The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 06, 1912, Image 5

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    Classified Advertisements Nebraska news
The following "Want Ads" are
classified under appropriate headings
for the convenience of readers.
CASH RATES One cent per
wo.4 each insertion. No ad received
for lets than ten cents per inser
tion. Black face double rate.
CREDIT RATES One cent per
word each insertion, but no advertis
ing account opened for less than
twenty-five cents and no ad charged
for less than fifteen cents per week.
B ack face double rate.
Ir answering Herald want ads
please mention that you saw it In
tats paper.
A classified advertisement will in
troduce to each other the next buy
er and the next seller of property
In this town.
Bonded Abstracter.
I have the only set of abstract
b -oks in Box Butte county. Office
la McCorkle Building. 10-tf-570
or will rent three rooms. 317 West
Fourth St. Phone 674.
314 Sweetwater Ave., Phone 387.
FOR RENT. Office or living
rooms. First Nat'l Bank Building.
Wallace's Dray Line makes a spe
c.alty of moving pianos and other a,
tides requiring careful handling. Of
fice phone, 5; residence, 48. Call
up when vou want any hauling done.
Money to loan on real estate. F.
E. Reddish. 3tt
Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and
posts. Phone 71. tf
Get your crops insured against los
by hail storms See .tohn Snoddy,
Insurance .Vgcn;.
When Alliance Citizens Show the
There can be no Just reastm why
any reader of this will continue to
suffer the tortures of an aching back,
the annoyance of urinary disorders,
tin- dangers of serious kidney ills
when relief Is so near nt hand and
the most positive proof given that
these ills can be cured. Rend what
an Alliance citizen says:
Mrs. J. E. Whaley. 422 E. Oregon
St., Alliance, says: "I have no reason
ta change my hijfh opinion of Doan's
Kidney Pills since I publicly recom
mended them in May I!tu7. Over
three years ago my kidneys became
badly disordered and the kidney se
cretions were unnatural. Whenever
I stooped, sharp pains darted thru
my loins and It was very difficult
for me to straighten. 1 tried many
rajmedles hut all failed to help me
until l procured Doan's Kidney Pills
at Holsten's Drug Store. They
brought me relief in a short time and
I continued their use until I was
free from kidney complaint."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the Unit
ed States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
- - ' - '
State Press Association Holds
Annual Meeting in Lincoln.
List of Superintendents, with Post :
Office Addresses, Appointed
for State Fair, 1912
E. I. Gregg & Son have a large
amount of first-class alfalfa and wild
hay at a reasonable price.
Buy your coal of Rowan & Wright.
Phone 71. tf
Coal office at Rowan's feed store.
ROWAN & WRIGHT, phone 71. tf
SALE -Phone S on 24 for nartiicu-
or RENT. Modern
Make the best monuments and will
save you money. Call on Ah. V.'IK
KR, local salesman of Alliance. Of
send to Grand Island for price list.
The daughters ot Isabella will
give a dinner and supper If) Deal
Brothers' store, June SI. This will
be during the Stockmen's Convention.
E. C. n sman. painting contractor
Send your worn-out carpets to
the Lincoln Rug Factory, Lincoln,
Nebr. They will make them into
rugs for the regular price and pay
the freight bjlli ways. This offer
Is made rather t han putting a so
licitor in the territory. Write for
price-list and shipping tags
2". 4-1562
Being no longer in the employ of
Geo. D. Darling. I am still In position
to serve iny former friends as
Funeral Director and Embalmer.
ALLEN H. MORRIS, Phone 179.
A large line of conveyancing and
other legal blanks is carried in
stock at the office of The Alliance
Herald. We can supply these in
any quantity desired. Following is
a list of some of the blanks carried
in stock:
Agreement for Building
Agreement for Warranty Ieed
Assignment of Mortgage
Application for Druggist's Permit
Administrator's or Executor's Deed
Bond for Deed
Bill of Sale
Chattel Lease
The above list Includes only a part
of the blanks which we carry in
stock. If there is any other blank
that you wish, call at our office, or
write for tt, and we will supply the
Banie In any quantity you desire.
Alliance, Nebraska.
General, Win. Foster. Lincoln.
Guards. C. J. Tracy, Loup City.
Transportation, L. L. Emerson, Lin-
Ua . George Jackson, Nelson.
T1ckt, E. Z. Russell, Blair.
Amphitheatre, E. R. Purceii, Broken
Coliseum, ("has. Graff, Bancroft
Auditorium, W. W. Cole. Neligh. and'
W. Z. Taylor, Culbertson.
Automobile Hall, C. H. Gustafson, ;
Mercantile Hall, Z. T. Leftwleh, St. i
Fruit. Clyde Barnard, Table Rock.
Floral, Louis Henderson, Omaha,
f ish Exhibit, W. J. O'Brien. Gretna. ,
Sanitation, J. II. Taylor, Waterloo, j
Bauds und Attraction, J. E. Bjraa, I
Cjwa "A" Horses, R. M. Wolcott,;
Palm. r.
Class "B" Cattle, E. R. Danielson,
Osceola. I
Clas ,,C" Swire. L. W. Leonard,
Pawnee cny.
Class "D" Sheep, W. C. Caley, I
Cieighton. .
Class "E" Poultry, A II. Smfth, Lin-,
coin. '
Class "F" Ai;ii. PfOdttOtO, Win.
James, Dorchester.
Class "G" Dairy, Jacob Sass, Chal- '
Class "H" Domestic Products, Mrs.
R. a. Maloney, .Madison.
( lass "I" Bees and Money, E. Whit
comb, Friend.
Class " J" UOnien's Iept., Mrs. C.
L. Mansfield, Lincoln.
Class "K" Fine Arts. Mrs. Ross P.
Curtice. Lincoln.
Class L" Educational, Anna V. Day,
Clasp "M" Machinery, W. B. Ban
ning, Union.
Class 'Q" Specials, Chits .Mann,
Clats "S" .Speed, Jos. Sheen, Lin
coln. Class -S" Speed Clerk. H. V. Kic
sen, Beatrice.
C., B. & Q.
Time Table
Effective commencing May 5,
1912, Mountain Time.
Arrive Leave
No. 42 Daily 12:13am 12:45&m
No. 44 Daily 1 1 :20am llHiam
Arrive Leave
No. 41 Daily, Edgemont, Black
Hills, Billings, o :55am 4:19am
No. 43 Daily, Edgemont, Bill
lags, 12:30pm 12:50pm
Arrive Leave
No. 301 Daily, Bridgeport,
Denver, 12:35am
No. 303 Daily. Bridgeport,
Denver; dally except
Sunday, Guernsey 12 511pm
From South
Arrive Leave
No. 302 Daily 3:20am
No. 3U4 Daily 11:20am
Revised Salary List at Nebraska State
Penitentiary Shows Five Hundred
Dollars Month More to This Branch.
HuseneUer Issues Letter.
Lincoln. June 4. The first session
of the .V'bruska Press asso'clat Ion fot
1912 showed one of the best attt tided
for years. The meeting was called tc
order b) President John If, Tanner ol
the South Omaha Lemocrat ami Ret,
Mr. Shepherd of the First Congrega
tional church of this city delivered
the invocation.
In the absence of Mayor Armstrong,
President Qeorge Woods of the Lin
coin Commercial club welcomed the
newspaper men and women to the for
tieth annual meeting.
President Tanner theti delivered the
annual address and response to the
address Of Mr. Woods.
A. L. Blxhy of the Lincoln Journal
read the annual poem, and Miss En-
nice itaskins, corresponding secretary
or the snsociaUon, responded, c. w
Pool delivered an address on "Scraps."
C. F. Clark of the David City Press
spoke on "Newspaper Ideals," and WM
followed by ex-Pi esldent Wood of the
Gering Courier on "Advertising Out
Own Business. " A discussion was in
dulged In over the subject, led by O.
O. Buck of the Newman QrOtC Report
er. and the meeting then adjourned
to attend the ball game between Lin
coin and St. Joseph.
In the evening a reception was ten
dered the newspaper men by Governor1
and Mrs. Aldrich at the mansion. . .
Salary Raise at Prison.
The state board of public lands and
buildings has received salary accounts j
ot II: State penitentiary lor tne montu
of May and the same were filed in the
office of the cdhimissioner of public
lands and buildings. These accounts
show that the guards at the institution!
hav- had their salaries raised from
fl'i to $20 and that thirty-two guards
are now employed, following is the
aajrroll: Warden. 512:.: deputy, $104; j
matron, $50; assistant deputy, $75; j
physician, ?7."); chaplain and usher J
$85; steward, $Hr'; chief engineer
$90; farm boss, $i!5; guards, $50; yard
master. $65: night engineer, $((;
bookkeeper. $7,,; hospital steward, $20.
This makes an increase In the payroll
of something over tfOO from the pre
ceding month and is mostly due to an
increase in guards and also an In
01 1 use in their pay.
Husenetter Issues Letter.
State Oil Inspector Husenetter has
issued the following letter to the pub
"Owing to the fact that there has
been made recently a decision by
Judge Lesiie in the Washington oun
ty district court, wherein It is held
rhat 'he low trrades of petroleum oils,
such as distillate, gas oil. fuel oil,
etc.. may be used for power purposes,
soma POBfttaton might possibly arise
from this decision In regard to other
oils and gasoline. While our Nebras
ka law explicitly provides for the In
peOttOO of all petroleum products. I
Shall hold that the Inspection on the
above mentioned low grade oils for
power purposes Is not niKfrasSfJ and,
there fore, will not be inspected. Ker
osene prid gasoline will he Inspected
gg heretofore, no matte? fot what pur
pose need. Naphtha 01 other low
grades of gasoline heing prohibited
by our statate, the use of same will
bo prohibited "
Bowes Seeks Mandamus.
H. H. Bow -s. an attorney from Oma
ha. appeared before the supreme court
and asked for a mandamas to compel
the state auditor to issue a license to
the National Kin plovers association
a new company being organized
While the supreme court did not Make
a ruling on the matter, the attorney
wrj given to understand that it would
he much better lo have the case take
it1', regular route through the district
court. Under that hint Mr. Bowes
withdrew h' application.
Minclen Wants Depot.
The city of Minden has filed with
the railway com mission a petition ask
:ng that the Burlington Railway com
pany be enjoined from repairing and
temode'.lBR its depot in that city. The
t , tlofl is forth that Minden Is a
tone. ' mrvr 2.o00 people and that Its
'ty Ordinance forbids the erection o'
woi l a buMdings within a certain lim
it and that the proposed depot is with
in that prescribed area. It also sets
forth that the present deot Is too
small to accommodate the public and
that a new and modern depot is re
quired lo me-'t the demand of the
Brief in Behalf of Larson.
A brief was tiled in the office of the
clerk of (he supreme court in the case
of Frank V lirsoii. convicted of the
murder of his brother. Charles The
uppeal is made on error of the district
court of Burt county, in which the
111 ird r took place, and will come up
for hearing In the supreme court next
Demonstrate Apple Packing.
The ttoard of directors of the State
horticultural society ut their meeting
at Lincoln decided to give a
demonstration In apple packing at the
state tair th.. fall. An expert packc
will be secured to give the demonstra
tion. Secretary Marshall was elected
to succeed himselt without opposition
Broom Manufacturer Comes to Terms
Over Convicts' Wcrk.
The state board of public lands and
buildings got settlement with
Ihe eompnnv at the penitential)
for lb-' use of the convict in the man
ufacture of brooms the out
break at the pilson some t me ago
the compatty has not been u-ing the
full number 0:' men called tor iii their
contract with (04 state and had not
paid the amount due the state for the
months nf March and April.
State Treasurer George was appoint
00 by the board to confer with Clinton
R. ind get a settlement. The re
rnlt of the conference Is that Mr.
lias paid into the state treasury the
fuM Sntottnl due for March and April,
less time lot t during t he time the
rrisone-s were kept In their cells at
IDC time of the prison trouble, and
also for men used by the state under
contract to Iff, Lee The amount paid
In Is ICAHtO, and with it goes an
agreement to pay fot the full number
of men called for in the contract in
the future The men will all be put
to work at once.
Meets Death in Play House by Coming
In Contact With Live Wire.
Ralph Klnsinger. eleven years old,
the son.' of one of Milford's principal
merchants, was instantly killed by
coming In contact with a live wire.
George Knglemyer. living In the
west pnrt of the village, had pitched
a tent for his little boys In his yard
and wired It to furnish electric light.
The Insulation had worn off in a small
place and some one had attached a
piece of binding wire to It. The boys
plaxing nearby noticed that a dog
coming in contact with the wire gnve
a sharit howl, whereupon on 8 of them
ran to the wire, touched it with his
finger and received a slight shock. An
other DO tried the experiment with
the same result.
Ra'nli ran Up and grabbed the wire
with his hand and evidently received
the full force of the current and was
unable to loosen his grip, resulting in
his almost Immediate death.
44 1 1 ! ItMIt
57 UUKMtzN
In Alliance
d M $ a n $ $ $ $
"Fighting Preacher" Held for Assault,
on Lr.wyer Rose at Genoa.
Genoa, Neb.. June 4. Kid Wrdge, '
the ,0 called "Fighting Preacher,"
who occupied the Presbyterian pulpit
hOre last yogr, and who was arrested
for assault on l awyer Rom, returned
to Genoa Saturday He had been in
town but a few hoars when he was ar
rested and taken to the county seat
before Judge KleiSC, where he aave
bonds for appearance at a later dat
He was arrested in the Rose cas
.main, having failed to put In an a
peg rgnce at the hearing a few aeekr
ago. his bonds being declared le
ft ited. Wedge declares that he w
remain In Genoa and preach even
tie is compelled to hold his servlc
00 th streets. It it very doubtful
he can secure a church.
Aviator Dies Under Biplane in
Brief Flight at North Yakima.
Tuberculosis Hospital Is Filled.
Kearney, Neb., June 4. With the
; arrival of eight male tuberculosis pa
tlOIHg Iron Omaha, the capacii) of
the Bint -tuberculosis hospital was
; iilled to r.'re limit, eighteen being the
wiliibt 1 "1 patients now in the InStttU-j
ilea, with'ii 1 sraek one of the wings
of the uevs dormitory Is expected to bo
! LOOtplOtOd gad a portion 01 the SUhitl
,001ns 1 ady (or occupant y, the whole
building kicing cxpetted to be in use
bj Julv I. when ;) thirty 01, (standing
applications for admission to the hos
pital win ). r"t o-.'iiized.
Engineer Price Returns to Lincoln.
Stale Kngtaeer Price has returned
from his trip to Gering and reports
that the contract for the IfoOraW
iiridge was let to John L. Mul'in ot
Lincoln for lS,4$l The bridge win
be 00 (ret long.
Mr Price also Inspected the irrlga
fon construction at Kimball and
found tlw reservoir completed ami al
read partially filled with water and
ready to supply the water to the v,-
'inn acres under the ditch
Delegates Name Alternates.
As a result of the action of the
-tate Democratic committee meeting
a few days ago, three delegates to the
national convention at Baltimore have
-t nt in nomas of their alternates. A.
; S. Tlbbetts of Lincoln selected T. S.
' Allen, and W. T Wheeler of Platts-
i iiiOii'h W. K. Ritchie of the same city.
I P. T. Hwanson of Clay Center, dele
gate from the Plfth district, has se
lected Lem Tibb' tts of Grand Island.
Condition of Treasury.
Th followirig statement of the state
; treasurer shows tho fOl 'ipts snd dis
bursements for the month of May:
Warrants to the amount of about $K0.
i iu0 have been paid -inc,e the report
aj tomptotdd. Cash on hand amounts
j to $8,231.72. Which, tog'thcr with ah
'en depot vl' and (OBor4l fund warrants
1 on ban, i, gggrespst 7 10,010, Monthly
receipts tor Ht4MM and payesoats
i $;;53.o62.
3ody Is Df.ijjjud From Wreckage of
Machine III Orcnard Once Hcldj
VvcrlJc Altitude Re-cord Flew to
Height cf 10 600 Fett.
Willi Q smile und a wave of his hand
to th thousands who watched him,
Philip O. P.uiaalc'c, uutil recently one
o: the Wright aviators, took the air
in the tooth Ol a wind at North Yak
ima, Wash. Three minutes later bis
broken and lifelong body was dragged
from beneath the wreckage of his bl
plane in au apple orchard, two miles
from his starting point. The , ; 1
cause of the disaster that plugged hlni
to his death probably uever will be
As he rose from before the grand
stand at the fair grounds, Parniale
swung to the west over the Yakiim
river, lie rose to a nelght of about
400 feet and his speed Increased to al
most a mile a nilni.te, although It WSJ
noticed that his plane dipped and
tolled and seemed to be COhtroUod
sith difficulty.
When he : ad ROtte about two m'.!r3
from the fair groar.ds he Swung in 0!
wld: circle to the . . fcr in?
return Journey.
As he gqun 'I -rv- . dci'OTO the v':
the greet phi rh 1 i! Its tt irse.j
flutteiit' a - d .1 weuada I biid
d pluprcrl m tfc !!!? of t e .
It Is tlOlfh PY Pi r v.i'ee'.'. aiscltq ,
nlclcns C i.-r. :1 '. .; si iron c ai
the small runyoi b tbl r.otrh th? s' I ,
of the Moxee tlltry CI! ICh t :va
chine and "Widered its e'..'at!n?
planes immanaseahle.
The body tf the unfoi filiate aviato'
was draggod from beneath the wrecavj
age of tho urn hine by farmers, who'
were WOffcfolf 'n Ihe orchartl. but M'
skull wfs frartumd and he must hae
died InstaaUai
in Chlcatfo last Attaaai Parmalae -
tablish 'd n world s altitude reiord. R
ing to a height of 10,800 feet, but the
record sra$ brokoa on the auceeedlaj
tlav by I it, coin Headu y.
session of the Minnesota legislature
prohibiting the coloring of "oleo" to
make It resemble butter was declared
unconstit ill ional by the state suprems
In its decision the supreme court
said :
"The motive of coloring Is plain.
1 he COOSUmer Will BOt buy the lighter
colored article There ran, however,
be no Intenl to deceive the purchaser,
as the 'aw concerning labels is fully
compiled w'th."
The case was founght by a Chicago
packing firm
Settlement Is Reached in Dispute Over
Terminal Rentals.
Superintendent Ferrltor of the Chi
cago and" Alton Illinois lines announced
the Peoria terminal difficulties adjust-
d anil trains resumed schedules.
Terms of set' lenient were not made
I'tiarglng nonpayment of $:,.it.niMi ter
mlnal rental, the Peoria and Pekln
Cnion had lr.i'-red th" Chicago and Al
ton from using the Peoria passenger
station and freight yards, and all
trains had been held up during the
Chicken Case Reversed.
The case against William Bands,
in which the defendant, a prominent
Dakota count firmer, was convicted
hi Ihe district court of stealing fifty
six chickens valued at $2. was re
versed in the supreme court and lie
case remund"d back to the district
casus. Of Dakota county for a new trial.
Funeral of E- F. Chittenden.
The funeral 01 Kli K. Chittenden was
held it York The deceased
tiled on his ranch near Seneca, grhOrs
be haC mud kii home for several
years He was nn old verei.ui and 0
printer by trade.
Franklin Says Oarrow Used These
Words Just Before His Arrest.
"Bert, they're onto us."
Thest vere the words Clarence S.
Darrow Uttered to Bert H. Franklin a
moment before the hitter's arrest ou
Nov. 2K. 1911. for the bribery ol
George tf, i.oekwttod. according tt
Pranklin s testimony in the trial ol
Darrow at l.o Angeles.
Praafclla twtffed thai narrow had
given aim the $t.uou. wblili was ic
have gJYOM o Lock wood for his
ote of 'not giil'ty" in the tiial ol
lames :i Mi Nam are.
Job llairlmau, Sot ialist (a4ididat
for muyor in LOS Angeles last fall and
an associate of Darrow in the McNa
inara dsfB. was present In court
for tht first time since the trial be
gan and beard his name mentioned in
oniiectien with the alleged bribe
Franklin testified that when in
called lor the $1,immi al Parrow's of
fice, the latter told him "Jolt would be
here in nbout ten minutes."
Franklin also testified that per
sons, drawn as Jurors In the McNa
mara trial, who were not considered
friendly to the defense, were given
notice in time to evade service.
Case Is Fought and Won by Chicago
Packing Firm.
The law passed passed at the last
WUfear WCght, tue noted aviator,
died of typhoid fever at Dayton, O.
Hampton's msgasino has suspended
publication acd ite June nuuber will
not he ''sued
P&derwoOd f'.v.x reduced in the
koojsa Hie cotton : trill bill, vetool
during ta egtra session.
Denmark tati docidod to have dtt-83
representation al ihe Pacinc-p. v. ma
9xpoait)6n a i ..!... building v. ill L"j
t r.-cted.
One ent're int block of ?!'r.c
qua, Wis., was dosn jod bj D 8 tto
loss being bout SlOiJOOd. I Jfl
hotel was anoiq the bl!dingg d
IX T. Kirtley, his wife. Cs Hhtcc nnJ
( undall King were drowned when a
skiff in which they were c rossing thj
Mississippi rler at I nnibat, Mo..
Chart -s V.'i'e' reck was I oken and
his mother, V- e. Charles .Irhermer
horn w. uevfiely nijiii ti wasa their
gutoatoblia tun d tur,' near Hoi
comb. 111.
To decide whether It will allow
smoking on tho street cars in Kansas
City, Hi" .Metropolitan Street Railway
company began taking votes of all
raying pasnengers.
Andrew Perrault, a real "son of the
American rev Nation." died at Galenai
III., aged .ilnetv-one years. His fath
er enlist-d in Washington's army when
only sixteen years old.
The powder htmse at the Federal
lad and 7im Mining rampant plant
between Hau l Green. Wis., and Ga
lena, III . nlew up and Harry Steven
sail of Savannah was killed.
Several shots, fired from the Dear-
lorn street viaduct, Chicago, at non
union freight handlers at work for the
Northwestern railroad, resulted in the
arrested of Charles K Stenford.
Mrs. Jane Qulnn, accused of shoot
ing an. I killing her third husband.
John , Qiiinn, last I lecemi er in his
bed, was found not guilty by a jury
at Chicago before Judge Kerstein.
At his home on the Crow Creek res
ervation, in central South Dakota,
occurred the death al Wizi, one of the
most prominent of the older Sioux In
dians. He was eighty-one years of age.
A bronze tablet marking the place
where. In gt, the first Catholic mass
was s.i 1. 1 on the island o: Manhattan
was unveil-d 011 the north entrance
stairs of the New York custom house.
Commissions uid ou account of
goods pin t based abroad are not dutia
ble. The failed States customs
court of appeals so decided this im
portant question against the govergr