J. J. VANCE MANUFACTURER OF CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS and CONTRACTOR Cement Walks, Cisterns, Basements, Coundations, etc. Cement Silos are the preference over all others in the east where they have been tested for years. I will construct these silos in the most approved manner the coming season. Let Me Figure with You ooooooonoooooooo o MOUNT PLEASANT o oooooooooooooooo Mrs Otto Datamini has been vis iting In this vicinity for a week. Her home Is nenr Bonner, Nebr. Bvery lady Is busy making den at present. gar My new stock of is, m m mm ar. mm. -v -v Va is now arriving. Something new in Bath Tubs and Closets. Come in and get prices before buying elsewhere. El. W. RAY Plumbing and Heating Phone 720 Green Trust the Drummer He Knows Good Telephone Service From 6V6ry Brat class ho te in the country, the drum nier should ahle to tele phone his customers and make appointments withdis tant patrons. Traveling men know the value of good telephone ser vice. The drummer will tell you he CM always hearover the Hell Telephone. Telephone Convenience Far Exceeds Its Cost. Nebraska Telephone Co. Bell Telephone Lines Reach Nearly Everywhere. J. C. Wright and family took din ner Sunday with Ralph Worley ;ind famltjk W I. Ooker and family took din ner at the O. R, Haga.man home Sundfly and attended church in the afternoon. Mrs Lei Marsh visited Mrs. J. C. Hawkins Friday While the HMD work ed the roads. Q Q ( lark and family and the minister from Alliance took dinner with the Hawkins family Sunday. 3, C. Hawkins and a gang of men are liusy working the roadR these days. There were 26 In attendance at Sunday school Sunday. The farmers are busy getting fnP ground ready for their crop of wheat. There was preaching at the Bap tist church at 11 a.m. and :! p.m. Sunday. Mm. P. S. Mailey took a flying trip in the sand hills Sunday to call on Mrs. Henry Fisher. We are told that Mrs. McCoy and Miss Reed visited Mrs. Guy Wor ley Sunday. Mrs. Nettie Barton is spending the week in Alliance and getting some dress making done for herself. Mrs. J. C. Hawkins was visiting Mrs. J. C. Wright Wednesday. Mrs. Donovan from Alliance was visiting her daughter, Mrs. l,ee Marsh, the past week. Mrs. J. C. Hawkins, Mrs. Dono van and Mrs. Let Marsh called on Mrs. Cal Underwood Friday after noon . Johnnie and Stanley Wright got diplomas for going 7 months and not missing a day nor being tardy. (fcir nelRhbors. .lack Lloyd and Thomas Moore, went to Wyoming. They are past masters at the art of MieaTing sheep. Christian Kndeavor Society held its Initial meeting last gabeth MIsr Lucy I'lnkham Is president. C. A. Starr, Mrs. 8peer, John B. Stra burger and others made remarks. Next Sabbath the meeting will be led by Fred C. McMillan. Rev Dorter Will preach next Sun day at Strasburger. Many people around Strasburger are plowing or disking for corn and -mall grain. Some will disc and then list their corn, or sow rye, u!k or wheat. We are sorry to hear of the ilath of an infant of Mr and Mrs. Mcersch. Heath and resurrection are words standing for the MM transaction. The death of the body the resurrection of the spirit. 1 met a saint once, mark you and in Chicago, think of that. As I homesteader now I don't, meet many saints. I guess they don't thrive so far west. This saint, dear old Mother Cook, she is past ninety, said to me on a street car, "What sover thy hand findeth to do, do it, with thy might; for there is no work nor device, nor knowledge, nor wis dom, in the grave, whither thou go est." GOODE OUK BOY b eEvSSiHf I f MaJKxaBflri t MaW L.""" 1 B. B. BlaiwMl is one of a num ber of new names added to The Herald's list of Alliance subscribers. oooooooooooooooo O S I KAabUKUcn O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I -m. Still HZstrLd. 1 i ra. gr X c 0 A L My prices and quality of coal satisfy my cus tomers. Qive me a trial. I sell for cash. Office at Keenen's Store 1 15 Box Butte Ave. Phone 6q7 HENRY HOPKINS IIIIIHmiHIIMIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIUUHiM On the lXth or April, just as th day was closing, there passed aw ly from tins world to the spirits of "just men made perfect" Mr. Sam uel Stamper Cammack. It is with deep regret that we record his de parture into the (treat Beyond. A- bout a year ago he came to live on his son Robert's homestead. He canine west on account of his health, aind for about six months he seem ed greatly improved, but with the advent of spring he failed rapidly and went to that Bourne from whence "no traveller e'er returns." Ills body was laid to rest on a beautiful knoll on the homestead of his sen near Strasburger. II lav.s a widow, a daughter, Mlaa Bessie and two sons. Forest and itoueri J. t ammacK, and many Meade. Funeral services were held S inula afternoon, April SI, 1H12, by Rev. S, Dorter. A fuller revelation ot his lite and character will be Made known on the resurrection mora when the day breaks and the shadows flee IWftjr." ll is to be hoped that the home slenders far whom .Judge Kinkaid is working so valiantly will encourage him In his battle for the three-year I bill. In a race or a fight then aire times whe-n boosters will help to turn defeat into victory. A great battle is now going on in Washing !ton whether Neeteri must give five I years of their life or three years J for a title 10 ihelr homestead. I i think it is perle.tly reasonable mid right to say that most of us houit slenders would lather pay rifteen I hundred dollars fur something than pay 1 weni five hundred dollars for 1 the same thing. V011 know time Is j or shuuM he etiiialeut to money u raa raaaot give Kinkaid the glad hand, sou can send him u kind ly letter. Th Mteeea Ann and Katie Powd returned lo their homesteads neai Strasburger from Chicago. Miss Mary, their sister. ou remember. died in Chicago last winter Speed the plow" the diifc and hanrow This is the advice of a hoinesteatlt r You w ill be glad next fall if you heed the advice. What- 4 er work you do, do Hwell In buying a piano the rule holds good that "the best is the cheap est." A poor piano 1s dear at any price. Mrs. Ida M. Ross has the agency for 'his part of Nebraska for the best pianos made. 22-2-124!! The reception given the Young Men's Bible Club by the Girls' Four Square Club last Friday night was attended by a large number of young people. It was agreed that all had one of the best times that they had enjoyed for a long time. and they bope It will not be the lasi of such party. ISohe's Bakery Cafe Substantial and Delicacies Go Hand In Hand. Here. Substantial Delicacies Mivad Cakes Huns Cookies Rollfl Jelly Roll Hit's Anel Food Our Hat runs usually depart with aomethfng of one in one hand, and something of the other in the other. Bread Is the Staff of Life Variety Is the Spice of Life. Fancy cakes should be ordered a day ahead. I rm sat g by 8w m h JA - P el a RN6E REPUTATION! In caae of serious Illness, you wouldn't call In any old doc tor, but would get the best doctor you knew of. The Doctor with a Reputation, the doctor that ha shown his worth by years of good honest service. Then why buy nny old range, when you can get The Great Majestic, The Range with a reputation a reputation won years of constant, honest and economical service. The Majestic Is made right OF NON-BREAKABLE MALLE ABLE IRON, and RUST-RESISTING CHARCOAL IRON. All parts of the Majestic are riveted together (not bolted) practic ally airtight no cold enters range or hot air escapes, thus bak ing perfect with about half the fuel used in a range that te bolt ed and pasted together with stove putty. The All-Copper Movable Reservoir on the Majestic la ab solutely the only reservoir worthy of the name. It heats 15 gal lons of water while breakfast is cooking, and when water boils It can be moved away from fire by simply shifting lever. Call at our store and let us show you wfty the Majestic is absolutely the best range on the market. Your neighbor has one ask her. All styles and sizes. L. ACHESON PHELAN OPERA HOUSE BLOCK P I I last Thursday the Alliance Meat Co. opened their shop at 206 Box Butte avenue, with C. E. Phillips, manager, and started out with a good trade. Cal Simpson, well known m Alliance as a first-claiss butcher, is acting as cutter. They start out right by ordering an ad in The Herald and a supply of job print ing. Investigate before you purchase a piaino. Find out what experts who aire not interested in the sale of pianos think of the different makes. You will find that those who know agree that there is no better instru ment for the price than the Kvereit piaino, sold by Mrs. Ida M. Ross. Other instruments sold by her are bargains at the prices asked. You will make a mistake if you buy a piano beore investigating what she lias to sell. 22-2-1 J4S Special Momeseekers' Excursions TO UPTON, WESTON CO., WYO. May 21, 1912 TO MOORCROFT, CROOK CO., WYO. June 4, 1912 TO GILLETTE, CAMPBELL CO., WYO. June 18, 1912 Write your friends about our personally conducted hOmeeeetVere' excursions to UPTON, Weston County, Wyo., MAY 21, 1912, to MOOR CROFT, Crook County, Wyo., JUNK 4. 1!M2, and to GILLETTE, Camp bell County, Wyo., JUNE IS. 1!H2, iwhere SM A ( R B FREE HO.MK STEALS can be had. Here Miey can file upon free homestead land that are valuable for mixed farming, dairying, poultry raising and stock raising: the most certain and safe method of farming. These lands are well covered with the most nutritious grasses known; large quanti ties of coal, building stone, posisand poles nearby on Government land are free to settlers. The familiar countenance of C. H. Brltton has been in evidence in Al liance and Box Butte county this week. He arrived last Saturday nirfht from Puyallup, Wash., and has been spending the time since visiting among his many friends. He reports the Box Butte people in his part of Washington well and doing well. Wliile he likes that state he still thinks a whole lot of Box Butte county and it would not surprise us if he should decide to make his home here again. Mr. Brltton will leave today for Michigan, where ha will visit among friends where he resided many years before coming to Nebraska. He will stop at Alli ance on his return to Washington. D. Clem Denver. Immigration Agent 1004 Farnain Street, Omaha, Nebraska 9 DOYLE & MOON Building Plans, Specifications and Estimates Furnished Without Charge TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE Members Local Union No. 1138 PHONES: 50 Red 4.4.Q BIG HORSE SALE .At Miles City, Montana, the Bit; GBBT RANGE HORSE MARKET on EARTH. Two Thousand (2,000) horses will be sold at auction on May 27. 28. ftj and M, ttftf. We will have all classes to select from. The good big Farm and Draft Mares, broke and unbroke; in foa and some with colts by side. We will have 150 Big Yearlings, 150 Blf Boned Two-Year-Olds, ten caj-4 of Washington Horses and Ponies, broke and unbroke, fat and good sellers You 1 an buy any kind you want here. You an buy al auctiou of private saile. You tan buy singfy or ill pairs, out- horse or a train load You can get the big strong boned young horses here. William Holland, of Waterloo. Iowa, will be here w' n Mr ,OMtl f ",e Draft Stallions ever shipped to the state Don't forget the dates We will look for you. Write or wire fu- Information. C B. INtiHAM, Manager. 2I-2M246 ltd JOHN GARRETT Succissot U Frank Wallace Transfer Line Household goods moved promptly 1 and transfer work solicited. Office at Rodger' Grocery, Phone 1. Rei. phone 583 r3 Boards of all descriptions for any part of a house or barn. Dierks Lumber & Goal Go. Phone 22 0. waters, M r.