l I H II I M I I I j I A t i i t . . A - ..---.,. I . ! I I tm t(M . Mt4 tttltt tt 1 III I I I II I I I 1 1 1 I jl Vanadium Steel Makes the Ford Strong, Light and Dependable The Car for You to Buy if ttt ...... the toughest and strongest steel made. ::t:: ::i:: .... n 4 I. .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . JL.... i. .. . i..,. i. . Z .. . S. .. . FOREDOOR TOURING CAR We have ordered seventy-five Fords for the year 1912. Thirty-eight of them have already been sold and delivered. No other car has one-fifth the sale in the same territory. Our cus tomers are our best advertisement. Every Ford owner is a Ford booster. Why? Because of the fact that every Ford car gives perfect service and absolute satisfaction. The Ford car is very light. This result is secured by the use of Vanadium steel throughout. Vanadium steel is Ford owners do not fear breakdowns and heavy expense for repairs. The Ford can be run for less than one-half the expense of the ordinary heavy car. Its powerful little engine has ample power to take the car anywhere at any time through sand, mud or snow. Fofd cart frequently get 10,000 miles Of more of service from a single set of tires. The ordinary car ets about 3,000 miles or less than one-third the service. T Kvery Ford dealer carries a complete stock of parts, ready for instant delivery. No waiting to send to the factory for needed parts in case of accident. No trouble in fitting them, either, for every one of the 75,000 Fords made this year are exactly alike. Every part is interchangeable. The Ford dealer sells from three to rive times as many cars as the other dealer. His commission is only about one-half that of the other dealer. This saves you money. The fact that Ford builds 75,000 cars in his factory enables reat saving in cost to be made. Another big saving for you. You cannot get Ford quality and service in any other car at double the price. Hundreds of firms are adopting the Ford delivery car in place of horses for de livery work. One car will do the work of several wagons at much less expense. Investigate. PRICES OF THE FORD Foredoor Touring Car, at Speedway Garage $740 Torpedo Runabout, " "640 Commercial Roadster, " " 640 Town Car, u " - 950 Delivery Car, 44 750 COMPLETELY EQUIPPED COMMERCIAL ROADSTER DELIVERY CAR NEBRASKA LAND & AUTO CO SPEEDWAY GARAGE lllll "t"M '! DISTRICT AGENTS FOR FORD CARS ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA t '. H -. pHBaMMIHHI Sunshine Maitland COAL For Range and Furnace i 9M ! ALLIANCE STOCK MARKET This City Coming to Front as Place For Sellers and Buyers to Get Together GOOD RAILROAD FACILITIES All Kinds of FEED Wholesale and Retail PHONE 5 J. H. VAUGH AN & SON Well Drilling Machinery You i ku nolo j ui''-ttf mk. t. !! Ttau im do of lb to lift of work that r not ooi cr-j lod Ttao 'Uanurf for IU I ! for crootor thfti ' k 6o -ui-.iti i, tlit atoihiaoo uuv t ui t hallo olio t mltm. fat i I pur o4 i u ! 1 hiud of I road Our tuochi u r ih moot up-to-doto oo ih tnarfcot ouolola oil th U i .-. it, or 'rohO i truog ivpio. oW porfo t mm r 1 1 r oTo-t u4 oio j t m i ii -9j ior f xr cioiu x. R. R?H0WEU& CO.. Minneapolis. fMinn. Alliance has an excelltn'i lot-iUion and exceptionally guod facilities for a live stook market, eiec.ally for the sale of horses at the present time; anil as this part of the West develops will become more of a cattJej and sheep market than it ever has, be.Jii .. All that is needed to j place t his city where it should be in htrviiiK the ranchmen of western Nebraska. Wyoming, Montana, and, sou; hwe. ;eni South Dakota, who hae tstcck :o nil, and the buyers from i farther east, is for stockmen here to :;ike hold of the mutter and push. And they are dolug K. In tlvs connection it is a pleusure to call a: tent ion to live bin horse sale it he held by Lester k Son, Satur diy. lane J't, and which has bOM ad -fi;ied in this paper the last few weeks. Thee gentlemen have the pluck an 1 push to make a sue; es of what they, undertake, they know the horse l.u-in-ss thoroughly, they will i... .... ji-r.wl liv those who aje " ' " w i i u 1 1 ' ' a , !, them, and will aive both sellers and buyers a square deal We inlsn our guess if the day of this sale Is not one of the biggest days this city has seen for a long time. Since writing the above we have been given an order far the adver UaMMriM of the horse sale of IfidgSf II. wilson, the well known horseman. This wfll no doubt, De a big event. Culling just before the sale above meolloneii. will give interested par ttefl from a distant opportunity to .nieiwJ bot.ii on one trip to Allium A REMARKABLY OLD COUPLE Married Life of Nearly Sixty-five Years Still Continues The editor of this paper has the honor and the pleasure of being the sou of the couple mentioned in the following it. 'in taken lrom a recent issue of The Cuba Journal, published ai Cuba, Illinois: "Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas, who have been visiting two weeks with their son, J. C. Thomas, left Abing don on Tuesday for thier home in Lincoln, Nebraska. .Mr. and Mrs. Thomas are enjoy ing remarkably long lives. He was burn In (iuern.-e County, Ohio, on mcotnber IU, lit and his wife Car oline Crelghlon who is also a name of Ohio la four years his Junior They were married in IS." and have lived together nearly sixty-five years. "They moved to Knox County in LbM and to Nebraska In lMsti Both are In excellent Inalth and m full possession of all their la' nines." ' See K. C. Whisnian for lowest prices on painting, paper hanging and kalsoinininti-UUMfM -. aPJIB Forest Lumber Co. We have just received a car of Mitchell Automobiles We have in this car one 6-cylinder 48-horsepower roadster, the finest automobile that has ever come to Alliance. Come in and see for yourself and be convinced FOREST LUHBER CO. A. P. Lee, Mgr. tirL mn' . Vmin jnn June