Classified Advertisements The following "Want Adi" are classified under appropriate headings for the convenience o readers. CASH RATES One cent per "o. d each insertion. No ad received for less than ten cents per Inser tion. Black face double rate. CREDIT RATES One cent per vDfd each insertion, but no advertis ing account opened for less than rwenty-five cents and no ad charged Tor less than fifteen cents per week. Black face double rate. Ir answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw It In this paper. A classified advertisement will In troduce to each other the next buy er and the next seller of property In this town. ABSTRACTERS F. E. REDDISH Bonded Abstracter. I have the only set of abstract : oks in Box Butte county. Office In McCorkle Building. 10-tf-570 TO RENT FURNISHKD ROOMING Et O UBS TO RENT. Very desirable location. Inquire at Herald office 27'fHls ITIVE ROOiM HOUSE TO REXT, or will rent three rooms. 31 7 We?: Fourth St. Phone 674 20tf1 226 FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. 314 Sweetwater Ave., Phone 387. Iltfl083 FOR RENT. Office or living rooms. First Nat 'I Bank Building. 17tfll86 MISCELLANEOUS Wallace's Dray Line makes a spe cialty of moving pianos and other ar ticles requiring careful handling. Of fice phone, 5; residence, 4S. Call UP when you want any hauling done. 2tfl2S8 Money to loan on real estate. F. t. Reddish. 3tf Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and peats. Phone 71. tt Coal office at Rowan's feed store. ROWAN & WRIGHT, phone 71. tf FOUND -A bunch of keys was found June 14 and left at this office. Owner can have same by paying for this notice. 2S.SM819 OMAH A-POSTEN, svensk tidning, till arets slut med Sverigekarta for 50c. 27 5-1305 HOUSE TO TRADE for re.niuish ment or sell. Box 955. 2'--2''-1336 A'ani'.ed A good saddle hor.e. W. H. Zehrung. Phone 287. L". 2-1340 Old papers at The Herald office al 5 cents per bunch. PAINE FISHBURN GRANITE COM PANY, GRAND ISLAND, NEBR., Make the best monuments and will save you money. Call on AL. WIK ER, local salesman of Alliance, or send to Grand Island for price list. Feed and Sale Barn NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The Alliance A. M. E. church has two solicitors in the field, and only two, Mrs. Mary Shores and Mrs. Blanche Henry, soliciting funds for the erection of a church building. MRS. P. M, MAX FIE LI), Pastor. BASKET DINNER AND PICNIC LEGAL BLANKS A large line of conveyancing and other legal blanks Is carried in stock at the office of The Alliance Herald. We can supply these In any quantity desired. Following is a list of some of the blanks carried In stock: Agreement for Building Agreement for Warranty Ieed Assignment of Mortgage Application for Druggist's Permit Administrator's or Executor's Deed Bond for Deed Bill of Sale Chattel Lease Contract for Real Estate Farm Lease Est ray Notice Miscellaneous Bond Quit Claim Deed Release of Mechanic's laien Subpoena Warranty Deed Warrant Writ of Replevin Release of Mortgage Option Contrad Peddler's State Lit ease Mechanic s Lk-n Notes Real Estate Mortgage Extension of Mortgage Indemnity Bond Lease of City Property Iease of Personal Property lyease Mortgage Deed Mortgage for Coupon Notes Contract for Sale of Real Estate Mortgage Contractor's Bond The above list includes only a part of the blanks which we carry In stock It there is any other blank that you wish, call at our office, or write for It, and we will supply the same in any quantity you desire. HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY, Alliance. Nebraska. DR. F. W. BO LAND Office Over First State Bank Memingford. Nebr. LIVESTOCK PRICES AT THE A rtTlTmmtnn AT CnilTU nilAU A HUKtM hi ouuiii uMunn Beet Steers About Steady ant Cow Stuff Seils Lower. H06S STEADY TO A NICKEL OFF arw jaW U. P. CHURCH Sheep Supplies Comparatively Light. Market in Pretty Good Shape Cali fornia and Oron Spring Lambs BorUrjrt $7.50(W7 75 Iowa Lambs, 18.00. I niou Stoclv Vanl.-. s.ith Oni'lut." I US 24. tattle receipts were soma A ltai larger than on tic prev ions Mm i.y. aw till rather small for tht.vj7:30 p. m. First Sunday In each line of the yai. Ahottt 3.3fl cat! e iniv ii and only a limited nttmhei CONDENSED NEWS rag Farm Land '10 an acre attclobrpartbas cJ ia lb. Ssataaast alassjtsM SoulKf m Railway, Mobil. 4 Ok,. R.R. Ga. Sa. A Fla. Its. ckarcaea, scaooU. at an. sad impwi aiffcsrars. LIVE STOCK. POULTRY AND DAIRYING buai ess pay. btf , and is conducted at mallei coat than in other sections of the country. Lniutiaat pasturasr and arern heldi the whole real 'round aka this possible. ALFALFA GROWS abundantly in aeariy all parts oi the Southeast. Maay ai re, produos 4 to 6 tons, illiia locally from $1 4 per ton up. APPLES. FRUIT, TRUCK AND COTTON an other big paying crops. Apple orchards act $100 to $500 aa acre, aad truck gardening $200 up. CLIMATE UNSURPASSED Erary day Is Aa year ana can work ia his fields. These long seasons allow raising two and three crops from the same soil each year. lave Opened to the public my barn for feed and sale, and Invite nil my fr'enda to call when in Alliance. vf I SIMON SPRY. I saake this possible. S ISubscnpnon to South- safll era Field and book- SssTsamV iet.cuStstr.of Vs.. ErnmTm aaaM N.&5 Car.Ga.. aKB?lU1 Fla . Ala.. Mis... SjVBB aVsaaf M. V. RICHARDS. FsB m L. snd I Aseat. WSfl "IT u. saSBsT H Sontkcru Riilvrss, UJaajlajV K.r ' . ,Wi,h,intn.D.fJ n our i Mrs. It. R. Reddislt will be plaasad ix) see every member of the Ladles' Aid of the First Presbyterian church mi rwr home. 17 miles south west of Alliance, July 4th. for a basket din ner and old fashioned picnic. E. C. Whisman, painting contractor. imtfl4 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Good location, good trade. Reason for selling, failing health of proprie tor. Building to rent. Inquire at Herald office. 274M317 HOUSE FOR SALE Nine rooms; Ueo bath room, pantry ami close-a : east front GEORtiE PAUUCL, M-tMMS 604 Mieooarl Ave. FOR SALE, NOTION STORK (Joed location. Will sell cheap. Call or write Mrs. A. H. Kraut. H a f Sprins, Nebr, for full particulars. I 2-ltM337 Several thousand brick for sale l. ap Call at I'ardey liakery. 29-2-1 341 Let US RINT SALE BELLi '.DVERTISWG COLUMNS are by the people because it gives th n i. $ of abiorbititf in terest. People nt longer go looking .;!. ut for things they wat t they go to their ncvspaper for information .s to where such things may be found. This method saves time and trouble. If ymi want to bring your wares to the atten tion of this community, our advertising columns Shouid Contain Your Ad 3 r Acre prod, enough lor beef. Fat cut :le rule I full) steady with best leaves at $1,110. Cows ami heiier aare 4ufi5"c lower than last Thursday Hid si w at that ynit- a few stock' .is and teed era chantted bands and at narjv prices all around. Quotations on cattle: Choice ti trim. i beces. t.OOfr9.25; srood to hoic he . 8,C9fJ9.O0; fair to good jee-. . 18001.811; common to fa!' saeras $t;SoJ7.83; good to choice -loiters. $' 2",f; 7.tit: good to choice cws. .1'?t .5t : fair to good grades, M-S0Q34d; oarvners and cutters, $2.60 "L20; veal calves, $4.(008.00; bulls, on, etc , $4 I0h7.00: choice to prime VedT, I4.I50T.OO; good to choice feeder.- BS08J8; Ihlr to good feed .ts, $4.7998 2S c otninon to lair feed rS, $1 2r,4JL75: stock cows nnd helf r, $'! ',n 3 2". The run oi hogs w;.s very liberal, uearlv fl.tion h"ud. and this created a oni"whit easier tone to tha trade, al though In tba main prices were on n p?r wit'i S.-it-.trila v's sales Th.' doaa whs s?v weak, however, and abCMlt I btckal lewer Tops brought $7. fit), tht same aa on Saturday, and the bull; old at $7.'l04J7.50, as against $7.40ffi 7.M Satiirdn. Prices were rally 3tV i lull -r t';?r thay were on the previous I on day Quite a lew sheep and lambs wor1 acetvad ar.d the martcai preaentad no new frtt;r"s. prices rullna about lit idy 'mil the movement being rea ionab)r nrflvr t'" ' ..... . ! . srsrts X I t. Wilbur W'tlght. the notetf aviator died of typhoid fev.T at Dayton. O Hamp'rm s magatlbe ii:t.- luspeoded publlcatloa 8rd ti;e June number will I not be ''sut'd undarwood r tntrodnaad in tbe Bouse the cotton tariff bill, vetoed during the extra session. Denmark ias decideM to have flttini repi -esi-ntation at the PaciftcPanan.a exposit'on. A Danlah liulldina; will bo erected. One entire boalneai lilock of Minor mia, Wis., was uestroed by fli e. t if less beitig ;-bout $10u,000. IiUes'dc hotel was among the buildings ('.. stroyed. () T. Kirrlcv, his wife, daughter and Crandall Kins were drowned when a skiff in which they were crossing tba I Mississippi river at Hannibal, Mo.. I capsized. Charles Wiles' neck was broken and 1 btl mother, Mrs. Cha'ies Si hei tner itorn. was severely injured when their Hutomiblie turned turtle near Hoi comb. 111. To decide whether it will allow smoking on the street cars in Kan.-aa City, tba Metropolitan Street Railway company begaa taking votes of all rait:g pasengers. Andrew Perrault. a real "se of Uta Amoriean revolution," died at Gthmn III., aged .iiitet v-one years. H;s 'yth er enlist". I In Washington's army arp r cnl lixtaon years o!d. Th.- ppwdac bonaa at tba PWdt ri Lead and Zinc Mining compan plsUK bataraca HaaesQran, wis., and Qav tona, HI . Dlew up and Harry Steven son Of Savannah was killed. tavvml sho.s, fii-ed from the Dear born street viaduct, Chicatfo. at poa union fraight handlers at work for the Northwestern ralHoad, ivsalteii in tit mr- red of Charles K Stetlford "Pension Hysteria" la the latest i disease. Professor Bernhaid leolftrea it is alarmingly prevalent sod t) muse is too much paternal ( 10: On a. in. Sunday school. Gi tided Lessons. 7:00 p. m Inc. During the there win ba Young people's meet- nlsseiico of the pai!or no jireiU'ltiTiK services Wetlnesday even- I 'raver meeting. ing, at 8:00. A. L GODFREY, Pastor. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundaya of each month at 11:00 a. m. and month at li:00 a. m Sunday School every Sunday at 10:00 a. m. .Junior Auxiliary, Chapter A. meets every Tuesday at 7:30 p. tu. Junior Auxil iary, Chapter B, meets at 2:30 every Sunday afternoon. GEO. O. WARE, Missionary. GERMAN EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH Corner Yellowstone Ave. and 7th St. Tlierc will be no Sabbath school next Sunday on account of the dedi cation services, notice of which is published in this Issue of The Herald Kverv body is cordially invited. , TITUS LANG. Pastor. To:; Niobrara Ave., phone :;."'' FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ii a.m. Sabbath School. 11:00 a.m. Morning worship. 3:00 p.m. Junior C. E. 7:00 p. m. Christian Kndenvor. 8HW p.m. Evening worship Morning sermon topic, ' The Satis faction Of Chri.-i' . Kvcniug. "Our National Freedom". 7:30 p.m. Thursday. Bible class es. 8:00 p.m. Thursday, Midweek nroyar meeting. A cordial welcome to all. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Olin S. Baker, Pastor FOURTH OF JULY PiCNIC Picnic Celebtation Id be Htid a'. Ash Grove, Four Miles North Of Alliance CORC)i A i'l. INVITATION T O ALL The i -tide ef th" neighborhood have decided to baft a picnic In the Ah Grov , four m':'.em mrth of Alll iiiiif, an 1 extend a cord;l invitation to all who wish to rctne .here to celebrate The program has nol y been itrrnnged but then' will be a No I speakoi'. ball game, a bow pry dance, rnces of different kinds, and amusements fer btth young and old. We invite you to Ise with us on the Fourth day of Jul. v. Tc foihe and Inine y ur imsket flil . 'I with chicken, cake and pie. Weil have a Jolly time together, this merry, happy band. And in case of sstormy weaiber. there's a potato cellar cloe at hand. oooooo coooooooooo 0 QUAKER VALLEY O oooooooooooooooo Cool night. The gardens begin to need rain. Cutworms are doiivg considerable damage to crope. Miss Lena Scott, who has been v-l-i Itlr.g relative in tlvla part of ihe eoutiiy, atnrlad Pnklay for Grumd Is land, where site will vlwlit with her ini'ie and aunt She will then go on to Iowa, where she will visit rel attvc.s ;,ini friends before returning to her home at Ipswich, S. D. Mi-- Klli ii Garroung attended Sun day school and church last Sunday bavins to drive more than ten mile. but was the first on? there. A great mamy from here at 'ended the wtockmen's cotwentlon ml Alliamce last wesk. a Florence Jamison will spond the week with Marie Awen. Miss Ruth Owen closed a very suc cessful term of school la'stt Friday. a a Mrs. Robbins has a fine, nvv bug 10:00 a. m. Sunday School Graded Bible Classes. I I a. in. Public worship. Sermon to the Young People by the Pastor. 7:00 p. m. Y'ouug people's Ep- worth League meeting. .s un p. in. Public WOlsllip Prayer meeting, Wednesday even- ing. at 8:00. SEVENTH DAY ADVENT! ST Sabbath school at the residence of Mrs. Pilklngton every Saturday af ternoon at .'! o'clock. MRS. JOHN PILKINGTON. Supt. BAPTIST CHURCH 10:00 a. m. 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p. m. S:0o p. m. .Men s Bible Sunday school. Public worship. B. Y. P. U. Evening worshii Class meets on nesday evening at 8 o'clock. Is a men's Bible class and all are wviccnie Mid week Prayer Meeting Thurs day evening at 8 o' dock. GEO. A. WITTE, Pastor. gy. School ed Win. or. election last: Mctidav elect Klmore for tire new direct- Mtssrs. Howe and a.lmlton were shopping In Alliance las Tuesday. a a a .Mrs. Dr. ('hurt hill is siveiid-in-s a few days la All inn m m We don't understand why bui'-T sells for 17V4c, eggs for 12c. when wheat is $2.15, corn $1.96 per hun dred, it costs more to produce a pound of butter or a dozen egs than you can get for them, sayltug nothing ab:iut the wcpV Children's Day bai'h, June :i0, at rybody invited. exnUe next Sab I o'clock p. tn. Ev- Wed This men A. M. E. CHURCH Meetings in Marks' hall, northeast corner Laramie avenue and Third street. Suuday school atlh:::0 a. m Preaching at 8:00 p. m. Ail are wel come. NEIGHBORHOOD PRAYER MEETINGS Tuesday, July 2, 3:00 p. m. E. Reeves, 8o:l Missouri avenue; A R. Ac, 711 Laramie; C. E. j Y punk In, 12H Seet water; J, L. Nit I c lai, si Toluea; J. P. Brown. 412 , , , . . Oh.v.-ime- I TIiiiiu:.s r,ll!l Su .-: 1 VtfUly f-rf Tr w i er. cuMMERCE COURT HIT Supreme Court Upholds Interstate Commerce Commission. Declaring that the commerce court i was uot to substitute itself for the In terstate contnierce commission, the suprentc court of the United States :n decision alter iiecislon reversed ti.o commer.'e court and upheld the inter state comnien e ( omtniss'on The principal decisions were aim nun i by Chief Justice White and concurred in by the entile t ourt. Jurisdiction of the commerce court over (omplainis ef shippers denied by th- Intacstata comtuerce commission, as well a over those recognized by the coanniaafoa through afilnnative ord"l lot reil-f, was denied by the supreme court The suprciii- court reversed the conmerce court's dcls!on v'.ilch would have sllow-d railroads t. carry railroai! coal at lower rates Cian com mercial coal. The Interstate com merce fomnilss'on was upheld. TRIES TO KILL COUNf TISZA sc.: : lieu. PJ i oft artU not a t ou the t onsti Itil'onel anienduient for direct ei r i.on oi s.iiatora until the postofhVe IS.i ipriatloa bill now before it has bt-'cn diapo.-ed of. Inquiry into rates on wheal and ! fiour charged by western railroads bs gun in Chicago belore Special Exaiu ; :ner G Roy la )f th' Interstate com j merce commission. Two hiiuilie.) -end Otty residents of J Siiivj Sing pri.-un went on a strike, de- ; i-lu'ing they were not given enough to j oat The bill of fare waa changed and tne men returned to work. I Bech of tno 4(". uu oriorated towns , I ot Kansas has been asked b the j sute board il health to euact a dras Uc antl fly ord'uance at town meetings I to be held th llrst week of May Edwatd Hicks, who declared there I la no honeat lawyer in the world, and i urgie I his own motion for a new trial, after being convicted of murder at ! Chic ago. was sent meed o life impria . trim. .in Job Se U Before Going Printing We are here to serve you with anything in the line of printed stationery for your business and personal use. Letter Heads Bill Head Envelopes Cards Wedding Invitations Posters or Announcements Of All Kiads The best quality of work at prices that are RIGHT re Shots at Speaker of Hungar-an House. Cguih TlSSAj president of .he LOWS) iieue of the Hi.igaru'.n parliaments had a narrow . .-cap" iiom assassina tion in the dl t He was fired upon thre-. hmaa by Ireputy Julius Kuvacs, who then bot hlniseli, probably with fatal eiy, ct ( taint 'l is; a r.a sciaiched. Kavats was oi.e of th most mill taut members of the opposition anJ was monj t!:ose who were ejected from the chiimiier Watataarlay baeaosa of disorderl condu t Soon after the proceed inss opened KnVSCa moved to tl'.e front of the gal lery a:d shout. ng "There aie htlll op position members in the chamber," di W a revolver and emptied three chambeis in the direction of the presi dent Tien seemingly chagrined at his bad n.arksmanship. he put two bul lets Into his own body. FREDERICKS LOSING HOPE Not Se Confident of Securing Convic tion of OarrOsv. Is Ar.geles. June lu Obviously annoyed by the course of events In the trial of Ctsieuce 9 Darrow for al leged Jury bribery in the MeXamart case. Dlsflct attorney ii Our Specialty for Ladies Palmer's Summer Coats $6 $7 Wool o Coats 0 Gage Midsummer Millinery in Felts Now In Come in and see them Q. D. Gage Downs Corsets $1 to $10 House Dresses $1.25 $1.50 Muslin Und'wear A Complete Line Ladies' Silk Hose HARPER'S LADIES' TOGGERY FIRST DOOR NORTH FIRST NATIONAL BANK