ALLIANCE DRUGGIST DESERVE PRAIS Harry Thlele, Druggist, deserve praise from Allinnce people for Intro ducing here the simple buckthorn bar and glycerine mix ir, known as Adler-i-kg. This sir. , On man remedy first became famous bf cur ing appendicitis and it has MOD heeti diacovered that A SINGLE 1)08K re lieve sour stomach. gas on the stom al h and constipation INSTANTLY. It is the only rMtodj wglch never See E. C. Whisman for' lowest prices on painting, paper hanging and kalsomining. 1138tfl4 Pale Faces Pale-faced, weak, and shaky women who suffer every day with womanly weakness need the help of a gentle tonic, with a building action on the womanly system. If you are weak you need Cardui, the woman's tonic, because Cardui will act directly on the cause of your trouble. Cardui has a record of more than 50 years of success. It must be good. -CARDUI The Woman's Tonic Mrs. Effie Graham, of Willard, Ky., says: "I was so weak I could hardly go. I suffered, nearly every month, for 3 years. When I began to take Cardui, my back hurt awfully. I only weighed 99 pounds. Not long after. 1 weighed 115. Now, I do all my ' and am in good hea.iO." Begin taking Cardui, today. Ml Mi vv'3sF-iii I J When Buying f Baking Powder I I f For this is g the baking f powder that f 'makes the f baking better." H Itleavensilicfood evenly throughout; puffs it up to airy I lightness, makes it delightfullyietiz- ing and wholesome, g a Remember, Calumet m ? is moderate In price highest in quality. j Ask your grocer for 1 Calumet. Don't take 1 g a substitute. I I IS? LORIMER OUSTED Loses Fi(bl to Retain Seat by Vote ot 55 to 28. MARK S. WRIGHT. BRIBE CHARGES HELB PROVED Illinois Senator Finishes Hit Address and Walks Slowly From Chamber When Lea Resolution Declaring His Election Invalid Is Adopted. By a vote of ft to 28 the United States senate took away from Willi. mi 1. primer his seat as junior senator of Illinois. Mis election was h"ld to have been the recipient of votes ob tained by "Connpt methoila and prac tices "' I.nrimer lind bosn a member of the B nate since .hine 18, 1909. The first UggeSUOtt Of fraud in connection with his elect in: In Mine iii blic in April, 1010, wl.i n CBirtfri A. White, a mvin ber of the I.'inois legislature, swore thru be had received $1,(KH) as a bribe lor VOttllf Icr I.oiinier. The senate, by its action, reveraed the majority of Its own investigating committee and changed its vote ol March 1, 1911, when Larimer retained bis seat, if, to 40. Technically Lorimer will pass out of the records of the senate as a member of that body, notwithstanding bis more than three years' occupancy of his s sit Facing his associates with the declaration. "I am ready," Mr. Lorlmei fiat In the chamber and heard his fate decreed as the roll call showed the adoption of the resolution of Senator luke l.ea of Tennessee, the senate': voungent member. The man who foi three days had held the senate tc close attention with his remarkable speech of deiense. and attack upon his enemies, rose wearily from his seal and passed back to a cloak room door Senators and members of the hous gnthered about him, grasping his hand and patting him on the back, l.orimei gained only one of the men who voter against him March 1, 1911, Senatot Jones of Washington: while he losi tiie votes of his associate. Senator Cnllor.i , and of Senators Curtis (Kan.) Hiiggs (S. .Ti. Simmcns (N. C.) am: Vn.v Champion Pole Vaulter, Who Was Expected to Do Big Stunts In That Event. r . j - si ' Photo by American Tress Association. WrlKht holds the world's record with U feet KV4 lncr-. TO CUT EXPRESS RATES Interstate Commerce Commission De c'deson Horizontal Reduction. Washington, July 16. Sweeping re daetfoai in express rates, averaging in general, approximately it per eent; drastic reforms In regulations and practices, and comprehensive change in the method of operation, are pre scribed In n report made public by thf Intel state commerce commission of its investigation 'tito the business of th' thirteen gresl express companies ol tiie United States. Dentins; .vith the identity of inter est between the various companies the u pon finds that while these com panic !i-o separate legal entities, "it is of Intereat to regard the fact that by stock ownership and otherwise tiiey are so interlaced, Intertwined, and Interlocked that it is with diffl culty we can trace any one of the greater ' ompanies as either wholly in dependent In its management or the agency of a single railroad system, j So that while these ompanies oper ate separately and compete with each oilier for traffic, the express business l.'ay b sni.I to be almost a family af fair. An interesting genealogical trve in fact, might be drawn showing a common ancestr in ail m the larger companies. And, while many name" may hr used to designate these com panics, it is within the fact to say that aside Irom the operation of the minor and distinctively railroad ex press omoan'osa the express business of the Knifed States is managed b)F not more than three groups of inter ets." 8TANOING OF TEAMS AT OLYMPIC GAMES The point score for all sports, In cluding hooting', swimming, lawn tennis, football, etc., follows: lulled State.. 82 Norway 7 Oreat Britain.. 67 Italy 6 8weden M Bohemia 4 France 19 Russia 3 Finland 17 Austria t South Africa... 11 QrasSS I Germany 11 Holland 1 l'enmark 10 Qteat Britain's total Includes points won by Australia and Can tula. The point score In the track and fluid games follows: I'lilted States. . 34 France. i Finland 16 Norway t 'Jicut Britain.. 12 Germany 2 Hr.edan 5 Bohemia 1 Greer.,, 3 Italy TtM dtr'rlbutlon of points Is three for tlrst plSOS, two for SSOOIU and me for third. INCREASE IN SU!CI0E RATIO Csn Diego Leads List of Cities With s Rate of 59.0 Per 100,000. Figures eo"eoted by experts show that suicide Ik increasing at a rapid rate throughout the I'nlted States. Reports rrom 100 cities show a gen eral rate of t. per 100,000 of popula tion las yea', as against 177 tor 191 n. The United Stalea census gave the 11U rate as 16.0 for the entire registration area. The cities with the largest propor tlon of sulcid per lon.noo population were: San llego, Cal., r9.9: Elmira. N. V . 47.8: I'Bvenport, la., 41.2; Sac ramento, Cel., Stt; San Francisco, 37 5; it Louis. 37.2: Denver. 35.7: Los Angeles, M 'J The. rate in New York IS lL8 a'nl in fliicago. L'1.4 TWO PULLMAN CARS CRUSHED Overland Express of Burlington RosJ Struck by Fast Mail at Chicago. Chicago, July 15. Thirteen persons were killed and nearly a score WON injured in a wraktj on the Chicago, Burlington and Qutncy railroad at Western Springs, a suburb of Chicago. Coming thr.uigh a log, with sup poaedly a clear track ahead, train No. 8, a fas, mull, ran at full speed into the rear ol triin No. 2, known as tie Overland express from Denver, which was Standing on the track, telescoping two of the Overland's Pullman cars. Railroad officials refused to fix rtie blame until after the wreck had been investigated thoroughly. .Mrs. f. a. Wilcox, .vho wgl in charge ol the tow er from which the block signals Were controlled, said she waij certain the ..lock v.:s thrown against both trains. She collnpsed after the accident and stiil is li n highly nervous condition. The dead Kraneht A. Ban lay. Bill ings, Ktont.; Qsofgs Bronson, engl Beer train No 8; Bunch, negro porter .if Pullman car on train No. Mrs. C M. H.irt. wife of a physician at Can ton. O.J Mis. E. C. Pohlmann. San Fianlco: M. K Stern. Chicaeo fl W. Tudor. Ijicey. la.: six unidentified. CHAFIN TO LEAD Mlantic City Convention Names Candidates to Make Race. ARIZONA MAN FOR FIRST PLACE ifVatkins of Ohio Selected to Run for Vice Presirlent Nominees Are Same Men Who Made Race Four Vesrs Ago- Many Are Willing to Run. For Prenidr nt 'in of Arir.nna. ror Vice President -Aaron W'.iM. ins of Ohio. lii ' ne W. Chaf X 4 I t- The Prohibitionists' national con vention nt Atlantic City nominated Eng ne w. Chaltt of Arizona for pi es ident en the first ballot. Aaron S. Watklna of Ohio was nominated for vice president. The pgrtl ticket, Chafln and Wat RUOKNI W. CHAFIN. kins. s the seme ns in the campaign of 1flU8. Mr. Chafln said he regarded the nomination as the greatest political honor bestowed on any man this year. He thanked the convention for his nonilnatlon snd promised not to stand lor a third tem'. After the notni nation of officers the roeerenUon was forced to rush its business to a conclusion, as many ut " 1 .! ssfiei Sons of Norway to Visit Fatherland. Fargo. N. D.. July 15 -The various Norwegian orgunirati u- In session her" attending the Sons of Norway convention began the transaction of goeiaaas. it is prehaMs that the 1914 session will he given up, as prepara tion is nelng made for chartering a ship to carry members of the organi sation to Norway in that vear. win n the obtaining bv Norway of independ will be celebrated. GiiaMs'ran to Travel. Plene, s 11., Jaly is - Fmiy three OiUiers and mn of the. local company Of ihe state Kii.od left here toi the l...liua1 nt at S a't t. Wis., wher tle, wiU pel In t"n djgya in eai : tester teeslrut'tJoM of regular grsjj oT.iits NEW LINE TO CANADA Will Build Railroad From Watertown to Canadian Boundary. Minneapolis. Jul 1... Th- lftngOg oils. St Louis and Canadian Railway (ompanv, wiilch will build a line from ihe rtclqHy ;f Watertowsi, s D, to fhe Ca'iadinn boundary, was otganized here by Nestnan Brh of New York, president of the Minneapolis and St Louis railway: w. O. ptard. vice preel iient of 'hf f o'itpanv .1 oilman and II. A. Larrls"n. representing two New (org hanking Amis reordlng t(j Mr lb. Ii't rp nation papers will be filed .neon 11 i'l . ni'Mrnction probably will gat hem n hv fall ln"eed'Ht"'v upon bis arrival here .ft" r a tffa over the Hwb, Mr Erb is ued an order ''.r twlve n w loctinto t(v s 'M I signed unp'-o!i iations total in? ISAjA.ffM t rin Ipsl'y for track leg nrovemnt. Two Strikers Kil'ed by Strikebreaker. Cim nnsii. In y 15 Klmer pat no'de ;nd Josapg Weertneyer striking shh workers, were shot and almost instuntly killed by Walter Fitzwater. Raid ! be s strikebreaker Ktlzwatei was ;;rresrt and claimed self defeii-e AtRON S. WATKINS. the debii.itey were havlrg for their homes B1 rause of this the proper, I to chaags the name of the party was not taken up for general discussion and union. SUFFRAGIST TOURS GLOBE Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt Received by Kings; Feted at Every Stop. ChlengO woman suffragists have re etived . u 111 igiug ridings from Mis. Carrii Chapatag Catt, pree ideal of the lateraateooal Woman lasTrgga sell atue, wo Og a world tour. She is spending her own money in tarrying the "votes for women" ate sage around the globe. It is estimated that when she reaches New Yo.k on her return next October she will be Sto.hiiu less wealthy. In her Utters Mrs. Catt ' de scribed her trip in glowing terms it has becti a triumphal tour Hum the rime she landed in Southampton, en .oute t'i the cOBVt ill. oil ol the Interna tional VntTrage alliance at Stockholm i'.-w Anierfcaii women have been the recipients ()f more attention or great r jeoaoitaiity. From kings ami queens down to the mayors and "maoresses of South African towns, all gave fetrd dined and entertained her. Shoots Wife and Himself. Poplsr Bluff. Mo., July 16. Vest Mush, a railroad fireman, shot his wife gere ai d then killed hiimu li Bush tad botn separstid from his wife. Inscne Over Religion. Perry, la.. July 15 Frank Learning, a well known rilizen of this county was taken bel'oie the comiiliss.otlet of insanity and b) them sent to 'he hospital at Clarlnda lor treatment He Hint violently insane attending a number ot i ii.s of a "Holiness as " ' i.iiii" " t I k h was holding meet iajp on his farm Haven Heard All You saw the list of Talent last week, but you haven't heard the whole story of this Big Week. A boys and girls' Chautauqua is a part of it. It is directed by Helen Bradford Paulsen, the greatest play ground exponent in the country She has seventeen trained assistants in direct charge of the work one at each town. The music alone is worth the price of admission 5 celebrated concert companies and musical organizations. The Imperial Guards Band comes all the way from Europe for this summer tour. Nineteen men, all soloists. Lecturers, entertainers, novelty companies. Get the season ticket, which makes the cost ten or fifteen cents a number, and plan today for this eventful week. 5 Whole Days The Celebrated FREE The Best Sewing Machine Made The Only Insured Sewing Machine CALh AND E.NAMINB IT AM) SKK IT WOftK Gadsby 121 West Third St. Alliance, Nebraska Forest Lumber Co. We have just received a car of Mitchell Automobiles We have in this car one 6-cylinder 48-horsepower roadster, the finest automobile that has ever come to Alliance. Come in and see for yourself and be convinced FOREST LUHBER CO. A. P. Lee, Mgr.