Published every Thursday by The Herald Publishing Company. Incorporated JOHN W. THOMAS, Editor and Mgr. 8ubacripiloii, SI 50 per year In a& Vance. The circulation of thia newspaper It guaranteed to be the largeat In western Nebraska. Advertising rates will be furnished on application. ample copies free for the asking. Entered at the postofflce at Alii knee. Nebraska, for transmln8lon through the mails as second-class matter. THIS PAPER RtPREStNTEO rOR FOREIGfc ADVERTISING BY THE ;14--l-yilV.Hi trPTHJ GFNERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES 1912 MAY 1912 imit iwi t I r fjr I I 1254 5 6 J 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 1 17 18 19202122232425 LECTURE ON EXPLOSIVES Bureau for the Safe Transportation of Explosives and Other Dangerous Articles THE ATTENDANCE WAS LARGE THl'KSIiW. MAY H. Lei! CONFERENCE OF MEN'S BIBLE CLASSES Chadron, May 3. 8 P. M. Under the pleasant persuasion of Prof. W'llaon of fluid roll, Nebr., and Home of his earnest co-workers In Bible Sffaiy by men there, those It TerosUtl In like study, minsters and lirA'men in luljoiniiiK towns were icvitpd to come to Chadron for a conference upon this most vital mat ter. Friday evening, May :t, nun were thero from Crawford, Rush ille. Hay Springs, Gordon and per haps other nearby towns while Al liance was representee by the pas ters of the Hapti-t and I' l church es, and by Cecil Smith, Chart! Spatcht and Max Wilcox ol the Young Men's Hible 'l The homes of Chadron opened most kindly for the entertainment of guests, and altlin the weather was not pleasant, neither overhead nor underfoot, a goodly number fifty or more of men met cheerfully and in cordial good-fellow ship at tlie appointed hour, S p. in., at the Y. M. C. A. building. Prof, Wilson, after the openin-; exercises, opened the meeting with a few re marks at) to the purpose, and infor mal nature, and then called for re ports from various men's classes al ready In Operation in Chadron and elsewhere. These were listened to apprecl:Mlely, uU not least amoim them Mr. Smith's repoi of the work In Alliance's young nun'.- class. Then followed a dtf 'HiaioW of methods used. The Y. M. C. A. class of Chadron re.portt .1 t lie use Of a very practical niuth I, taking up u book of the IHblc and following thru it regardless of erse or chap ter, dependent only upon the whim or possibility of the hour. Some days everaj ysasjajsj or a chapter; other lason. hours mlglit be Mfctlrel) taken up in the discussion of some doctrine or practical opin ion of truth that might present itself. The chapter summary method of the Alliance young men's class was commended. Also the proposed Syn theti. nuthod. Hut above all the main thing Is to lead, by any met li nt, to bible study. These things were pretty freely discussed until rather late hour tpM on and adjournment seemed in order. Hut evvn then the men were not penni.tnl to go into the night until they had partaken of Chadron s hospi;a!iity still fuuhcr at the! hands of Mr. Clark. Y. M. C. A. Seecretary, who ably assisted by others In the distribution of eof fee, cake, sandw itcln s, h That, of course will be forgot tea ; by most of the nvtm bung beset tig weakness to like attention but the gecd-'e'lowship th:-t w mii ' rlth it and the desire lor still bet ter grasp and handling of the matter of Hible s.udy among men will lead many to r member the hour, only as an inspiration to the problem before us, uud th a need, .tnJ to look for ward to oilier UJ conferences Pneajblj the next will at Alliance at whi.h the woi-k may be presi nt ed a- ft Chadron with the addition of the experie-n. of months of ef tort in nuaru-r, aiKl the know b-bje of knowtu just what Uk problems there are. J,ast night at the l'helan opers house, C. D. Johnson, local inspect or at Denver of the bureau for the safe transportation of explosives and other dangerous articles, gave a lec ture on the handling of explosives. This lecture was tor the purpose of Instructing train men and other rail road employes how to handle ex plonives and other dangerous artic les so as to prevent accidents Mr. Johnson uses a stereopt icnn outfit to Illustrate his lecture. Several pic tures were thrown on the screen, showing what negligence in the handling of explosives had don. Mr. Johnson said that during the paRt few years the employes of the railroads had been co-operating with the officials in cutting down the nnmler of casualties In the year 1907 there were 52 persons killed and SO more Injured as a result of the transportation of explosives. Property loss was half a million During the year just passed one per son was killed and five Injured and the property lews was only $34,761. This shows what has been aceom plished by tln proper handling of explosive's. The opera house was filled with a large and appreciative audience. A mong the out of town ofifcials pre sent were: Assistant Chief Dispatch er Helpbrlnger of Dead wood; Hound Mouse Foreman Krwln of Seneca; P. A. Newell, general foreman at Dead wood; Car Foreman Kezner of Kdgvinont; J. P. Daily, train master of the Sterling division; Roy Van Yoorhls, agent at Kdgemont; and Agerof Ansa! of Seneca. BAPTIST CHURCH ANNIVERSARY Annual Roll Call and Anniversary of Baptist Church. ULPflT pigs sr-iBBVBm U. P. CHURCH 10:00 a. m. Sunday school, Graded Lessons 11:00 a in. Preaching service. 7:00 p. in. Young people's meet ing. 8:00 p.m. Kvenlng service. No evening service on account of union service under auspices H C T. V., at M. K. church Prayer meeting. Wednesday even ing, at 8:00. A. L. GODFREY, Pastor. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays of each month at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. First Sunday In each month at 11:00 a. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 10:00 a. m. Junior Auxiliary, Chapter A, raeeta every Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. Junior Auxil iary, Chapter B, meets nt 2:30 every Sunday afternoon. GEO. G. WARE, Missionary. GERMAN EV. LUTHERAN CHURCHI Next Sunday will be the Epworth league anniversary at th M. E. church See announcement in an other column under the heading, "Ep worth lPHffue Anniversary 8undy." Prayer meeting, Wednesday even ing, at 8:00. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Sabbath school at the residence of Prof. G. M. Burns every Saturday af ternoon at 2 o'clock. Topic of next lesson, "The Bab bit tit; It's Change and Restoration." MRS. JOHN PILK1NGTON. Supt. BAPTIST CHURCH 11:06 a m Sunday school. 11:00 a.m. Public worship. Preach lre by Rev Stephens. 7:00 p. m. B. Y. P. U. Mid-week service, Wednesday. 8:00 p. m. (iKO A W1TTE, E'astor. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. R. M. Dungan. pastor of the Christian church at Mitchell, will prp(ach at the M H. A. hall over the store of Duncan & Son, Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 7:30 p. m., and Sunday morning at 11:00 a. in. A cordial invitation is extendeel te all to attend these services. EPWORTH LEAGUE ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY May fifteenth Is the great day of the year for the young people af Methodism, being the 23rd birthday of the society organised In Cleve land. Ohio. May 15. 1889. In honor of this event, aperial services will be held af the Methodlat church next Sunday. In the morning the pastor will speak especially for the young people, and every Epwor hlan and friend of the church old or young Is cordially invited to attend. The young people should come ear ly and occupy the seats reserved for them. The evening services will be in charge of the Epworth League. Se eral papers on League work will be read, and the new officers will be installed by the pastor. Special music at both services. All are welcome. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY fARTV Mistake In Date Ooea Not Mar Pleasure of the Party PRESBYTERIAN LADIES' AID The Ladies' Aid of the First Pres byterian church will meet next Wed nasday with Mrs. W. C. .Mounts, at 3 p.m All members and friends are urged to be pre.-ent. Mr. and Mrs. Groves, who IDe about six miles northwest of town, were very ngreebly surprised lait Sunday when Just before noon a large number of friends and neigh bors arrived at their home with a generous supply of e itables such as the Indies of that community are capable of preparing. A splendW dinner was served and the nl'ternoon was spent in visiting, listening to the phonograph and planning to or gnnize a Sunday school In the neigh borhood school house the following Sunday. The time passed away ell too fast to suit those present. Supposing it was their 15th an niversary their friends left with Mr. and Mrs. Croves a splendid rocking chair Just to remind them of the good will and friendship of their neighbors, but the Crowd felt like the Joke was turned when they learned that the anniversary M i not until a week later, but they de parted for their homes feeling bet ter for the day as people n-itally do after a day at the Groves home. A. M. E. CHURCH Drake Building, 519 Sweetwater Ave. Services every Sunday morning, at 10:30. Sunday School every Sunday morn ing at 9:30. Everybody Is cordially invited. Parochial German-English Lutheran . school every day except Saturday and I Sunday, from 9 a. m. to i p. in. Tin s LANG, Pastor. I 523 Cheyenne Ave., phone 359. I Meetings in Marks' hall, northeast corner Laramie avenue and Third street. Sunday school at 10:30 a. in. Preaching at Nton p. m. All are welcome. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The twentieth annual roll call and anniversary of the First llaptNt Church will !). celebrates! on next Sunday In an all day session great day is being looked forward to and it is hoped that this day will prove to be the greatest day in the history of this church thus far. .Many people from out of town will cOtXK in to share the blessings of the ses sions, and to assist in malklng it a day long to be remembered, and be in attendance at the annual reunion. This is not to be a feast day, but many people who reside in the coun try will bring their lunches so t tint they may be able to stay the whole Chadron, Nebr., will be the chief day. Hex. Charles 15. Stephens. pastor of the First Baptist church at speaker of the occasion and will ad dress both the morning and ev-eninp services. The afternoon will be given over to reports of the work demc the past year and plans for del Inite Christian service the eoming year. The public is welcome to ut lend these services, and it is hoped tli, it many in our midst will take a 1 vantage of hearing the sermons of Hev. Stephen- 10:00 a.m. Sunday school. 11:00 a.m. Morning worship 3:00 p.m. Junior Endeavor 7:00 p.m. Senior Endeavor. 8:00 p.m. Evening worship. 7:1.". p.m. Thursday, Bible class and teachers' training class. 8:00 p.m. Thursday, praise and prayer service. BUBJBCTfl Sunday morning. "The Lamb of God." Sunday evening, "Jesus' Invita tion." The Christian Endeavor meeting n xt Sunday will be of a special na ture and every member is expected to be present. Special preparations are being made for a rousing meet ing. Everybody welcome. COTTAGE PRAYER MEETINGS Tuesday, 3 p.m. Mrs. M. McAllister. 901 Cheyenne; Mrs. Brown, -10 Missouri Ave.; Mr. Watte, 016 Laramie Ave.; Mr. Overman, Platte avenue; Mr. Mounts, 504 Cheyenne avenue; I N. Johnston, north end Box Butte. M. E. LADIES' AID The M E. Ladies' Aid society will meet at the- home of Mrs. F. M. Phelps. Wednesday. May if., a; I 86 p.m. Members and friends are cordially invited to attend. Captain B. S. Osborn Is Dead. New York, May 7. Captain B. S. Dsboin, who served under Farragut during the civil war, subsequently in the navies of several foreign coun tries, died In his eighty sixt hyear. He had' been seriously m for a fortnight. Captain Osliorn was secretary of the Arctic Club of America and was one cf the most ardent supporters of Dr. Frederick K. Cook. A QIHA Ui V IV A If niQr MQi luviuuj. liju. ' i' t KIT CARSON'S BUFFALO RANCH WILD WEST AND TRAINED WILD ANIMAL EXHIBITION. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Olin S. Baker, Pastor 10:00 a. m. Sunday School. Graded Bible Classes. 11 a in. Public worship. 7:00 p. m. Young people's Kp worth League meeting. Captain of Texas Removed to Prison. Athens lav 7 Vntu-itlit:iiHino - - . , the protests of the American and Greek consuls, the captain of the steamship Texas, which was blown up a few days ago in the Gulf of Smyrna, was forcibly removed from the Greek hospital to a Turkish prison Infirmary. The Turks accuse him of srying in Italy's behalf. ROOSEVELT LEADS Maryland Primary Gives T. R. More State Delegates. COLONEL CARRIES BALTIMORE. Champ Clark, Too, Is Out in Front. Speaker Carries Metropolis and Runs Two to One Over Wilson. Harmor a Poor Third. Baltimore, May 7. --Republican prim ary retains fiom eight of t wenty-three counties and two out of four districts In Haltitnore city, give Roosevelt forty delegate to the state convention and 'J'aft fourteen, out ol a total of 129. Primary rut urns indicate that KfjfsH felt and Clark have carried all lour legislative district! la Haiti awe city, giiiiHl them twenty-eight delegates to tlie state oaatoatlOJI 1-nuMiatic prim-iry returns from Ba'it.iuore city -complete and live out of tw,i)t.v-th'ee counties give Clark thirty- four delegates to the state con cntlon. Harmon four and WitaOM fit teen nt ol a total of Iff, Taft lt Cpeaking in Ohio. Athens. O. May 7. President Taft em r-d his third primary fight with OMo s ;rt eight delegates to the Re- PBbliraa national convention lo be eted May 21 us the priie. Mr. Taft . Wade speeches. In several southern Ohio towns WE HERALD THE GO-CART SEASON WITH A I Special Sale Now is the time to buy Bargain Prices Marked in plain figures GEO. D. DARLING 115-117 West Third Street, Alliance, Nebr. TENTH TRANS-CONTINENTAL TOUR. THE LARGEST WILD WEST SHOW ON EARTH COMING DIRECT ON THEIR OWN SPECIAL TRAINS OK DOUBLE LENGTH RAILROAD CARS FROM THE BIGGEST RANCH IN THE WORLD. Menagerie of Trained Wild Animals From all parts of the Globe. Daring and death defying acts almost beyond the realms of lucid imagination. A COSMOPOLITAN COLLECTION OF COWBOYS AND GIRLS, VANQUEKOS. SBNORITAS, GUARDIS RUKALES, CHAMPIONS OF THE LARIAT. ROUGH RIDERS, PONY EXPRESS VETERANS. DARING ATHLETES, COMICAL CLOWNS, THRILLING INDIAN FIGHTS AND WAR DANCES. PRINCE BOTLOINE'S TROUPE OF RUSSIAN COSSACKS, The most daring Horsemen in the World. BANDS ol SIOUX, CHEYENNE and COMANCHE INDIANS, Fresh from the Camp-fire and Council, making their first acquaintance with pale face civilization. The Grand Ethnological Performance concludes with the Superb Spectacular, Dramatic, Historical Fantasy, "The Battle of Wounded Knee" Introducing a vast and motley horde of Indians, Scouts, Trappers and Soldiers that actually t ok active part in the last brave stand and hopeless struggle the nobis redskin made for his freedom and rights. TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY, RAIN OR SHINE Afternoon at i. Evening at 8. Doors open One Hour earlier. WATER PROOF CANVAS. CANNOT LEAK. Grand, Gold Glittering Free Street Parade TWO M I L LONG at ii a. m. daily on th maia thoroughfare,. BIG FREE EXHIBITIONS on Shew Grounds Immediately alter the Parade BRING IN YOUR BAD HORSES AND MULES Our Cowboys will ride them FREE OF CHARGE. tJS.OO mill bm auitat to amy par ton bringing m flora or mulo Ihoy aanaat r Alliance Meat Company C. E, PHILLIPS, Mgr. 236 BUTTE .VE. FULL LINE OF MEATS Best Goods at Living Prices