JlUAHCE jfERALD Published every Thtirfda by The Herald Publishing Company. Incorporated JOHN W. THOMAS. Editor and Mgr WARREN a HARDING. Ohio Man Who May Be Chosen to Nominate Taft at Convention. for open meeting See the Airship Flights June 20, 21 and 22 Suggests When Contests Are Heard Doors Be Opened. entered at the postottlce at Alll ao, Nebraska, fur transmission through the mails aa second -class matter. Subscription, $1.50 per year In advance. The circulation of this newspaper is guaranteed to be the largest In western Nebraska. Advertising rates will be furnished on application. Rumple copies free for the asking. 1912 JUNE 1912 e 1M IT IV. TIKIS I 91011 121.114 1; 2I - i t 6 I 8 THURSDAY. JUNK 6, IM2 i an as. t ae. JH ma. aV KJaS ' WISE CRITICISES ARCHBALD 'n lis Inst week's issue, the Co ler County Republican, a Taft itapP Piter. begin to hedge by announcing that should Roosevelt be nominated at the Chicago convention It will sup- pnik hi in .Joseph Oberfeldcr of Sidney hits bwtt appointed : si-Oam serge iillt at-j arms of the democratic national con-: -ntlon at Baltimore, tin appointment that la e-uito pleasing 'o this m-ws-pnajef, Road the advertisements in The; Herald, and then patronize die ud- j 1 'fa. My so doing you will be ' doing yourself a good turn by trans-! acting business with reliable bust i men, and Inc'dcnta'ly su will be favoring with your tra4e i! who deserve It. It wouldn't hurt the paper If oci aslonally you would mmelon to advertisers thai you saw lhe:r annouiKenu utt-s In The Herald. The ladles' aid societies of sever al of the Alliance churches have a dopted a practice that is worthy of omulution. On the last Wednesday of every month having five Wednes days u union inoeUug la beld, the ladles of one church entertuiniug those of the other churches. I.rsI week the ladles of the I'nitcd PreO byterlan the First .Presbyterian and the Methodist churchl I ire guests of the Baptist ladles at the Baptist The confidence that old timers have tu ngrl; ullural proapecta of this country should be encouraging to persons who have Imesieel in laud , here with the expectation of farm us : This confidence is shown by prepur atlcns for engaging In farming more extensively. I. L. Aches 1 who Is agent for the Rumley Oil Pull trac Hob engine and plows has poM three outfits this season and I . revelvid ajiother which lis has pi sepectl of selling. Tlie threw naona who have already purchased are O. M. Hatch of Angora, J. R. Van Boskirk and Mrciles Brotihers. Attorney Says Judge Was Too Lenient in Wire Pool Caaea. Washington. June i- (Tatted dttnea Atioint) Wise of New York, before the house Judiciary committee, gave nls opinion of the judicial conduct of Judge Robert W. Archbalel of the c om merce court in the wire pool anti trust cus.'h in New York last July. Judge Arehbsld find mot of the elghtly oild defendants 1 1,000 each after they had pleaded guilty to criminal violations of the Shetmati law. Mr. Wise expressed the view that the defendants secaped with inade quale tines. He also gave the comtn't tee his reaeotte for eomplaintng against the use of the rolle cobteadraj phas Mr. Wise rogd from the court rec ord and retterai I (h'e objections ho had made tie n to Judge Archhuld's rulings. MRS. EBELING ASKSD:V0nCE Poisoned Flowers. Chicago. .Mine 4 Mrs. Rose RbeV ing charged that her husband had sough! to harm her by sending her a box of nolsoned flowets The accuaa tion was made in a hill for divorce filed in th" circuit court against Fred t rick Kbeling. The complaint avers that the flow era were sent her aftr she had In sructed her attorney to prepare the divorce plea, and that the fumes of the floweis, which were American Beauty roses, overpowered the ser vant, who although warned from the box by Mrs. labeling, opened the pack uge and r-Mc.oved the rose?. Mrs Kbe'lns' says that her hatband has property !n California and Mis- aoun aim .'.n income 01 azeu a mourn. mm PRESS MEN ALMITTEO Members of Republican National Com mittee Gather in Chca0 Two 01 the Candidates Have Headquarters at Same Hotel. ChiChfO, June 4. President Taft has written to ('hull man Harry S. New of tin; tubuoii. mittee on H.rungcm ins 101 the Bet lone Kcpubll. an conven tion suggesting that the meetings oi Hie nntioual committee at which con tests are heard be thrown Opeg to the yress and to the public. The president s lettci was received at the national committee headquar ters. In it suggests that Mr. Nt w take eg with the coinm.ttee the mat ter of open hearings,' and that If the committee lade it possible the dellb et at inns ovcy the contests, '2Z' ol which have already been prepared 101 G.ibmlssion. be carried on in open ses Hone, Chgltmen New expressed the opin ion that the attlon taken by the presl dent will have jieat weight with tin coinniitt ' . This, taken in connec tl'jp itM the previous requ' .st of Coio nei Rooeeveli for puhttchy of the con test Rrgmuenla, indicates tliut the doors probably will be thrown open nt least to newspaper men, wlun tbe coirmittee takes up the contested del egate caeei Friday morning. Not Expressing Opinions. Few membera of the national com taittge had reached Chicago, and ot those hei niiie would exptess a ib ti nlte opinion as to the anion of Ujh committee on the. matter of public ar gumcuts. 1 be president's letter was the chief object of discussion at po li.iiai headonartera god his declara tion for public ity of the hearings is de clared by his aappOrten now here to Indicate thai the Taft managers be lieve their cMitest cases are stronrly fbcpai'd. T he Tait head'-.rters was opu: ! h J..s an B. Ke.i b cf Indiana. The Roseevefl :ti' the Taft headquai ur. iiftve I) n ('stai)li-hed in the same ho tel. Alexander B. Revell, head oi th- Illinois ii-'adiuarti rs. who retOtncu from Oyst r May. gave out a atnl in nt outtfnlng what be a' la t. '.c:i ! Roatevelt'a attitude toward ooaveat organization. "We are? assured abcolutc'y ti.tt there wio be a clear majority foi Colonel Roosevelt on the first ballot.' said Mr. Retrefl. "The prOBOOitlon i:i eight ! to develop the trength throughout the convention prelim Inarfee, so that it eltlmetety erltl be eonccntrated to the nomination of Colonel Koosevelr t "Ahsolute'y nothing else has. or will be considered bv Colonel Roosevelt or by at frtenda prior to or during the coin enticn." PERPETRATED BY WALT MeDOUCALLv GUESS THE REASON AJSID WIN ATRIP TO EUROPE. T Sexiuoia is the naane of tbe? mam moth trees, some of which are esti mated to be more- than two thous and years old. lu order to prevent the extermination of these? trees, the Forest Service cf the United State? lJepartment of Agriculture has under-1 taken within the lust few years td replant them. Splendid success has so far rewarded these efforts In ting the young tree started, but it ia not expected tha they will attain the size of "giants oi the toreet" during the present administra. ii i. Conditiors In Cuba Are Improving. "waslilngtcrt, .June 4 A distinct 1m proVetpeBt In the conditions In th- neighborhood of Daiquiri. Cttba, is re-1 ported to the state department. There j Is a lack o: encouragement. However, in reports from other points In Cuba The consuls, while not reporting any actual nprialoga, indicate the exist ence of unrest. Captain Rostron Pr;sented With Purse Nw York, June 4. Captain Arthur H Rostioii of the steamship Carpa this, which brought into port the sur vivors of the Titanic disaster, waa pre sented with u dratt for I10.00Q, fund subscribed by readers of the New York American. Roosevsit to Oppose Root. Oy-t ' May, June 4. Colonel Roc go roll leaved a Ions statement dortartflg definitely gla intention to fljjht the election of Senator Root as temporary chairman oi the national Republican convention. SENATE AftlENFS NAVAL BILL BIG TIME AT AtLIANCE 17th ANNUAL CONVENTION OIF1 TUS eitores Proviaion for Two ?5 and light Submarines. ?n, iL.'!ie T'!e aenata i OAVi'i affairs restored to ipropr'ation bill provision nieships, atrfeken out by ! THE MARKETS The Herald's railroad reporter was j late In geitme copy reviely for Jhlsi week's issue, hence tin- same was crowded out, which we very much re-i gre-t kiud things to eat, with pleaaant sur roundings, will have h fine opportuu Ity to gratify their decree. Judge Merry made an over Sunday visit to Denver. J. R. Raskin, proprietor of the Scottsbitiff Steam l.auudr. was vis iting friends In Ailkiuce the first of tbe week. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rebder on Monday. June I, a boy Miss Maude Martin of Lincoln, sis ter of Edgar M. Martin, terminated her visit in Alliance on Tuesday. ' Central Cafe" la the name or the ne eating house aoon to be opened by "Bur Becker at 207 Box iVutte avenue Chicago. June 3. Closing prices: Wheat July. $1.10; Sept.. $1."U. Corn--Jul., Tx-oc; Spt., T24gC Oats July. 49--;c; Sept., 4. i', Fork--July. 1 7 ; Sept . $1! 85 Lerd July. jlU H."., Sept., J11.12'-. Chicago Cash Prices No. hard wheat, 1 JMtg491.lt; No -1 torn, 74fl) 76c; No. 2 white oats, 52" -tfi To'.t Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, June 3. Cattle Receipts. 16,0(10; steady to Lie up; oeeves, $H.o5 t9.40; weatern steers. $0.4i6 8 2'i; stockers and feeders, $4 g&fj ti.rtj ; rows and hei'ers. $2 83ti S.'i." . l alves. IJJd i0. Hogs Receipts. 28,'MMi; rtrin to luc i:p: light. 17.15ft 7.62' heavy. 17.20ft 7. 7e; rough, $7.2')ft; 45; pigs. $:. -.'XI 7 2o; bulk. $7 :...? 7 .". Sheep Receipt?, 2 ,oii); steady; natives. $3t)ft4l; westerns. 4.0gfgJl; yearlings. I5.2'.7.75; lambs, dft25. Cormrlftee Eattler' Wash I; committ th" natal for two ' the hor In add It on to the battleships the senate committee provides ror eight submarine tOtpedO boats, instead of four voted by the house; retains the hous- provision fur six torpedo boat destroyers, two fuel ships, a tender to d:-strovers and a submarine tender. The committee struck out the house eljiht hour restriction on government Contract work; adopted an amend ment incorporating th Hobson plan for creating t natiooal council for do fa nj and provided the grads of ad miral gad vice adagtrgl for the ooe Baaadera in chief and record offlcera in boatanagd i karectively in the Atlan tic and Pertfle fleets, while the) bold such com m i nds. The romwlttea fixes the term of all aglfated aaea at four years, with pro vision for voluntary extension of ser vice; authorizes the secretary to buy war mat rial abroad in an emergency, tmr pro ides for the f 1 .eOO.OO.i'round heworld wireless svsini which the house threw out ' the bill. CONOENSEJ NEWS Foreigners Flee From Chihuahua. Chihuahua. Mex., June 4. Only 106 foreigners out of a normal foreign popnlat'on of at least JM6 rgelda in Chihuahna toiiay. Of the l.nuO Amer icans who ordinarily live here, only thirty hve men and seventy one wom en remain. An official census shows that fears of an attack on the rebel city by the advancing federals has practically depopulat d the town. Thir t thousand people inhabit Chihuahua fn time of peace, but today less than tO.Ooe are here and the exodus is gaily growing larger. T 1 1 M ffaag Democratic senators in caucus fruit lessly tried to adopt a program witn regard to the revision of the tariff on migar. The chemical tariff bill will be brought up In the senate this week and the sugar tariff debate will follow. Job Harriman and Lecompte Da via, both oi whom were associated with Claren c S. Darrow in the trial of the McNamara brothers, will be witnesses for the prosecution In the trial of Da' row at Los Aggolea for alleged jury bribing The kindness with which Orris Nonhrip, a thirteen eat old boy treated James Burge. an old man. has been rlegl) revvaidd The circuit -ourt of Oiark county (Mo t has sus tained the will of Burge, In which th t.-.. i. .iai.tea ui-J Nebraska Stock Growers' Association JUNE 20, 21, 22 3 Flights Daily By the Curtis Biplane with a Noted A viator Frontier Day Sports, Cow Pony Races, Bucking Contests, Relay Races, Fancy Rope Spinning FT. ROBINSON CAVALRY BAND AND ALLIANCE CONCERT BAND Exee .dmissicn to ti.e 0-ra.rj.d. Stand. Uc Cia-xgre for -A.-o.tos ox ZBiAgrgries Liberal Purses for Race Events FOR CONCESSIONS SEE OR WRITE W. S. RIDGELL. ALLIANCE V Everybody Invited to Alliance -