jLUAKjtaUU) Published exert Thursday by Tin Herald Publishing Company. Incorporated JOHN W. THOMAS, Editor and Mgr. Subscription, $1 .50 per year Id ad vance. The circulation of thia newspaper It guaranteed to be the largest In western Nebraska. Advertising rates will be furnished on application. 8ampls copies free for the asking. Entered at the postofftce at Alli ance, Nebraska, for transmission through the malls as second-class matter. THIS PAPta RtrNt.ac.NitU FOR FCftEIGn ADVERTISING BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES 1912 MAY 1912 8 M T W T F S 56 7 8 9 lOlll 13141516 17 18 19202122232425 THURSDAY, MAY 2, IM Soon the good old summer time wMl (be here. Spring will be short in this country this year. The interest tHken 1n state pres idential primaries haw cut in heavily upon the usual interest at His time of year in the national game of base 'hail. Anotiher Indication that the demo cratic nomination for president will go to Champ Clark Is the training of the political campaign nuns of the partisan republican press upjn him. Here's guessing that Clark wHl be the next president of the United States If nominated. If the bitterness displayed between opposing factions in both republican and democratic parties in Nebraska before the primary election results In greater Independence In voting at the general election neiflt November, it will it mi it in srnne good. One of the most hopeful signs of the times in political matters Js the breaking away from party domination, and the consequent increase In tin' nuin ber of really independent voters. A good deal of fun lias bee.n pok ed at that man Koss of Mxington, Nebr., who filed for the nomination for president before the Nehraskn primary. He has been commonly looked upon as having wheels in his head and his candidacy us a Joke, with everybody except him sell; but in one county at least, he Tan ahead of one candidate of na tional reputation. Sioux county gave .hid son Harmon only tlve votes, while Ross received ten vcteis on the democratic ticket and one repub lican in that county. People generally pa little atten tion to the religious beliefs of can didates for public office, but often have a curiosity to know. President Taft is Unitarian, Colonel Roose vel is a member cf the Dutch Re formed church, Woodrow Wilson is a Presbyterian. Champ Clark is a Disciple of Christ, Judson Harmon Is a Methodist, and Congressman I'nderwood Is a Pftttt We have not laarned that Senator l.orimer is a member of an church, and no ohurch steme to want to claim him wince the Investigation of his elec tion by means of ortbtj-y. Alliance. Neb., April IM. 1M2. The hoard of county . mntnUsionerH met pursuant to adjournment , offi cers present. .1. M. Wanek, chairman, S. c Reck and C, L Hashman. Tin following proceeding wr- had and done towlt: Th following claims were examined and allowed and the clerk ordered to draw warrants on tin general fund for the sane:. f, W. Hashnian. prairie dogs - 2f. 10 1, w. Hartwn, prairie dogs - M i .1. W. Hashmau. prairie dogH - 7 Klopp n Bartlett, sup - - - - .".4 N AmuiidH K" Idler, refund - - - 16 HamiiMind & Stephana, sup - - 9 Klopp k Martlett, sup - - - - oil 06 Mrs. Nancy Frazier, prim Hec fi 00 Unlvervit) Pub, Co., sup - - - 4 ou F. K. Holsten, repair - - - - I " Bchafer Elec. Co., lights - - - 1 SO .1. H, Vang ha n Ai Son. Coal - - W I i H. I, l.atnhion, refund - - - 3 00 Neb. Tele. Co., phones - - - 8 .VI T. M. EHirrOWg, refund - - - - I JO W. F Klentop, labor - - - - 3 75 F M Crook, Upcwrlter - - - iV S City of Alliance, lights - - - 10 11 J. II. Hunsaker, pauper - - 5 no Klopp & Hartlett, sp - - - - H' City ol Alliance, water - - - H !i." A. C. HiiHhman, prairie dogs - 7 00 .1. W. H.ishinan, prairie dogs - 24 00 .1. W. Hashnian, prairie dogs - 4 0. A. C. Hashnian, prairie dogs - 7 A. C. Hnslinian. labor - - - - 14 on .1. W. Hashman, prairie dogs - 7 (hi A. C. liushiuaii, labor - - - - 1 4 00 I W. Hashnian, labor 14 00 .1. W. Hashnian, prairie dogs 4 00 Peter Botferberg-, prim tint - - 7 on u. . uei tji si ai isx ICS - - - - i.; .i Alex Mttlrnead, statistics - - - 3 50 W. ;. Zsdlker, prim. eteo - - I 00 .1. H. Vaughan K Son. coal - 8 60 Delia Reed, expense 14 7" John Caha, prim alec ... - n 20 Theo. Roes, prim He. - - - 4 00 Jake Winten, print tlac - - - 4 00 Chas. Moravek, prm elec - - 4 00 W. A. Hood, prim elec - - - 4 00 School I Mat. No. .'!::, prim elec 4 00 W. (1. ESdlkcr, prim elec - - 4 00 James Dickev, prim elec - - I 00 B, P. Woods, prim elec - - - 4 00 D. W. Hughes, prim elec - - 4 00 rrad MUlriag. prim elec - - 4 00 Gregory Zutn, prim elec - - - 4 50 Jas. Keeler, prim elec - - - - 4 00 K. J. Stern, prim elec - - - - 4 00 F. L. Potmesll, prim elec - - 4 00 (.co. F Snyder, prim elec - - 4 00 Clyde T. Johnson, prim elec - 4 00 J. W. Hashnian, prim elec - - 4 00 John Wright, prim elec - - - 4 00 Carl Hashman, prim elec - - 9 50 Perry Malley, prim elec - - - 4 00 F. Nlkont, prim elec - - - - 4 00 John Herlein, prim elec - - 4 00 Arthur Bass, prim elec - - - 4 00 Joseph I in I ion. prim elec - - 12 60 C, K. Ball, prim elec ... - 12 60 T. J. Beal, prim elec - - - - 6 00 K. Boyer, prim elec 6 00 F. G. Lcttvltt, prim elec - - - 00 W. R. Harper, prim elec - - 6 00 P K. Roberts, prim elec - - 6 00 F. Seidler, prim elec - - - - 4 00 M. C. Wumbnugh, prim elec - 1 00 N. M. Hays, prim elec ... - 9 00 ( has. Bauer prim elec - - - - 4 00 Jacob Jesse, prim elec - - - - 4 00 John Burns, print elec - - - - 4 00 John l.enzcn, prim elec - - - 4 00 J. E. Rltler, prim elec - - - 4 00 Haines Chapman, prim elec - - 4 00 B, If, Banks, prim elec - - - 4 00 Cico. Severson, prim elec - - 8 00 U K. McCluskev. prim elec - 4 00 C. T. Huss, prim elec .... 6 00 v in. Spencer, prim elec - - - 4 on Clark Olds, prim elec - - - - 4 on Alex HUlrbead, prim elec - - 4 on' B. B Hopkins, prim elec - - 4 On Harney Hailiur, prim elec I 00 Chas. Prochozkn. prim elec - 4 00 T. 1,. Hopkins, prim elec - - 7 00 John Jnllnak, prim elec - - - 6 00 J. P. Jensen, prim elec - - - 4 On Walter Lnnglord. prim elec - - 4 00 Prnd Abley, prim elec - - - - 4 On K. F. Abley, prim elec - - - - 4 On A. H. Mabin. prim elec- - - - 8 00 . H. Patterson, prim elec - 4 On O. A. Davig, prim elec - - - - t on 1. H. ohle. prim elec ... 10 CO loha O'.Mara, prim elec - - - 4 on A. Bnunigurdener, prim elec 4 On .Marks Harness Co. prim elec - in 00 J. 1. Case. Ma. Co. roud graders 100 0 C. M. Cox, expense ;: 08 ' M. cox, expense 100 00 C M. Cox, posting notices - 25 00 C. M. Cox, posting notices - - 25 00 r lo d 1 rlne, prairie dogs - - B BO Floyd Trine, prairie dogs - - 20 50 Floyd Trine, prairie dogs - - :; 70 Floyd Trine, pruirie dogs 14 U5 Floyd Trine, prairie dogs - - .". L'5 Floyd Trine, prairie dogs - - 4 00 C. M. Cox. grand jury mileage 4:1 tio K. Burton, sal and rent - - - ttl 00 J. Bariibtead, gr jury witness 6 SO Curl Foist rom, grand jury - - 6 50 I. C. Oshorn, grand jury - - - ; 10 I. K. Tush, prim elec - - - - 2 00 W. s Kidgell, irim elec - - - I 00 Ct. Zurn, Justice pea 01 - - - - 40 50 Herald Pub Co. printing - - lit 01 BchOOl Dlst No. 86. prim elec - 5 00 K. M. Martin, ex and sal - - 480 05 i). W. Reiman. refund - - - 18 50 Christian church, refund - - ('.". W. W. Wood, refund - - - - 15 50 Geo. Dillon, refund 2 .")0 Mis. Rose Reardon, refund - 8 29 M. 8. Hargiaves, expense - - 12 00 Simon Spry, refund 9 30 W. f. Mounts, auto hire - - - 6 00 C L. Hashman, inspect roads 25 40 s C. Reck, inspect roads aud Com. service ...... 41 10 Hammond Stephens Co, sup - 14 50 C I Hashniun. services - - 17 00 wm. .Miller, printing .... 4 50 Mall.ry (jro. Co. pauper - - - 6 55 J. R. Snyder, pauper 2 50 Horace Bogue. pauper ... - 5 80 A. 1). Rodgers, pauper - - - - 15 40 ueo I'unau. pauper .... 3020 Rwan c Wright, pauper - - I 75 T. M. Burrows, pauper - - . 4 A. I). Rodgers. pauper - - - - 8 45 Uco. Duncan, pauier - - - - 12 35 v . M. Wilson, p. hi. i- i .... m 4i' 5 30 16 4n 25 00 R T. W atson, road I 01 Geo Duncan, road 16 no Fred Rehder, road - - - - W 00 lohn Liggett, road - - - - 10 on R. T. Watson, road - - - - "50 Chas n-adlesn Ass'n road - 12 "0 ' has. Yon n kin AmB road - 9 00 W. B. Fleharty. road - - - - 6 00 A. C. Hashman. road - - - - 4 00 J. W. Hashman, road .... I 00 Vlncet Sokot. road 10 On loseph Million, road ..... 13 N Tom Hovorka, rond H 01 John I u lion, road - -- -- - 400 Frank Huhon, road '- "'" Albert Roth, road 8 00 Henry Bruess, road ----- I Of Joe Winten, road 16 on Jake Winten, road 14 50 Kd B'-nJamln, road 14 50 H. A. Thorlton ass'n road - - 10 no Geo. Simpson, ass n road - - - 80 00 Goo. Schmler, road 9 00 Herman Betdler, road - - - - 9 00 F. Seidler, road I 00 Wm. Seidler, rond H 00 B, Griffith, road 2 25 Frank Bauer, road - -- -- - 180 P. H. Zoble. road 54 00 Tom Dillon, road 27 30 Kd Dillon, rond I 00 Frank Dillon, road ----- 10 00 L. M. Kennedy, road - - - - 46 25 M. Shepherd, rood 18 00 K. A. Marsh, road 21 60 Geo. Simpson, rond 33 60 Chas Younkin ass'n, road - - 12 M Lonhl Wanek, road 14 50 Chas Turek, road 2 50 R. K. Thomas as'n, road - - 4 00 J. M. Wanek, road - - - - 21 20 The following claims were examin ed and rejected: G. B. batdy, pauper 8 00 J. II. Ynughan & Con, withdrawn. K. J, Parlow, withdrawn. The official bond of James llollin rake, road overseer Dist. No. 2, was examined and approved. Wkwrnnpon the board adjourned un til tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. Alliance, Neb., April 25, 1912. The board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment, the same officers present as yesterday, when the following proceedings were had and done towlt: The contract between Box Butte county and Conrad Sterkle was ex tended to March 1st. 1913. The petition of Ira Tash, et al to the board of county commissioners to make appropriate allowance to pur chase metal markers for graves of 38 soldiers buried in cemetery near Alliance as per No. 12112 statues of Nebraska, was approved: also peti tion 01 K. U Pierce et al for metal markers for graves of 18 soldiers buried In the Hciningford cemetery', approved. A. L. Wlker and S. P. Tuttle were instructed to purchase same and file the bill with the county. The petition of D. W. Butler and others to have work done on road south from Hemingford approved. The read petition of Ferdinand Siedler et al was approved as to Wiat part starting at the southwest cor ner of section 88 and running thence north Vj mile between sections 34 and 3." ull in township 25, range 47 and the clerk is ordered to advertise the same. A list of sixty names was submit ted to the clerk from which to draw petit Jurors for the June, 1!H2. term of the district court. The same was duly riled. It is the order of the board that the clerl extend on the tax list forthwith the expense of killing pra irie dogs and filling wells on the sev eral pieces of land as certified by I. w . Hashman and Floyd Trine. Whereupon the board adjourned until tomorrow morning at in o'clock. Alliance, Neb., April 26, 1912. The board of countv commissioners Iter lilirsiiiitif tn uliniii-tinit ,1... same officers present as yesterday. The day was spent in viewing the roads in Lake precinct and examin ing condi Kills -At the mvir f n rm WhcrellM n the inl innrneil until tomorrow morning ut 9 o'clock. AHia i e, Neb., April 27, 1912. The ho:t,il nf ennntv cnliimlKKirtnpr Ulet mil' ii int i.. nrtimirnmont .,. same officers present as yesterday. rs . i ne uay was spent in testing the new steam grader recently purchased by Box Butte county, to use on coun ty roads. There beinu nothing further to come before the lioard at this time, may adjourned until Muy 1"., li12. LITTLE BOY INJURED In cases of accident or calamity It is often difficult to get exact facts, owing to excitement of parties hear in what is related and afterwards trying to reipeat what the;, heard. In relating the story of feht death of Chris lioness in the storm on Satur day, April 13, The Herald stated that he waa found uuler his wagon on the prairie, and that his team had been unhitched and turned around and tied to the waon. We liave since been told that he was found lying near a fence and that the horses were standing by a fence, to which one of them was tied We are also told that Mr. Bones had been drinking lu very little while in town umi ci.iy. so nat it i , :" ' . . 'tn- roiiiuus, pauper - - - . thought that what he drajik hwd no- A. D. Rodgers, pauiier thing to da with his getting lust in ,c'"a Sterkle. nauner - - - the blhirard. Since writing Uie Htull"gford Merc Co, pauper - 8 80 nir.nt.inv u.. i,v. i,.... ...i ... JPO bos., pauper - - - 42 00 - ' ruinous t otd in us.- nun uie in. ik oi a uor-.. - liour on his breast, itiditatuig that be bad been kicked by one of tiie horses which bud been flouuderiu-g in a snow drift pa ..er .a Hik tollottiug claims were exam- ii" , i and allowed and the clerk or dered to draw warrants on the road fund for the same: Geo. H. Duiuan, road - - - - U M iiom Kuu. road M TPGQE tSnrlLIsTr .. PERPETRATED BY WALT WDOUGALL v EARN A WEEK ?A YES.THE PROPOSED PRE-MATRIMONIAL TESTS rW WORK-IN TIME t r C iaM..iUal v ( MAMMOLH WILL 11 FIRST TEST THE (RtNTAL SOARD SECOND TESTTHC F l," rCTT-s f WHAT KIND OF ' L.STEN. YOoiTrtW10THERH fic. VOU wtR HAVC ) THE HICCUPS OK. J i Os. TOBACCO CO MTO0 WRUNSU wTHtlTI 1 UTS OR BLINP THIrtP TEST i TMg. HEALTH BOARD. FOURTH TEST; THE SANITY BOARD. A. P. ban received a letter yes terday from A. T. Hemingway con- rajiai Ihn unpleasant aaws that Mr. Henttafwajr'a son, franklin, had been severely injured while at play on the school grounds, .Monday of this week. He was struck tin th. band by an eight pound shot thrown by one of the other boys, causing concussion of the brain. The doc tor says there is hope of his recov ery. Mr. Hemingway is the general manager of the Forotfl Lumber Com pany, his headquarters being at Kansas City. He was to hare paid Alliance friends a !s:t but ow ing to his sen's injury, coi. I not stop. Mr Heminnwav was formerly manager of the Forest Lumber Company of this city. His many frleuds iu this city will hope for hit. little son's speedy reovery. STOCKMEN'S CONVENTION There will be a meeting at 7 to night at the city hall to make, ar raugeuients for the stockmen's con venticn,. to be held in Allian.e hi June. Charley Irwin o! Cheyenne Is litre and will present a proposition to put on, some wild west attrac Uons A large attendance is desir ed at t ue. meeting lonigtu. r GREAT OPENING SATURDAY, MAY 4 Every lady is invited. We have secured the best location in tbe city one door north of the First National Bank. Our bus iness has increased so we were compelled to move as we needed the room. An excellent orchestra will furnish the music in the evening. A beautiful picture will be given away fre. HOW TO GET A PICTURE Bring this card to the store with you any time during the day or evening of Saturday, May 4th. After you have made a pur chase of any amount ($1.00 or above) hand this card to the clerk and she will give you a beautiful picture in exchange. Don't forget the card. If your neighbor did not get a card tell her to come in and we will give her a card in the store. 1 Bring this card TO BEARER A PICTURE WITH A PURCHASE OF $1.00 OR ABOVE Harper's Ladies' Toggery tx the store Old Location: Opposite Post Office New Location: Store Room Occupied by Co Operative Store HARPFR'S LADIES' TOGGERY