Classified Advertisements Tha following "Want Ada" are classified under appropriate headings for the convenience of readers. CASH RATES One cent per wo,'d each insertion. No ad received for less than ten centa per inser tion. Black face double rate. CREDIT RATES One cent per word each insertion, but no advertia Ing account opened for less than twenty-five centa and no ad charged for lesa than fifteen centa per week. lack face double rate. It answering Herald want ada p ease mention that you aaw it in thla paper. A claaaified advertisement will In troduce to each other the next buy er and the next seller of property In thla town. ABSTRACTERS P. E. REDDISH Bonded Abstracter. I have the only set of abstract books In Box Butte county. Office In McCorkle Building. 10-tf-570 TO RENT Three sets of modern rooms for light housekeeping, close In. All first floor. Phone 629. 2 14 fl 244 FIVE ROOjM HOUSE TO RENT, or will rent three rooms. .".17 West Fourth St. Phone 674 2't)fl226 NOTICE FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT -314 Sweetwater Ave., Phone 387. Iltfl083 FOR RENT Two keeping rooms. Mrs. Majestic ThVatre. light house Pierce, over 12-tf-40 FOR RENT. Office or living rooms. First Nat'l Bank Building. 17tfll86 Three rooms for rent. 4th St. Phone 674. 2itfltl6 SI" W, MISCELLANEOUS WANTED DINING ROOM GIRL at the Burllneton Hotel. 22tfl256 Money to loan on real estate. E. Reddish. F. 3tf Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and posts. Phone 71. tf FOIUND.. Bunch at Herald office. of keys. Call 1041222 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS To Jennie MeMtttBB, Mr. McMillan her husband, whose true name is unknown, ami to all other the unknown helrs-at-lnw and devi sees of Anna Miller, deceased, de fendant: You and each of you will take notice that on the Nth day of Ap ril, 1!U2, Nathan Hroadhurst and SHinuel Swinhank. as plaintiffs, fil ed their petition in the District Court in and for Box Butte county, Nebraska, against you a defend ants, the ObJttCl and prayer of Which are to have an accounting of the moneys expended by plaintiffs and their grantors for the taxes and as sessments made and levied upon lot numbered three and four, and the south half of the northwest quarter of section two. In township twenty-eight, north, range fifty-one, west of the sixth principal meridi an, in Box Butte county, Nebras ka, In and to which the plaintiffs allege ownership of an undivided four-fifths Interest, and in and to which It is alleged the defendants own an undivided one-fifth interest, and that sufficient of said land be sold to pay the amount so found due to the plaintiffs, and that the remainder be partitioned and the plaintiff' portion be set apart to them, if it can be done without manifest injury; if not, then that the whole of said premises be sold according to law and that the costs and expenses of this action and the amount so found due the plain tiffs be first paid, and partition be made as provided by law. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 20th day d)f May, 1912. NATHAN BROADHU R8T and SA'MCEL SWINBANK, by J. E. Porter, Attorney for Plaintiffs. 18-4-152 NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT FENDANTS DE- ONE BRlity,JtliJABqUT FOR SALT". Phone .1 on 24 for particu lars. Iltft224 FOR SALE house. 20tfl22o or RENT.- Modern C. C. BARKER. FOR BALE harness. A. phone 548. 1 ance Barley, also set of R. Wilson & Son. mile west of Alli-Wl8tfl2ti2 PAINE FISHBURN GRANITE COM PANY, GRAND ISLAND, NEBR., Make the best monuments and will save you money. Call on AL. WIK ER, local salesman of Alliance, or 6end to C rand Island for price list. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE All of my household furniture for sale, consisting of rugs, ur&tis bed stead, mattress, springs, dining room chairs, rockers, dresser, roll top desk, KurUman piano, book case, at private sale, at Snyder's tlray office, 210 Box Butte Ave. B. H. PERRY. 6tf984 RHODE ISLAND RED CHICKENS Rose Comb Rhode Island Reds are good layers. 1 have some nice hens for sale at $1.00 each, also eggs for hatching at 75 cents tor 15. Call on or write Mrs. E. J. Owen, Hewett, Nebr. 14tf 1 145 E. L Gregg & Son have a large amount of first-class alfalfa and wild hay at a reasonable price. 48tf779 To Frank A. Massle, Annie E. Massie, Cordel Colvin and Emma Colvln, non-resident defendants: You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 4th day of Ap ril, A. D., 1912, the Equitable Land Company, as plaintiff, filed in the district court of Box Butte county. .Nebraska, Its petition against you as defendants., impleaded with Ora E. Phillips, J. Lawrence Bowman and Jane Bowman, his wife, true Christian name unknown, your co defendants, the object and prayer of which is to have an accounting of the amount due upon a certain promissory note and mortgage deed, made, executed and delivered to the said plaintiff by the said defend ant, Ora E. Phillips, on the 23rd day of May, 1911, for the sum of $400.00 with interest upon the fol lowing described premises and real estate, situate in said county, to-wit: tlie southeast quarter of section thirteen (IS) la township twenty-six (20i north, range fifty-two (52) west, In said county; to have the same adjudged to be a valid and subsisting first lien upon said mort gaged premises; to have -.nil lands sold in the manner required by law, by or under the direction of the sheriff of said county, for the payment and satisfaction of the a mount found due. together with the costs of suit and costs of sale, and for general relief. And you are further notified to answer said petition in the clerk's office of said court by the 2oth day of May, A. D., in 12. ALBERT W. CRITES, Attorney for Plaintiff. 1st publication April llth, 1912. 18-4M5;:. oooooooooooooooo O CANTON CONTRIBUTION oooooooooooooooo Miss Pentium of Chadron, who has been visiting the Misses John son, returned to her home Saturday. Lnwrtnce Homer, who recently drilled a well for Emmett Johnson. Is again on the Job. deepening the well as the sand seemed to bother considerably . a a a Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Dover came up from Bayard Thnrsdn.v ami re turned Sunday taking down a few household effects Mr. Boyer aja pects to do considerable breaking on his place at Bayard so he will be able to rein it advantaeeonsiy or sell. In either event he will come back to his Sioux county holdings, as he likes this vicinity much better than down there. see Mrs. Mary Katon, mother of Mr. A S. Powell, came up from Kansas City Saturday for au extended visit. L N. Ware, who conducts a gen eral merchandise store near Mud Springs, purchased a load of pota toes at the Canton storeSaturday. Frank Ewirag was in this vicinity a couple of days last week. Farmers have their small grain seeding well along and a number will begin corn planting this week. A great deal of corn will he listed owing to the lateness of the season and the high price of horse feed. Miss Leah Lemmon of Belmont came up Thursday on the stage tor a visit with the family of her uncle, G. H. Clayton. a a Rev. Hindman and M. L. Whitaker jointly purchased a new riding lister last week Byron Fosket lost a very fine mare and colt last week. The man who is trying to get along without a few milch cows, will find It mighty hard sledding. Better mortgage your place to buy them if necessary than to eventually have to in order to pay a store bill. The hen is not to be sneezed at either, as one of our prosperous citizens brought in last week 47 dozen eggs which brought 7.05. Cream is about ten cents per pound higher than a yp, ir ago. Special clean-up sales ha ''long suit.'' By careful of foodstuffs we have been necessity of clean-up sales ferior goods. Our policy i brands of good things, and purchasing part of the Co-0 included many odds and ends not carry and do not care t it advisable for us to sell once. The goods are all ri not care to mix in stock wi are especially low. There be enumerated here. Visit o then , this we ek . ve never been our K ti if i n tf t f K n V t a f rr n rl n V u J I ll Q V& V U 3 W V O V Q 1 a U 1 f able to keep away from the of off-brands and In- s to put out reliable to stick to them. Our perative stock which of brands which we do o place in stock, makes that part of it at ght just brands we do th our own. The prices A A - A are zoo many items to ur ' special' ' counter, To give you an idea of values offered: Nicelle Brand Olive Oil, 18c Oakdale Peaches, per can 12c Maryland Chief Pears, per can 12c Index Brand Pineapple, per can 12c Bonne Brand Jelly, 3 glasses for 25c 100 Boxes Apples to sell, while they last, the low price of, each, $1.00. at MALLERYI GR0CERY CO oooooooooooooooo o BEREA NEWS o oooooooooooooooo " EASY AS AN OLD SHOE" Don't throw away those old shoes that are so comfortable. Have them repaired and made as good as new. M. D. NICHOLS has the best equipped shop in western Nebraska, at 217 BOX BUTTE AVENUE, Alliance. First class repairing done promptly. Also, boots and shoes made to order. Give him a trial. John Relider visited with George and Fred Knapp last week. J. A. Lore was seen driving thru the country looking for his horses, a gray, a bay and a brown, but did not hear whether he found them. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Waddell ana daughter Luclle. Miss Deal and Miss Teadford frcm Alliance, took supper with P. .J. Knapp Sunday Some of the Snake Creek boys came up to play ball with Berea on Sunday afternoon. Chas. Coupons was in the Berea neighborhood Sunday and Monday, si a W, M. and Wanter Vogel and Win. Sherlock took dinner with Josa Trueblood last Sunday. A. J. Gaghagan spent Sunday with Wm ilochins and family. Fied Knapp and Feat and Karney Weinell visited with Calmer boys Sunday afternoon. a a- a Elsie Nabb spent Sunday after neon with Mrs. Jess Trueblood. Win. aad Sam Muudt and Jess Scott made a flying trip to Alliance Saturday evening with Mr. Scott's TYPEQ3RITERS .V IN I) OFFICE SUPPLIES E have added to our large stock of every make of typewriters manufactured a lare and complete line of office fixtures and supplies. Tell the Editor of this paper your office worries, he will gladly tell you how to overcome them, with latest methods. Our prices are naturally lower than elsewhere. Owing to the larre volume of business we do. It will pay you to become acquainted through Mr. John V. Thomas with the largest exclusive office supply house in the Middle West. I Write for Information on Any Office Fixtures or Supplies You May ISeed t The Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Co. 1406 O Street, Lincoln. Nebraska 4 1 IH I I I I 4 44 M M HI 44 ttH I l LEGAL NOTICE M t4--'H 1 motor cwr. THE MARKETS f Snow Drift Flour at the Fair Store, $1.55 per sack. Phone 589. E C. Whisiiian, painting contractor. UilMfU Buy your coal of Rowan & Wright. Phone 71. tf Coal office at Rowan's feed store. ROWAN & WRIGHT, phone 71. tf Old papers at The Herald office at 6 cents per bunch. Let US RINT VOUK SALE BILLS R:v. Leaf came out to K: Saturday evening. May fi Closing prices: , Chicago Wheat-May, 1.17; July, $114 ' ... Corn Mav. July. 7' Oar May, c7c: July, .-2Tc Pork May. $19(15: July, $19.30-2'$. Lard May $10 87'..; July. 111.024 1. Ribs-Mav. $10 22" : July, $10.42'-... Chicago rash Prices - -So. hard wheat, ll.lS01.lTtt; No 2 corn. 8ae; No. 2 white oats, &740StViC v.a.s preaching last Sunday at Bsreea by Rev. lang and a big crowij was In attendance. There will be preaching again at Berea May 19, at o'clock by Rt Utnu Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, May Cattle Receipts. M,BM; easy: hemes. $.00f?9 .no ; areata steers. $.7ift.7. '.': Blockers i and feeders. $ ii r, :, ; cows and heifers. $2 80e)7.M; calves, M$4l :. Hogs Receipts, 40,000; slow: one loud fancy, $7 82'..: light, $7.15 . 72.; heavy. $7 207.75; rough.' nt04f7.ll; figs. $4.750 5.81: hulk $7 .".O'fc 7.70. Pheop Receipts. 24.000; v eaU native, $4.75t& 8. 10 : westerns, $S Uii S 15: M ai lings. $r, 15ft 9.00; Uunbs. $. i . iv-Xt, DR. F. W. BOLAND Office Over First State Bank tlemingford, Nebr. I DO IT NOW &S an H 1 R I IN TUB DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED states FOR THK Dis TRICT OF NEBRASKA. CHADRON DIVISION In the Matter ) of ) Joseph P. Colburn, Bankrupt ) Case No. 1'. In Bankruptcy, Vol untary Petition. 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS: At Chadron. Dawes County, Ne braska, in said District, before Fred erick A. Crites, Referee in Bank ruptcy, April 23rd, PJ12. To the creditors of Joseph P. Col burn, of Alliance, Box Butte Coun ty, Nebraska, a Bankrupt: Notice Is hereby gieii that on the 2;:rd day of April, A. D.. lift, the said Joseph P Colburn was duly adjudicated a bankrupt, and thu.t the first meeting of his creditors will be held in the offices of Bur ton & Westover, in the city of Al liance. Box Butte County, Nebraska, (n said District, on the loth day of May, 1912, at :: o'clock In the after noon, .t which time and place the said creditors may attend. prove their oiajma, appoint a trustee, ex amine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may proper ly come befoiv said meeting. Witness my hand thU 2"-rd day of April, A. I). 1912. I9RBDBBICK A. CRITES, U. S. Referee in Bankruptcy. 20-2M57 NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DE FENDANTS To Ira Bogard and Jane Bogard, hi wife, whose true Christian name is unknown, non-resident defendants: You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 4th day of Ap ril, A. D. 1912, the Equitable Lund Company, M plaintiff, filed in the district court of Box Butte county, Nebraska, its petition against you. j as defendants, impleaded w 1th Ora I E. Phillips as your co-defendant, I the object and prayer of which U ' to have an accounting of the amount due upon a certain promissory note and mortgage deed, made, executed ; and delivered to the aid plaintiff by the said defendant. Ora E Phil lips, on the 1st day of October, 1910, for the sum of $ with J interest upon the following describ ed premise and real estate, situate In said county, to-wit: he south east quarter of NOtlM twenty-two (HI iu township twemy-iive ($f), north of range fifty one 5l west, iu Box Butte county. Nebraska; lo have the t. i: v adjudged to be a valid and subsisting first lien upon MM inortgnsted premises; to have said lands sold iu the manner re fUlr&d by law, by or under the di rection of the sheriff of said coun ty, for the payment and satisfac tion of the amount found due, to gether with the cost of suit and cost of sale, and for general re lief. And you are further notified to answer said petition in the clerk'a office of said court by the 20th day of May. A. D. 1912. ALBERT W. CRITES. Attorney for Plaintiff. 1st publication April llth, 1912. is-4t-154 g B If you intend OalC to have a sale jg et our prices PRINTED JM ii We are fixed for turning 1 out work of this kind I in double-quick time. R Ai 1