f" " " " " ' i ' mama i , , tttt? . v, ,, .ImmTT. -r -w w m n 11 Vanadium Steel Makes the Ford Strong, Light and Dependable The Car for You to Buy im Sal rw. FOREDOOR TOURING CAR , I, I, the toughest and strongest steel made. i FT t ' t T Tlie Ford can be run for less than one-half the expense of the ordinary heavy car. Its powerful little engine has ample power to take the car anywhere at any time through sand, mud or snow . Ford cars frequently get 10,000 miles or more of sen ice from a single set of tires. The ordinary car gets about 3,000 miles or less than one-third the service. Every Ford dealer carries a complete stock of parts, ready for instant delivery. No waiting to send to the factory for needed parts in case of accident. No trouble in fitting them, either, for every one of the 75,000 Fords made this year are exactly alike. Kvery part is interchangeable. The Ford dealer sells from three to five times as many cars as the other dealer. His commission is only about one-half that of the other dealer. This saves you money. The fact that Ford builds 75,000 cars in his factory enables great saving in cost to be made. Another big saving for you. You cannot get Ford quality and service in any other car at double the price. Hundreds of firms are adopting the Ford delivery car in place of horses for de livery work. One car will do the work of several wagons at much less expense. Investigate. ... mr um PRICES OF THE FORD Foredoor Touring Car, at Speedway Garage - $740 Torpedo Runabout, " " 640 Commercial Roadster, " " 640 Town Car, " " 950 Delivery Car, - 750 COMPLETELY EQUIPPED COMMERCIAL ROADSTER 111 IB DELIVERY CAR HI ii tit NEBRASKA LAND & AUTO CO SPEEDWAY GARAGE We have ordered seventy-five Fords for the year III 1912. Thirty-eight of them have already been sold and delivered. No other car has one-fifth the sale in the same territory. Our cus tomers are our best advertisement. Every Ford owner is a Ford booster. Why? Because of the fact that every Ford car gives perfect service and absolute satisfaction. The Ford car is very light. This result is secured by the use of Vanadium steel throughout. Vanadium steel is Ford owners do not fear breakdowns and heavy expense for repairs. f DISTRICT AGENTS FOR FORD CARS ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA , 1 1 'I t oooooooooooooooo o MOUNT PLEASANT o oooooooooooooooo Jllllf I. '11. Fine niin l;wsi nigfet. Airs. .1. ( Hawkins was flatting Mrs. .1. 0. Wright Thursday while the men worked the roads. There was a good turnout ai Sun day School. Mr l.cavin talked m the crowd after Sunday Sc hool and at 1 p. ni. Mr. and Mis. K I. regg and Miss AgBtha and Mr Uoy t;regg and the Wright family all look dilniT Mi I ". Hawkins' home Sundiy Mr and Mrs l.eaviu from Alli ance look supper at V. S. t'okor'a Sunday . . Miss Dora Coker and Mlaa I'helma West ley was visit lux Johnie and Stanley Wright one day this week and hail a fine time. M . KHiel liu&umaii says it is fin. hn'iiesli adlnn in the sand hiiis. Kied Marsli is May in at his brother. Lee Marsh's, at present writing Mr. Otto tlagani: u and wile and childrn wire visit inn his tather J. W. Hagnm.m Sunday ,unl attended clwrcb and Sunday school in the forenoon. Miss Houy HaKaman is home af ter her school . She attended school in Alliance. Kred Bobbins was over helping his grandinot her clean house She is nearly eighty years old and Quite ! hie. , fa . Our phone line is on the hum this wi . k and all out of fix. a K cry body is about done lariuing and proapactta are looking good. ... ! John I'oker is visiting bla brothel W. S. t'okcr. John la from Idaho W, S. f'ker is dipping cattle at this writing Mrs. (i ft, t'lak is goi.ig in to the . -.iiin- business. She is put ; i n5 in a crop of them OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o H ASHMAN ITEMS o oooooooooooooooo (Received last week too late for publication I Ke-v. tJoflfv y held services at the I'nity chun 1 lust Sunday. Mi and Mrs. Tryne spent Sunday week before the normal commences. ,n Carl llasliman's. Adah Hashman is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Duskin spent Sunday at Mr. Sot lis. The wind has been blowing quite a Kale for the last few days. but is more iulet at present. t'arl Hashman was out repairing the phone line the first of last week. Horse and Mule Sale VI I kM4.uliiiuKL' 1u tklMUlltll h:irt kf ' Mr. Skinner's crop on shaft - Kolliu Utrss was in this neighbor Iio.mI Sunday afternoon and called at Mr. Skinner's anil at Mr J, Loer I m m Mr. A. Loer was seen taking a load of potatoes home to plant. We are going to conduct a Kale of Horses and Mules at the stock yard. Alliance, Nebr., on Saturday. June 2th. We waiU every ranch man and dealer or anyone else hu itiK horses and mules to dispose of to I tat them for thia sale. There will be plenty of buyers here from eastern and southern state who will pay the best prices for all kinds. i We have the assistance of sever N Lelshman and (' .loiiston call Lj parties who will gel all the kooI ed at Mr Skinie r's last Wednesday j buyers here possible Don't be a mi.iniiiK. fraid to bring in your hoists and mules um we will proteiit you and Mr. L: r s partner is spending I aee that you get a giaxl siuare deul. this week on his claim in the hills. .s ih. in as soon aa possible so j we rati get a line on what to adver Mi a I'i. . Ii. ar; v had ipiite an ex-1 tls-. perieiice vv ii h a balky horse one day 8 Ladies' Rest Room F R K R Lailies, M hile in town make th rest room in the rear of the BkE HlVi Sioki your beadijuartert. C'oKl ilrinks served. LLSTKK v SON. last wek Ira and Howard Loer called Mr. Skinner's Sunday afternoon. . t'laniKe Sotlic culled at Mrs Skinner's last Tuesday. Ill Kaj Heinbry is at home lor ; h 4 12K6 ii i See K. C. Whisinan for lowest prices on painting, paper iiaugiug ami kalsomiuing I ISWfM Jld papers at The Herald office at 6 i cuts per bum-h. 'Well Drilling Machinery u iuU v - . Il la la a f tha 1W Hum .f otf '.h it wfj u MM cro44 1 ba t( I rar 9nmtm tbn ta ipiliM t i tu t.taaa svw ftt tur ft Wl utOlmn aaud itacir ua pruvaaa W Uaajka) ifc. aia- - -i H -ai i .a, ,1 Wl Vi :,,!,,() t jt asVIUM 4mmy or ahaUie H f tl alaaaa. for ! 1 pttftfQM ft4 t m bU aUft f 'vm4 (r u. U.kN a km uvMt 'i u4aia on tb afcaji, '.t. l all Ik i l-m' u f o.i,U ara iaaBJf atr m4 i-tit. pr fax ! araj . af i4 r rf ta.T wUiSft writ ir fur r fraa 0to 4. R.R?H0WEIU CO. Minneapolis. Minn. Try a Herald Classified Ad