C.f B. & Q. Time Table Jaa. 14. Effective commencing 1912, Mountain Time. Eastbound Arrive Ieave No. 42 Dally 12:13am 12:45am No. 44 Dally 12:50pm 1:10pm Westbound Arrive Leave No. 41 Dally. Edgeniont, Black Hills, Billings, 3:55am 4:19am No. 43 Daily, Edgemont, Bill ings, 12:30pm 12:50pm Southbound Arrive Ieave No. 301 Daily, Bridgeport, Denver, 12:35am tio. 303 Daily, Bridgeport, Denver; daily except Sunday, Guernsey From South Arrive No. 302 Daily 3:20am No. 304 Dally 11:30am POST OFFICE DIRECTORY BOYS' AND GIRLS' PRIZES Awarded at the Box Butte County Boys' and Girls' ludustrial Contest at HemingfSrd 1:10pm Iveave Mails close at the Alliance post office ae follows, Mountain time: East Bound 12:20 p. m. for train No. 44. 11:00 p. m. for train No. 42. West Bound 12:20 p. m. for train No. 43. 11:00 p. m. for train No. 41. South Bound 12:20 p. m. for train No. 303. 11:00 p. m. for train No. 301. On Sundays and holidays all night mails close at 6:00 p. m. instead of 11:00 p. m. IRA E. TASH, P. M. A GREAT RECORD Hard to Duplicate It in Alliance Scores of representative citizens of Alliance are testifyinK for Doan's Kidney Pills. Such a record of lo cal endorsement is unequalled in modern times. This public state ment made by a citizen is but one of the many that have preceded it and the hundreds that will follow. Head it: Mrs. Robert Hicknell, 504 Big Horn Ave., Alliance, Nebr., says: "I have known of the merits of Doan's Kidney Pills for over threes years. 1 first used them in Pleas-.-tnton, Iowa, and after coining to Al liance about a year ago, I procured a supply at llolsten's Drug Store as they are the best remedy I have ev er known for disordered kidneys, mi d number of years 1 was afflic ed with kidney complaint and was tumble to find permanent relief un til I began usins Doan's Kidney Pills, They disposed of the pain in my loins and also strengthened my back. Since then I . ave felt like a different person, i cannot recom mend Doan's Kidney Pills too liteh ly in return for t lie benefit Ihey brought. " For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mil burn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the Unit cd States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Lee Moore, who moved from Alii umm to FdKemont a few months ago to take charge of the Cooper alive store at thai place, is travel in salesman foi a wholesale groc ery house now: We are pleased to trn that he and his family will probably move back to Alliance. Saved! "I refused to be operated on, the morning I heard about Cardui," writes Mrs. Elmer Sickler, of Terre Haute, Ind. "I tried Car dui, and it helped me greatly. Now, I do my own washing and ironing." E 63 Take CARDUI The Woman's Tonic Cardui is a mild, tonic remedy, purely vegetable, and acts in a natural man ner on the delicate, woman ly constitution, building up strength, and toning up the nerves. In the past 50 years, Cardui has helped more than a million women. You are urged to try it, because we are sure that it will do you good. At all drag store. REWARDS FOR FAITHFUL WORK A list of the prizes awarded at the Pox Mtitte County Industrial School "ontest for till, held at Hemingford, April 12 and 13, would have been published in The Herald the week following the contest but was defer red to secure some additional in formation to go with the names of tho winners. In the follow inn list, following the lot numbers, the work and the pri zes are mentioned, Mie names of the winners and the school district num bers are given. When the district is" not named the contestant is from the Alliance schools. lx)t 1. Best collection of work from rural schools. First prize, CMh $;1.00; won by Mrs. Elizabeth Cal kins. Dist. No. 21. Second prize, cash. $2.00; Miss Fannie McCoy. IMtet. 14. Lot 2. Best collection of work by town schools. First prize, cash, $11. -00; Alliance City Schoole, Dtet. 6. Second prize, cash, $2.00; Heming ford Schools, Dlst. 18. Lot 3. Best product map. First prize, cash $2.00; Seventh grade, Alliance. Second prize, cash, $1.00; Seventh grade, Alliance. Lot 4. Best Geographical Indus trial chart, showing work of indus tries. First prize, cash, $1.50: Four th grade. Alliance. Second prize, cash. $1.00; Fifth grade, Alliance. Lot 5. Best map of United States. First prize, cash, $1.00; Helen Tay lor, DlBt. 21. Second prize, cash, 50 cents; Ralph Joder. Ixi 6. Water color work, no frame permitted. Flr4 prize, one bottle perfume, $1.00, Olds Drug Store; .lenette Haney, Dist. 6. Sec ond prize, cash, 50 cents; Bessie Hamilton. Ixt 7. Free hand drawing, pen cil or charcoal, by pupil, no age lim itation, no frame. First prize, cash $1.00; Helen Deitlein, Dtet 6. Second prize, cash, 50 cents; Etta Douglas, Dist. 25. Third prize, cash, 25 cts.; Helen Taylor, Dist. 21. lx)t 8. Sofa pillow cover, needle work, no age limitation. First prize caell, $1.00; Minnie Halbur, Dist. 42. Second arise, cash. "5 cents; Winnifred Berry, Dist. 124. IOt t. Hind-sewed apron, by pu pil under 14 years of age. First prize, cash, $1.00: Hannah Cotant, of Diet. . Second prize, '. yards of India linen, $8 oente per yard, C W. Lockwood ; Mabel Weidenliaiuer, of Dist. . Lot 10. Machine sewed apron, no age limitation. First prize, divss pattern worth $1.00; Jesse Elliot. Dist. 18. Second prize, stamped towol worth 50 cent.; Lucille Faw- Qt i, Dlst. ti. Third prize, one pr. Newport hose, worth 25 cents, Hem ingford Mercantile Co. ;Lena Pricss. Ixt 11. Manual training. Beat article made with jack knife. First prize, $1.25 knife; Eddie Natob, Dist. II, Second prize, I knife, 85 cents, Frank Calia, Hardware, Hem ingford; Arthur Carrell, Dit. 41. Lot 12. Best book case or book rack. First prize, cash, $1.50; An son Thomas. Second prize, cash, ".") cents; Leo Nicolai, Dist. 6. Lot ll. Hest loaf of white bread First prize, 4S lb. sk. Snow Drift Flour: Leona Kennedy, Dist. 14. Second prize, 24 lb. sk. Snow Drift Flour; Elisabeth Nepper, Dist. 11. Third prize, 10 lb. sk. Craham. Hem Insford Milling Co.; Agnes Kyan. Unit . Lot 14. Best dozen sugar cookies. First prize, (iold Leaf Flour, 48 lb. sack: Lena l'anwitz, Dist. 45. Sec ond prize, 1 24 lb. sk. Forest Rose Flour, by C A. Iturlew; Klizabeth Nepper. Lit. 11. I. I lt. Best dozen doughnuts. First prize, cash, 75 cents; Delia Holetea. BeOOOd prize, I lb. Plan tn'ion Coffee, (J. F. Hedge;-! , k; Morris Combe, List. ti. Lot 17. Beat loaf cake. First prise, i: iod-peinted plate worth 11.00, D M. Heed; Matild Fraakle, Dist. tl. St cot: d prize, plale wxrth 11.00, I). M IteciL VtoM Kennedy. Met. 14. Third Prise, cake plale worth 75 cents. 1) If. Kecil ; Helen Taylor. Dist. 21. I:t IS. Best six Box Hulte coun ty p aiin , by any school boy, qual ity as well as size considered, prem iums on Selection. First prize, $:!. no. First State Bank; Mori I'rice. D i . 14. Second rlze, $2. SO; Phil Ip OfOVea, DiH. 10 Third prize, 11.01; Leslie Hurkholder, Din 45. Fourth prize, 0 cts ; Finest Fan wit Dist. to. Fiftih prize. 25 cents led die Roosevelt Armstrong. 1 t 41. lol 10, Lest six eiws jjf com selected by an school boy Kir .it piize. $'.MHi; Joseph Jellaek, Diet 10 Second prize, 1.0O; Arthur Carrell, Dist 41 Third prlxe, $1.00; Teddlo Armstrong, Dist. 41. l.ot 20. Best composition on po tatoes First prize, subscription to Hetnlnptford Journal; Treswle Van dervoort. Second prize, one year's subscription to Current Events, D. M R : Alice Orsham. Dtet. 6 Lot 21. Best specimen penman snip by pupil under ll years of age. Selection: To be written on nnmled paper, size 8x9 in. First prize, cash. $1 50, Delia M Reed; .lanet (Jrass tnan. Second prize, cash, 11.00, lcl la M. Reed; Tressle Vandervoort. Third prize, cash, 50 cents. Delia M. Heed; (Jrace Zehmng, Dit. ?. lA)ve the beautiful. Seek out the true, Wish for the good. And the best do. Moses Mendelssohn. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Reported by F. E. Reddish, Bonded Abstracter United states to ahmm-i Stewart, W WW, SK NV, sec. , twj). It, V of Sec. .11, Twp. N, all in ft. 62. latent Minnie M. Milliken to John Riley, SW 27-27-47. $1,000. Sheridan Realty Co. to Lillian M. Penny, Trustee, NE WW 19-27-51. $1. Frank Curley to Kdwin E. Fenner, IS SW 1-27-47. $240. Mary E. Jones to Chas. Glaze, all Hie ally between the east and west half of Blk. 4, Johnson's First Add. to Heiningford, Nebr. Also Lots .'!, 4, 5, and fi In Johnson's First Add. to Hemingford. $1. United States to John Mabln, E 6-25-4!t. Patent sea United States to Layal S. Wright, ;W NW. SE NW, SB INK, and 8 or 10-28-50. Patent Charles Glaze to James Barry, strip of land beginning at the NE corner of the SE SW 7-27-49, thence west 110 feet, thence S to the N line of Johnson's First Add. to Hemingford, Nebraska, thence east '.50 feet, thence N to the point of beginning. $55. United States to Fred Crawford, NW and S sec. M, and SW 24-25-51. Patent Charles Glaze to Albert S. Stewart and Alice L. Stewart, SE SW 7-27-49, except Blk. 1, 2, and Lots 1. 2. 7, and 8 In Blk. 3, and lrts I, 2. 7, and 8 In Blk. 4, Johnson's First Add. to Hemingford, Nebr. $2,500. Albert S. Stewart to George I! Clayton. Lots 4, 5, and SK NW sec ti. Twp. 25, and Lots 1. 2, I, 4, and K NW and E SW and S SE S1-M4S. $i.ooo. United States to nings, NW 17-2H-50. Carsten Hen-Patent a United States to Thos. A. Green SK 17-00-50. Patent United States to Thos. A. Gren. NE l7-2-50. Patent John Keeffe to Christian Hen nings, SK !i-2;-50. $1. United States to heirs of Willis B. Heath, SW 10-26-47. Patent James Planansky, et al, to Joseph J. Planansky, NE 20-27-51. $1 George W. Clark to Joseph Car ST, N SE and S NE 1-24-49. $:i,2(K). s a United States to Daisy D. Kahi man. M, SW, N SK, SK SK. sen, ' tm NW IO-204O. Patent Joseph J. Planansky to Nobert Frohnapfel, SK SCC, 17, and NK M 27-51 $4.50. Nobert Frohnapfel to Joseph J Planansky, Lots 4, 5, t;, 7, s, ami Blk. II, Hemingford. Nebraska $2000 i Clan nee K Marks to Jake Kridel baush, 'lie undivided interest in Lot 7. Blk. 28. Alliance, Nebraska I 000 Charles C. Barker to Herbert A 'Copsey, Lot ti, Blk. 9, Wyoming Ad , dttion to Alliance, braeka. $.'1900 Tho Y M B. 0, will meet at C. C. Smith s Friday evening at 7 : HO. Ed Strand recently Installed a bath room In his residence at III Mil Horn avenue. C. M. Kwlng's address has been changed from Cleman. Morrill coun ty, to Broadwater. Mrs. C. F Kroll Is having exten house a mile west of town. tlrl same being rebuilt. A good second-hand piano, only slightly used, for sale at a very low price by Mrs. Ida M Uss. 22-2 1249 Four Square girls, remember the .... k S I 4 meeting ol the cltlt) next r rway u- ternoon at L at the home of Vila. Young. James Caddis is building a bath oom and niiiking Other impi-ow ments to his residence on Big Horn avenue. J. H. Yatighan is having an addi Hon built to his house at the north west corner of Box Butte avenue anxl Seventh street. Dr. and Mrs. Copsey have moved into the brick bungalow nt 601 Tol- uca avenue, wnicti tne mmii ic- cently purchased of c. c. Barker. After a temporary absentee from the columns of The Herald we are glad to welcome the Strasburger items again, writen by our frined. Goode Hide Boy". By the middle of summer Mr. and Mrs. Monte llargraves win oe dom iciled In their new five-room bunga low at 721 Cheyenne avenue, work on which has been commenced. J. D. C. Garrison was In poor health durlrng the winter but as prim? came on his health improved. We are glad to note that he is now quite well and able to beabout town notwithstanding his advanced age. Karl Hulme. brother of Alfred Huline, arrived from Guthrie, Okla.. about the last, of April, and has de cided to make Alliance his home. He Is a plumber by trade and has engaged to work for K. W. Ray. H. W. Hartman, a real estate man of Lewellen. Nebr., was in Alliance last week in company with Geoirge Ouenin ' Chappell, to whom he sold some land. They came to AUI- iraee and returned to Garden coun ty via BtOKtaam, driving to Bingham. Lloyd Johnson, who has been vis iting his parents in Alliance since his recovery from an attack of small pox, returned Tuesday and has re sumed his place With the Crawford Hardware Co. Jess Barnett. of the Newberry Hardware Co., Alliance. who filled Mr Johnson's place dur ing his absence, has returned home. Crawford Courier, May 4. Miss Delia II. Reed lias word from her parents ihat Mr and Mrs. Orln Foskett. who left Hemingford just before the April blizzard, have located at Weieer, Idaho. They have a large circle of friends in Box Butte county who regret to see them leave Nebraska but who will be pleased to know that they are very pleasantly located in their new home. The Alliance Chautauqua, Which is to be held five days commencing August 7th, will be under the aus ptet s of the Alliance Woman's Club. We mention this because credit should be given where It belongs, and also beca-use those who know of I he good work of the Alliance Woman's Club will take this as a guarantee or the success of the R i : utia . Dr. aud Mrs. G. F. Bartholomew j ci Broken Bow stopped in Alliance Saturday forenoon, enroute to Los , Angcl.s where thc were going on j aciounr of the illness of Mrs. Bar- ! tholomews sister. The 0OOt4ftT t a chi keu fancier, as well as prop! i Btflff Ci the Broken Bow hospital,; tpd never fails to call at The Her-j .ild office when in Alliance for a IP 1 1. lalk on poultry topics. Mr and Mrs. Robert Sutherland, who arrived in Alliance londa sjf lasi week, are now full-ll.'dged res stents of this city. They unloaded i hen liiiiim hold goods last Friday P Addie Viola Pierce to Leonard Sampy, Lots I and 5, Blk. 21. II lent ingford, Neb- -!;. $4nti Lincoln Laud Co. to Susie K Frazler. Iais I and 2, Blk. 7, Box and moved into the Dr. Copsey tig vis i!d to Alliance, Nebr IIOO.ilMMSe t 711 Toluca aenue. Mr. Sutherland is Dick Waters' HUCces or as aianagur of the Dierks Luiu bsff Cii at this place, lie aud Mrs. Sutlierlaud will receive a cordial welcome from the hospitable people Sunshine Maitland U H L For Range and Furnace All Kinds of FEED Wholesale and Retail PHONE 5 J. H. VAUGHAN & SON Model Candy Kitchen 406 Box Butte Ave. Delicious, Healthful, Home-Made Candies Also Best Factory Goods at Prices Lower than Same Grade of Candy is usually sold for YOUR TRADE SOLICITED Forest Lumber Co. We have just received a car of Mitchell Automobiles We have in this car one 6-cylinder 48-horsepower roadster, the finest automobile that has ever come to Alliance. Come in and see for yourself and be convinced FOREST LUriBER CO. A. P. Lee, Mgr. J Office Phone, 5 Res. Phone. 48 Wallace Dray Line I All work looked alter carefully I Office at 213 Box Butte Ave. IMIMHHMHIHIMnilMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUI'HIMMI Please Call for Pardey 's Bread then you will not be disappointed, because it is made right, baked right, an honest product. Best of flour, best of all materials. Good and sweet, as care is used at all stages of the process of a Pardey loaf Pardey Bakery Phone 242 The heme t Mr and Mr. Knoch Meyer now conialin one of the tin e : pianos iii the city. Ias: week Mra. Ida M. Kosh old them a $600- m Bverett. 'y4 Alliance c-Rpr TRIP TO SAN FRANCISCO r la 1 i dariae tae PANAMA PACIFIC INTBUMATlONAL EXPO -11 ION. including fstclasi traBsportation, I'ullman double berth, two week in modern hotel, admissioo to exposition grounds and twenty special attraction, liahl SSslsi trips in and around San t rancisco Will bs given in return for some pleasant work during vour leisure hours. Write at osce, giwnt referencec. T. K. HcCLUKE. San I'ranrisco Kxpoeition Tour Co , u--U4s J3 Be.- Hldg . Omaha. Neb.