The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 01, 1912, Image 6

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Beef Supply Light and Market
Steady to Strong.
Sheep and Lamb Receipt Heavy.
Market Fully Steady Not Much
Real Good Stuff on Sale More Feed
rt Than Recently.
Union S:n k Yards, South Omaha
July 29. The week opens out With a
ery moderate run of cattle, .about 3,
XXI head being received. Very lew
rorn-feds were included in today's re
celjts and they Bold at strong figures.
Very good l,3H5pound beeves brought
$8 20. There were no new develop
nents in the market for cows and belt
rt, and for the most part rri I
were about on a par with last week's
close. Veal calves were In active re
quest and stronger and there was n
very good Inquiry and a quotnbly firm
market for bulls, stags. etc. Stock
cattle and feeding steers were com
pnratlvely small and with a quite a
little inquiry from the country as well
os speculators, the trading was brisk
on the desirable offerings and prleef
steady to strong. Grass cattle from
the west made up a good Fhare of to
day's very moderate arrivals and in
eluded a ry fair sprinkling of deslr
able beeves. Demand from all sources
was good and market quotably strong
Cattle quotations: Choice to prime
beevea. $9. 10 9.65; good to choict
beeves, $8.60fr9.00; fair to good
beeves, $7.76fr8.60; common to fait
beevea, $C.00fli7.75; ood to choice
beiferB. $6.257.25; good to chic
cows, $5.5066.25; fair to good grades
$4 255.40; ennners and cutters, $2.75
04.00; veal calves, $4.00(9)7.75; bulls,
tags, etc.. $3.75455.25; choice to
prime feeders. $6.00Q6.75; good tfl
ehoice feeders, $5.25f?fi.P0; fair to
yod feeders, $4.5065.00; common to
fair feeders, $3.604.50; stock cows
and heifers, $3.2564 75; good to choice
grass beeves. $7.258.25; fair to good
grass beeves, $6.2567.00; poor to fair
(raas beeves, $5.0066.00.
About 4.831 hogs arrived today and
the market was about steady. Com
mon and rough hogs changed hands at
figures weak to a little lower. Pack
In hogs and mixed kinds sold mostly
steady, several loads of choice ship
ptng hogs bringing $7.90.
Nearly 19,000 sheep and lambs
wtre received today and the market
was fully stendy. There was a good
demand for real good stuff, but there
was not myrrh of that kind on the mar
ket. Some rWlrfjr good Idaho Uunbf
brought $7.35, and a small bunch ol
yearlings sold aa nigh as .f0,
Sheep ;ind !amh quotations: I jambs,
AOOd to choice, $7.000740; lambs,
fair to good $6.2.'i'?i 7 nit; lambs, feed
ers, $4.50j5.40; yearlings, good to
choice light. $1.7565.15: yearlings,
good to choice heavy, $4.5004.75;
yearlings, feeders. $3.tio6 4.25; weth
ers, good to cnolce, $4 1004.50; weth
TS, fair to good, $3. 7504.10; wethers,
feeders, $3 256 3.75; ewes, good tfl
choice, $3.7504.00; ewes, fair to good,
$8.0003.75; eweSj feeders. $2.006 3.0".
Alonzo Moore
eK i f
"Hello!" is a Very
Ungraceful Word
"Helio" is an ungraceful and rude little word,
tending in telephone conversation to provoke cross
tjuestions, breed ill temper and start telephone talk
"against the grain."
The ptoper way to answer your telephone is to
give the name of your firm, your residence, or your
own name, for example:
"Jones and Company Mr. Jones talking" or
"M r. Smith's residence John Smith speaking."
That method identities you at once and is at
the same time courteous and direct, saving time and
useless conversation. Try it.
Nebraska Telephone Company
Bell System
Pool Table Top Tossed
On Undermined Tracks In
Unlontown (Pa.) Storm.
r- -
J- j
tN- " t
Bubonic Germs Found in Rodent
on New Orleans Wharf.
Photo by American Preas Association.
Over alxty were killed and hundreds ren
hred homelenx In parte of Pennsylvania,
Woet Virginia and Ohio. t'nlnntown. Pa.,
felt the dlearter perhapa harder than any
other one place.
Measure Carrying Heavy Tariff Cut
Gett Big Majority.
WauhinKton, July 29. A Republica
an Biigar tariff bill, the first purely Re
publican revision measure of the pres
ent congress, was adopted in the sen
ate. Deserting their allies of the last
two daye, the Republican progressives,
by an ironclad agreement with the
regulars, succeeded In passing a tariff
reduction bill which they believe
President Taft will sign if it reaches
The sugar bill was a compromise
between the iodge plan, indorsed by
the regular Republicans, and the Bris
tow bill. It would cut the present
rugar duty or $190 to $1.60; would
ooolfsh the Dutch standard, under
Which practically no refined sugar can
!;- Imported, and would abolish the 7',j
cent "refineia differential," an addi
tlonal duty on refined sugar, which, it
Fight to Exterminate Carriers of
Dread Scourge Will Be Vigorously
Made Menace Exists More Than
Two Years in England.
New Orleans, July 29. Bubonic
liai llli were discovered on a rat found
on the water front here. The discov
ery Wfts nun!" lifter several hundred
rodfl&ts had been examined here in
the last few weeks.
After the report of the chemists to
ti. effect that germs of bubonic
plague had been found. Dr. J. H. White
of the .Marin" hospital and Dr. Will
iam O'Rfiilv, citv health officer, held
a conference. Eah Issued a state
ment to the effect flint there was no
muse for apprehension and that the
ficht against rats would be continued
rntil they ire wiped out.
Dr. White's statement follows:
"One rat inlerted with plague has
been found op one of the wharves of
the city of New Orleans. So far none
has been found elsewhere. Every
possible preenut'on is being taken
and thTe Is no cause for any appre
hension. Exists in England.
"Rat plasrue has been in England
for mor.? than two years, but because
It has been vigorously fought no
human rases have occurred and the
ity health office of New Orleans has
already n measures to combat this
small beginning so vigorously that
tnere can be no possible tiling left un
lone to wipe if out entirely and ulti
mately eliminate all rats from New
"I am in a position to know the
truth of theoe statements and I vouch
for the absolutely honest and vigorous
action of Dr. O'Reilly In this emer
gency." A conference of health officers of
Georgia, Flc-ida. Alabama, Mississip
pi, LmrisUknS and Texas will take
place here today. Methods for pre
venting the Introduction of bubonic
plague Into this country and the ques
tion of quarantine regulations should
the disease caln a foothold at any
southern pott will be discussed,
Old Woman of Los Angeles Sent to
Hospital Mad From Clinking Coins.
jov, Angolts, July 29. Leota Sey
bold, an old street beggar, was sent
tr the iftiintv hnnitnl Kli h n A horn
Is claimed, has accrued directly to the f tlrlven mad by constant indulgence in
her only pleasure the counting of
profit of the sugar refiners.
The Republicans played "big poll
tics" in the third and last day's fight
on tariff measures, The regulars calne
down from the $1.82' j duty or the
Ixidgc hill, while the progressives
moved upward from the $1..",:ii.J rate in
the original RilMow bill.
Senate Passes Excise Tax Bill.
Washington, July 27. The senate,
by a vote of 37 to IS, passed the BOOM
excise tax bi'l, which would extend
the corporation tax law to individuals
and oo- pa rt iier"h I ps on incomes in ex
cess of $5,000. The 1 i 1 1 as passed in
cluded a provision for the repeal of
the Canadian reciprocity act, and a
substitution of a $2 per ton rat. on
piint paper, Senator Borah's income
tax bill was defeated.
Rescuers Locate Imprisoned Miner.
ITniontown, Fa., July 29. Impris
oned in Lemont mine No. 1 by the
floods, John Holehcr attracted the at
tention of a rescuing party by his
cries and a party of miners are now
digging frantically through a thick
wall of coal to rescue the man. With
Boleher are two men and hope had
been abandoned lor their escape.
Five Japanese Seized.
San Diego. Cal., July 29. Making
their way with the aid of a compass
across El Cajon valley, five Japanese
were captured near Bostonia by inimi
gration inspectors, brought to San
pennies and nuall silver pieces begged
fropi passfisby. -
It was lea i I5ed that she is worth
$300,000 and arrangements are being
made to send her to the care of two
Sisters. In Oklahoma, where she own?
large tracts of land.
Dr Blendin of the hospital staff
aid the Incessant clinking of coins
as she fingered her hoard was what
unbalanced her mind.
Accused of Sending Indecent Litera
ture Through Mail.
Albuquerque, N. M.. July 29.
Backed by other ministers of the city
ami a large percentage of the law and
order people that belong to the several
denominations represented, the Rev.
Herman P. William.-,, pastor of tin
Broadway Church t t iirist, is soon tc
face irial on the charge of sending in
decent matter through the United
States mails.
Williams is an editor of a local re
llgioul paper known as "The Door
linobber," the objects of which are to
rid t he city of undesirable people,
particularly those inhabiting what is
Known as the tenderloin district.
Butter and Egg Inquiry Goes Over.
The government concluded its 'case
against the Chicago butter and egg
ttoard In the suit for an injunction to
Diego and lodged in the county jail.! restrain the board from "fixing'
The Japan eS admit they came from; the price on butter and eggs. The
Mexico oveiland They probably will last evidence was from the publishers
Le deported to Mexico.
of a trade bulletin, which quotes the
prices made by the butter and egg
board. The directors or the board will
Woman Claims Half of Ewald's Million
ixniisviiie. .liny zv. Claiming mat' h?gln their derense Sept. 16
a wife a common law is entitled to
half ol the personal property on the
death of her husband, according to
Missouri laws, Ellen J. Ewald filed
suit here demanding half of the prop
erty left by Louis P, Ewald of St.
ljouis. The estate is said to be
alued at about 12,000,000
Fall From Parachute Fatal.
Canton, ().. July 29. When 1.000
feet in tlv air the rope attaching the
trapeze bar to his parachute broke j
and Thomas Helfield of Springfield.:
III., fell to his death here. His body
struck in the soft earth of a celery :
1. I H-o U
iv-im mi u; hi ?i aim wan inn ir.i 1 1 J r
Youth Kills Father.
St. Louis, July 29 Arthur P. Bitt
ner, Jr., eonressed that he shot his
lather from the rear of an automobile
truck in which the elder Bittner and
another son, Edward, were riding. The
wounded man is in a hospital with two
bullets in his brain. Young Bittner
said his purpose Was to rob his father
I of about Jvii which he believed his
lather carried.
Harvesting Machines
TO THE EAST. Excursion rates to New York and Boston, via a 1 I
routes going one way, returning another. A most attractive tour
of the East may be made at these rates.
TO THE PACIFIC COAST. Low excursion rates every day; still lower
rate tours on special dates, the greatest railroad journey in tho
world and at very low rates.
YELLOWSTONE PARK. Special rates for any kind of tour desired; go
in via Cody, the Scenic entrance, come out via Gardiner; personally
conducted camping tours; the Wylie camp tours. Ask agent for
Park literature.
MOUNTAIN TOURS. Ask agent for handbook of Colorado resorts.
Look up Hot Springs, S. D., and ask for Black Hills booklet. You
might like the Big Horn Mountains at the Sheridan and Ranchester
resorts; ask for leaflet. Get In touch with us. Ask for rates and
publications for any kind of a vacation tour.
L. W. WAKELEY, G. P. A., Omaha
Cont ractors
Plans, Specifications and Estimates Furnished Without Charge
Members Local Union No. 1138 PHONES: 5Q and Red 44Q
Office at Rodgers' Grocery, Phone 1.
Successor to Frank Wallace
Transfer Line
Household goods
moved promptly
and transfer work
Ret. phone 583
Or Beach Goes to Minnesota.
Ir Oeorge W. Beach, assistant su
peiintendent of the Iowa state sanl
taiiuni. was appointed superintendent
of the Minnorotu sanitarium for con
WMptlvet It Walker, Minn.
Ex president Claz Is Seriously Sick.
Mexico City, July 27. A Paris die
patch Iftyi 'hat ex President Porflrlo
Triaz is crtoeely ill and that a fata)
result is probable.
Accused Aldermen File Petitions.
Detroit, July M- All of the nine
u'deriiieii under arrest on the charge
of accepting money for their votes in
a street closing case will go before
their constituents for reelection, ac
cording to the list of primary candi
dates just completed. Aldermar
Olinnan and .Aiderman Rosenthal, botb
out on f,000 bail, filed their petitions
Call Issued for Irrigation Congress.
Salt Ijike, .Inly 29 -The official call
for the twentieth annual national Irri
nation congress, to be held at Salt
jke Sept 30 to Oct. 3, Inclusive, was
lastted tiv Francis G. Newlands, presl
lent of the organization.
of ail descriptions
for any part of a
house or barn.
Dierks Lumber Coal Co.
Phone 22 D. Waters, Mgr.
Alliance Meat Company
Best Goods at Living Prices