Gives all the news of Box Butte County and City of Alliance The Alliance Herald VOLUME XIX ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA l THURSDAY. JULY 18, W2 Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. NUMBER 32 HORSE AND MULE SALE We are going to conduct another sale of Horses and Mules at the STOCK YARDS, ALLIANCE, NEBR., Friday and Saturday, July 26 and 27 We want eery ranchman and dealer or anyone else having horses and mules to dispose of to list them for this sale. There will be plenty of buyers here from eastern and southern states who will pay the best prices for all kinds. We have the assistance of several parties who will get all the good buyers here possible. Don't be afraid to bring in your horses and mules as we will protect you and see that you get a square deal. List them as soon as possible so we can get a line on what to advertise. Commissions: Single hone and pairs, $2 each; 3 or more, $1 each. LESTER d SON For further particulars phone 259. ALLIANCE HORSE MARKET r Takes Place in Front Ranks of Western Horse Markets MANAGED BY ENTERPRISING HORSEMEN CLEARING OUT Sale Everything goos below cost. Getting ready to go east for fall stock. Skirts, one-half off. White Shirt Waists, one half off. Whit1 n-Pieff Dwesee OOP -h?foff Millinery, one-half off. 1.50 Corsets, now $1.00. A few flowers left, will go cheap. Come in and see the bargains and save money SIMMONS' HEAVY HORSE BUYING Growing Interest in the Horse Market Alliance As showing .the increasing interest in the Alliance horse market and the growth of the business, we clip an item from last week's issue of the Scottabluff Republican. In mention ing the names of the firm of Wilson Ijewis & Wright, otherwise known as the Wright Commission Company, the Republican omits the name o f Edgar W. Wilson of Alliance. Fol lowing is the article referred to: Heavy Horse Buying From the above caption it must not be inferred tint the firm m e n- teoned below deal only in heavy hor ses, but they do a heavy business in their line of work. During the past month they have bought a hundred head of horses in this and Manner counties and will take them to Alliance, on tl 29th and IJOth of the present month, where they will be offered at public auc tion, in connection with the large saW where it -is expected that, a thousand horses will be sold. 1 hia firm of Wilson, Lewis & Wright is made up of L. K. Lewis of the firm of Wilcox & Company and Havel L. Wright, well known as the leading auctioneer and life insurance man of the city. Thco men have been paying good prices and the farmers are well pleaded with the treatment received from them. From the flrs-t suggest ion thai was m. le relative to the making of .Mil an e a norse market, I lie Herald hoi sted for it, and of course we are greatly pleased with the success of the enterprise so far and the pros pects for the future. This paper has already pointed out the advantages this city has for this particular busi ness. We wish to mention some of these points again and add a sugges tion or two that may be helpful. A few things that are necessary to a successful horse market are a sufficient number of horses to sell, purchasers for the same, and ship ping facilities. Alliance is splendidly located for this business on account of her excellent shipping facilities and the large number of good hors es raised in the surrounding territory. We are confident that a better class of horse flesh is found in this locality than in most. .parts of the west. For some years past, breeders in northwestern Nebraka have made extensive use of imported and native thoroughbred stallions and good na tive mares. This is also true of some other parts of the west., but, we believe that in this territory the grade is far above the average. Notwithstanding shipping facilities m now p if nom belngpd of this and good horses, for sale, the mar ket proposition would still be a failure if buyers were not preseni in suffi cient numbers, and here la when the enterprising horsemen who are pushing the Alliance horse market have don.' splendid work. The ll number of buyers present from many different states at the sales held the last week in June was due to the energetic and well directed efforts of the! men in charge. The prospect that there wMl be as many. ore, buyers at the sales now vertlsed for the butter part month. There is also a pros per that there will be a splendid of ferine of horses, averaging better than K. the first sale. In wis connection we wish to call the attention of horse breeders of the surrounding country to the im portance of bringing In what they have to sell. With the work that has already been done In establishing this market, the question of success now items to rest upon the it ores raissqp, If they bring In their hors es in sufficient numbers, uud we be lieve tliey will, the Alliance horse market will continue to be a success and prove a great convenience for both buyers and sellers. Second Monthly Auction Sale of HORSES and MULES JULY 29 AND 3Q onsi sting of 600 Head Native Bred Stock All classes of heavy stuff represented yearlings, two-year-olds, three-year-olds, mares and colts, dry mares, and a good number of broke horses Our First Sale Being Something of an Experiment many Consignors Did not Bring in their beat Horses. We Have Assurances that bat ter Stuff Will be Offered at this Salt. Inspection Free-Shipment Guaranteed to any State Sale as Advertised-No Postponement The Wright Com. Co. For Further Information Writs or Wire, EDGAR W. ANCE, NEBR. I. M. HAMPTON. Clark First National Bank. ailiasca. Near. WILSON, ALU F. I WHISHT. Auctwnttr Seattsakrff, NsBt FIREMEN'S s v villi AIIILII I Big Tims Expected at Nebraska Stats Volunteer Firemen's Tournament Next Week Great Rebuilding Sale Why we urge upon you the importance of buying your suit here SPECIAL SPECIAL We place on sale all our $20.00 and $22.50 Men's andYoung Men's Suits, while thev last EI K INC AID a 0 $14.75 It you ileshv the very to OB baVd in suit at the lowest prices consistent with modern mervhandis iujf, you to waste no time in enrolling your nanie as a patron of this superior institution. Norton's (The Store With a Conscience) K. 3, Stern left lat Friday OB l;! for Gordo.) to tt t n l to business unit tei. 0 m Mr, and Mrs. Mont;- Margraves have moved into their net bunii-ilow at 717 Cheyenne Ave. e e Will Ilartinan. wht is employed by the Burlington at Uneottt, wa ; an Alliance visitor lasi week. Miss Etta Keane has taken the 1 1 1 tion in the electric M0M office formerly held by Mrs. Kennedy. Attorney Wtlhlte of Rus'.iyille, who is county attorney of Sheridan county, had business in Alliance on last Friday. Mrs. I). W. Hughes and daughter. Stella, went to Sottsbluff Friday to remain over Sunday, returning Mon d ny noon. a Mr. ;;:id Mrs. Angus' HelStboH Of Hushville visited .it the home of I; r son, Kd. Helinboldt. from Sun day to Monday. Mrs. Henry Waiscti of QsUsbarS, Illinois, was i:i our ..y last w ek. She came tr attend the funeral of her mot Ik r, Mis. Fra.ier. Mrs. R H. Watkios and daughter. Mm. Kennedy, left the first or the email for Ixmg Beach. California, where they will up ud th summer. Rev. II. H. lUterback. pastor of the Gering Christian church, preached In tiie ourt hou.-e hall ai Alliance last Saturday nigh; an I Suaday He left for tOOse in the afternoon train Mon t'tiy. The Claytor nad Simmon.-, b.trh r strop i-H now nrnaioontoal with fine mounted deer head, which llany I. Ciaytor brought book front the Block Hills but weak. lUv. .1. 11. Brown, of t he First Presbyterian church, preached!' they .n at Hilca last Sunday morning and I" Kllltd by night for Rev. 1. W. Vlontjrosaei pa. or evuugeliat, wiio in turn preach ed for Mr. Brown at the same time from ttounc.l Bluffs, Iowa, gbout a inont i ago He has decVled that thla wttli good pbe e n. run an automo bile, .'jlr and general machine siiop, ;i s wilt be eeti by Hg iilvmlhsfinfflt in thia kwue of The Herald. Sheriff A. I). New of Rushvllle, whose visit to Illinois i mentioned in our "Scisaorw and Pate" depart -ment, was called back to Nebraska on official buslm-ae. He stonned ov er in Alliance Monday OS bit way to Canada, where lie went to bring book a man charged with defrauding a book on a mortgage At a meeting ot the Home Micron committee of tile llox Butte presby tery of the Piv-byerian chureh, held in Scottabluff lust week, a mo tion Wita made and carried that a manse be provided for t iie pa-tor-evangelist of the presbytery, t h e same presumably to be located in Al liance. Rev. L). . Montgomery will take the matter up with the proper authorities in the Eaat. Jolin Shay, clerk at the round house office, left last night for Fort land, Oregon He was accompanied by hia mother and States', who will remain at Portland for MOM time John Intends visiting Vancouver, B. C. ; San Diego. California, and other coast points, returning to his dqtlfif in Alliance in about a inoutli. lin ing his abseii e his position w".l b. fRtsd by .laiii-s ll Wott. Mr. and Mrs. F. Ilouser and sou Johnny, and Mr. anil Mrs. Harry I.. Clsytor formed an outing party for a trip to the Black Hills last week. They left Alliance Wdenesday nigh:, going first to Hot S.riiiga, wh?re ,i. hey vis. -d a couple of days li Mr and Mrs. Win. Hye. Fi nn bgOfS they went to Spesrl'sh auu i-i' d a few days with Mr-'s grautl psrsotSj Postmaster and Mrs. John Bell, They it urn d the la: or the week and report having had a splen did time. Word has he.-n received in Alltan -e that Sum Franklin and family, who moed from this ii;y .. ; ie souMi. in pait of Mexico a rew yeir-t :gn. have I ft I hit country and are now in vbe United Stau. Tiny wot expt jied to arrive jn Blnulugiitttu, Alabamu, the latter par; of Utrt week It will be remembered ttu it i -.m eoMffy for them to appeal to AI lian e fi n fids for aid some tiUS -iv J .ii order that they might Icive Mei- i i nii;er tf be- the Mexicans. ENJOY NORFOLK HOSPITALITY man Of .muviNG BANK IUILDING Work has been commenced on the AIManee National Hank building which rU! whee completed very much improve the sppesranoe. The mor tar between the bricks on the out side Is being rooted out, preparatory o smoothing up the same with ce ment, sAer whtrh the building vlil be painted and the brick part, penciled. rtiritu oi r - tf' iatiik , i the executive comnirrtee. sends The Herald the following an nouncement: extraordinary preparat Ions have been made by the Nebraska State Volunteer Firemen's Association to make this year's tournament at Nor I ik. Nebr., July T.:, 14, and N a sue (L S, Over 3,600 worth Of prizes will be uit away and hundreds of eeiting contests have been arranged. Kvery fireman who will visit the tournament will be well taken care of and accommodations have been ar ranged to take care of every visitor Citizens of Nebraska will find plenty of excitement If they visit this tournament. Many bands are to furn ish abundant mus4c, and one building has been pun based to bum up Kx citing fire fights are s'heduled and some of the rar-es promise to be spec- t I' ular. Many tree exhibitions of a spectai ular nature are to he pulled off. ( BIG SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY Night Train Will Stop at Hemingford For Return F.ffi i I era b oig mad io tnak 'he annual c!-.en; en of tli Itox Bu 'e Cour y Sun lay SchoLl asocia leu, which is o be h'.d it Heni-In-iford next Vedned'jy, :iie biggt t uaven"t::j i:i the hifory of the e sD :.i;icn, If po :ble. At will be .- vn by the program published v:i anther column, pei 'o is n go from Aitiaoce cn 4 i VVOOJU I utty an l arrive tin tn : tie tor ;ne f'tv s-ctioa of :l-a e;dt it Ice. Ar- i i.i'; -men's line he .1 mid. ,o have 42, 'i - n. tin ra' i go'it ao'i'h. c. i H aHrjford that saj . It U ex I'd :nat a tare r. miu r .n go from AVHoaee ar i cord's! 'nvi.'i I . n i I extended to a'l dj :. YOUNG MEN'S BIBLE CLASS i'ne Y. M V. Si ,.'Jt. the First Presbyterian church Fri day evening at eight o'clock. The first chapter of Romans will he tak en up for discussion. a NOTICE TO TRESPA38ER8 Notice Is hereby given that tres passing Is positively forblden on I Hons 21, 22,21 and 28, town 26, range 48, By order of the owner, MRS. NKI.UF. KICKKN. 31-4-t.15:J PUBLIC AUCTION At the Checkered Front Mvery Barn, Saturday, July 2", It It, at USQ o'clock, I will sell the following de scribed property: One horse, I) years old, broke; One !t year old mare, 'oil ! side, broke; Twu 4 year old mares with colt, broke; One 5 year old mare, unbroke; One : year old mare unbroke; One 2 year old mare; One -saddle pony; Two yeariin ;s: Two milch cows; One siring way on. TKRMS Six months time, at ten pert cent. MRS. SARAH BOMUOARDNBIt, Owner. R. M. Hampton. Cltrk; II. P. toursey. Auctioneer. 31-3-lSSS A. J. KENNEDY DENTIST Ottice io Alliance National Bank Blk Over Postoffice. 'Phone 3QI, hi 1 1 i i 1 1 1 n n ip departure of F. A. 1UV. D. V. Motngomfry left Sunday n for MadUou, W's in s. i. to aUtud Hie Ctilvtft Siniiin.i Sctiool of Country l.ifu . He go s S 1! til Brown, who to Hot Springs, under the due Mon of (he Home M.s R.mth l.i kola lor medical at 1 1 ill ion . m mary Hoard of New Y irk City. He the Crystal tbsgtOT has been uuder OV til be at Maduson ten days and from tlM managemn.: of the Bagle loslge ! Hi. re will gu to Wash nv CO, I). C.. of this ttty. Tlte shown put on are where he will remain a week or more clean and up-to-date, and the theater H- will bt .a Hie . jj; a ;.y over well deserve, the large patronage it ! Sua !.iy aad i'l preae.i a. the Moun has been rec ", ing took charge. skiee the lolge W. I), i I ii i in-ion. a prac tical roa chlniat, who la a brother-in-iaw of Herman Slille. arrived in Alliance PI- yit.t Can gr eg 'J 'nal i iiurch. Be fore I tire og to Alii ile he will visit Philadelph a ;.nd New York. II. K Boon i.s eOOf tied to hi bed will a severe cus - of rlieinnal ism. NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY The Alliance teie;hcae directory ii iriuted time limes dur ng a ft s. ini a betPS ri idy for dai'.v.'.ry the fir t of A t i .. AUfU ' ind Dp 11 b r. Wctk 1 .s b m i lunni ; I oa :.i' tlire: 'try fir August If. All jet-:; w )0 ,.X m to make, u n y DosaBS iu th nr tetepbcM cijaiber i or in- ill i -ph. a a, -h-a d ii -: if y the biu'r.'fs ntinagtr of th? Ai'. ..l; exi it ingc .mine.' at l . - tjiat tlie'r natiie.s anal lelep'totn- nuur li i - n: ly iiip. ar in ihe n dire : oty. ... . i M. E. LAOIES' AID The Ladies' Aid ri' of "he M. K. church will uie. nex Yedn. day. afttrncon at ftSS, J 'he BOOM of Mrs. i.. s. Oeexpbail, mu4 Big Kom e A (nltiionary progruin has lieen nrrang.'d. l.i -i -h l l h j , "m i a. i .'iu. All in-mbirs and i ri-nds are cordially invited Dr. JAS. P. HAXFIELD Dentist OVER BRENNAN'S DRUG STORE All Electrical Equipment Evenings by Appointment PHONE 525 RED DR. L.W. BOWHAN Office Upstairs, First National Bank Building Phone, Office 32 Phone, Residence 1ft ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA General Machine Shop On or about, July 25, we will open au automobile repair and general machine shop on We art Second St., ju-i west of Rni:. wold's bluckcmUh hup. HARRINGTON 00 !2 i i::k Miss Laura Mouii'-. eatertaised a! We ion. . meats of kuraes. few friends last even. tig at u bit h t olls and inulea lor our coming aale. dav poft in honor o! NOTOiSa Me '.lul and St. t orkl A most euJoahh time is re 1 WK1HHT COM M ISSlOiN CO l-irted. ;2-2-13ti7 4