NEW STOCK MEN' M. D. Nichols has received a new stock of men's shoes, which he i has for sale at his shop, 217 Box shoes, work shoes and medium grades. These are the J. P. Dunn shoes, and are dependable goods. They have the style, fit and wear, the three things you want in shoes. Call and get prices. CORRESPONDENCE HEMINGFORD r I J. J. VANCE MANUFACTURER OF CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS and CONTRACTOR. Cement Walks, Cisterns, Basements, Foundations, etc. Cement Silos are the preference over all others in the east where they have been tested for years. I will construct these silos in the most approved manner the coming season. Let Me Figure with You Accidents Do Happen That's Why You Need a Telephone If you are an automobile enthusiast, you do not baYVta to be told of the value of the kmc distance Hell T !c phone. Yon use it i-on stantly . If you do not ha e an au tomobile, you have other need of l)Oth local and long distance Hell Telephone service. In emergencies it pays tenfold, Telephone Convenience Far Exceeds Its Cost. Nebraska Telephone Co. Bell Telephone Lines Reach Nearly Everywhere. Mr. and Mm. Gilmore, Mr. and Mrs. IVowmnn and Mr. mid Mm. I'eter came over from Hay Spring to attend Memorial service TInws day. Mr. nnil Mra. GHninn and Norman MiCorkle and BOthef autoed up from Alliance Thursday. Floyd MeCluHkey tame in on 44 Thursday from Ruahvlile, being rail ad home by the death of Ins father, which oc:-ured Thursday afternoon. Mr. Ira Phillip and children were up from Alliance to spend Moniorlnl day. Mr. and Mr Arthur Donovan and Wiliar.l vinlted with Mr. and Mrs. (JMH Hodgecock a few daya last week. Mr. Km ma Klder apetit Thurala in llemingford visiting her sister Mf ('corge I lodgecock. I.ewellyn Mclntyrc of Albany, Xc braaka came in on 44 Wednesday for a viwlt with friend her. Prof. Whitfield left Sunday for his home in Peru. Nebraska The home talent l:i.v uieti by the young people of the Methodist church was a great anecea and all who at tended nay It, was fine. Miaa Mary lodence visited over Sunday with Miss Dollie Pierce. of her father Mr. MeCluakey who haa been sick for aome lime. Mr. McKuen left on 44 Monday for a month's visit with her parents in Arkansas. Kdlth Hroshar spent Sunday her mother In Sioux county. with lee Roland from i own Saturday. Alliance was in Among those fOiOfl down to Alii jince Monday to be ready for Normal ie: Ida I'hrig, Hazel lllckey, Min nie llalbor and Agnes and Klla Del s;inR. Five autoes from here went over to Cliadron to attend the auto ilis play of Ford cars held there Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. -1. VYildy spent few days visiting with Mr. and Mrs. 'rndlord Fenner. Miss Alma KoaenberKer was a paaaOflfjor to Alliance Monday, i-oing down to attend Normal. Mrs. Karl Kiiveart came in on 41 "Monday from Maryland. Guy Sprowlea haa begun work on A. B. Clark's new residence across the street from Dr. McKuen'. Mrs. I.eora Rust in returned to Chudron Sunday after a few days' visit with friends and relative here Grandpa and Grandma Hall are vis iting a few days with their daughter, Mrs. Frod Hucke. (iraudpa and (irandma Curry came in from their ranch Monday for a few daya' visit with their son Will tajnd family. Miss Gladys Daiihom is li -l p i n Kditor Clark in the . Journal office. Quite a number attended t lie silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs Chris Hansen Tuesday Ira Phillips win up from Alliance the las of the week, going out to Sioux county to look after hia ranch here. M. K. .lohnson returned Monday from Omaha, where he has been for the past week on business. Mra. Claude lirown and daughter arrived from California laat week. They will spend some time visit ing with the Hushnell and Heaumont lam Hies. A. (J. Da n born moved his family Into the Miller house In the south part if town last week. Rev. Cox ret urn d Hiday trom a few days' visit in Chicago and other eastern points. Mrs. Alex Muirhead entertained the old soldiers and their wives at dinner Sunday. Klla and Delia lirown were passen gers to Alliance Saturday. Bill re turning Monday accompanied by her little sister Kdna. J 1 m i ft 7 I A W m aaa e mk m t m aaaaaiBw aaaaaahBM .aaaa. BE REPUTATION! In case of serious illncsa, you wouldn't call In any old doc tor, but would get the best doctor you knew of. The Doctor with a' Reputation, the doctor that has ehown his worth by years of good honest service. Then why buy any old range, when you can get The Great Majestic, The Range with a reputation a reputation won by years of constant, honest and economical eervice. The Majestic is made right OF NON-BREAKABLE MALLE ABLE IRON, and RUST-RESISTING CHARCOAL IRON. All parte of the Majestic are riveted together (not bolted) practic ally airtight no cold enters range or hot air escapes, thus bak ing perfect with about half the fuel used in a range that is bolt ed and pasted together with atove putty. The All-Copper Movable Reservoir on the Majestic Is ab solutely the only reservoir worthy of the name. It heats 16 gal lons of water while breakfast is cooking, and when water boils it can be moved away Trom fire by simply shifting lever. Call at our store and let us show you why the Majestic is absolutely the best range on the market. Your neighbor has one ask her. All styles and sizes. I. L. ACHESON PHELAN OPERA HOUSE BLOCK I I Mr. and Mrs. .lames Alliance visited with parents, Mr and Mrs Sunday. Btvana from Mrs. Kvans' Will Roland Burnett U ah Bart oatne in from the East Tuesday for visit with his brother Win. Mahnerl. Mrs. Ella H it-key and son Clark were in from Sioux county i ueaoaj Mrs. Win. Delsen was an incoming passenger on 4-; ruesaay trom aiii an , where she has been visiting for the past few days. George Hedgecock made a trip to Sioux County Tuesday bringing in Clark Hiekey's auto for repairs. Ml Cliff Hubble and wife spent a few days the first of the week on their homestead in Sioux county, returning Wednesday. HAVE YOUR TICKET READ "BURLINGTON". GO SOMEWHERE THIS SUMMER The entire scheme ot summer vacation rates to Eastern cities, or ito the Pacific coast, be otnes effective about JulM 1st. With liberal re ductions, with the luxury of modern travel, with the attractions' of the seaside, the mountains, the Pacific Coast, with everything combining to invite you to break away from the grind and monotony of work, YOU IDITOHT TO (JO SOMEWHERE. Hoarded money has no value. There i-s education, besides health, in travel.1 Your choice includes the Pacific Coast, the Yellowstone Park. nUtch Hf in the Hii; Horns, near Sheridan, Colorado's mountains and ozone, the Black Hills, and Hot Springs, S. D Glacier National Park. 'Lake Michigan and Huron resorts, Muskoka region, Canada, Eastern lours to Portland, Boston. Now York, Atlantic City every Summer lo cality In America has been included in a system of thru rates, conven ient thro tickets, and the comfort of highest thru trains. SEE YOUR COUNTRY! There are no such rates and comforts of travel in the World as American railroads provide. DR. F. W. BOLAND Office Over First State Bank Memingford, Nebr. oooooooooooooooo o BEREA NEWS o oooooooooooooooo Mrs. A. I, and Lillte Oaroon went to town decoration day. J. KRIDBLBAUQH, Agent Alliance L. W. WAKELEY, G. P. A.. Omaha Amanda Xabb is visiting ihiri week during vacation pa rani i Grandpa M Cluskey as. il away at his home on May SOtb alter sev ernl weeks' Buffering from a compli cation of diseases. All Hi.- children wore nr.-s :i: at the time Of his dealt. Short services were held at the home Friday at ::::. a.m. The re mains were taken east to the oM home in Iowa for burial. E. Stock well w ent over to his homestead Monday, returning the latter pari ot the week. I V Win Mundt got his ankle put out of place playing ball Sunday. (The following Henilnglord news i- received last week, but too UttW lOf publication.) Orvil Kidwell was an Alliance vis itor between trains Thursday. A niece and a nephew ot C J. and Kd Wildy from Chicago visited them few days last week. Alliance Meat Company f m-i in lit iii., W C. K, PHILLIPS, Mgr. SOS BOX FULL LINE OF MEATS Best Goods at Living Prices Mrs. PeU Be bOOl closed Friday and the teach ers all ten lor ineir nomcs c..t-pi I',. t Whitfield, who will sta until after decoration day. K U. I'ierce autoed up to Chad ion Hlday Dringing Airs i.eoia uus- tin and Mrs. t lyde uuison aome with him for B visit with relatives here. Dr Holand was a passenger ' Al liance Saturday, returning on 13 Sun day Miss Etta Michaels is spending the week visltiug with her brother I'hil- iu Michaels and sister Sw an son. Unite a number of the box h from Hem in:: ford attended the dance at Henr lifeline's Friday evening Howard Young was hurt uite bed lv la.l Saturday evening when 111- none be vvas riding fell ou him. l.i a Moore was an incoming pus uaer on (3 Sunday going oui to Mrs Juliii Hiiuh'a. where his wife and . Iiildren have becll visiting for tw days. Mrs Nettie Scott came ill from I low a S.mmlav to be at Hie bedHdt Up J, day A hunch from Snake Creek came to see the ball game Sunday. T. Nabb went to town Wedne Xellie otlea W lis is now borne from Kise and Amanda Nabb tpeni Sunday evening with Mrs. Jeas Trueblood. 9 p. J. Kliapp and WnKer Vogel and Chas. Calnor made a flying trip ov er to cai HaehnMBa Sunday morn- ing. f a I lard Trueblood was I'feltiltg witii Berea irtenoa nun weK. . Jes Trueblood went down to John Trueblood last Thursday not return lug tin Friday. Th.. Alliance Cubs came out and played ball with Berea. The Alii anee Doys Ilea! DOYLE & MOON (Mails. Specifications and Estimates furnished Without Charqe TWENTY-FiVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE Members local Union o. 1138 PHONES: 5Q and Red 440 at Rodgers' Grocery, Phone 1. Office JOHN GARRETT Successor to Frank Wallace Transfer Line Household goods moved promptly and transfer work solicited. Rat. phone 583 o o ooooooooooooo MALINOA SQUIBS o oooooooooooooo John Hums was in day on buatnaea o-Jti-li' Alliiuice Satur- Mrs Ciiainbers and Mis. lleilric rtetted With Mrs. Sutpperd Friday Home of our farmers are through with their planting and the rest are very busy gelling in ihelr crops. Arthur I .ore pagae up Saturday get afeualBted With ale family. to Mr liunlap and daughters were caller at the Shipperd home Krida Snow Drift Flourat the Fair Store, $1.55 per sack. Phone 589. Boards of ail descriptions for any part of a house or barn. Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. Phone 22 0. Waters, Mgr. 4Hal t t My new stock of PLUMBING GOODS is now arriving Something new in Bath Tubs and Closets. Come in and get prices before buying elsewhere. WI. Plumbing and Heating Phone 720 Green i i