The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 02, 1912, Image 6

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    J. J. VANCE
Cement Walks, Cisterns, ass merits,
Coundations, etc.
Cement Silos
are the preference over all others In the east
where they have been tested for years. I will
construct these silos In the most approved
manner the coming season.
Let He Figure with You
City Directory
Municipal Officers
Mayor F. XV. Harris.
Clerk-Jay D. Emerlck.
Trrnsurer G. J. Burk.
Police Judge Gregory Zurn.
City Attorney C. C. Barker.
Street and Water Commissioner
J. H. Carlson.
City Engineer F. E. Hamblln.
Chief of Police John Munsaker.
Chief of Fire Department W. O.
City Physician- H. H. Bellwood.
City Scavenger C. XX'. Jeffers.
President of Council- C. A. New
berry. First Ward C. A. Newberry. J.
H. Vaughnn.
Second Ward - K. M . Martin, John
My new stock of
Is now arriving. Something new in Bath
Tubs and Closets. Come in and get prices
before buying elsewhere.
. . a a mm. .. at.. .. -.
KiumDing ana neaung
Phone 720 Green X
Board of Health
Mayor, City Attorney and Dr.
H. Bellwood.
1 1
City Light, Water
and Sewerage Department
Office City Hall.
Commissioner J. H. Carlson.
Manager N. A. Kemmish.
Save Your Time
Make Trips by Bell Telephone
Police Department
Headquarters--City Hall.
Police Judge G. W. Zurn.
Chief or Police John Hunsaker.
Night Marshal Floyd Donnvan.
Fire Department
Headquarters and Club Rooms
City Hall, Alliance Volunteer Fire
Chief W. O. Barnes.
Assistant Chief Lewis Laravea.
Secretary C. W. Spacht.
Hose Co. No. 1 City Hall.
Foreman L E. Pilklngton.
Assistant Foreman D. J. Moran.
Hose Co. No. 2 City Hall.
Foreman Cal Cox.
Assistant Foreman J. H. Klau
aan. Hook and Ladder No. 1 City Hall.
Foreman G. A. Hills.
Assistant Foreman W. F. Buch-nian.
ery Tuesday In I. O. O. F. Hall. N.
O , J. R. Snyder; V. 0., Link lxw
ery; Sec., A. J. Macey.
Alliance Hebekah Lodge No. 104
Meets second and fourth Fridays of
each month In L O. O. F. Hall. N.
0., Mrs. W. H. Drake; V. G., Mrs.
J. R. 8nyder; Sec., Mrs. Moses
Wright; Trees, Mrs. C. M. Cox.
Knights of Columbus
Alliance Council No. 976 Meets
. i Sunday night in club room of
Holy Rosary church. G. K., D. E.
Lynch; D. O. K., W. H. McCoy; Sec.,
C. W. Hyland.
at H.
Alliance Lodge No. 183, A. F. A.
II, Regular nuotings Thursday
foic full moon ot each month
Masoata Hall. W, II., j. H
Hewitt; Sec, L. H. Mosher.
Alloyan Chapter No. 185, O. E. S.
Meets first and third Tuesdays of
mcfa month In Masonic Hall. W. M.,
Mrs. L. A. Berry; Sec., Mrs. Anna
Bunah Commandry No. 26, Knights
Templar Meets second and fourth
Tuesdays of each month in Masonic
Hal'. E. C, Henry Renneau; Rec,
F. W. Irish .
Sheba Chapter No. 54, R. A. M.
Meets first and third Mondays of
each month at Masonic Hall. II. P.,
E. C. McCluer; Sec. L. H. Mosher.
Fw business Of proles
tiooal man make long, the
Home trips to despatch their
work. They use the tele
phone. It saves them money
and valuable time.
The Bell Telephone aids
the man of alTairs in trans
acting business that might
take a day or a week if a
personal trip were made.
Telephone Convenience Far Exceeds Its Cost.
Nebraska Telephone Co.
Bell Telephone Lines
Reach Nearly Everywhere.
Court House 51 It Box Butte Ave.
Clerk Monte Margraves.
Treasurer Edgar M. Martin.
County Judge L. A. Berry.
Attorney- KtiRene Burton.
Sheriff C M. Cox.
Coroner C. E. Slagle.
Superintendent of Schools- Delia
M. Reed.
Assessor E. P. Sweeney.
Surveyor F. K. Ilamblin.
District Court
Judge W. H. West over. Rush
vllle. Clerk Monte I largraves.
Modern Brotherhood of America
Pioneer Lodge No. 758--Meets sec
ond and fourth Wednesdays of each
month at M. B. A. Hall. Pres., 1.
r. wiicox; Sc., v. j. Brennan;
Treas., H. K. Ugone.
Modern Woodmen o" America
Box Butte Camp No. "J.'i .Meets
first and third Wednesdays of each
month at K. C. Hall. V. C, George
Davis; Clk., F. W. Irish.
Royal Highlanders
Alliance Castle No. 415 Meets first
and third Fridays of each month in
K. C. Hall. I. P., Mrs. Jennie Reed;
See. -Treas., A. D. Rodgers.
Royal Neighbors of America
Crescent Camp No. 1S80 Meets
first and third Saturday afternoons
of each month In M. B. A. Hall. O.
Mrs. E. R. Morrison; Receiver. .Mrs
C. O. Davenport; Recorder, Mrs. L
II. Highland.
United States Board of Pension
President Dr. II. 1 1 . BcllWOOd,
Secretary Dr. C. K. Slagle.
Treasurer Dr. C. H. Chun hill.
United States Land Office
Nos. M MeCorkle Hlk.
Register- W. W. Wood.
Receiver H. J. Ellis.
Asylums, Hospitals and Homes
St. Joseph's Hospital Emerson
avenue and 11th street.
Alliance Women's Christian Tem
perance Iiiion Meets second and
fourth Thursdays of each month at
homes of inenihers. Pres., Mrs. I.
E. Tasli; See., Mrs. R. C. Strong;
Tunis, Mrs I. M. Fernald
Woodmen of the World
Maple Camp No. 165- -M eels se
oiid and last Wednesdays of each
month In 1. O. O. F. Hall. C. C, A.
I). Rodgers; Sec, M. E. Grebe.
Brotherhood of American Yeomen
Alliance Homestead No. 18.12
Meets first Friday of each month at
I. O. O. F. Hall. Foreman, Philip
Nohe, Sr.; Cor., Mrs. Cora Lewis.
American Nobles
Alliame Harbour No. -'54 Meet!
first and third Fridays of each
j month nt L O. O. F. Hall. N S. A.
IShephard; Sec. -Treas., G. K. Lldj
TIONS Bricknsason's International Union
Alliance I'nion No. 4 Meets firs
and third Mondays of each month
at home of the president. Pre a., T
F, Xkerman; Fin. Sec., Mr. Brost.
Brotherhood of
Locomotive Engineers
Alliance Division No. (SI .Meets
second and fourth Thursday after
noons of each month in M. H. A.
Hall. C. E., C. R. Gibson; See.
Treas., H. Renneau.
Grand International
Auxiliary, B. L. E.
Alpha Division No. :;!'.' -Meets first
and third Thursdays of MOB month
in M. H. A. Hall Pres., Mrs. C. O.
Davenport; Sec, Mrs. Guy Miller.
ISohe's Bakery d? Cafe
Which Yon Aro Sure to He
If Yon Use
Our Bakery Goods
For Morning, Noon and Tea.
Tho Goods We Hake
Are .lolly Good
Hence .lolly Those Who Eat
They'll Hut You in
A .lolly Mood
They Save the Cook Stove Heat
Fancy cakes should be ordered
a day ahead.
a Ba
In case of serious Illness, you wouldn't call In any old doc
tor, but would get the best doctor you knew of, The Doctor
with a Reputation, the doctor that has shown his worth by
years of good honest service.
Then why buy any old range, when you can get The Great
j Majestic, The Range with a reputation a reputation won by
years of constant, honest and economical eervice.
The Majestic is made right OF NON-BREAKABLE MALLE
parte of the Majestic are riveted together (not bolted) practic
ally airtight no cold enter range or hot air escapes, thus bak
ing perfect with about half the fuel used In a range that is bolt
ed and pasted together with .stove putty.
The All-Copper Movable Reservoir on the Majestic i ab
solutely the only reservoir .wot thy of the name. It heats 15 gal
lons of water while breakfast is cooking, and when water boils
It can be moved away from fire by simply shifting lever.
Call at our store and let us show you why the Majeettc Is
absolutely the best range on the market.
Your neighbor has one ask her. All styles and sizes.
THE COMING LAND MOVEMENT. This is the time to tell your
Best SMI friends about- the splendid moisture conditions in the West, bott.
as to prairie and irrigated lands; tell them about tlve 3t0 acre Monde!',
homesteads. Kvery new settler in a locality means financial benefit to
everyone there. Ask for the new government land folder.
The latest development in irrigated lands is the opening for home
stead on April Mad Of WOO acres of government irrigated land in the
Dig Horn Masin near Poweli, VVjro.J the new and very liberal graduated
Hi payment plan will apply: it is about the next thing to giving the set
tler a perpetual Water right. Ask for the new Shoshone Irrigated Land
YELLOWSTONE I'ARK. The 1911 feature for Hark travel is the
new Cody scenic way with complete tickets, including hotels and stages
The Cody way now offers tourists all the conveniences as to transpor
tation, hotels, and permanent camps, that are offered vhi other gateways
The lookout from Sylvan Paafl isone of tlie world's magnificent views
Also ask about Frost - Richards' personally conducted lt day aamp
itiig lours of the Hark, making one of the most enjoyable vacation tours
in the country. sk for new Hark folders.
tm i hum 4 nm ni
l -A-m. Still Handling
My prices and quality of coal satisfy my cus
tomers. Give me a trial. I sell for cash.
Office at Keenen's Store
i 1 15 Box Butte Ave. Phone 6q7
Ancient Order of United Workmen
Alliance Lodge No. 20L' Meets
I second and fourth Mondays of each
I month at I O. t). F. Hall M. W
R. K DHaOOll; Recorder, P. W. Ir
ish; Treas.. Ceo Nailing
Itentee of Honor. I.atky l.oilgo No.
II l.-ets the first and third Thurs
days of each month at the I. O. ().
F. Hall, C. H.. Mrs W, vV J'dm
son: liee See.. Mrs. A. T. I. una.
Benevolent Protective Order of Elks j I largra I . -
Alliance Lodge No Club
room- Reddish Itlk K. R. H
Cant. I L K.. XV. II Hutler; Se,
Hercx 'ogsell.
Brotherhood of Locomotive
Firemen and Engineers
Alliance Lodge No. 8SJ Meets ev
ery Sunday at the II. II. A. Hall.
Hres., J. A. Phelan; Sec , Joseph
Ladies' Auxiliary, B. L. F.
ISox Hutte Lodge No LSI -Meat I
second and fourth Fridas of each
month, in M. H. A. Hall. Pres.,
Mrs. R. C. Wtthani; Sec . Mrs .1
Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen
Hard Struggle Lodge No. rt42
Meets first aud third Monday after
noons of Qaah mouth at the M. H
A Hall. Hies. R K McKenzie;
Sit , A. J. Ward; Treas.. Monte
L. W. VVAKELEY, G. P. A., Omaha
Cont ractors
Plans, Specifications and Estimates Furnished Without Charge
Members Local Union No. 1138 PHONES: 50 and Red 440
Fraternal Order of Eagles
Alliance Aerie No. K! Club rooms
Mallarjl Hid., open day and night
Mets eeiy Thursday XV. P. L
A. Suprise; See., C. K. Calder;
Treas , Carl Spacbt.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Alliance lds No. J8 Mta ev
International Associa
tion of Machinists
Point of Uocks Lodge No tiiiL'
Meets e. n! and fourth Mondays of
Mgfe month at tlte K. 0. Hall. Pres.,
(ieo D. MeOIll; Sec, Theo Wad
dell. Order of Railway Conductors
Box Hutte Dtvtetea MB. Ill Meets
eat h Tuesda afiei nuon at the I, O.
O. F. Hall C. C, James Gaddis;
Sec. -Treas., John 8. Ward.
m mmit yi i 1 T i
iSdccissarto Frisk Wallace
Transfer Line
m nouaehold yoods
I) moved promptly
4 a and transfer work
Office at Rodgers' Grocery. Phone 1
Res. phone 583
rSTX- J of all descriptions
l -w wr or any part of a
P 3 house or barn.
vjri Dierks Lumber i Dial Co.
Phone 22 D. Waters, Mgr.