Classified Advertisements The following "Want Ads" are classified under appropriate headings for the convenience o readers. CASH RATES One cent per wo. d each insertion. No ad received for less than ten cents per inser tion. Black face double rate. CREDIT RATES One cent per word each insertion, but no advertis ing account opened for less than twenty-five cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Black face double rate. Ir answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it In this paper. A classified advertisement will In troduce to each other the next buy er and the next seller of property In this town. ABSTRACTERS F. E. REDDISH Bonded Abstracter. I have the only set of abstract books in Box Butte county. Office In McCorkle Building. 10-tf-570 TO RENT ROOMS. FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEP ING Modem conveniences. Phone 292. MRS. LILLIE U. WHITE, 31-tM357 908 Box Butte Ave. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. 314 Sweetwater Ave., Phone 387. 1M1083 Hit World READ PICTURES INSTEAD OF TYPE 200 Cartoons Tell More Than 200 Columns The World's Best Each Month Cartoons from dailies and weeklies published in thia country, London, Dublin, Paris, Berlin. Munich, Vienna, Warsaw. Budapest, St. Peters burg. Amsterdam. Stuttgart, Turin. Rome. Lisbon, Zurich, Tokio. Shanghai, Sydney, Canada, and South America, and all the great cities of the world. Only the 200 best out of 9,000 cartoons each month, are selected. A Picture History el WsrM's Cvonts Each Month CAMPAIGN CARTOONS -Follow the campaign in "Cartoons and watch the oppos ing parties caricature each other. VKARLY SUBSCRIPTION St. SO; SINOLK COPY I se One free wt-p1p ripv Will 1 miilrl by srilmtlng the puS. Ushtr. li. II. WINDSOR. .Us W. Washington Street, CHICAGO ASK YOUR NEWSDEALER FOR RENT. Office or living rooms. First Nat'l Bank Building. 17tf:i 186 MISCELLANEOUS DO YOU WANT TO INCREASE YOUR INCOME? If so, try selling life insurance during spare hours. Everyone wants insurance. You might as well do the buslnes. Ad dress Insurance, The Herald. 31-4-135S Buy your coal of Rowan & Wright. Phone 71. tf All kinds of feed, in any quantity desired, at E. I. Gregg & Son's. Phone 155. 29-tM342 Money to loan on real estate. F. B. Reddish. 3tf Curtis Best and Gooch's Best flour at E. I. Gregg & Son's. Every sack guaranteed. Phone 15.'. 29-U-1342 Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and posts. Phone 71. tf Coal office at Rowan's feed store. ROWAN & WRIGHT, phone 71. tf PAINE FISHBURN GRANITE COM PANY, GRAND ISLAND, NEBR., Make the best monuments and will save you money. Call on AL. WIK ER, local salesman of Alliance, or send to Grand Island for price lift. Gunsmith and Mechanic J. G. Herterich, gunsmith and me chanic, gun repairing, lawn mower shariening, saw filing and all kinds of repairing. At Geo. Hills Har ness Shop. 83-2M379 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HOUSE AT A BARGAIN Five room house, one lot, good gar den spot, small barn and other build ings, good well, in Southwest Alli ance Willi sell at a bargain or ex change for land or relinquishment. Inquire at Herald office. 33-2pd-1377 FOR SALE Two houses. Part cash, easy terttns. MRS. HOLDRIDGE. 33-2-1372 GROCERY STORE FOR SAL E Gocd location. ttood trade. Reason for selling, failing health of proprie tor. Bulldlnc to rent, inquire at Henild office. 27-tf-1317 LEGAL BLANKS A large line of conveyancing and other legal blanks is carried in stock at the office of The Alliance Herald. We can supply these in any quantity desired. Following is a list of some of the blanks carried in stock: Agreement for Building Agreement for Warranty Deed Assignment of Mortgage Application for Druggist's Permit Administrator's or Executor's Deed Bond for Deed Bill of Sale Chattel Lease Contract for Real Estate Farm Lease ray Notice Miscellaneous Bond Quit Claim Deed Release of Mechanic's Lien Subpoena Warranty Deed Warrant Writ of Replevin Release of Mortgage Option Contract Peddler's State License Mechanic's Lien Notes Real Estate Mortgage Extension of Mortgage Indemnity Bond Lease of City Property Iease of Personal Property Lease Mortgage Deed Contract for Sale of Real Estate Mortgage Contractor's Bond Mortgage for Coupon Notes The above list include only a part of the blanks which we carry in stock. If there is any other blank that you wish, call at our office, or write for it, and we will supply the same in any quantity you desire. HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY, Alliance, Nebraska. $100 Reward, $100. The rentiers of this paper will be BaMSli to I earn that there In 'it leant one dreaded disease that solenre has been able to cure In all IU stages, and that la Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In ternally, acting (MrecUy upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving toe patient strength by building up the constitution and assist ing nature In doing Ita work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any rase that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENKV CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists. : v Take Hall's Family fills tor constipation. HEMINGFORD m a Say, You ! Old papers at The Herald office at 6 cents per bunch. Kne trial package of Conkley's l.i,. Powder and big 80-page Poultry book free from J. H. Vaughan and Son. 33-4pd-1378 Go- After Business in a business way the advertising way. An ad in this paper offers the maximum service at the minimum cost. It reaches the people of the town and vicinity you want to reach. as an r a1 Try It It Pays fOW about that printing job you're in need of? Come in and as about it at your firat opportunity. Don t wait until the very laat moment but five ua a little time and we'll show yoa what high grade work we emit turn out. Or Eiken. formerly a resident of this place. Is visiting with his friends here. Mrs. John Armstrong left Tuesday for a visit with her son Will In So. Dakota. Lenord Fenner came in on 43 Wad nesday for a few days visit with his brother Bradford and family. Mrs C ,1 Wildy and Mrs. Frank Jackson of Alliance visited Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Fred Abley. The Kp worth Drama Club went up to Crawford again Thursday afternoon where they gave their play which was postponed a week ago. Walter and Edward Hughes were Incoming passengers on 44 Thursday from Lusk. Wyoming, where they went to look at the country in view of taking up a claim Miss Bertha Clark, sister of W. L. Clark, who has bfen visiting here for the past few weeks, left Sunday for a visit, with friends In Iowa Charles Buslinel! spent the past week looking after business matters in the eastern part of the state. Ora Philips from Marsland was transacting business in town Wed nesday. Mrs. flrace Walsner and children came in from Sheridan Wyoming on Wednesday for a visit with her moth er. Mrs. lien Johnson. Mrs. Robert Anderson left the first of the week for a visit with her par ents at Magnate, Nebr. A. M. Miller, Charles Shindler and James Harry went to Alliance Wed nesday as delegates to the republican county convention. Mr. Shindler al so attended hardware dealers conven tion the same day. Bert Langford and wife came In from the ranch Thursday returning Friday. Henry Renswold returned Thurs day from Iowa where he went some time ago to bring his girls home. Mrs. Ella Hlckey and family were shopping in Hemingford Friday. The Misses Hazel Hlckey, Agnes Delslng, Ida I'hrig, Alma Rosenberg er and Stella Keister all returned from Alliance Saturday whre they had been attending NormaJ. which closed Friday. Miss Sadie Hopkins came up from Alliance Saturday where she had beeai visiting with friends for a few da.vV. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Donavan were incoming passengers or. 4i: Sunday. They had been to attend the funeral of Roy Donavan who met death last Friday by being thrown ami dragged by a horse which he was riding on his brother's homestead in Stoux county. w w V Mrs. Belle Brown came up from Alliance Sunday where she will spend so'ae time with her daughters bare, Mrs. Walter Sanquest and child ren returned from Iowa where she lus been visiting with her parents for some time. Mrs. Mary Mahu".v lift Kumla on 44 for her honii in Colorado after ?p idlng the past three wioks visit ItlH wifli her siste-. Mr;-.. James Whe la;1, and other fr::iis here. see The Hemingford flrtt ball team vein out to Philip Mi li.el's Sunday where they played the Whistle Creek team which trimmed them up to the tune of 14 to 4. What is the matter, bos? John Sampy made a business trip to Alliance Monday, returning Tues day. Evalyn McBurney came ut from Alliance Monday where she h:ts been attending Normal. C. Klenpke and Norbet Frohnapfel were passengers to Alliance Sunday, returning Monday. e e C. J. Wildy and family. Orvel Kid well and wife and Billy Mounts and wife all took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Price Sunday. Ed Wildy transacted business in Allian v Tuesday. Mil Susie Davison Is looking af ter t:,. business at the People's bank this week while Mrs. Jenkins Is in the east. Lawrence Bomer is putting down a well for the Farmers' Creamery Company which expects to open for business about the first of Septem ber. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hubble went out to Sioux county Monday taking Mr. and Mrs. Jay Donavan out home, Little Everet Abley, son of Mr. ami Mrs Emery Abley, died Mou da evening after iveral weeks' suf fering from a complication of liver and kidney trouble Funeral service were held Wednesday afternoon at 2 p. m. from the Mehodist church. Interment in the local cemetci D. W. Butler has purchased the slock of groceries and meat market of George Hedgeeock and has PMVad HUie into the drug store buildup second door south of the bank, and has combined the grocery and shoe stores. As Mr. Butler has been In business In Hemingford for a num ber of years, we nre sure he will get his share of the trade. , DR. F. W. BOLAND Office Over First State Bank Hemingford, Nebr. 0000000000000000 o MOUNT PLEASANT o 0000000000000000 July- 27. IMS. Fine rains and everything looks fine. Sure crop this year. P. 8. Mailey is the owner of a fine into. Good for Perry a e Tlin I'nderwood brothers are put ting up the Olson hay this year. I II The Marsh boys are going to put up the hav for P. 8. Malley. W. S. Coker Is remodeling his house these days. Mrs. J. C. Hawkins has her a new blue flame coal oil stove. That. Is three In this neighborhood this month all from Acheson's. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wright and family were visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. ('. Hawkins Tuesday the 23rd. The following families took dinner at Iee Marsh's Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Worley and Mr. and Mrs. Hunt from the Worley ranch and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lamon. e e Mr. and Mrs McLaughlin from Al liance were visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wright last Sunday. Mrs. Guy Worley has a fine baby boy. The mother and baby are do- D fine and we think Guy will re cover soon. Mrs. W. S. Coker took dinner at the G. H Hagaman home Sunday. Mrs. J. C. Wright, uperlntend'iit of the Mount Pleasant Sunday school being absent, Mrs. J. C. Hawkins took her place. ALLIANCE CHAUTAUQUA City Directory Municipal Officers Mayor W. O. Barnes. Clerk-Jay D. Emerlck. Treasurer Percy Cogswell. Police Judge Gregory Zurn. City Attorney E H. Boyd. Street and Water Commissioner J. H. Carlson. City Engineer Reuben Knight. Chief of Police SI Lalng Chief of Fire Department W. O. Barnes. City Physician H. A. Copsey. City Scavenger C. W. Jeffers. Councilmen President of Council - John Snyder First Ward J. H. Vaughan, Geo. A. Mollrlng. s. cond Ward John Snyder, K. J. Stern. Board of Health Mayor. Chief of Police and City Physician. A Real Treat in 8tore for the People of Alliance and Vicinity THE FIVE DAYS' PROGRAM City Light, Water and Sewerage Department Office City Hall. Commissioner J. H. Carlson. Manager N. A. Kemmlsh Police Department Headquarters City Hall. Police Judge G. W. Zurn. Chief of Police 81 Lalng. Night Marshal L. W. Curtis. Fire Department Headquarters and Club Rooms City Hall, Alliance Volunteer Fire Department. Chief W. O. Barnes. Assistant Chief Lewis Laravea. Secretary C. W. Spacht. Hose Co. No. 1 City Hall. Foreman L. E. Pllklngton. Assistant Foreman D. J. Moran Hose Co. No. 2 City Hall. Foreman Cal Cor. Assistant Foreman J. H. Klau san. Hook and Ladder No. 1 City Hall. Foreman G. A. Hills. Assistant Foreman W. F. Buch-man. Jt is not necessary for us to tell Herald readers in this article that the Alliance Chautauqua starts Wed nesday, August 7. You already Know the date, but you will want a program of the entertainment and we are giving it below. J. Alden Bumstead, former edu- a . nal secretary of a city Y. M. C. A. and at one time connected with a State railway commission, will be the Chautauqua manager. The afternoon . : " ' i i i I I t ) 'it m a v v v, n nu the evening program at 7:45 o'clock. The Junior Chautauqua will be held each day of the week under the di rection of Miss Florence Hamilton. SEASON TICKETS Adult If purchased of the busl- ness men $1.50 Adult If purchased at Chautau qua gate 2.00 Child 100 Child Single Admission 15 County Court House 519 Box Butte Ave. Clerk Monte Hargraves. Treasurer Edgar M. Martin. County Judge L. A. Berry. Attorney Eugene Burton. Sheriff C. M. Cox. Coroner C. E. Slagle. Superintendent of Schools Delia M. Reed. Assessor E. P. Sweeney. Surveyor F. E. Hamblln. District Court Judge W. H. Westover, Rush vllle. Clerk Monte Hargraves. UNITED STATES United States Board of Pension Examiners President Dr. H. H. Bell wood. Secretary Dr. C. E. Slagle. Treasurer Dr. C. H. Churchill. United States Land Office Nos. 6-8 McCorkle Blk. Register W. W. Wood. Receiver H. J. EUU. ory Tuesday In I. O. 0. F. Hall. M, O., J R. Snyder; V G , Link Low. wry; Sec., A. J. Macey. Alliance Rebekah Lodge No. 104 Meets second and fourth. Frldayt of each month In I. O. O. F. Hall. N. G., Mrs. W. R Drake; V. O.. Mr. J. R. Snyder; Sec., Mrs. Mosaa Wright; Treas., Mrs. C. M. Cot. Knights of Columbus Alliance Council No. 975 Meeta every Sunday night in club room of Holy Rosary church. O. K., D. E. Lynch; D. G. K . W. H McCoy; Sao., C. W. Hyland. Masonic Alliance Lodge No. 183, A. F. A, M. Regular meetings Thursday be fore full moon of each month at Masonic Hall. W. M., J. H. H. Hewitt; 8ec, L. H. Mosher. Alloyan Chapter No. 185, O. E. 0. Meets first and third Tuesdays of each month In Masonic Hall. W. M., Mrs. L. A. Berry; 8ec., Mrs. Anna Davis. Bunah Commandry No. 26, Knlghta Templar Meet secdnd and fourth Tuesdays of each month In Masonlo. Hall. E. C, Henry Renneau: Rec, F. W. Irish. Sheba Chapter No. 64, R. A. M. Meets first and third Mondays of each month at Masonic Hall. H. P., E. C. McCluer; 8ec, L. H. Moaner, Modern Brotherhood of America Pioneer Lodge No. 758 Meets sec ond and fourth Wednesdays of each month at M. B. A. Hall. Pres., I. R. Wilcox; Bee. F. J. Brennan; Treas., H. E. Boone. Modern Woodmen of America Box Butte Camp No. 733 Meeta first and third Wednesdays of each tnonth at K. C. Hall. V. C, George Davis; Clk., F. W. Irish. Royal Highlanders Alliance Castle No. 43 Meets f'.ret and third Fridays of each month In K. C. Hall. I. P., Mrs. Jennie Reed; Sec. -Treas., A. D. Rodgers. Royal Neighbors of America Crescent Camp No. 1380 Meeta first and third Saturday afternoons of each month in M. B. A. Hall. O.. Mr3. E. R. Morrison; Receiver, Mra. C. O. Davenport; Recorder, Mrs. L. H. Highland. Woodmen of the World Maple Camp No. 165 Meets sec ond and last Wednesdays of each :nhth In I. O. O. F.-Hall. C. C., A. D. Rodgers; Sec., M. H. Grebe. Brotherhood of American Yeomen Alliance Homestead No. 1832 Meets first Friday of each month at I. O. O. F. Hall. Foreman, Philip Nohe. Sr.; Cor., Mrs. Cora Iewls. TRADES AND LABOR ORGANIZATIONS Brlckmason's International Union Alliance Union No. 4 Meets first and third Mondays cf each month at home of the president. Pres.. T. F. Akerman: Fin. fac., Mr. Brast. WEDNESDAY Afternoon Opening Exercises Concert The Nashville Serenaders Lecture Frank L. Ixveland Admission 25c Evciirrj Prelude The Nashville Serenaders An Evening of Magw Alonao Moore Admission 35c THURSDAY Afternoon Prelude The RLner Sisters and Miss Iathrop Lecture J. Everlst Cathell Admission 25c Evt ling Concert The Riner Sisters and Miss Lathrop Character Delineations Halwood Robert Maniove Admission 35c PR I DAY Afternoo i Prelude Dunbar Singing Orches l Ie-ture James G. Whiting Admission 25c Eve-11.13 An Evening of Music and Entertain ment Dunbar Singing Orchestra Admission 35c SATURDAY Aftei no jo Concert Imperial tiuards Band Ijecture Alva M. Retaze! Admission Uc Evening Grand Concert Imperial Guards Band Admission 60c SUNDAY Afternoon Prelude -The Litc hfield Trio Sermou-IH-tuie Chancellor George H. Bradford Vespec Service Admission 25c Evening Sacred Concert The Litchfield Trio Admission 35c Asylums, Hospitals and Homes St. Joseph's Hospital Emerson avenue and 11th street. SOCIETIES Miscellaneous Alliance Women's Christian Tem perance Cnion Meets second and fourth Thursdays of each month at homes of members. Pres., Mrs. I. E Tash; Sec., Mrs. R. C. Strong; Treas., Mrs I. M. Fernald. American Nobles Alliance Harbour No. 254 Meets first and third Fridays of each month at L O. O. F. Hall. N., 8. A. Shephard; Sec -Treas , G. E. Ijeldy. Brotherhood of Lo;otrotive Engnee.-a Alliance Division No. 622 Meeta second and fourth Thursday after noons of each month in M. B. A. Hail. C. E., C. B. Gibson; Sao. Treas., H. Renneau. Grand International Auxiliary, B. L. E. Alpha Division No 399 Meets firat and third Thursdays of each month in If. B. A. Hail. Pres.. Mrs. C. O. Davenport; Sec, Mrs. Guy Miller. Ancient Order of United Workmen Alliance Lodge No. 202 Meets second and fourth Mondays of each month at I. O. O. F. Hall. M. W., R. E. Drlscoll; Recorder. F. W. Ir ish; Treas., Geo. Darling. Degree of Honor, l.atk Lodge No. 152 Meets the first and third Thurs days of each month at the I. O. O. F Hall. C. H , Mrs. W W. John son; Rec Sec.. Mrs. A. T. Lunn. Benevolent Protective Order of Elks Alliance Lodge No. 961 Club rooms Reddish Blk E. R. II E. Gantz; E L K., W H. Butler; Sec, Percy Cogswell. Fraternal Order of Eagles Alliance Aerie No. 136 Club rooms Mallery Bldg.. open day and night. Meets every Thursday. W. P., L. A. Suprlse; Sec. C. E. Calder; Treas . Carl Spacht. Independent Order of Odd Fellows Alliance Lodge No lt8 Meets ev Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Engineers Alliance Lodge No. 623 Meets ev ery. Sunday at the M. B. A. Hall. Pres.. J. A. Phelan; Sec, Joseph Bogan. Ladies' Auxiliary, B. L. F. Box Butte Lodge No. 132 Meeta second and fourth Fridays of each month. In M. B. A. Hall. Pres.. Mrs. R. C. Withaui; Sec, Mrs. J. Bogan. Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen Hard Struggle Lodge No. 642 Meets rirst and third Monday after noons of each month at the M. B. A. Hall. Pres.. R. E. McKenzle; Sec, A. J. Ward; Treas., Monte Hargraves. International Associa tion of Machinist Point of Rocks Lodge No. S02 Meets second and fourth Mondays of each month at the K. C. Hall. Prea., Geo. D. McGlll; Sec. Theo. Wad-dell. Order of Railway Conductors Box Butte Division No. 427 Meeta each Tuesday afternoou at the I. O. O F. Hall. C. C. James GaddU; Sec.-Treaa., John S. Ward.