DRAKE HOTEL CHAN0E8 HAND New Management Plana Improve ment In that Popular Hostelry. H. A. Row man. a iMular traveling, salesman well known in this part of the nesl, la the new landlord at the Drake Hotel, hewing purchased W. 8. Barrett's Interest In the same. The n"w proprietor will be ably a slated In the management of the ho tml by hla son, Harry L. Ilowman, w-b,p with Ills wife arrived hi Alli ance Monday fr.m Chicago. Mr. Bowman, Jr., la also a cojinierchil traveler, bavins: been engaged In that capacity sin" he waa serenteen year old and very successfully. He and hH father are familiar with tho needs and requirements of the travel ing public and without doubt will be able to meet them satisfactorily. Aa will bp een by notice In 1Mb Inane of The Herald the new management will alve their openlrr; dinner next Sunday from twve lo two o'clock. The Herald bespeaks for them wic cess In the hotel bualneaa. Mr. and Mrs. Barrett will spend aooiettme in nn outing and visit lug friend before they en saw a .lively enatn In bualneaa Mr. Barrett win leave soon for the mount alna on a hunting and fishing expedition He expect before he geta thru with fllla trip to clewn up the balance of the bears In the mountains and leave only enough trout to stock the stream next season. Mm. Barrett and two children will leave shortly tor West Vinjtlnia for a short visit with her parents and other relatives. They have many friends in Alliance, whoee beat wishes will ko with them. HARRIS B0GARDU8 NUPTIAI.8 SCISSORS fpAsn Items Cjlled from Exchangee and Clipped for Readers Who Choose to Read Them s It is Sensible HERALD SCISSORS DEPARTMENT f'liadron Chronicle. May :!0. H. C Redlnbaugh nnd wife of AlflaBO were Chadron visitors Krlday and Saturday. to be Seasonable SB MfiSlkA, . H5it MaSlassW Two Popular Young People of Ne llgh Wed In Alliance. Rev. .lames It. Brown, paa-tor of the First l'r -by Irian church, per formed a wedding; ceremony at the Burlington Hotel Monday morning, JttM Si which united for life In the holy bonds of wedlock. John W Hat rls and Knthryn Hogurdus, both of Nellgh , Nebraska. The groom ia now with the United States government force of survey ore and ts now working in Morrill county, south of Angora. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bogardus, her father w'ho is a cloth ing merchant, being a prominent bus iness man of Nellgh. Mr. and Mrs. Harria will reside 1n Nellgh. . The Herald is pleased to extend congratulations and best wlwhes to the newly married couple. "weekly weather report Good Weather and Good Crop Pros pects In this Country The spring if 1113 was unusually late in northwestern Nebraska, as it was also in many other places, but otherwise It has been almost an ideal season. When warm weather came there was sufficient moisture to start grass to growing In fine shape, and the soil was In good condition for working for crops. There was not much rainfall during the month of May. but not much was needed. The two days of high wind the fore part of last week made people begin to want rain, and a good one came on Thursday night. Since then there has been good, warm growing weather most of the time, altho It Is cool today. There was a sprinkle of rain this morning, and indications of1 more ii s) ' GIRLS' FOUR SQUARE CLUB Initiation Last Friday, Meeting To morrow Afternoon The (Sirls' Four Square Club will hold- a Kensington, Friday, ft! 8 00, at the bom of Miss (iriov Zeluung. The Initiation meeting of the G. F. .8. C. at Miss Vance's last Friday night was w ell attended and v ry much enjoyed. Those to be initiated were especially delighted as intruding members of the Young Men,- Bible Class underwent the pari Of tha initi ation to which the girls had looked forward with trembling. ALLIANCE DRUGGIST DESERVES PRAISE Harry Thlele. Druggist, deserves praise frcm Alllan.e piple for intro ducing here the simple buckthorn bark and glycerine mixture, known aa Adler-i-ka. This simple German remedy first became famous by cur ing appendicitis and it has now been discovered t lint A SINCI.K BOSK re lleves sour stomach, gas on the stain aeh and constipation INSTANTLY. It Is the only remedy which never falls. M. E. LADIES' AID Harrison 8nn, May 81. A good rain visited Harrison vicinity !et night, which is worth a good denl to people of Sioux county. This morn ing the water la standing in pools in the streets and the ground is wet down to a considerable depth. . . . F. M. Kroome of Alliance was In Harri son Wednesday as a witness In civil suit before County Judge Schnurr. lie made thin office a very pl e tnt call ludge L. A. Uerry. Mr Mollring and W. C. Mounts, all of Alllnnce, were In Harrison on legal business Wednesday Yesterday they went out fishing and left on the afternoon train for Alliance. . . Misses Ma hie and Cleo Blgelow and their brother Hay arrived home from Alliance Saturday. Miss Mable was one of the teachers in the Alliance Schools the past year. Cleo and Kay attended high school there and grail uated the past week. Bayard Transcript, .hw I Miss Dorrthy Hong of Alliance was a vis itor in Palace Valley Saturday and Sunday. Scottebluff Herald, May SI. N. H. Case of tiering made a trip to Alliance Wednesday. . . . Mrs. C. D. Snyder went to Alliance Wednesday to attend Decoration Day services at that place. Gering Courier. May :il Louis Ltifi was over from Alliance last Sat unlay. . . . Carl Thomas of the four ier force spent Sunday with his pex pl: in Alliance. Custer County Republican, May 31. State Superintended! Delell has appointed W. R. I'ate of Alliance a member of the committee that exam ines teachers for city certificates. The appointment is to fill the vacan cy caused by the resignation of Superintendent Cavities of Kalrbury Mr. I'ate Is city superintendent of the schools of Alliance Wdgemont Kxpress. May 31. Mrs llennett and daughter ami Miss Dav en port of Alliance were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and daughter The ladles enjoyed their visit' very much, being here at Commencement they had great times attending . h different functions Crawford Tribune. May 31.-- Mrs Bert Duncan and Mr. Peter Peter son, of Alliance were Crawford visit ors Sunday. . . . Charles Jann MO, of Kllsworth, spent se.eral honi be tween trains In this city en Thursday, being on his way to Wyoming I 1 1 look after the Richards ( 'omsto k stock ranch. . . . Miss Kthel MilUr. of Alliance, spent Sat unlay and Sun day in this city and too': ia the high school alumni reception. . . . Attor ney F. M. Hroome, of Allien . s)M'iit a few hours in .i s. ci'y be tween trains Wednesday. bciBI Ml his way to Harrison to ai'e.M to some natters before anty court . Marslaud Tribune, May SI.' Mrs Kate Walbridge of Alliance is visit ing at the home of C. H. Richey this week. . . Mr. L EL Wik-ox of Alli ance was called to our city Wediies day to do some repair work on 'he coal shed. ... C K. Matin ws, Ora Phillips and Hurt Funnan transacted business In Alliance the latter part of l:Jt wtek. IT IS HIGH TIMK YOU GOT INTO VOI R SPRING STYLE FLORSHE1M SHOES. OR IF YOU HAVEN'T CAUGHT UP WITH THE PROCESSION IF YOU ARE NOT AS YET A REGULAR WEARER OF FLORSHEIMS IT'S TIME YOU MADE THEIR ACQUAINTANCE. THERE'S NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT, YOU KNOW. THE MAN OF TODAY KEEPS PACE WITH THE SEASONS AS WELL AS WITH THE LATEST IDEAS IN BUSINESS ECONOMY. MANY NEW MODELS WITH THAT LOOK ARE HERE FOR YOUR INSPECTION. COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER. YOU'LL FIND EVERY WANTED LEATHER, IN YOUR EXACT SIZE AND IN A BROAD VARIETY OF THE SEASON'S VERY LATEST MODELS AT $4.50, $5.00 AND $5.50. ITS HIGH TIME Vol KICKED OFF THOSE HEAVY SHOES THAT REMIND YOU OF LAST WINTER'S STORM V DAYS, AND SLIPPED YOUR FEET INTO A PAIR OF FLORSHEIM TANS BOOTS OR LOW-CUTS. OXFORDS A PAIROF FLORSHEIM TAN OXFORDS WILL PUT YOU MORIS IN ACCORD WITH THIS SUM MER WEATHER. THE LATEST ENGLISH CCS TOM MODELS, ALSO THE NEW BUTTON OX FORDS EVERY LOW-CUT STYLE THAT IS CONSIDERED CORRECT. PRICES RANOE PROM $2.50 TO $5.00 COMPLETE Showing FOR THE MAN WHO CARES THE INTERESTS OP MANUFACTURER, SELLER AM) WEARER ARE CLOSE LY RELATED AS REGARDS LEATHER THEY CANNOT BE TOO CAREFUL IN ITS SELECTION. THE TAN RUSSIA STOCK, OF WHICH FLORSHEIMS ARE MADE, IS ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR HIGH GRADE STREET BOOTS AND OXFORDS. BETTER LEATHER COULD NOT BE PUT INTO SHOES. IT IS NO TRIVIAL TASK TO MAKE THIS LEATHER .JUST RIGHT, AS IT REALLY IS. IE YOU WEAR A PAIR OF RUSSIA TANS "FLORSHEIMS" AND PUT THEM TO SEVERE TESTS YOU WILL REALIZE THAT THE TANNERS AND FINISHERS HAD TO DO THEIR WORK WELL IN ORDER TO GIVE YOU SUCH PERFECT LEATHER. f (Know Us for Best Values) NOR TON'S The Store With a Conscience) iAAAvArWVWV'A,vA The ladles' Aid socbty of the M E. churcji w ill meet next Wadiie.l.i . at :M p in., with Mra. A. P. Brown 412 Cheyenne avenue, for a businesa sesMi.ii All member and friend are Invited. . . . 1 Bid you ever think what a differ eiice there ia in candles? JomI wholesome, home mad - t indy, uch as Is oM ai he Me Candy Kitch en, is dcliclou.- a;i ! affords nlaaawi in the eating, and 1N0 healthful Try I: the nexi ;iiue you buy candy. -Mtfl-'ST .1, 't". oooooooooooooooo O MALINOA SQUIBS o oooooooooooooooo Mr and Mrs. Cal Buer made the round trip to Alliance and ba k on Tuesday. Mr lUlhlap and itaiMthtera Were callers at 'lie John Burns home on Wednesday evening. The picnic at Siwausous' Krlday was a grand success, the day being aptnt in .t iAi Miciul time vmiIi a good ball game between the Morrill county boys and th Box Butn boys Seore. 14 to 5 lu favor of Box Bulle. ST. AGNES ACADEMY Closing Exercises Commencing Fri day, June 14, Marking Close of Successful School Year CLOSING PROGRAM, JUNE 19TH B-7 W. O. W. ATTENTION You are wanttd in uttendan - at the next regular nierting. June 12 Bualoeaa demands tha; you be 'here. M-M31MI M K. C.KKBK, Sec y. L O. O. F. ATTENTION Odd Callows and. their familUs are re .(nested to meet at th - I. O O. f hall at two o i lo "k, S.nulay afternoon. JhaHe l, for menu rial scrtrtcea la hon or Of our dead. I'll" v sefvloea will be eouui, ii b the Chaplain of the order, nfler whb'h on yaji - will be provided ror ah t, proceed to the c lllett r !ier iloi al .kens m ill be iilaced on i he graves of ,, east d members. A J MACV. S.. I The exercises wHJ consist of a program given on Friday evening, June fourteenth, by the poptli df the (iranimar graib s an I the graduating exercises on Wedm -da evening, June RfQeteentb. Both will be at the Pheiail opera UOUSS, Ti. kets for eaeli are bt ing sold by the children and can also he obtained at Holsten's drug store, where they can he re serve:!. The program given by the Onunmar grades will be published in full next week. It eooasstl of a variety of pleasing numbers and those who wish to .spend a plonsnnt OVeolBC .-lu aid not fail to procure a ti.ket for that night. in connection with the usual grad uating exercise a fine program of In strumental and vocal music has In-, n prepared. All lovers of good musie will find it a source of pleas ure to be present on the nineteenth. The baccalaureate sermon for the class will be delivered by Rev. Father Donnelly at Holy Rosary church on Sunday evening. June the sixt earth. FORD CLOSE Former Alliance Young Man Marries Sheridan Lady a Ci, . Tol.tlu. Ohio. Ui Um mil V iu.rksl. II l Ukra Itn-' tlf !M t, i lWTKMNiftlt. Ii Ml s.M lskr r ir II iitiit l ruri . rij v I ix.. Tmlo. ohl'j. OS I r ssaaUaMtss The following clipped from The She: il.in Knterprise of June 5 will he reieived with surprise by the many Alliance friends of Mr Ford. "Ulttam h'ord a el rk in Superintendi'iit 1'eckenpaugh s office, was utiited in marriage at the Holy Name Catholic church this morning to Miss Wenonaii I). Close, with I at In r John puffy Officiating " Mr I'onl was loruitrly a dark iu Chiit Dispatcher Oavln's ciflce In tins i ,ty but was pronioted b, being sent to Sheridan at an advance lo salary, lie Is w 11 known in lliatue as young man of st.riing worth and iiis many friends will congratu late him and wish him untold happi eas in hla future life. The writer is well aosjsatnte4 'th Mrs Ford. She is well and favorably known la Sheridan aa a younn lad) oi i llent IJttSJities and will no doubt do her share toward making their married lit'.. ,.n of eltlliolete I l.t It l i 11 Ss Tin- Herald joins with many M of Mr and Mrs. Ford in w ishiusj th much joy In their married lif Don t foraet h Y. M B. c iue. t nig at Laurence Keek's Friday even ing at T : :0. PANTS FREE With every made-to-measure suit, measured for, on , Sat., June 8th AND Won., June lO I will give absolutely free an extra pair of pants from the same measurement and of the same quality; same pattern if desired E G LAING MODERN CLOTHES FOR MEN