I gtnte Historical Society cp WILLIAM MITCHELL, ATTOflNIT T LAW, ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA POST OFFICE DIRECTORY LOCAL PARAGRAPHS BURTON & WESTOVEP Attorneys at Law LAND ATTORNEYS Office First National Bank Bldg. Phone t8o. ALLIANCE. NEB H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, AX.IJLA.9f OX, is eb, F. M. BROOME l.ANll ATTORNEY LoDftexperlenceas Itecelver t'.S. Lnodntlb t a gu a run tee tor prompt and efficient atirvie. Office in Opera House Block ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA BRUCE W ILCOX L awyer and Land Attorney Practitioner In civil court since 1393 an Ketlster U. S. Land Office from 1903 to itOT Information by mall a spocialty. orrioa in t.ANDorrtcE building ALLIANCE NEBRASKA. TnT1iOrBEiZ Surgeon C. B. & Q Ry. Office Over Holsten's Drug Store Day Phone 87 Night Phone 86 OWE t'OPPERNOLL Res. Phone 30 K. J. PKTERSK' Res. Phone 41 Drs. Copper noil 6: Petersen OSTEOPATHS Rooms 7, 8 and 9, Rumer Block Phone 43 QEO. J. HAND, PHYSICIAN AND St H O KO Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. C. H. CHURCHILI PHYSICIAN AND St'RGEON (Successor to Dr. J. E. Moore) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOC! Office hours 11-12 a.m. 3-4 p.m. 7:10-9 p, m Office Phone 62 Res. Phone, B- TTTXCOPSEY Physician and Surgeon Office Phona 360 Res. Phone 342 Calls answered promptly day and night fro offllce. Offices: Alliance National Baal Building over the Post Office. 44 4. 4::. Mails close at the Alliance post office as follows. Mountain time: East Bound 11:10 a. m. for Trpin No. 11:00 p. m. for train No West Bound 12:20 p. m. for triln No 11:00 p. m. for train No. 41 South Bound 12:20 p. m. for train No. 004 11:00 p. m for train No. 301. On Sundays and holidays all night mails close at 6:00 p. m. instead of 11:00 p. m. IRA E TASH. P. M. It Helps! Mrs. J. F. Daniels, of Sip, Ky., writes: "I was so sick for 3 or 4 years, I had to hire my work done, most of the time. I had given up hope. When I began to take Cardui, I knew, right away, it was helping me. Now, I am better than ever before in my life, and Cardui did it" E 64 Take J. P. HAZARD Surveyor and Engineer, ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA Parties out of town should write, as 1 a out moch of the time. Charge will not ex ceed 95.00 and expenses per day. Take an I H C Engine Home with You Dr. Oliver McEuen Physician and Surgeon HtniNGFORD, NEBR. SPECIALTIES: Diseases of Women anc Children and Genito I rinary Organs Alt calls answered prompt! say or nigkl HARRY P. COURSE! Live Stock and General Auctioneer Farm Sales a Specialty TERMS REASONABLE Phone 64 ALLIANCE. NEBR. DR. D. I TYLER DENTIST, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, PHONE 167 Alliance, Nebraska hn SMty. Pris May Snadaj SlC.-TrtM Nelson Fletcher Fire Insurance Agency INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS REAL E8TATE AND LOANS Alliance, Nebraska G-eo. Gh 0-sid.s"b3r Licensed Embalmer THE KIND THAT PLEASES YOU Better get some made at AllianceArtStudio CARDUI The Woman's Tonic Cardui has helped thous ands of weak, tired, worn out women, back to health. It has a gentle, tonic ac tion on the womanly sys tem. It goes to the cause of the trouble. It helps, it helps quickly, surely, safe ly. It has helped others. Why not you? It will. Try it Get a bottle today! Clmrles II. Brown of Bavnrd ami Bert Hatch of Angora were In . Vill ains together on business last S;it- urday. No need of going with your show net shlned, with two riant uptothe minute shining parlors and prions rut to Five cents a shine. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hockey of Hem InRford drove to Alliance In their automobile lust Saturday, culling on friends und transacting business Wrhtta in the city. Lloyd ('. Thomas who recently re turned to Llngle, Wyo.. from Indian apolis, where he spent the winter, spent Sunday in Alliance. He re ports that Llngle is building some this spring und has fine prospects for tbe future, being surrounded by a fine irrigated country. A bank Is ne of the new business enterprises of tbe town. I. W. Herman, proprietor of the Palace Meat Market, purchased of Dr. F. M. Knight 160 ax-res of land a mile southeast of Alliance, on which he Is erecting a slaughter hoi.be. The land not needed for slaughter house and yards will be user) for pasture. Fred Schwnderer from west of town called at The Herald office last Saturday to leave some cash on subscript ion, and informed us that he Intends raising thirty-five acres of potatoes lhi year. Iasl year he had about twenty acres. The heavy wind on Monday and Tuesday of last week did him some damage by blowing out ten acres of oats, but Fred is one of the successful farm ers who does not get discouraged n- bout a little thing like that He will plant the ground to something else and raise feed which always will be h;tndy. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS AT THE CHURCHES U. P. CHURCH 10:00 a. ni Sunday school, Graded Lessons. 11:00 a in Preaching service 7:0ti p. m. Young people's meet ing. S:no p. m. Preaching service. Prayer meeting. Wednesday even ing, at 8:00. A. L. GODFREY, Pastor. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Reported by F. E. Reddish, Bonded Abstracter, Box Butte Coun ty, Nebraska Services 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays of each month at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. First Sunday In each month at 11:00 a. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 10:00 a. m. Junior Auxiliary, Chapter A, meets every Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. Junior Auxil iary, Chapter B, meets at 2:30 every Sunday afternoon. GEO. O. WARE, Missionary. GERMAN EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH Drake Building, 519 Sweetwater Ave. Services every Sunday morning, at 10:30. Sunday School every Sunday morn ing at 9:30. Everybody is cordially invited. Parochial German-English Lutheran school every day except Saturday and Sunday, from a. m. to 4 p. m. TITUS LANG, Paator. 623 Cheyenne Ave., phone 353. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH l(i:(iu a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. TALK with your local dealer may open your eves to gasoline engine possibilities you never thought of. For your own information drop in and see him the next time you are in town and talk it over with him frankly. He'll tell you the truth about I H C engines and the chances are, he'll show you how you can't afford to run your farm any longer without one. IHC Gasoline Engines are among the best labor-savers and money-makers a farmer can buy. The local dealer w ill tell you why and give you facts and figures to prove it. He will tell you just what an I HC engine will do for you and why it is the best engine for you to buy. Learn from him what it means to have a thoroughly tested IHC engine and take one home with you. Made in sues 1 to SO-horse power. Iitirnitional Hirvestor Companj of America ll.ofMc;elj Chicago USA IHC S.r.ic. BurMu The purpose of this Bureau is to furnish, free of charge to all. the best information obtainable on better farmiiiif. If vim have any worthy questions concerning soils, crops, land drainage, irrigation, fertilisers, etc . make your inquiries iocinc and send them to IHC Service Bureau. Harvester Buildup. Clucagu, L' S A 2 Tlicmas A. Green to Christen Hen- nlngs. SEVi See 17-26-50 $160. United States to Andrew .1. Tscha eher. SW Sec. IS, K V2 of NF. 't, K SEVi Sec 14. NVfc NK'4 and W 8WV4 Sec 24-26-52. Patent Lucy N Yeager to John It Lucn s , N 50 feet Lot I, Block 9, 2nd coun ty add to Alliance $1675. IL. K. Dustman to .las Collins Lot II. Illock I, Wyo add to Alliance $1. Clyde North rup to llarcy L North rup. SEVi Sec 2. NE4 sec II. tp 26, rg 48, NWi See 20, tp 004? 112000. Edith L Deardorf to toe Nabr imp. ft Seed Co SE4 sec 1, tp 28-48 $1. K M I laiiipion-EUzabf.t li Burrow lot 6 block 'J.-. Alliance $650. Jos Saxton-Hallie Red in bough N37V4 ft f lot 4, block 1 sec add Alli ance. $1900. , . , . ,. , . 1 , , ri.uiK .'i niceK-i.ouisa .MiuceK r. sec I3-27-47 $1925 Chas H McClear to Kilpatrick Bros Co, all sec 17-25-51 00000 Elizabeth Sonnenschein to Julius Sonnejischeln BVi SW4. SVs SE Sabbath School. Morning worship. Junior C. E. Christian Endeavor. Evening worship. Children's liny will be observed next Sabbath with appropriate exer ctses. The Sabbath School offering will go to the Sabbath School Hoard A program has been arranged for the morning service, and the pastor will preach a children's sermon. Even Ing sermon topic, "The Christian and the World." All Invited. Strangers welcome. 7:15 p.m. Thursday, lllble (lass es. 8:00 p.m. Thursday, Midweek praxer meeting. see 23-27-52 $3120. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Olin S. Baker, Pastor 10:00 a. 111. Sunday School. Graded Bible Classes. Next Sunday the Children's Day program will be rendered during the Sunday School hour. II a. m. Public worship. Sermon : the Young People by the Pastor. 7:00 p. m. Young people's Ep worth League meeting. 8:00 p. m. Public worship. Ser mon to. . "The Living Word." Prayer meeting. 'cdnesdny even Ing. at 8:00. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Sabbath school at the residence of Prof. G. M. Burns every Saturday af teruoon at I o'clock. MRS. JOHN PILKINOTON. Supt. BAPTIST CHURCH 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. 11:00 a.m. Public worship. 7:00 p. m. B. Y. P. U. 8:00 p. m. Evening worship. Men's Bible Class meets on Wed nesday evening at 8 o'clock. This Is a men's Bible class and all men are welcome. Mid-week Prayer Meeting Thurs day evening at 8 o'clock. GEO. A. WITTE. Pastor. A. M. E. CHURCH Use Crescent Mapleine USE HI OTHER HAM 35c bottle makes two gallons of syrup bettor than Maple Also flavors cake-frosting, candies, etc. USE HO OTHER IRA HQS For sale at all Grocers Capitola Boyer to Henry H Brandt, S 51 feet lot 25 county add Alll ance. m , . Hattie E Sherwood to Krederick W Mellck SV NEV see 18-27-49. eteoo. Prank Potmesll to Harriet Leake W V- lot 12 and lot i:: block 17 Alll 11070. Calvin .1 Wildy to Oliver MiEue. lot 10 block 19 Hemingford $500 see N P Dodge Jr to Aaron Pool lot '.' block 46 Belmont add Alliance $105 IT. S. to Amanda E lxre B4 8E, SEt SW )4 sec 24-25-50 Pat a John Anderson to Win Thoiupsou an undivided '4 interest in SW4 sec 20 and 8EV4 sec 19-27-60 $405. a John Vogel Sr to John Vogel Jr lots 4, 5, 6, SEVi of NV'4, NBU M. and lots 2. I, sec 6-24-49 $1 Wm W Kanard to Security Stuti Bank of Plain view, Nebr E 1 ! SE-4 of sec 1-26-61 $1 Meetings in Marks' hall, northeast corner Laramie avenue and Third street. Sunday school at 10:20 a. in. Preaching at 8:nn p. m. All are u t I come. NEIGHBORHOOD PRAYER MEETINGS Tuesday, June 11, 3:00 p. m. Mn. Ed. Ozmun, 524 Missouri Ave.; Mrs. Clyde Miller. 419 Bhj Horn Ave.; Fred I.eavitt, 621 To- luca Ave.; Mrs Weaver, 122 Yel lowstone Ave.: Mrs. C. ('. Smith. 824 I -ai .i inie Ave.; Prank Sanders, r.lo E;is Ninth St.; Mrs. I. E. Tash. 610 Box Butte Ave. 316 Box Butte Ave. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Western Nebraska Agent for Black Leaf Nicotine CATTLE - SHEEP DIP JOBBER IN SULPHUR and Park Davis' Black Leg Vaccines r Sunshine Maitland COAL For Range and Furnace All Kinds of FEED Wholesale and Retail PHO!SE 3 J. H. VAUGHAN & SON Forest Lumber Co. We have just received u car of Mitchell Automobiles We have in this car one 6-cylinder 48-horse power roadster, the finest automobile that has ever come to Alliance. Come in and see for yourself and be convinced FOREST LUHBER CO. A. P. Lee, Mgr. In our railroad notes last. wek, a mitinke by the linotype operator in reading copy, uhlch was not detect ed by th? proof reader, made Con ductor W. W. Johnson uppear in print as Train Maater W. W. John son. Mr. and Mrs. K. Sutherland. Jr., are comfortably located in their home in the Dr. Copsey bouse, 711 Toluca avenue. They came to Alliance from Kansas City a few weeks ao. Mr Sutherland taking Dick Waters place .(.a manager of the Dlerks l.um ber Co. New Feed Stable J 0 l vs4f Prop. Simon Spry's Barn, North of Alliance Creamery Stock given best attention Guaranteed satisfactory. Prices reasonable. Come and give me a trial