visited three or four days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrfe. Wood Mlllken at McCrc w, Scotts Bluff county. The residence of Wm. Sherlock west. of .iiiance was struck by light ning about six o'clock last Thursday ev.'iiing. Souie holes were made in the building and a dog wsa knocked OVar, but no other serious damage resulted. Last week we should have men tioned the return of Mr. and Mrs. Ellas Miller and son Roy from I. in coin and Haveloek. They were call ed to Haveloek on Monday, July St, by the death of Mrs. Miller's sister, Mrs. Stanforth, and returned to Alii f nee the following Sunday. Mrs. Stanforth resided in Haveloek many years. She has some acquaintances in Allian e thru having visited this c i v. a Bast Saturday the police of Chica go captured a man by the name of Jacob F. Guthrie, who had robbed the residences of the wealthy citizens of the South Side of many valuable paintings, silverware, jewelry, cloth ing, stocks and bonds, amounting in all to more than $150,000. One of the persons from whom he had stol en was Charles F, Ford, well known in Alliance, as president of The First National bank. About the twentieth of this month L. H. Mosher and wife will start on an extended tour of the east, going In their new Ford oar. Their final destination will be Cleveland. Ohio, where they will visit Mrs. Mother's brother. In all, the journey will cov er about three thousand miles. They will go south from here until the Platte valley is rea lied and will tftavel down the valley to Omaha. From Omaha they will go through Iowa and Illinois to Chicago and from there 10 Cleveland. They ex while. John King returned to Alliance Monday from the east where he has been for some few weeks past. Vera Haidptou. a former Alliance boy. was visitiug in the city over Sunday. Last Sunday the circus of Baruum and Bailey passed through Alliance en route from Sterling, Colorado, to MptfMM, Wyoming There were to::- Wain loads in all. They arrived during the forenoon and left, in ih. a i ; "rnoon , slopping here only HMM enough to water and feed The hors es were all unloaded and looked in good condition. Quite a large num top of t then of the the- steeple, tearing it loose, passed out through the sole steeple. State Seuator I. I. Raymond of Seottsbluff spent Sunday in Alliance. Mr. and Mrs B. F. Haas of Mina tare stopped over in Alliance Monday forenoon on their return from a va cation trip. While in this city they visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs S. K. Warrick. Mr. Haas is cashier of the Minatare bank. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schnellbach er of Omaha terminated a three weeks' visit with Mr. Casale D Hall and family, and left for home, last Sunday night. Mrs Schnellbach peet to be goue at out two months. a Herbert Butler relumed Moim.i . from a two weeks' vacation in nor thern Michigan. Me spent some tunc on the Great Lakes, and re ports a very enjoyable time. Her bert is employed by the Burlington, being a clerk at the yard office. The barn of H E. Boon in Dun an's addition caught fire Tuesday afternoon but tlie fire was extin guished by some of the neighbors who carried water in buckets Trom a neighboring pump and threw on the blaze. The fire department went out but their services were not need ed But small damage was dune. A 8. Kwd and son Levi arrived In Alliance yesterday morning for a visit with friends and relatives. They left their home in Phoenix, Ar izona, (en days or two weeks ago and have been visiting in eastern Nebraska. They have many friends in this vicinity who will be glad to meet them and will be plead to learn that, the rest of the family, Mrs. Reed and two daughters, are well. C. O. AspiuwaH arrived in Alli ance last Sunday morning from Chi cago to join hlt family, Mrs. Aspdn- wall, Mtta Ruth mutt Veater ar. who have been visiting here for more than three weeks. They have many friends here through hiving resided in Alliance a few years ago when Mr. Aspinwall was local man ager for the International Harvester Co. He left here when h was pro- tit c d to a posuuon at ouncit Bluffs and from there removed to I'll ic-a go where be holds a position as department siicrintemlent. Miss Nolle Aches. m will accompany them upon their return and will make an extended visit in Chicago. a a a Work has been resumed on the new front to Norton's store, after a suspension wafting for material, a e a The visit of Miss Buth Aspinwall to Allian e, mention of which is mace in Ml alt her item, has been esp iai: appreciated among aoma ot the roue ieal ami church p-ople i,f ih" city, because of the asaictance she has rendered while lure, being I talented i ocalist . Siuee writing the article on "Alli ance's First Chautauqua" we learn that the arttendaiare yaatariay (Wad n tadey) ifterncoa wtm Jim. a.i.i 4P last night, which is a good h iwlng considering the slate of the wea'her. The lecture of Dr Loveland yester day afternoon was highly appreciated. Some men who heard it have remark ed that 1: alone was worth the price of a season ticket. r A dispatch lo the Omaha Bet Mom Sidney, Nebr., a few days ago, stated that eight hundred men, merchants and clerks, of that town donated a day's work in harvest to the 'farm era of the surroundciiig country In or der to prevent the loss of grain that would result from the lack of help. Whew! K00 bus.uess me.i and clerks! Where did they all come from? John lawreoce of Hie Fair view neighborhood is in town today with produce grown ou his farm The Herald was made a present of MM very fine sweet corn. He informs us that the late small grain, pota toes and corn are in flue condition The early small grain is fairly good He began cutting a piece of rye on Monday of this week but has not beeti able to finish it yet on account of Uie rain. Two Greek laborers wer. brought to Alliance from Bonner, Tuesda) They had been unloading rails and a rail fell on the feet of each of them, badly crushing them. They were taken to the St. Joseph hos pital where Dr. Bell wood attended to their injuries. a a a Fred McDonald went to Crawford yesterday on '- on a business trip. a a Joe Westover left on 4H yesterday for Rushville for a short visit. T..m vwneft. M.oer of the tele phone company, went to Bridgeport yesterday noon on business. a Robert Anderson, a druggist at Hemingford, had the misfortune of getting his collar bone broken during the ball game last Sunday at Alliance He was run into and knockde down while fielding his position at second base a a Marshal Lalog took a couple of drunks into custody yesterday noon. They were strangers from Dead wood ami were en route to Denver, and stopping off in Alliance, proceeded to tank up. They got on the Den ver train but were ordered off by the conductor, and the marshal was summoned to take charge of them, which he did. a a i Wednesday, July :il, a large num ber of the ladies of the Rebecca lodge or this city called at the home of Mrs. H. W. Beach In Duncan's 1 addition for a surprise party, it be ing her birthday. They all repaired to the home of Mrs. Wm. Robinson win re .1 lunch was in waiting. The ' MlMl pfMMtd Mrs. Benc h with a fine gold lodge pin, which she prizes very highly. Band vour worn-out earn, t,, tho . Lincoln Rug Factory, Lincoln Nebr. rney will make them into rugs for the regular price and pay the rreight both ways. This offer is made rath er than put a solicitor in the terri tory. Write for price list and ship ping tags. :::i-4-i:T 'l"a,aHia""a' A. J. KENNEDY DENTIST OHice in Alliance National Bank Blk X uver rostomce Phone 391. ,,i"H"H""t"?""l"M"M a I 1 I Lia a Dr. JAS. P. HAXFIELD Dentist OVER BRENNANS DRUG STORE All Electrical Equipment evenings oy sppoinimini PHONE 525 RED DR. L.W. BOWHAN Office Upstaira, First National Bank Building Phone, Office 362 Phone, Residence 16 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA