jUU"u"irLnj-rjn.j- nnv'w's'snsssnv,v. NEW STOCK WEN'S SHOES M. D. Nichols has received a new stock of men's shoes, which he has for sale at his shop, 217 Box Butte avenue. Men's fine dress shoes, work shoes and medium grades. These are the J. P. Dunn shoes, and are dependable goods. They have the style, fit and wear, the three things you want in shoes. Call and get prices. J. J. VANCE MANUFACTURER OF CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS and CONTRACTOR. Cement Walks, Cisterns, Basements, Foundations, etc. Cement Silos are the preference over all others in the east where they have been tested for years. I will construct these silos in the most approved manner the coming season. Let Me Figure with You "The Wrong Order ?" "Sure, We'll Have it Changed." Did you ever take home the wrong coffee and then have your wife lorrov a telephone so she could call up and have the right brand sent out': The Telephone solves shoppiug problems. In cold and stormy weather, tele phone from your tin-side to Mores, shops Of friend. A telephone saves time and trouble, Telephone Convenience Far Exceeds Its Cost. Nebraska Telephone Co. Bell Telephone Lines Reach Nearly Everywhere. CORRESPONDENCE HEMINGFORD Mm. Hon Millar ns a iaunfrer o Aiiinr on inrfxinv. Romii down foiHltenfl tho teachers' meeting Floyd and Jim MrCluskey rptumed home from Iowa Tuesday. v. M Miller autoed down 1o A11I- nce Wednesday. K. U Pierre made a bunlnean trip to Crawford Wednesday reiurnliiR on Thursday Pete Swaneon received word from HoldredRe Wednesday of the death of hla father. He left on the mld- n'tehl train. Mr. and Mra. Von I'ohle were ist bound passengers Thursday on 44. B K. Johnson and wife made a business trip to Alliance Thursday Mr. A. C. Summerson, who is now workinu with the O. B. & Q. CMTpen terhiR k'iuk, hud the misfortune to lose his house and all its contends by fire Wednesday evening. Charles Bushnnl left on 44 Tues day for Morrill, where he will .imi1 a few days. Mm. Neeland left on 41 Friday for Crawford for a visit with her daugh ter there. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Muirhead and A. M. Miller went to Seottsbluff on Friday, Koine down in Mr. Miller's ;?. C. U. Canfield and wife were pas sengers on l-i Friday from Men n Nelnv Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Job MOB, Mr. and Mrs. K. L, Ph n e. and Mrs. Clyde Watson took dinner with Mr. ami Mrs. Orvel Kidwell Friday. The ll mingford ball team went OP to Schumakers' Friday but the North Table boys didn't show up. a rew weens in lowa on areount or poor health. W'e hope she wM be benefited by the ehange Minn lena Scott of Ipswich. 8. I). It vlaltlng her brother, Roy Scott. and oiber relative in Quaker Valley. Miss Hanson, who has been the gue . or .Mrs. or. i hurchiu, has gone to St. Paul for a month. Mm. Robbins of DenveT has been visiting at the home of her brother-in-law, Alton Robins. Mrs. W'm. Howe to enjoyirjc a vis it wiUh her mother. Mrs. Carpenter of Creston. Iowa, and also or her son, Roy, of Dee Moines, lowa. Miss Marie Owen has come home to spend her vacation from Indlanola, lowa, where she ha been attending hiith school. Arthur Petersen is putting up new windmill. a Kit on Spain, who is working near Ellsworth, spent last Sunday with his parents. Mrs. at Or. Jotifs and son Worth called llaworth's Sunday afternoon. ooo HOMESTEAD ooo estic ck wk A A 1 E"N6 REPUTATION! In case of serious illne8, you wouldn't call in any old doc- hl tor, but would get the best doctor you knew of, The Doctor r with a Reputation, the doctor that has shown his worth by year of good honest service. .g Then why buy any old range, when you can get The Great V Majestic, The Range with a reputation a reputation won by L years of constant, honest and economical service. f The Majeatic Is made right OF NON-BREAKABLE MALLE 3 ABLE IRON, and RUST-RESISTING CHARCOAL IRON. All hH parte of the Majestic are riveted together (not bolted) practic al ally airtight no cold enters range or hot air escapes, thus bak jM ing perfect with about half the fuel used In a range that to bolt- ed and pasted together with tove putty. The All-Copper Movable Reservoir on the Majestic is ab- jH solutely the only reservoir .worthy of the name. It heats IB gal- Q Ions of water while breakfast is cooking, and when wateT bolte igjl it can be moved away from fire by simply shifting lever. Call at our store and let us show you why the Majestic is s absolutely the best range on the market. Your neighbor has one ask her. All styles and sizes. j I. L. ACHESON ifi PHELAN OPERA HOUSE BLOCK B K. Johnson made trip to Canton Friday. a business Rev. Palmer and wife, A. M. Miller and Mrs. Alex Muirhead were callers at A. S. Enyeart's Thursday evening. Mrs. IMck Kenner and a lady friend from Alliance visited with Mrs. Bushnell Friday returning on the local In the evening. Mrs. Ward Norton visited Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. B. Jones. The Hemlngford ball team played at Ma island Sunday. The gnme re sisted in a score of 15 to 1 in fav or of ilie Hemlngford boys. Clara Nagelsilinelder and Ftta far ter were passengers to Alliance on Monday, going down to attend nor mal. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rockey and Mrs. Claude Brown and Mrs. C. U. Canfield were Alliance visitors Mon day afiernoon. Mrs. Chas. ltspetch and daughter Irma returned from Omaha on 4.". Sunday. Mrs. W. L. Clark was an Alliaaofl visitor Monday. ChaS lotspeich Alliance Monday. Fred llucke and were passengers to U K. MrCluskey and mother re turned from Iowa Monday. Mrs. Clyde Watson returned tO hSf home in Cliadron Monday sitSf a two we'ks' visit with relatives. Work has begun on Dr. McEuen's in m office, just south Of H. O. W'il dy's store. K. L. Pierce and Mr Ii-nUins toel down to Alliance Monday. itl- A. E. Clark made a to Alliance Monday. business trip Mr. and Mrs II. I.. Bushnell and daughters, Mrs Brown and Mrs. Can Held, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Kd Graejg " Marsland Sunday afternoon Miss l.etlia lrea left on 44 Tuesday for her home in Pennsylvania. Among those going down to Alii ance Tuesdav were Win. Roland, G-o l.o.i. la ob Oaburne and Theodot Colvin. Miss Agnes Moravek came up from Scottsbluff Moudav where she h;is spent the past ti weeks. Pete Swausoo returned from Hoi dredge on t.'- Tuesday Alliance Meat Company C. E, PHILLIPS, Mgr. 20S BOH BUT1 S3 iiVE. FULL LINE OF MEATS Best Goods at Living Prices DR. F. W. BOLAND Office Over First State Bank Hemingford, Nebr. o o noOOOOOOO C'JAKCR VALLEY O O O O O u o o o o o o oooooo 0 0 0 tafcen re. i vin' seems to have backward Klancs before makir hi final depart are Willis IUnk U dipping rattle this Mrs. Thomas Vantre is spendit K Grass In this section was never finer at this time of the year than now and sto.k Is looking fine. We are glad to report Mr. and Mrs. Morton's boy who w-as threat ened with typhoid fever as being well again. Several people around here have suffered lh loss of younx colts be cause of the prevalent disease a nOD mares. Walter Scott had his boys and '-iris in the field pullitiK sour dock from liis small prain last Monday. This pesky dock is worse and more destructive to crops than the Roi sian thistle ever was. W. A. Rider has finished lis: ins in his corn on the Weir place. Our neighbors are beginning to tear dry weather again since the long season of threatening wettthsr last week tailed to bring ralr It was a happy event last Sunday when about twenty neiRhbors ;uid friends or Mr. and Mrs W. L. Jew ell gathered In their hospitable home to spend the day. Mrs. Jewell, who by the way Is one of the best and n.'atest house k sport in our country, got up a fine dinner, a sheep having been butchered for the occasion, and served her quests to ice cream, cake, fruit, and all the good things obtain able. Mr. Jewell is arranging to have a public sale about the L'ftth of une, when he will offer for sale all his household goods, farming imple ments, 45 horses, a bunch of cattl . etc . preparatory to leaving for Ore gon, where they will look up a loca tion for a home. W'e hate to see these Rood neonle. whose hoohalitv has been so freely ministered to everyone for so many years, leaving our neighborhood. Watch for rheir sale bills. For several days past Hie Home steaders have been' very busy pre paring for Children's Day OKSTClSSI it the school bouts, and last Sun day the en Ire neighborhood ass. in Wed, bringing their baskt i dinners. and proceeded to spend the day in a bappy and befitting way. An excel lent program was separated into two parts, before and after noon, and long table was spread out-of-doors. loaded with edibles of choicest kind. md about seventy-five ;f our neigh bors sat around it in the genuine good old time neighborly spirit. Af ter dinner a ptctur" was I iken of tho crowd, ami after suili beautiful songs and recitations by the children and a short talk by Uev. Bell, who was present with hi m w wife all went to their homes happier and bet ter for having spent the day to their happiness and betterim nt . a The Marsland-Curly phone line is in process of construction, and poles are being set across the Ball, Weir Patterson and By an homesteads to Ourly. with Jo? Lashley of Curly in charge of the- work. Neighbors Hiser, Spoon, Hawkins Scott, ami Bail are about thru Wttn their farming, all having in good ( rops m Die Homestead school district lias ben divided, a new district being created A new school house will be built on the Patterson homestead ill a few weeks. The n'w s;hoo board i composed of John Ryan David Morton and L M Hawkins. A. D. Weir, who has bought ; home in Arkansas and Is here arrang ittg for ilie sale of his sto'-k. has a cook stove, heating stove, a dining table, a barrel churn, and a few oth er things for sale on his boniest ad " miles northwest of Canton T. C. Colvin came down from Hciniiiglurd Tuesday to look over the pity with a view to trading land for property here. Mrs. Colvin and two grand hildren have been hero for the past two months. They have seven quarter sett ions of land near Hemlngford, and having done their full tihars of farm work have decid ed to ritlre from the farm. Mr. Col v xi favored this office with a call yesterday and subscribed for The Herald, which will keep them posted on Alliance and Heiningford. as well as other county news. Miss Jennie Boon, who bus been spent! lug a couple of week ou s ranch near Clemati. returned to thi city last Friday. HAVE YOUR TICKET READ "BURLINGTON". Diverse Route Tours of the East Comprehensive vacation tours of the East to New York and Boston are announced, going and returning by a combination of routes, including the coast journey between Old Point Comfort. New York and Boston, or the sound steamer journey between New York and Boston. You can go one way through the St. Lawrence region, via Montreal, Quebec or Lake Champlain, the other way via direct routes, or vice versa. Limit is 60 days. STILL LOWER RAILS WITH SIXTY DAY LIMIT. Same routes to and from New York, New Jersey resorts, Boston. New England. Canada; Buffalo, Detroit, and various destinations. ALL SLIMMER LIMITS. Summer tourist rates with all summer limits to all K.istt t n resorts, Canada, the Lake region, Chicago, Detroit, etc. Special leatletof Eastern vacation tours and rates is available. Copies on application. Let us help you plan your trip. J. KRIDELBAUGH, Agent Alliance L. W. WAKELEY, G. P. A., Omaha a DOYLE & MOON Building Cont factors Plans, Specifications and Estimates Furnished Without Charge TWENTY-FiVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE Members Local Union No. 1138 PHONES: QQ and Red 44-Q at Rodger' Grocery, Phone 1. Office JOHN GARRETT Successor to Frilk Wallace Transfer Line Household goods moved promptly and transfer work solicited. Res. phone 583 Boards of all descriptions for any part ot a house or barn. Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. Phone 22 0. Waters, Mgr. t My new stock of PLUMBING GOODS is now arriving Something new in Bath Tubs and Closets. Come in and get prices before buying elsewhere. $ i t WI. Plumbing and Heating Phone 720 Green