WILLIAM MITCHELL, ATTOHNtY AT LW. ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA BURTON & WESTOVER Attorneys at Law LAND ATTORNEYS Office First National Bank Bid Fhone t8o. ALLIANCE, NEB. H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, AJLttlArfcCB. in ran. F. M. BROOME I M i ATTORJIE Longexperleneaas Ueeeiver 1' i. I. und nfflit a ftuarutite for prompt ;uid efficient -rlc Office in Opera House Block ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA BRUCE W ILCOX L awyer and Land Attorney Practitioner in civil courts since 1493 an' Kv -tor U. 9. Land Ofte from 1(03 to INT Information by mall a specialty. orrtca in i.ard orrice building a 1 I I AM I - M UK A SUA. Surgeon C. B. A Q Ry. Office Over Holsten s Drug Store ' Day Phone 87 Night Phone 86 OKIE COPPERNOLL Res. Phone 30 F. .1. PKTEKSCf Kea. Phone tt Drs. Copper noli & Peterser OSTEOPATHS Rooms 7, 8 and 9, Rumer Block Phone 43 GEO. J. HAND, PHYSICIAN AND SCROEOl Eye, Ear, Nose and Throai DR. C. H. CHURCHILL PHYSICIAN AND SLRGEON (Successor to Dr. J. E. Moore) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOO Office hours 11-12 a.m. 2-4 p.m. 7:10-9 p. m. Office Fhone 62 Res. Phone, S; T7XCOPSEY Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 300 Rea. Phone 342 Calls answered promptly day and night (n offiice. Offices: Alliance National Baa. BcJldlng over the Post Office. PEOPLE SHOULD GUARD AGAINST APPENDICITIS Alliance people who have stomach and bowel troub! should guard a sninst appendicitis by taking simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as ccmpounded in Adler l-ka, the Off man appendicitis remedy A SIN OLE DOSF. relieves sour stomach, gas on the stomach nnd constipation INSTANTLY b ?nuse this simple mixture antiseptic Izes the digestive organs and draws off the Impurities. Harry Thiele. Druggist. J. P. HAZARD Surveyor and Engineer, ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA Parties out of town should write, as : am out moch of the time. Charges will not ex ceed 15.00 and expenses per day. Dr. Oliver HcEuen Physician and Surgeon HCMINGFORD, NCBR. SPECIALTIES: Diseases of Women and Children and Genito Urinary Organs All calls answued promptly fay 01 mii HARRY P. COURSEY Live Stock aud General Auctiooeei Farm Sales a Specialty TERMS REASONABLE Phone 64 ALLIANCE. NEBR. DR. r. TYLER DENTIST, OPERA HOU8E BLOCK, PHONE 167 Alliance, Nebraska Dhn Sstddy. P;ss May Snoidn Sac. TrMt Nelson Fletcher Fire Insurance Agency INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS REAL ESTATE AND LOANS Alliance, Nebraska Licensed Embalmer Phone j Day 498 ( Nights 10 Those Old Daguerreotypes of Grandfather and Grandmother and Aunt Mary and then the quaint pic tures of Father and Mother taken just after the war money could not buy ihem from you. Are you forgetful of the Csct that the future generations would cherish just such pictures of you? Alliance Art Studio Women! If weak, you need Cardui, the woman's tonic Cardui is made from gentle herbs, acts in a natural manner, and has no bad results, as some of the strong drugs sometimes used. As a med icine a tonic for weak, tired, worn-out women, Cardui has been a popular success for over 50 years. CARDUI The Woman's Tonic Mrs. Lula Watden, of Gramlin, S. C, followed this advice. Read her let ter: "1 was so weak, when I first began to take Cardui, that it tired me to walk just a little. Now, I can do all the general housework, for a family of 9." Try Cardui for your troubles. It may be the very remedy you need. e si Take BAPTIST CONVENTION Report of Northern Bapllat Conven tion Held at Des Moines Received too Late for Publication Last Week EXTRACT FROM THE REPORT After his rot urn from the Northern Baptist convention, held nt Des Moines. May 21 to 29, Re . r.eo. A. Witte very kindly furnished The Her- iild with a report for publication. We regretted that the report whs not received In time for publication in last week's issue. Follow inn Is an extract from the report, which still will be of interest to many readers: Many people were in attendance nt this convention, and especially all of the ministers from the north, the northeast and west. Many questions of vital Interest and importance to Baptists and to the people in gottofal were taken up anil considered. Anions tliem were such as the Indian affair In Oklahoma the searation of church and state, the temperance question, the ques tion of marriage and purity, and many others of lesser Importance. The motto of the convention and Baptist leaders today , "Not more Baptists but a better class". The reason that the work in the world Is not progressing as it did In days gone by is due to the rarl that Christians have forgotten the Bible and the family prayer and alter. Ur. Chal mers, president of the national Bap tist noting Peoples I nlon. says. "The home has been robbed today of the most precious thing In it, the family altar, and the greatest dan ger besetting our young people comes in the home." According to Dr. Btacluoase, who has traveled over these United States for a number of years and noted conditions, "There Is a Kraal call for men, and especially for a man in our political field. Our social schemes or reforms will never solve the problems of today until the spirit of Christ Is manifest in those ( hemes and reforms." The answer to every difficulty in this land 4s the same. Jesus Christ. We need to get back to God and abide by HU word as the final authority In all things. His word applied will solve all problems, nothing else can or will." Lincoln State Journal today and the paper will come to yon: regularly the remainder of this year. It will be a lively year, too. LIVESTOCK PRICES AT SOUTH OMAHA Alliance Shoe Store S. A. fllLLER, Prop. Watch this space for shoe Infor mation. Will be changed every week. What is Your Time Worth? SUNDAY AT FAIRVIEW Interesting Services at the "Little White Church on the Hill", Northeast of Alliance W. C. T. U. PROGRAM SUNDAY I F your time is worth more than fifteen to twenty cents an hour, you can make an I H C gasoline engine pay for itself in a very short time. Many farmers have written us that their I H C engines paid for themselves in cash, to say nothing of the hard work saved, the first year. How ? , IHC Gasoline Engines have no specified working hours. They are ready for any work within their capacity, at any time. They require little attention, and that of the sim plest. They make no strain on your time, temper or pocket book. Get an I H C catalogue or see your local dealer and find out what ten cents' worth of gasoline will do, working in a thoroughly tested general pur pose IHC engine. Made in every style and in 1 to 50-horse power sizes. Kerosene-gasoline tractors, 12 to 45-horse power. International Hamster Company Of America ( Incorporated) Cakate USA IHC Senrico Bureau The purpose of this Bureau is to furnish. free of charge to all. the best iuforiiiji Ion obtainable on better farming. If you have any worthy quest ions concerning sol Is, crops, land drainage, irrigation, fertilizers, etc , make your inquiries ipecllc ind send them to IHC Service Bureau. Harvester Build ing. OlicSfO S A The wide-awake people of the Fairvlew neighborhood are much in terested In the Sunday services held at the church, it is a pleasure for us to publish their announcements and programs. Recently a Children's Lay program was omitted from The Herald by mistake, very much to our regrst. Be'.cw we give the W. C. T. U. pre gram for next Sunday, and an un usually interesting item about last Sunday's service: Program Song -"White Ribbon Ratty Song". Roll Call from Frances E. Wlllard tex' cards, f'rayt r Song "Rock of Age.-". National Flower Mission Report. Heading "France s K. Wlllard and the Uimplighter". Relation by children "A Cluster of Posy Poems". Solo "The New Kingdom", by Mrs. Fred Nascn. Recitation "Angels in Disguise". Blanch Bauer. Kower Mission Responsive Read ing". Dialogue "The Oak Tree's Ad vice". Recitation Valentine Lawrence. Solo "Just for To-day" Mrs. L. J. Munger. Recitation "Who Loves Them Be3t". Rose Bauer. Recitation "The I'se of Flowers". Ruby Bauer. Closing song. This is our annual Flower Mission program and every otie is cordially Invited. Mrs. L. J. Munger, Press Supt. Miss Washburn's Visit lle . Washburn was accompauied Sunday. June 9, by his daughter. MUa Aurilla. a graduate of the Lucy R! ' t Meyer training school for Mi-s;i uaries and deaconesses. She ; ok to us on the subject, "What Cc.i;..utes a Call", giving some of ili urgent needs of the Missionary fields. Miss Washburn goes to the Philippines in the fall, as her place of service and we wish her God speed in her work 'NEWSPAPER ANNOUNCEMENT Reaction in Cattle--Ge.ierally Ten Cents Higher. HOGS OPEN STROM, CLOSE Of F Ltu Tragi vr 0ri)l. the Supply C 0 i - '.tioj L"Qclv o Or.Lji 8tock. Cu ito'r. a and Oejan Furelih Good Supply No Faed Market Exists. Union Stock Yards, Bovith Omaha. June 10. As was genet ally expected the week opens out with a very light run of cattle, about 2.35n head nrriv- lag. pi lees averaged, (ally a dime bet ter than the close of Inst week A choice bunch of 1.44ivpound beeves brought S.!H) while still- is brought $S .55. There was also quite a little Improvement noticeable in the demand tot cewa. und heifers, as well as in the prices paid for them, mostly lOffilv better than last week. Veal calves were lo vigorous demand and bulls, stas, etc., sold In much the same notches as toward the latter part of last week, price for stock cattle and fe-'ding sters I -cmed to rule fully stend or perhaps strong on the few nsttta ti m changed hands. Quotation on cnttle: Choice to prime beev -v $ ;.5tcfi ;.i"iu; good to choice bee) $s 08 IOj talf lo good liee.'cn, $7 Tel ff 7 1 common to fair leevea, g.5nft? gg; good to choice heifer.-- 1(1. 7507.60: good to choice cow. $3.750 7:,; fair to a'.od grades, It.60ty5.gg; canneri .md cutters. $3. no 04.2. : i ai calves, M. 5004.75; bulls, stag, etc.. $4 .00 6 7. Oft: choice to prime feeders. Ift.lSff 0.75; good to choice feed era. g',.2.". U ;.25: fair to good feeders 4.7.fi '5.25; common to fair feeder, 14.18 04.Tg; stock cows and heifers. 13.84)41 4.85. Hog receipts amounted to about 8, 20o head Trade opened steady to strong, but closed weak Best heavy hogs landed at $7.80, identical with Saturday's top. while spreads between hacon and smooth butcher classes were poorly defined within $7.35fT 7.50. If anything, the range In values was a trifle wider than recently, com mon lights and extra good heavies sell ing about 4uc apart. Receipts of sheep and lambs amounted to about 7.300 head Lamb fade In general ruled slow to some lower. California lambs sold at 18.50 with Oregon wethers, minus fleece, at 84 75. Only a small hand of medium ciuality fed stock moved over the scales Practically all the grassers re ceived were fat and with nothing suit able for feeding among the corn-belt ? "r rlngs. No business in this branch ot' the market was reported. 'Qtte tat tool on shorn sheep and lambs: l ambs, aood to choice. $7 ,60 f R.oo; ! ha fair to good. 37 00 7.r..t; ve- Mugs. $5 .7518.35: wethers, $.. 2Vo 5 7..; ewps SI 755 ' 0 Stock No. 36167. Ladies' Tan Suede Colonial Pump with tongue and silk bow, welt sola, Cuban heel Sizes, 2 2 to Widths. A. B, C and D. JM.OO Stock No. 36174. Ladies' Gun Metal ford. Medium heel, w Sizes, 2t ,, to 8 Widths, B. C, O and 4 eyelet Ox elt aole, tip. E 93.50 Stock No. 36176. Same aa 36174 Same Sizes. with McKay Sole. Price, 93.00 Stock No. 36173. Ladies' Gun Metal 2 Strap Pump. Leather bow, plain toe, Cuban heal, welt sole. Sues. 2' 2 to 72. Widtha. B, C and O. $3.50 0 0 0 0 oooo oooooo BINGHAM oooooo 0 0 0 0 oooo Stock No. 36175. Ladles' Vici Kid 4 Eyelet Oxford. Heavy aole, Cuban hael, tip. Sizes, 2' 2 to 8. Widtha, C. O, E and EE. $3.00 Slock No. 36168. Ladies' Tan Inatep Strap Pump. Plain toe, Cuban heel, welt sole. Sizes, 2 3 to 8. Widths. B. C, D and E. $3.50 Stock No. 36164. Ladies' White Roseben. pattern, style and widths as Pries, $3.50 Same 36168. Stock No. 53803. High Grade Ladies' Velvet Plain toe, corded ailk bow. evening or street. Slass, 2'2 to 8. Pump, ran Widths. B, C and D. SM.OO We now have a detiti.-t at I tin ii hum. It' you want to see him, call at his office at the town hotel. Who savs Bingham i not growing? Miss Anna Becker from north of Hyannis visited at the home of Mi ami Mrs. Win. Boulanso of Klls worth. S e f If you want to enjoy yourself he a) the home of Andrew Appleguarth June 15th where a good dance Is pre dicted. Messrs. John Becker, Will Country man and William Chase were visit ors at the home of Wm. Breckner Sunday last. Many were the people that attend ed the dance at the home of Miss Delia Breckner last week some ne for many miles north and south of Bingham. Thanks to them. Mush- was furnished by Clyde Faurdick and Thomas Hale. It was some of the beat. 316 Box Butte Ave. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Use Crescent Mapleine USE NO OTHER BRAND 35c bottle makes two gallons of syrup better than Maple Also flavors cake-frosting, candies, tc. USE NO OTHER g RANDS For sale at all Grocers Mitfe Stella Ureeu in visiting the home of J. H. Wfltaj at C V. Tounson has started with bds well maohine. He has done good work. So far the demand of his ser viette are far In advance. Miss Viola Grift h has again re turned to assist (Jrandmother Kent- fro with her household duties. Mrs. Carl Stamner has gone to O maha for medical aid. There never was such a time iu tlie history of this c-.iuntry for news piper reading, and it is important to read a paper of impartial views one I J. T. Newtou branded hU spring that Is free from any office-st-eklng crop of calves the twelfth. The help ers present were Glen Yaunny and or office-holding influences. The im portant thing to a great newspaper like The Liucolu State Journal is to get trial readers, as it has no (trouble holding them by Us ciuality. The cheapest way to K-t u.-w readctf. 1 to make a special price, which we now do- only 82 for the daily and Sunday paper uutll January I, 19 13 luuch less than the regular price. At that time the paper will atop earn ing unless you order it continued aud pay in advance for a. You really cannot afford to be without (bis cap ital city paper when you can aecuiv it at such a price. Send 82 to the Western Nebraska Agent for 4) Black Leaf Nicotine CATTLE SHEEP DIP JOBBER IN SULPHUR and Park Davis' Black Leg Vaccines I W and G. J. II. Willey ante Tuesday. H. Breckner. returned from Alii- Mrs A. Jund 1 nti lilane went to Lltkcoln on The daughters of Isabella will give a dinner and supper in Beal Brothers' store, June 21. This will be during the Stockmen's Convention. oonuuujji 1.111,1 Xiiiuj iih tfnix 'OHO -oiwiox OJ V A'iVdHJ t A mppV U1M lUII UpuiM J- PU JiUJ l. KJ tU 1 UKUUp Mtpul.l San i ' 'tx 'sMetfi -wi iu -" !" fcjHwitui put pUU(l 4l bo .tMJp 'piJUUMUtWI Ol 1UP HI UlUiJ Jil Ul AUUiJU IWi k 'IJIU .41 Ik. jjiu ivuuimiiuuu,) Auu 4I is 01140 "PluX "0 V tiii-mj f J -M l-ulitJ'iliuvuj jjii ttuvtv,, .K ln.ll ill Llkitl,U,UOJ IWJIIIlMJ ... ;..(,. pu 'JW -iu initiiiuuj iOl iijjwm. 1 ujaujiI q Aiiwihi vmtuiuui 11 pjjuiu,uiucl 'iuuJituiji tuo i. Janj u au4t: ilulHu n puv MlluUMJ tau pdquJAIl pUW .mKiMlp KJI.l V II pjJUIIOIHUll HJOIJup MWi jtLVUI ItMJH 1 i .'l'l J1UUI 4 Ol IkMUCtdlH. M kjt 'A JftJ m I .',1 (Hull pu J Ml !!. II 1 -IP JJMIU V .1,1 Hl i-1 UU1JJ Ml Ul )li 11. JJJ.U .Ulll FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Being no longer in the employ ot Geo. D Darllug. I am still iu position to aene my former friends sat Funeral Director and Kinb&Uuer. ALLEN H. MOKRJS. Phone 178. wl7tfU98Kll7tf48 . OL WhUman, painting contractor. J lUStfM 5 Old papers at The Herald office at cents per bunch.