Classified Advertisements The following "Want Ada" are classified under appropriate headings for the convenience of readers. CA8H RATES One cent per wo.d each insertion No ad received for less than ten cents per inser tion. Black face double rate. CREDIT RATE8 One cent per word each insertion, but no advertis ing account opened for less than twenty-five cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Black face double rate. Ir. answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it in this paper. A classified advertisement will In troduce to each other the next buy er and the next seller of property in this town. ABSTRACTERS F. E. REDDISH Bonded Abstracter. I have the only set of abstract books In Box Butte county. Office In McCorkle Building. lO-tf-570 TO RENT Three sets of modern rooms for light housekeeping, close in. All first floor. Phone 52!". 2UH244 lOlSF FOR RENT. Very desir able for small family. Convenien location. Phone 735. E. F. Shields. ItVB ROO)M HOUSK TO HUNT, or will rent three rooms. .!17 West Fourth St. Phone 674. 2 "if 1220 FOR RENT Two modern furnish ed rooms, down stains, for light housekeeping. Apply 708 Box Butte. Phone 299. 14tfll42 FOR RENT. Rooms for light housekeeping; also single room. Phone 292. 908 Box Butte Ave. I3tfll20 FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT 314 Sweetwater Ave., Phone 387. Iltfl083 E. C. Whlsmnn, pointing contractor. ILlRtfU Buy your coal of Rowan & Wright. Phone 71. tf Coal offiqe at Rowan's feed store. ROWAN & WRIGHT, phone 71. tf Old papers at The Herald office at 6 cenXs per bunch. LEGAL NOTICE FOR RENT. Two light house keeping rooms. Mts. Pierce, over Majestic Theatre. l2-tf-40 FOR RENT. Office or living rooms. First Nat'l Bank Building. I7tfll86 Three rooms for rent. I! 17 W. 4th St. Phone 674. I!0tr.216 MISCELLANEOUS Money to loan on real estate. F. E. Reddish. 3tf Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and posts. Phone 71. tf FOU T N D. Bunch at Herald office. of keys. Call 20-4-1222 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ONE BRUSH RUNABOUT FOR SALE Phone .'! on 24 for particu lars. SltflSM FOR SALE or RKNT. Modern house. C. C. BARKER. 20tf 122H FOR S ALK Barley, also set of harness. A. R. Wilson & Son, phone 54S. 1 mile west of Alli ance, w I M f 1202 PAINE- FISIIBl'RN GRANITE COM PANY. GRAND ISLAND. NEBR.. Make the best monuments and will save you money. Call on AL. WIK BR, local salesman of Alliance, or send to Grand Island for price list. FOR SALE Soda Fountain with all fittings, etc.; practically new. Ap ply Bee Hive Store. WlTtflltl Send your worn-out carpets to the Lincoln Rug Factory, Lincoln, Nebr. They will make them into rugs for the regular price and pay the freight botli ways. This offer to made rather than putting a so licitor in the territory. Write for price-list and shipping tags. 18-4t1209 IN THH DI8TR1CT COURT OF THE UNITED states ran the his TRM'T OF NEHK ASK A. CHADRON DIVISION tn the .Matter ) of ) loseph P. Colhurn, Bankrupt ) Case No. 16, In Bankruptcy, Vol untary Petition. 1 NOTICE TO CKEIMTORS: At Chndrou. Dawes County. e braskn, in said District, before Fred erldi A. ('rites, Referee In Bank ruptcy, Aju-il 23rd, 1912. To the creditors of .loseph P. Col hurn. of Alliance, Box Butte Coun ty, Nebraska, a Bankrupt: Notice is hereby given tha on the 2:!rd day of April. A. D., HU'2, the said Joseph . Colburn was duly adjudicated a bankrupt, and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held in the offices of Bur ton & Westover. in the city of Al liance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, In said District, on the 10th day or May, 1!M2, at II o'clock in the after noon, iart which time and place the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, ex amine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may proper ly come before said meeting. Witness my hand this 23rd day of April, A. D. 1912. MRBDHR1CK A. CRITES. U. S. Referee in Bankruptcy. 20-2M57 HEMINGfORD NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS Real Estate Values Cannot B Changed after Meeting of Board of Equalization Alliance and Box Butte count v property owners art hereby notified that the assessmen: values have been made and that il any objections are to be had or changes desired to be made, notice of same must be filed with the county clerk in time to be acted upon by the Board ol County Commissioners, meeting as a Board of Equalization. on he first Tuesday after the second Mon day in June, which will be June II, 1911, and continuing in session as 1 Board of Equalization not less than three days or more than twenty days. Every year the board lias met the objections from property owners tha' they had no notice when values were being placed. Now due and timely notice is given to each am! every property owner. The values now fixed will stand for four year If you are an owner of Alliance 01 Box Butte county realty, go now ani ask the clerk what value has been fixed upon it. This notice applies to all, and careful compliance wilt be for the interest of all concerned Take notice that no values will be changed after the June meeting. By Order of Board of County Com inissioncrs for Box Butte County. 20-4-1324 WANTED. STOCK TO PASTURE Good pasture on Snake creek twelve miles west of Alliance. Good water. A. W. JAY. Alliance. 2 1 -2-1 22!' HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR 8ALE All of my household furniture for sale, consisting of rugs, brass bed stead, mattress, springs, dining room chairs, rockers, dresser, roll top desk, Kurt .man piano, book case, at private sale, at Snyder's dray office, 210 Box BuUe Ave B. H. PERRY. 6U984 RHODE ISLAND RED CHICKENS Rose Comb Rhode Island Reds are good layers. I have some uice hens for sale at 91. 00 each. 1 also eggs for hatching at 75 cents for 15. Call on or write Mrs. E. J. Owen, Hewett. Nebr. UUI145 SIXTY KILLED IN STORM Disastrous Tornado Sweeps Texas Panhandle and Oklahoma. Three score persons are reported killed by a tornado that swept south western Oklahoma and the southeast ern corner of the Tex ts Panhandle. A dozeii towns were struck and farming communitiies suffered. The injured list will run into the hundreds. The biggest loss of life reported is at Lugert, where fliteen pet sons wert killed. A special train, sent from Al ius with physicians and nurses when it was reported a passenger traiu had been blown from the rails, pick d up ten injured persons and staiiuu back for Alius Two of these, Mrs a-- Stanaland and Miss Eva Statu iaud, died on the traiu. The tornado started Just across the Texas border and first killed seven person! at Kiiklaud, Tex , demolished thirty buildings and blew a Rock Isl and worktrain off She track. Tearing on northward, the storm struck El Dorado, killing tour; Cain met, killing three, and Lugert, when half the town i.-. in ruiMj Yukon, War ten. Martha. Blair and Lone Wolf. At each of these placet, many person weie hurt. What is believed to be the worst of the storm destroyed several buildings at Muluall. Lena and Rose Annen visited for a few days with dura Nagehchnel der. the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Tate, a nephew of Rebel t Anderson, and his wife came Wednesday from Oklahoma. Thej will make their home with Mr. An derson for the summer Janus Hunter 0MM up from Alli ance Thursday, going out to the ranch Miss Nellie Carter and mother were passengers to Allium Thurs da . Mrs. Ntttie Wesley and daughter visited a few days last week with her brother. Win. Cory, and ratnlly. Fred Wesscl wa an incomitiK pas senger on 4:; Wednesday, going out to Sioux county Thursday. Fred Molliitig of Alliance was calling on his Hrmlngford friends Wednesday and Thursday '"'.lie a number from the counu were in Thursday and Friday taking the eighth grade county examina Hon Charley Sampson returned from his western trip Wednesday. a Mrs. Ben Miller was an incoming passenger on 4M Thursday. Mrs. Ward Norton made her folks short visit the last of the week, returning to Alliance in the even ing. set Ira Phillips of Alliance spent Sun day with his parents, returning on the local In the evening. Alls Bergy Moore entertained the iupils of the itenth grade at. a six o'clock dinner Friday evening. The ball game Sunday between the Hemingford boys and the color ed bail team from Alliance was won by the Alliance team, score 15 to It; V V George Priest came in on 43 Fri day for a visit with his sisters, Mrs. H. E. Partridge and Mrs. Frank Green. A. S. Enyeart received word Mon day of the death of his mother at University Place. He left on 42 Monday night for Lincoln. o Mrs. William Curry went to Alli ance Monday for a few days' visit with friends. Susie Davison was a passenger to Alliance Monday, returning Tuesday Mrs. Pete Swanson was an Incom ing passenger on 43 Monday from Alliance, w here she has spent a ft a. days visiting. Agnes Moravek was an east bound passenger on 44 Saturday, going to Scottsbluff. where she will stay for some time. see Mrs. Kennedy and Grandma Shin dler were passengers to Alliance on Tuesday. Mrs. Broshar came in from Sioux county Monday for a i'e-w days' vis it with her daughter, Miss Edith, and other friends. Ben Curtis and wife came in from Sioux county Saturday for an over night visit with his sister, Mrs. liar ry Pierce. Mrs. Fred MelU-k was a passen ger to Alliance Tuesday, returning Wednesday. see B. F. Gil ma 11 of Alliance wis transacting business matters in Hem ingford the first of the week, s The Ladies' Aid Society met with Mtb. C. J Wildy on Wednesday af- Uraoon. lit QirKa a number from town at tended the B. V. Shepard sale on the Sampy farm south of town, on TtMldnj afternoon. UCO Breckncr will go to Alliance Thursday. C. V. and II J. Tounson have gone to the Black ranch south of Lakeside to look a gasoline engine well machine over. If the terms nre tight they will buy It or diaries Carry, the well man Leslie Klnkald was In Alliance on business Friday. Miss Esther Smith of Oklahoma, well known around Bingham, md Frank (iltbHugh of Bingham met at Brofcaa Bow Friday and were mar lied there, returning Saturday. a w.-dding dinner wan served Sunday eorge Thomas of Klncnid and Co. has left Bingham for good. He Is now In the employ of C. A. New berry Of Alliance. Marcus Holman of the Chicago setthtnent was in Alliance Thursday. 0000000000000000 o MALINDA SQUIBS o 0000000000000000 April 22. Mr Dunlap and daughters were in Alliance Thursday last. There was a big loss of cattle hero during the storm of the 1:1th and Nth. The farmers are at work putting in their crop now, and everything being favorable from now till har vest, there should be a bumper crop this season. Mr. and Mrs. Cal Derr went to Alliance Thursday of t.hie week. Miss Alice Terrnine of Alliance is visiting her sister, Mrs. Burns, this week. Earl Randall went to Bayard on Wednesday. 0000000000000000 o BEREA NEWS o 0000000000000000 J. T. Nabb and family spent Sun day with Ernest Panwitx. A. .1. Gaghagan and family visited with their grandfather, Joseph Bark hurst, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Trine and baby visited with P. J. Knapp last Monday Mrs. Chas. Calmer and son Clark made a flying trip to Alliance Fri day. J. T Nabb and P. J, Kniyp went dOWn to Pat Dillon's after some Il , .1 oats last Friday. Mn J. T. Nabb visited with Mrs JM Trueblood Friday. Carrie Dickenson is visiting with her grandparents. II Weise. near Boron. .Mrs. 0. L. Harris made a little call at Jess Trueblood's, last Sun day. There will be preaching at the Berea school house Sunday, May 5, at 10 o'clock, by Rev. Titus Lang. JOverytbody try to come. DR. F. W. BOLAND Office Over f irst State Bank Memingford, Nebr. 0000000000000000 o BINGHAM 0 0000000000000000 Miss Rose McXulty of Alliance i. molting "i"1 M's Delia Breckuer at her ranch uortheast or Bingham. Miss McNulty will return to Alliance Wediitaduy or Thursday 0000000000000000 o FAIRVIEW o 0000000000000000 Windy at Falrvlew? Oh, no. Just gentle hrming. Pope is the name of the family who haw just moved to Fairvlew. They live on the Dr. Coppernoll place. Dr. Coppernoll spent Sunday ev ening at the home of Wm. Rust, Jr. V Grandma Lawrence and son Wll liam have been quite sick Hie past week. see Mr. Prost has been very busy hatiliug potatoes to town the past John Snoddy and wife visited at Hie home of Otto Mafz Sunday Nine new members joined the M. E churth at Fairview Sunday, sea Preaching at Falrvlew is now held at ten o'clock a. in Instead of in the evening Sunday school at elev en. Fred Xasou's team ran away while thy were going home from church Sunday They were fortun ale that no one wa Injured. J W. Frazier ami family visited Sunday at the home, ol" T. J. Iaw vuce The BEE HIVE LEADING VARIETY STORE Specials for Saturday Cloth Window Shades 26c Msdiuto brggg extending cur tain toils. 1 comp mils.Q plete WliiU" enamel ed curtain ik!'s, cbraplete 22c Door cortaln rods, complete 4c H' i' .v brass extending cur tain rods, o complete SI I MKT Mi'sie 15c Please Call for Pardey 's Bread then you will not be disappointed, because it is made right, baked right, an honest product. Best of flour, best of all materials. Good and sweet, as care is used at all stages of the process of a Pardey loaf Pardey Bakery Phone 242 J. It. Lawrence and wife spent Sunday evening visiting at Grandpa Hadley's. Ml Klmer Shanks passed through this neighborhood Monday with a large 1. II. C- manure spreader, which he wis taking to the Krause Brothers' ranch luls Munger was hauling wheat to town the first of the week. There was a large attendance at the Ladle' Aid, which met Wednes day with Mrs. Munger. The Ladles' Aid will meet with Mrs. Wm. Kust. Jr., Wednesday, May Nth. W. C. T. U. DEPARTMENT Mrs. J. J. Vance, Press Supt. Why a West Virginia Jurist will vote for Prohibition. I shall vote for the ratification cf the prohibition amendment. Because the liquor traffic as a crim inal on trial can net invoke a sin gle principle of right in it- defense. YOUNG COUPLE WED Quite a surprise was sprung on the many friends of Oeorge Nation and Miss Mable Joy when It became Icnown that these young people had been quitly married. They intend ed to keep It a secret but upon be ing asked by their many friends, they finally acknowledged the truth. The wedding was performed Wed-i.M-day, April 24, by County Judge Berry at his office. Besides the Judge, there were present at the ceremony Thomas Ilichards, a friend of the groom, and Miss Myrtle Joy, isibter of the bride. Mrs. Nation Is a well and favora bly known young lady and an accom plished musician Mr. Nation is an industrious young man and at pres ent Is employed by the Burlington. The young couple are residing at 127 Yellowstone. The Herald extends congratula tions and wishes them a happy Jour ney together along life' pathway. BIG HORSE SALE At Miles City. Montaia. the LIO ckst kWCK KORCS MARKET on KAKTH. Two Thousand C.'.OOO) horses will be sold at ; u ion on Because prohibition has proved the May -'7, f, and B0, fcglf. most effective method of dealing, We will have all ciasst- ,0 select with the traffic. Booause, under seventy-five years cf temporizing license measures, the American saloon has constantly Ircm. The good big Faun and Draft Mac s, broke and uubrokt ; in foal and some with colts by side. We will havs 150 Big Yearlings, 15i grown more lawless in Its methods 1 Big Honed T 0 Year-Olds, ten car and more destructive in Its effids Because every brewer distiller, sa loon and dive-keeper. theJr votar ies and supporters, and all persi.ns who are interested In a larger sale or ubc of intoxicants will vote a galnst it. Because liquor causes at leait 75 per cent of all crime, 50 per cent of all pauperism, .15 per cent of all Insanity and 40 per cent of all divorces, and has not a single vir tue to its credit. Hi cause it murders 15uu people In Weet Virginia every year, and to support the business 1500 West Vlrginiu boys and girls must annu ally be put into this death-grind as raw material. Because tills means that the stale for the consideration of $615,734. 72 she receives as revenue, is selling our boys and girls to the brewers. distillers and saloon keepers for about $410.50 per head. And lastly and yet firstly, because I have a boy of my own for whom the liquor traffic is reaching, andv whom, or other parents' boys, it must have for the money it pays the state, and being unwilling to so sell my own boy. I am not self ish enough to vote to sell other people'b children at this or any other price. J. ('. McWHOUTJfilt. Judge Twelfth Judicial Circuit ut West Virginia. of Washington Horses and Pontes, broke and unbroke, far and good sellers. Y- .1 ;n buy any kind you want here. You can buy at auction or private sale. You can buy singly or In pairs, one horse or a train kMri You au get the big strong boned young horses here. William Holland, of Waterloo. Iowa, will be here with a car load of the Best Draft Stallions ever shipped to the state. Ion't forgt-t the dates. We will look for you. Write or wire for information. C. B. INGHAM. Manager. i2I-2-I245 PROSPEROUS INSURANCE FIRM One of the best known insurance firms in western Nebraska Is the Nelson Fletcher Fire Insurance Com pany, of which John Snoddy Is man ager and Mist Mae Snoddy is sec retary. On April I the working tone of this business firm was strengthened by the addition of Fred Mollriug. ex-couuty treasurer of Box Butte county. Mr. Mollriug is weH qualified for tut- Insurance business and having the acquaintance and confidence of a large number of properly owners wiH help to bring additional . .- FOit SALK. Sniail bay mare. Al so, set of MUgle harness, saddle and bridle. Inquire at 60S Sweetwuter, or phone IT:. j