9 A Mon far. May 20 KIT CARSON'S BUFFALO RANCH WILD WEST AND TRAINED WILD ANIMAL EXHIBITION. "HICKS AT COLLEGE" TENTH TRANS-CONTINENTAL TOUR. THE LARGEST WILD WEST SNOW ON EARTH COMING DIRECT ON THEIR OWN SPECIAL TRAINS OF DOUBLE LENGTH RAILROAD CARS FROM THE BIGGEST RANCH IN THE WORLD. Menagerie of Trained Wild Animals From all parts of the Globe. Daring and death defying acts almost beyond the realms of lucid imagination. COSMOPOLITAN COLLECTION OF COWBOYS AND GIRLS, VANQUE108, SENORITAS, GUARDIS RUKALI--S, CHAMPIONS OF THE LARIAT, ROUGH RIDERS, PONY EXPREoS VETERANS, DARINO ATHLETES, COMICAL CLOWNS, THRILLING INDIAN FIGHTS AND WAR DANCES. PRINCE BOTLOINE'S TROUPE OF RUSSIAN COSSACKS, The most daring Horsemen in the World. BANDS of SIOUX, CHEYENNE and COMANCHE INDIANS, Fresh from the Camp-fire and Council, making their first acquaintance with pale face civilization. The Grand Ethnological Performance concludes with the Superb Spectacular, Dramatic, Historical Fantasy, 'The Battle of Wounded Knee introducing a vast and motley horde of Indians, Scouts, Trappers and Soldiers that actually took active part in the last brave stand and hopeless struggle the noble redskin made for his freedom and rights. TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY, RAIN OR SHINE Afternoon at 1. Evening at 8. Doors open One Hour earlier. WATER PROOF CANVAS. CANNOT LEAK. A GREAT RECORD Hard to Duplicate It in Alliance Scores of representative citizens of Alliance arc toatlfyiai for Moan's Kidney Pilla. Such a record of lo cal endoroenieni la unequalled In moth rn times. This public state ment made by B citizen is hut OEM Of the many that have preceded it and the hundred that will follow. Read it: Mrs. Hubert lihkn.ll, MM His Hern Ave., Alliance. Nebr., say "1 have known of the merits of Doan's Kidney Hills for over three years. I first used then in Pleas- anton, lewa, and after cumin to A! -Iian about a year ;'o, I pr- .-urcdJ supply ai Hols: D UTOg Store th.y are 'lie beat remedy l have e or known for disordered kidney.-- i fur e number of years 1 was afflict- -d With kidney c laint and was uaable to find permanent relief u.i til ! -;- .1 t it.! ii Ihtun a Kidney Fills The) disposed of the ;ain in I BX loins and also s: rcngthencd n.y ! br.;l: Btnce then 1 ;ao fall dtitrcut person 1 cumin: re out i:., . id 'nan s Kidney Hills too high ly in n tura for t!i" a afil Inaji ' brought." Ker sale by ail dealers I'rlce ." 1 cents Foster Milbuin Daw, Buffalo, J New York, side audits for the l'nit- ; od States Remember the name Moan's- and ! lake no other. I Am Weil" writes Mrs. L. R. Barker, of Bud, Ky., "and can do all my housework. For years I suffered with such pains, I could scarcely stand on my feet. After three different doctors had failed to help me, 1 gave Cardui a trial. Now, I feel like a new woman." E 58 The Woman's Tonic A woman's health de pends so much upon her delicate organs, that the least trouble there affects her whole system. It is the little things that count, in a woman's life and health. If you suffer from any of the aches and pains, due to womanly weakness, take Cardui at once, and avoid more seri ous troubles. We urge you to try it Begin today. NOTICE Mr A H MtW lit is no longer n my employ a r uim.ii ifiiecim .inn Emb timer, nor in any other capacity. April I, 1912. GEO. I). IMRUNti. 17fl Htl Alliance High School Senior Play to be Given at Phelan Opera House. May 17th LARGE ATTENDANCE EXPECTED aUtfk! " "aaLVw' B W9 JaaPVrHBaf4V M . jtHaMuH Grand, Gold Glittering Free Street Parade TWO Mll.r .i LONG at n a. m. daily on the maia thoroughfares. BIG FREE EXHIBITIONS on Show Grounds immediately niter the Parade The Seniors of the Alliance llia.li school will nlve their clnss play Fri day. May 17th. They will present "Hicks at ColleRe," a play which was written especially for the I'nl versify of .Minnesota and which has been played by several hu h schools of our state, having been staged last year by the Omaha High sehool. This comedy of three acts is based upon tlie basket ball championship of Northern I'niversity, portraying various perplexing situations of col lege life. The cast of characters is as fol lows : Hiram I licks, the Hraino Man .. Willie Kldred Tom Morton, who writes Advertise ments Martin Nolan Frit .Ionian, Morton's chum who plays basket ball Michael Nolan Adam Hiddicut, Hrofessor in North ern University .. Milton KotvgM Dean Smiley, Dean of the Univers ity Claude Hennau Uercy Kohbins, recent arrival from "Deah Boston" ..Merrltt Chaffee dolph Hopkins, a lazy boy.. .. Frank Maney Hastian MHrss, a Min Fred Sweeney Josh Anderson, a basket ball en thusiast John Graham Charlie Hadlet, reporter for the Daily Shriek Uoyd Tully Heter. proprietor of "The Hal" . . George Buechsenstein Walker, manager for the Hraino Man Max Wilcox June (Irani. Senior, Interested In Horton Anna Bernhardt Holly Horter, June's chum, Interest ed in Jordan . . Nell Shrewsbury Claire Angeline Jones, Stage struck girl Maud McAllister Susie Spriggins, a Freshman with a crush Amanda Nabb Daisy Armstrong, an athletic girl Mabel Worley Fluffy Finley, a Fusser girl Ruth Rice Flora Belle Delamartyr, waitress at "The Hal" .. .. May Graham Mrs. Cobb, housekeeper at "The Quarters" .. .. Neva Brennaman l.ilv, maid at "The Quarters" .. Vera Spencer Sheridan County Board Proceedings SCISSOR? Maryland Tribune, May H): I. D Ferrln transacted business In Al liance Thursday Inst. tirM Uhllllps made his regular trip to Al liance Sunday las', returning Men day. Charley Wallace or Cur Jy transacted business In Mllance the fore part of the week. Mrs J. K. Wilson and children canm up from Alliance Friday to attend the fair and visit a few days with frlenda. Mrs. Blanche Htc'i ardson and son Barley of Alliance, came up Friday and visited a few days at the home of C. H. Hlchey. Mrs. Addle Speneer Of Alli ance came up Friday to attend the fair and spend the week visiting at the homes of QoOTfO QrORl and Ni rem Hoole. Mrs. Kate Wal bridge Is the new owner of a millin ery store in Alliance, having bought out Mrs. Howies The Tribune Joins a host of friends in wishing success to the new owner. HI. 1911 met in roc Present, H. Mid .1. F. following bond! BRING IN YOUR BAD HORSES AND MULES Our Cowboys will ride them FREE OF CHARGE. 125MU will to paid to any person bringing a hor or mule they oannot r Rushville, Nehr., May County Commissioners ul-.ir adjourned session. S Harker, R. M. Hrice Me Fail and. On motion tlx were approved II. .1. COOBl, road overst or Dist. 1 .1. 1. B rawer, road overseer Dist 42 Hills allowed on Hoor fund: Gates & Folsoin, indse. Winters $ 4 05 Mrs. N. 11. Shepherd, mdse. Shu- bert $15.55 Reject tl Phil Garney, asking for refund of Keje ed , . . 5 ot) . . . 1 7 50 . . 16 50 .. 2 50 1 If . . N "in . . Hi im . . 10 55 Attorney C. C. Harker returned Sunday from business Til' to Den vcr. and left n 4;! Monday lor My ;. lis to attend district court for Grant county. 115.00 on Tax A Hovd on Road fund: W. K. Jone, road work I i fiber; Miggs, road work .lohnie BchrofcK, -If. .. . Karl Miller Raj B&wtoo C;as. irosenb( ckcr .. Will Abold, Jr Joseph Hrue Q, D. Reek Louis pochon 1" W Allowed on i. mora fund: .1. II Kdmonds, ices case l.iu Ray 6 55 A. Stiles, clu. serv . a id bao! ( Use for Co. Assessor . . 22 75 KU.pp & Hartleit Co.. suppli B Hi '' t:. M. Coo pof, DflOttna bridg n tlce . . . . 1 2 50 Ny .S iiiu'iih r Kt -v'er Co., iichr. for Jail 20 25 Bd Q irvc-y. aattfrlpi White Clajf 51 00 20 2t rd : no a aStod Spring (M 21 caaa Wii- s 00 ca, Wilkin. -'. no iffUtg, Urdge lo 76 the bid of the Bton Bridge Company for bridgM ;; 00 hull! for the eitr Iflf, On :ne :.ni Board adjonnbad suiij 'ct to 941) c: ! tie County Cli-rk. Aprove, H S 1'a.iker, Chairman AttOflt; M. F. W asmund, Jr., C-ui.fy Clerk. Crawford Tribune, May Hi: Mas tci rlaroM Boono cavaaa up from Alt) an a Friday and sa.-d over ninth) w ith his gr.itidpareni s. Mr. and Mrs Harrison lleans, In tiiU city. Myannis Trihune, May ti TOO 1 7th Annual Nebraska Stock Crow its Xssocialmn will meet in .Mil anee on .nine 20tn ami jist, una year. The meetings nave neeii neio durimg the arook of the 4th of July, Hie past two years, and they proved below the standard Of previous meeting held in June, hence the re turn of the old dates, which will un doubtedly meet with the approval of members of the organization. Richards anl Comstock, Of Kllsworth have sold several thousand acres Of land around the C ranch. We un derstand they are disposing of the catt) on this ranch, but. are going to keep the other ranches. The price of land The Tribune Is in formed, is $15.00 per acre. Crawford Courier. May II: A. K. Granthan of Lexington, Heftf., pres ident of the Crawford Telephone Company, was In the city several lays this week, and in company wit li Kbe Warer inspected t lie new work recently done o:i the lines between Ardmoro and Alliance, an I Craw ford and fiord On. Russell Thorp of Husk, presiden: of the Wy oming State Fair, was In the city K.eiitly and arranged for a meeting of the citizens of Valentine. Rush ville, Qordon, Chad ran, Ah;.tr e. Rapid City and Sturgis at Crawford on May 27. to OMttaOjO a circuit of outdoor- ent erta uimeiit s this summer and fall. The purpose of the meet ing is to so arrange the dales so that they will not conflict. Raahvtlto Recorder. May 10: We hear that the Fawn Lake Ranch Co , In which Messrs. I. '.an Musser and C. A Tully Rra largely in'erested, has purchased a large number of cat tle ami several thousand aires of land from Richards and Comstock Tor DM or their ranches down near the BnkW precinH. They are dis posing of a portion of their ranch interests and some of 'heir cattto. They will find no difficulty in celling 1 th cattle and hay hi'rls a,' a good oHod, Rushville Standard. May 10: Tliey bav a way of doing thrums Hi Gor don that has no haattaaoy aboiii it. One of their citizens returned lion: the Other tvening a little the worse for having partaken too freely uf bug juice and tho) nabbad aim, and gave him a abort trial, -: .! :. - I him to IhirlJ la.vs in Ku-hville. iQOdod Man in an auto and brought Mm b iro and tornod him over to Shsriff New. State Journal Ll'iiin BcrtzlaJ sc. sin-. WhUe Co., Sllppliey. w rk ll Ja;l R. A. Meywood Lake .. .." .. .. . i 1 1 Ci owdar, eff, exp Z, T. iia.'iiei, laaaalty kincn C. Pirtieraco, la, ca iiay Bpi !a New no: ii 1 . a rd accepted r Sunshine Maitland COAL For Range and Furnace All Kinds of FEED Wholesale and Retail PHONE 5 J. H. VAUGHAN & SON Model Candy Kitchen 406 Box Butte Ave. Delicious, Healthful, Home-Made Candles Also Best Factory Goods at Prices Lower than Same Grade of Candy is usually sold for YOUR TRADE SOLICITED Forest Lumber Co. We have just received a car of Mitchell Automobiles We have in this car one 6-cylinder 48-horsepower roadster, the finest automobile that has ever come to Alliance. Come in and see for yourself and be convinced FOREST LUflBER CO. A. P. Lee, Mgr. J Office Phone, 5 Res. Phone. 48 t Wallace Dray Line All work looked after carefully I Office at 213 Hox Butte Ave. Intnl.,' ifnT.ti-v '-J--' -- - . -i- ,ait (leriiis (kmrier. May l: Thomas. a memh ir pf -he family a', AUlaace, is oa duty oiyp. now, i ek u torntof in i he Courier P H McDowell having li i 'al'i Herald as lln (jt I ice 'i las' Hay spr!n- ntarprfae, Ma hj: Mr. liowman drove over fltm Aili aata .- . t h.n: a stop on Tuaaday in - in.ni'.-. and 15 ini.ia1 . and r::nds W3T9 no. tin- li -st either, i i. it w.i- OOd lriinu foi miles. Curly i.Sioux Co.i tsentiael. May Clark tUcb, s;m of .Mrs Klla i the rt Iptenl f a V4 i i a-,i-'!i- ; i -en: . Ford touring .ar, hia it indfatber, John Hlche) valuable s w b las a fiiu li a prtwie'ii rroai Hlckey, Sr.. of Uretna, Nobr. Mr WllUaui Noyotn.v. an uncle if the ouii!4 'ii.in. hr.niui.t In .in- up iroin AlHan e and i.-, ten hum Ci.uk soiuo L.f th-.- mysteries OODIM tad arl li run i iuiik uun. mobiles. Mr. N'oyotor U a former ivaidint of Mi is vicinity, ha 'tin one,, been I Itc of what la knowo as the Roy Mickey place DM i lllo east of Cat. 'on. and is having a very pleas. ml is:' with ti no- and relatives. Mr NoyOfB ntjorta to lijave lor homo totlay. Please Call for Pardey s Bread then you vvill not be disappointed, because it is made right, baked right, an honest product. Best of flour, best of all materials. Good and sweet, as care is used at all Stages of the process of a Pardey loaf Pardey Bakery Phone 242 rDrr TRIP TO SAN FRANCISCO 1 1 iriaa 1 AN M I CII IC IN i BKN t lONAL I U Q BITION, including Bralalaia traasportatuiu, Pullman double berth, two wfeks m m xiern noiel admisti.in t.) r-positioii Krounils od twenty special attractions, siuhi-senou trips in and around San ffani lafp Will be given in return lor son pleasant work durina vour leisure hours. Wr.ite at once, aima rattfOflcac, T. R- McCI I RE San Franrisco Kkpoeition Tour Co . 2fj.m0 joj Baa l-tidg , Ooaaha, Neb