Three-Chair Shop I'p-to-Date Bath Rooms CLAYTOR & SIMMONS 211 Box Butte Ave. Shower Baths in Connection First-Class Work Satisfaction Guaranteed NEW STOCK MEN'S SHOES M. D. Nichols has received a new stock of men's shoes, which he has for sale at his shop, 217 Box Butte avenue. Men's fine dress shoes, work shoes and medium grades. These are the J. P. Dunn shoes, and are dependable goods. They have the style, fit and wear, the three things you want in shoes. Call and get prices. CORRESPONDENCE eooooooooooooooo o BINGHAM o 0000000000000000 ( Received iHKt pnhllration. week too late for Mm. I'm ilk OWbaujrh. In company with her mother -in-law went to A 111- ance for metU-nil aid. ... Art Cameron went to Hyarvni to make final' proof tinder the new Inw. Mii mis llolmnn of the Chicago set tlement returived from A II in nt- Mon day Wm. Hreekner wan In Alliance on bulnet the fore part of the at Art SlbbM wan a ialler at Breekner home TtieHflay. t h e The dance at Anly Appleftaurth'fi w largely a.lteixlril, In npite of the whower the fore part of the evening. Our dentist will 1niv Thnrgdey for Spade, Nebr.. where he will do some dental work for a few day. A. .1. Abbol made H In Bingham Wednesday. eull S. Burton and R eat fro Bros, brand ed cuttle Wednesday which they are in shares on. Roy Strong, the traveling salesman of Alliance was in llinaham Tuesday. 0000000000000000 o MOUNT PLEASANT o 0000000000000060 (Hi eiwd liist public ill inn. I rk too lute for Pine rains ;ind crOfM) lookinp i 1 1 - -... The phone rs a good place lo t the irews. We heard Kit tin) Met Of nay she is going to quit teaching and run h 10 cervt store In In.r home town. Mrs. .mil Mrs. .1. C. Wright too!. dinner at J. ('. Hawkins' Sunday. V Mm. J. C. Hawkins was calling on Mrs. Iee Marsh Friday afternoon aurd had a pleasant time. Mis Kthel and Shirley Hagaman were up from the aand hills Sunday and attended Sunday School. There was a good attendance :'' the Mi. Pleasiwut Sundiiy School on Sunday. a Mr and Mrs McLaUghUo and children were visiting Mr. and Mrs Q gorge t'liirk over Sunday. CHURCH DEDICATION Immanuel'i German Lutheran Church, Northeast Corner Seventh St. And Yellowetone Avenue NEXT SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 1912 Next Sunday, June M, Immanuels Ciii.iiiu Lutheran church will be ded ti'atetl to the aervlces of the Ivord. That will certa.inly be a day of grenA Joy and thanksgiving for the member of this littie Lutheran congregation. After many years of hard struggled and trla.ln they have finally come to their own. s many readers of this paper Met undoubtedly know, a German Luther an mission in and about Alliance has been carried on for the lam twenty years. Thie mission was started In the year 189:t by Rev. J. D. 8chroe der, at that time living at Iteming ford and now residing at Grafton. WJflconriii. lie conducted the fiirsd. Luttieran service In this vicinity on the 18th of September, in the year IMS, In a little sod aehoolhous four miles north of Alliance. Iater on services wire held In the M. E. church. After Rev Schroeder's departure from ll .n'ngfnrd in the year 1895 this mis- . i..: was served by J he pas tors, Wundi i ;ich, Winges, Schulz, Rxgern and Itoxatk, who in suites : D reside 'I at HeminRford and preached at intervals in Alliance. Thpy c'jnducttd services In various la alitk, for some time in the M. Ij. chin h. then in the court house, than several times in the German Congro- ' 'Mil lllll. Il !in,l 1 l . i 1 in ,.L ., I In. 11 In the year 1011 Ui Kev. Titus Lane, w-fto w.-:s i!;i (I in oharva of Hi ' UuOMran tulasion district In this pail of ilu Mate was called upon to make his reside r e in UUuw. (Tndei' his leadership a Sunday school a x igr.'gation and a tierman Kuglish parocbi&i achool were organized and Lha Drake building on Sweetwater a' i ,ie wa.s rented for church and boOl purposes. This hall howev r. being quite small and inconvenient, the congregation decided to build a Chun h of its own. A lot was pur chased on the corner of Yellowstone anue and Seventh street and the present building erected. The same is 40 x 24 PL, and It ft. from floor to ceiling, has a hall and belfry and M appropriately furnished for church I id I hool purposes.. Srevici s will be londiuted in this new church for the first time next TWajestic E.RM8E REPUTATION! In caae of serious illness, you wouldn't call in any old doc tor, but would get the best doctor you knew of, Tba Doctor with a Reputation, the doctor that has shown his worth by years of good honest service. Then why buy any old targe, when you can get The Great Majestic, The Range with a reputation a reputation won by years of constant, honest and economical aervice. The Majeatlc Is made right OF NON-BREAKABLE MALLE ABLE IRON, and RUST-RESISTING CHARCOAL IRON. All parta of the Majestic are riveted together (not bolted) practic ally airtight no cold entera range or hot air escapes, thus bak ing perfect with about naif the fuel used in a range that is bolt ed and pasted together with stove putty. The All-Copper Movable Reservoir on the Majestic is ab solutely the only reservoir worthy of the name. It heats 15 gal lons of water while breakfast is cooking, and when water boils it can be moved away from fire by simply shifting lever. Call at our store and let us show you wthy the Majeatlc is absolutely the best range on the market. Your neighbor has one ask her. All styles and sizes. I. L. ACHESON PHELAN OPERA HOUSE BLOCK 44 Say Order by Telephone" s the Up-to-Date Merchant Occasionally every mer chant get 'requests for sonie-thinK he does not have in stock. Then he resorts to the Long Distance Tele phone and orders at once. (iroeerytnen, general store managers, and the proprie tors of most retail establish ments, have harnessed the Bell Telephone to their busi ness and are catering to telephone trade. Telephone Convenience Far Exceeds Its Cost. Nebraska Telephone Co, Bell Telephone Lines Reach Nearly Everywhere. Mrs J. C. Hawkins were S. .Miii ley's one iliiy la Mrs. W S. Dakar were ii. H ifji iii i mi Sunday and Mr. and viwittnn I' week. Mr anil vtwiting had a tin time. Mrs. J. C. ll.iwkln was collin on Mrs. Kamadeli, v ho h..s a fine garden. m There will be a Pom h of July vel ebratkW, in Mr. Q, H, H-agamnn's notra. Kveiybv.'dy i-ome. Mrs V. S Cokar 1b still bathing. W. S. ta still courting. He is one of the Juryman. w llr.icle I'olman of Allianve has baOO visiting Miss i:ru Ookar the LaeH two weeks Mr. I.yri Cain well from the hills was ovfiniglu visitor at the home of .1. C. Hawkins Monday night. Th I! raid has a b-iter from L. S. llarni s reuuefiting that his ad dress for the pa per be changed from l-os Angelts to 72! North liberty street, Snlem, Oregon. Sllll Li Ttwfr u ill ho u li. i m:lli service In the morning commencing I CJopief OH application at 10 o clock, in wliich Rev. H. J. Bgvold, of Saottabiuff, win praack Ike aertnon, and l-:n-lish service in Hi" a! einccn M 3;SQ o'clock, in which Rav. Kiltart from UaMon, Neb. vvV) pr a:h, audi a fliaHIIMIl stuvice In tba eA-eniiig COOAootad by th" lo raJ pastor. Rev. Titus Lang. The congregation kindly invites all i's friends to attend these services .,n i partake of her Joy ami thank f;i:ng, and wishes to thank most lH'art:v all her jiatrons who kindly helped her in building this new H tla chur, h. HAVE YOUR TICKET READ "BURLINGTON". Diverse Route Tours of the East Comprehensive vacation tonrs of the East to New York and Boston are announced, going and returning by a combination of routes, including the coast journey between Old Point Comfort. New York' and Boston, or the sound steamer journey between New York and "Boston. You can go one way through the St. Lawrence region, via Montreal, Quebec or Lake Champlain, the other way via direct routes, or vice versa. Limit is 60 days. SIILL LOWER RATES WITH SIXTY DAY LIMIT. Same routes to and from New York, New Jersey resorts, Boston. New England. Canada: Buffalo, Detroit, and various destinations. ALL SIMMER LIMITS. Summer tourist rates with all summer limits to all Eastern resorts, Canada, the Lake region, Chicago, Detroit, etc. Special leaflet of Eastern vacation tours and rates is available. Let us help you plan your trip. J. KRIDELBAUGH, Agent Alliance L W. WAKELEY. G. P. A., Omaha f I oooooooooooooooo o BEREA NEWS o oooooooooooooooo We are having tine raiiif. KnieM PMwJta pwrrkaatj a fine hig Kord automobile last Saturday. a m I'hose visiting A. .1 tVaghagan'6 Siiiul.iv were .lusciih tf.iikhnrsl ami laughter Lillie and Ko.-e Kn:tip. v's i w Hopkins. Qraol Keaaao. vm. Hiu kllis and ilaughli r Kffie. Most Of the neighbors attended! the itinera I ot John weneii's ay Alliance Meat Company C. B, PHILLIPS, Mgr. 20S BOX BUTTE JS V ML FULL LINE OF MEATS Best Goods at Living Prices Phone At -Well Drilling Machinery IM M mtakak BUt mOat biUIlm aalla 1 Bl la .llki 1 1 of r k Ikat k - u -. cr4t4. 1 he laiaabd fa walLe t ai ajrwa oh 'm afliayi kt lb ittcLlMI mom tVt or Weill Drill tare ttiair tmm urieaa WahaiMiL.ui. rl OWKLI. II ! Well Uatt ,.WI fM kU- 4 w hj: wlm f tUI ! fvr all prata a 4 in lUai of UHf araUna tm ta m al ia-l-4t o til alA tt all ib Utajai . -u jr tff tjmIf tr 4 aUampl. P fvt r . ar4 4 Ta r tT R. R?H0WEIUC0, Minneapolis. Minn .1. P. Nieln, one of the ranchmen oi !he Orlaiuio neisUhorhood, wa trantMLTMng bOaaaai in Allkinre the finsfc of the week. There In more r.narrr in taM wnlon of the eo.imr, th in ull other dlteawa i it tonetber. and until the IhM yeara waa auppofted to ba Incurable. Kor a Kreat mm' rrs Uu-ii.rit nmnouncrd It a local dlN'.;Bc and preacrlbcd lucul r- in. iii and hy iaiHtantly falllnit o cure with local treatment, urommnccu u incuranie Kci.'nee has proven talarrli lo Im n co.islltuttoMil dlr- r-.tae. and thereftre reouiren einsil1utlmal tnatnient. ilill'a Ottarrh t'nir. rnanutacturcd by h. J. Cheney Co.. Toledo. Ohio, la the only ('.institutional tire on ihe market. It l taken InlirnMllv In doocn Hum ill drooa to a teaauoonful. It act directly on the blood and mucous surfncea 01 uie system Thcv .n'r one tuindriMl dollars for any ease it f for circulars and testimonials Addrraa F. J. CHKNCV A CO.. Toledo. Ohm Sold lv DtUaTalwa, ; c Take Hall'a l-amlly r for ronatlpaUaa. Ijlla to curi'. Send DOYLE & MOON Cont ractors Plans, Specifications and Estimates Furnished Without Charqe TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE Members Local Union No. 1138 PHONES: QQ and Red 4-40 C.i B. & Q. Time Table May Kffeotive COflUBaOCtBfl 1912, Mountain Time. Eastbound Arrive Leave o. 42- Daily 12:13am 12:45am So. 44 Daily 1 1 : 20am I I : 40am Westbound Arrive Leave Ma 41 Daily. Edemont. Black HHla, Billings. ;! 55am 4 1am ; So. 43--Daily. Edgemtmt. Blll- iuiia, I2::0pm l2 5opm Southbound Arrive Leave luiont cveryoiiv is thru plant inn ' No. 301 Daily, Bridgeport, slum aruiia near t.crea. Denver -SV V' OA' t". . I . I ' . . I . . . ...... C K. Wilson ol KIIMirth a n d ! ''""fi"". Itaj (kuaaroa of Din bain Arov nu to Aliiauoe Kriday m the fernai car, raaajUg to take in tlie balaiK-f of ' ii convention miTt;inin nt jBjM J anaamza' o. wnh an-, aatglri j M Sh Office at Rodgers' Grocery, Phone 1. JOHN GARRETT Successor to Frank Wallaci) Transfer Line Household goods moved promptlv and transfer work solicited. Rat. phone 583 VY. M llj.Utns li ' a tM tallc cow last Monday. ...inn lS:SOpno Denver; daily except Sunday, Quai aaay From South Arrive Leave Mr mI Mrs V M W .... .. a d Nj 32-Dailj dausiHir ol Ellsworth atitoetl it tins' No. 304 Dnil) ll:X0an Oat Kritlay. oiii):uin'd by Mr : - RtJ 0ni'i' 'i nd ' ii iiinl liaiiiAlit. i POST OFFICE DIRECTORY ot WmItIoo, low ii, who arc visit inu , rati aaa la m.uMi Sheridan eoaay , nails close at the Alliance post . . L . , , ! office aa followa, Mountain tini: J. t. Morrow ol SroMsbluM came ... tin lua kvi.i-iv uii. I it,. tast Bound ( II .lllllllll T I.-1 ',. Ill t'd n iliv i ,k i.i thv coiavetttlon Boards f'- Ji descriptions Ywti "or any art a jIW 3 house or barn. v : rJK Oierks Lumber tS Coal To. Phone 22 IL Waters, Mgr. My new stock of 'Kht- II- iuf.ii iHd t II raid! Ilia iii.-v art- expoetinjc to liar; a bit; i'"" 'he BluflH on Dki Ko-ir:h. Mr. and air W, A Koitl of Shri j d.ia n itaxp'i lu Alliance on taVaaT way I iiome 1 ti w.-k I'll-) l"i iMfii on tiieir waddtaa lour. havu vitiited la Denver ami ioiiH in atm lowu . ( V ' 1 . . I . . i ..i , ..... &-Mr4 ii.. Kiies of Mr and Mr. Frank fon-to c,OM at 6:00 P- m 'st norw 11:00 p. m. IRA E. TASH, P. M. 11:1a a. in lor train No. 44. 11:00 p. in. lor train No. 42. West Bound 12:20 p. n. lor train No. 4.!. 11:00 p. m. for train No. 41. South Bound 12:20 p. ta. for train No. 403. 11:00 p. m. for train No. 301. On Sundays and holiday ull night PLUMBING GOODS Is now arriving Something new in Bath 4ft JTubs and Closets. Come in and get prices before buying elsewhere. 0 m E. W. RAY Plumbing and Heating il Phone 720 (Ireen