mt Hfe-'oiUri BoofctT cp Gives all the wnes of Box Butte County and Citv of Alliance The Alliance Herald Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. VOLUME XIX ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA I THURSDAY.-AHY 6, 1912 NUMUKHL'6 at Alliance, June 20-2142 DO YOU BANK WITH TheFirstNational? ALLIANCEJUNIORNORMAL A Session of 1912 Opens with Unusually Bright Prospects for a Successful Term AN INCREASE IN ATTENDANCE of few MM thfl BEATS SWATTING THE FLY Alliance Man's Invention Disposes of Fly Pest Faster and More Thoroughly than Any Other Method WILL PREVENT MUCH SICKNESS InTjMlgnttolU by scientists have proved beyond a doubt that a larne part of the sickness that afflicts lm manity is caused by the common house fly carrying disease germs. As the results of these investigations hav been made public, the desire to get rid of the fly pest lias mown. "Swat the fly" lias been the health slogan for several years, and as the fly season approaches this year, the im "SB Wr sW iJL W. J. Hamilton, the Inventor The 1911 session of the Alliance State Junior Normal opened on Moti day of this week with splendid pros pects of a successful term. The norma' so far is forty per cent lar ger than during the same time any Jt -:ior normal for the p;i years This morning there were hundred thirty-one enrolled in junior normal proper and seventeen more For the institute. If the enroll merit continues to increase as In former yoars. this Junior norimil will rank among the highest in attend- n. i At the close of the flrri week last year the enrollment was less than one hundred. FUwd who is regit-trar, has been Cfunty Superinteni Delia M. Heed, who is registrar, ha.s been (iiea'iy missed, being absent on a -count of the (itaM of her fath"r in Idaho. All be please. i to learn that h is convalescing and that she will be bCk to Alliance th? last or this week. Prof. House of the I'eru State Nor mal and his lecture at the high schoo auditorium which was announced for this evening, will be delhered Fri day evening at S:."tO p. in. Superintendent Martin was detain ed at his home in Nebraska City so th;:: lie could not bepresent at the opening on Monday, but arrived yes terday morning. Ladies of Alliam.-e who wish to take picture study given by I'rof. Martin should enroll at once so as to receive full benefit of class work. The Herald will have a normal re porter commencing next week so that our readers will be kept pouted dariBS the entire session. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS litiifeli'lj CURTIS BIPLANE AS IT WILL APPEAR IN FLIGHT AT THE STOCKMEN'S CONVENTION GREAT PREPARATIONS FOR THE CONVENTION Indications for One of Btct Con ventions in History of the Ne- i braska Stock Growers Association e VlcCLUER'S THREE DAYS, JUNE 20 to 22 Hamilton's Triple Fly Trap Trap Closed When you eat candy you want the li t. You can get it at the Model Cindy Kitchen. 4( Hox Hutte a I'fitflL'ST w m w Mi and Mrs. T. T. Writer -gitO 1 to llemin?ford on business yesterday. They took an order for a piano, and sold a Vl'-trola to Station Agent Ken nedy. W. S. Kidgell made a business trip to the North Platte valley this week Hev. William McCarthy, pastor of the Christian church of Cliadron. will preach in thi city .Inne H, 7, N and ! at the Hev. McCar.hy is U it rung speaker of the .-,iiiiI and v'ith his bible study an-1 chart in strui tlons, makes it plain to all. PI very body come newspapers teem with Nat M ion ; and advie in regard to diiiKnishin! Um liarni done by the ;i. Hut it remained for an Alliance man to invent at an opportune time an instrument that will dispose of them by the thousand- and even by the millions That ' man is W. J, Hamilton, proprietor of the Fair Store. The inv nt hm is Hamilton's Triple Fly Trap, patented May I'S. 1912. The success of this trap was demonstrated last yeir. beln used) M St. Joseph's Hospital. St. Agnes Academy, and by Allian;-e business men. VYe give herewith two photo cits of the trap, as vell as a cat of the inventor. The improvement of this trap over the ordinary fly trap is much greater than, appears at first thought. The ordinary conical trap has room for only one fly to enter at one time. A five inch trap of this pattern has tlnv.! en ranees, an I ea. h five in. In s Ions, giving this small size fifteen inches cf trap ca pacity. We might say much inort in com niendaiiou of t i : .s awful invention, but the best, thing about it it that It dc;'s the work. Those who saw it usvd last fly season, just after it had been iineii.ed, and even before it had been perfected, were convinced that its general use In any commun ity would abate the fly aulsan-ce. At a mi?ting of VttS Alliance city council, held last Tut-iliiy night. Ham ilton's Trip;- Ply Trap was approved for use in the school buildings and other public buildings and pi ices. Any one ulshluK to pur -hisu these traps can se-'ure the same by calling on or addressing the inventor. W. J. Hamilton, Alliance. Nebraska. Price of family size, $I.H0 each; large size. Ifr.M. As will be Store ad v rl i The Heiald, have opened seen by the Itee Hive enient iu this issue of Air. and Mrs. Kewer a iv-t room for ladles, appreciated, especially during the lumtner mouths. hot Fly Trap open Notice of Annual Meeting J. H. Hi nndy lias sold his lute csi in the nplfWlltrniH blacksniitli hop. 111 West Second street. to Frank Fox, the transfer being made the first of the month. , s Again we remind our reallers that the opening dinner at ihe Drake Ho tel, under new management, will he fftroa next Sunday, from 12 to 2 o' :lo;k. The choicest viiuids will be served, good muni1 furnish d, and all for the nominal price of fifty cents. Carl W. Spacin, accompanied by his mother and sister (irace, left Monday night on 4 for Sargent wheie. they will visit with reluth -s for a few days. Carl will go on to Lincoln for ashort visit with frlenus in ihe capita! it) ... K I Stern, wire aud little run spent Sunday in Lin.uln visiting with I Mm Kohl Meyers, sister'of Mr. : Stern. J. M. Fletcher of it road water, ' i braska, is in Allium e this week ink I III I orders for the K.'iid McNally alia.- ! tbe world. This is a very u- -4t book 'o have in the officii or heme and hits a go.jj Ma where it snow n. . I Dr. li. llAood icpol'ts luivtaf had Splendid time oil the occasion of fifi : visit to hb ofd hom- at Udngdoo, Illinois. Not it e Meeting )t be helii at June, A. D which may 1 I : . k - k t: . i 1 1 Prank Vl'altfl who !-turii l hi is her if by ttlVn that the Seventeenth Annual :t r,,;111 Ir)p ,hni ciifonii. or. t. .'I- -i i . .. I- f ' f-. , i , f... 1m..,.!:.... .. mi;.. w....i. it.i. i... HIV llVUINSHxt UlUVIk IMICIJ aMlll h I mill Will ' ninmi ' iiiin, una a tii ... V! t J. . : fi i r , i charge (1 (he Walla i!ra :n.. . .M.iance, eniasKa, on me win ana Jist ot iN, ;! ,,, ,. ,,, .,,, Nvilll;i. ,, . DlJ, tor the eleCtlOtl Of Officers tor the ell- wife who l it last week for l latt . J c A.t j- .i with r hit i and oilier frietnit- H J . . : i. i vviih r. ia ami other friend- in Liiui mm uie tufiiMuiou i .m tuner tisinew uinMa v.,,,,,:, come neiore ine meeting. K. M. 1 H'14, Pfidflt C Jamkson, Secretary. Oreh.-'i.i and vocal intuit' will cild to the pleisure of the opening dinner at the lrake Hotel next Sun day. Lovers of ludsii who also lik - Alliance Is extending a inos cor dial invitation to everybody to attend the annual convention of the Ne braska Stock (irowers Association, to be held Thursday, Friday and Sat urday, June 20 to 22. There Is a general feeling that this will be one of the best com nt ions in the his tory of the asso iailon. 8ome thirty-four hundred dollars has already been sub r bed by Alli ance business men 'o defray ex penses, and a- muon more will be lalsed a-i may be not ded ror the pur pose. The program which was received 11...-U t n..klLkrUi ... i. 7 i i ' ' iii in "in in' mi ii 1 1 m i ft i i v ft-n . CHILDREN'S DAY PROGRAM Children's Day will be observed at. i lie Hj r.. ciiurcti next rsunuay at Hi si ni. A very Interest Into pr BtM9 has heen prepared, a i-opy of whito was rece't . A nt The Herald ofrice today, but ;oo late ror his issue, which we very much regret. Mrs. ('has. UotCpotah and daughter Irnia stopjied in Alliance - Wednesday afternoon and evening, nroiite from lleiningford to Omnha. Oft Mrs. Wayne 1). Zediker will p e sent Miss Hattie Henswold, assis.ed by Miss Claribel Dicilein, in re-iial. at her home. Friday evening, June 14th. W. M. Uobinson. manager of the Bennett Piano Co., sgj ep;tetl in fro:n Omaha yestenhiy, but was de ain.d by business and will not ar rive till Sunday. Mrs. Uobinson and three children caine in from t he- ranch that day and met the daughter. Miss Elsie, who returned from Oma- , ha where she attended school the past year. W. It. Harper and V.. 1). Henry went to Gordon last Tucsdav in an j automobile to attend the opening of the new Odd Fellows' hall at t .1 lit place They report Inning booa roy ally eniertaiaad by the members of the I. O. O. F. i't Gordon. During :h- day they were entertained by automobile rides. V its W lag ihe tOWO. At night a program was rendered and addresses given by grand officers I of the laadKkaslirdluctaoiii eeainot w j of the bulge. Many oilier !i.l.4i;s be-I siile.s Vlliaii.e were represented Don't forget I he opening dinn v aii der the new management at the , irake Hotel, frciu 12 to 2. BOll Sunday. Fifty cents pays for n, and HO xtra charge fof the mus e i H. V Thompson of Kinghaia and Im Gihieu who woiIls on th I ' ItA" an. h ylslted Ailian.e fhe la' r part of last week. Mr. Thompson came to this pun of ibe stale al. ut a year ago. undecided whether to remain or not. Oui has - . luded to tuako his home in this country. He makes use of The Herald's lit -, per subscription itKcm ; lo subscnb for the Omaha lajly News and he Denver l'c.t, weekly Dr Charles Plats ( Turring'oii. Wyo . pan, d thru Alliance last. Fri j day en route home from Clay Center. Nkf whee he had ben visiting a brother during an enforced vacation. c.UMied by Illness. Sweeping Clearance Sale Embroideries The unheard-of lateness of the season makes advisable the sale at this early date. We shall place on sale SaturdayMorning, June8th '"in nlWi'd beforet This sale will inchjde ottr entire line, consistinjr of 15 different patterns in the 42 inch croods, ro patterns in the 27 inch, 12 patterns in the 8 inch, and , 50 pieces ranLrinr in width from $ to 14 inches. Inserting to match. Such an assortment and such prices we have never before been able to offer. This is your chance to get Embroideries at almost your own price. Anticipate your wants and get in early on this sale. McCluer's I The Banner Variety Store 3. 15. DKNTdN, Prop. 3ia BOX PIJTTE WK. ) "' "i,m""1;,; Normal Students' Supplies j W e have laiil in a stock of everything on need 1 ...... ... c ouk windows 10 and 1 2ic this week Stockmen, Ftrmfer$, Ranchmen, C'itv People, all are invited to cjll and see our hi stock ot useful household articles anil novelties DR. L. W WO WHAN Jtftcc Cpttjcrs, First National Bank Building Phone, Office 32 Phone. Residence 16 ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA Dr. JAS. P. riAXFlELD Dentist OVER BRENNAN S DRUG STORE All Electrical Eqjipment Evenings by Appointment PHONE 525 RED e4g Corsets FOR SALE AT BOGUE'S A. J. KENNEDY t DENTIST Iotncr id Alliance National bank tU Over Fosi office. Phoue 391.