Nebraska The Bi LIVE STOCK MARKET For each month of 1912 South Omaha has held second place among the live stock markets of the world, passing its closest rival the first of the present year, which marked a new triumph for Nebraska's greatest commercial in- stitution, her big live stock market T HE broad demand for all grades of fat and butcher stock and the unlimited outlet for feeder grades of Cattle and Sheep, coupled with superior facilities and most modern im provements furnished by the Union Stock Yards Company, largely explain the remarkable advance of the South Omaha Market which makes it conspicuous in the business world today. Added to the ability of the market to handle a steadily increasing vnlnme of hiisinesc fn the arlvantao rf its natrons there is s ornw- ing disposition to favor the Big South Omaha Market because ex perience is demonstrating that the farmer and stockman of the west is able to get a little more net money from his shipments to So. Omaha UNION STOCK YARDS CO OF OMAHA, LIMITED