C, B. & Q. Time Table 14. JaB. Effective commencing 1912, Mountain Time. Etbound Arrive Leave No. 42 Dolly 12:13&m 12:45am No. 44 Dally 12:60pm 1:10pm Westbound Arrive Leave No. 41 Daily, Edgeniont, Black Hills, Billings, 3:55am 4:19am No. 43 Daily, Edgemont, Bill ing, 12:30pm 12:50pm Southbound Arrive Leave No. 301 Daily, Bridgeport, Denver, 12:15am No. 303-Daily, Bridgeport, Denver; daily except Sunday, Guernsey 1:10pm From South Arrive Leave No. 302 DaDy 3:20am No. 304 Daily 11:30am POST OFFICE DIRECTORY Mails close at the Alliance post office as follows, Mountain time: East Bound in. for train No. 44. m. for train No. 42. West Bound m. for train No. 43. m. for train No. 41. South Bound m. for train No. 303. m. for train No. 301. On Sundays and holidays all night mails close at 6:00 p. m. instead of 11:00 p. m. IRA E. TASH, P. M. 12:20 11:00 12:20 11:00 12:20 11:00 the rXSTn PRIZE COMPOSITIONS FOR MEN WHO CARE TO DRESS WELL IThe first thing a man demands in I . I . 1 C . ,. '1 ...A iLb, iiir Mtoes is inm wicy iiv mwn mwmm they feel well. After that he wants a stylish appear ance and durability. Some shoes have one of these qualities and some another the Barry .shoe has them all. Till- Rarrv a Vnion fnd. perfect tittinc, absolutely stylish and above alia comfortable and sensible shoe. Drop In and let us snow litem U Juu. Alliance Shoe Store Life Saver In a letter from Branch land, W. Va., Mrs. Eliza beth Chapman says: "1 suffered from womanly troubles nearly five years. All the doctors in the coun ty did me no good. 1 took Cardui, and now I am en tirely well. I feel like a new woman. Cardui saved my lifel All who suffer from womanly trouble should give Cardui a trial" Essays on the Potato at Annual County Industrial Contest and School Exhibit A LEADING COUNTY PRODUCT Bin Take CARDUI The Woman's Tonic 50 years of proof have convinced those who tested it, that Cardui quickly re lieves aches and pains due to womanly weakness, and helps nature to build up weak women to health and strength. Thousands of women have found Cardui to be a real life saver. Why not test it for your case? Take Cardui today! IMow we Rivo tlx two esRys on 'Tho Potato" that won firm ;mk1 second prizes at the Hox Huttr Court ty Industrial School contest hold in MettiinRfonl, April 13. Tht first is by MIbh Tressie Vantlervoort and the second by Misw Alice (Ira ham, both of the Alliance city schools: First Prize Essay The potato is too well known to need detailed description, but many people do not know the history of this remarkable plant. The Spaniards met with the pota to near Quito, in South America. It was introduced from Santa Ke, New Mexico, into Kngland by John Haw kins, in I5f:!. It is a question whether the KhrIIsIi or Spanish un entitled to the credit of the Intro duction, but, according to the testi mony of Sir Joaeph Hanks, the plant introduced by Drake and Haw kins wws the sweet potato. The potato owes Its value to the peculiar habit of developing slender branches under ground. These branches differ in character from the true roots. The chief value of the potato as an article of diet con sists in the starch, potash, and oth er smHs that it contains. Lethe-by gives the following as the average composition of the po tato: nitrogenous matter, 2.1; starch, 18.8; sugar, 1.2; fat, .2; saline mat ter, .7; water, 75. In cultivation the potato varle greatly, not only as to the season of its growth, but also as to productive ness, vigor, and luxuriance of its foliage, the presence or absence of hairs, the form of the leaves, and the size and color of the flowers. The number of acres in Great Britain alone under cultivation for iKjtatoes is generally half a billion; the average weight of the produce per acre may be taken at five tons; the average price about twenty-fiv dollars a ton, so that the commer qUU value of the year's crop com nionlv ranttt's from sixty-five to sfventy-five million dollars. It is not unusual in bad seasons for a single grower to lose nve thousand to seventy five hundred tltrouKh - diteae; for the market grower sometimes not only loses the entire nroduce. or nearly no, but loses the value of the seed, fertiliz t rs, rent, and labor. Growers some times lose one hundred and fifty dollars per acre in one season, for exclusive of the diseased produce fiftv dollars may be put to fertiliz ers. The disease of the potato is caus ed by a growth of fungus within the tissues of the principal plant, and this fungus has the property of piercing antl breaking up put res eence in the course oi its grouiu. To the unaided eye the disease appears as a purpnsn Drown, or blaukish spot; at first on the tips and edges of the leaves, and lastly upon the larger stems and leaf si a!ks. Another thing that Is very tie slru;iive to the potato vine is the potato bug, or "Colorado beetle." It is about three-eights of an inch long, with longitudinal black stripes upon its back. The production of potatoes in the 1'nited States for the year nineteen hundred was two hundred ten mil lion, nine hundred thousand bushels, valued tt ninety million, eight thous and dollars. New York, Michigan. Wisconsin. Illinois. Iowa, Ohio, ami I'ennsyh ania were the most pro ductive states. Second Prize Essay The wortl potato is derived from a Spanish wortl, solatium tuberosum, mt aning roots The potato owes its value to the peculiar habit of developing under ground slender leanest shoots or branches which differ in chain tci from true roots, anil which gradual ly swell at the free end anil thus produce tubers The chit f value of the potato con sists in the starch it contains, and to a less extent in the potash anil other salts. The following is ihe coinpo.Mi ion of the potato as given by l.cthcby: In 1 SSS or 1f86, potato tuber were brought from North Carolina and Virginia to Ireland, on the return of the colonists sent out by Sir Walter Raleigh, and first cultivated on Sir Raleigh's estate near Cork. Ry the close of the 18th century Its culture and urc had spread over most of Kurasia, and has since con tinued a favorite food of all classes, but particularly of the poorer peo pie of Europe. Early varieties of potatoes mature In about three months, but the tub ers may be utilized for rood, under favorable conditions. In about six weeks after planting. Some varie ties require longer time, but this depends somewhat upon the soil and climate The yield Is from LTi to :!00 bush els per acre. The potato crop in the I'nlted States averages annual ly 2.:n. 500,1100 bushels, valued at $91,500,000. The states producing the largest annual yield usually rank as fol lows: New York, lows, Wisconsin, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Nebraska, O- hlo, Michigan, Missouri, Minnesota. Indiana, Kansas, and Maine. It is supposed to have been first Introduced Into Europe Iran Peru and Spain, from which country It passed Into Italy ami thence into Resgiimi. In South America the potato was cultivated by the Incas, a civilized tribe of Indians, long before the discovery of America. After the potato was taken Into Spain, Italy and Helgitmi, it soon spread over Germany, the Nether lands and otliw parts of Europe antl was first introduced into England by Sir John Hawkins, in IMS, It is now a question whether the credit of first introducing it into Europe belongs to the English or Spanish, as many believe that Haw kins got the plant direct from Santa Ee, but according to Sir Joseph Hanks the plant brought by Hawkins was not our potato but the sweet potato. At the time of the discovery of North America, the plant was culti vated from Chile to New Granada, but not. In Mexico. Besides supplying a large amount of food for man and animals, pot a toes enter into the manufacture of starch, spirits and sugar products. The varieties in the United States differ somewhat from varieties in other countries. The varieties most cultivated are the Early Rose, Early Ohio, Peerless, llurbatiks. White Star, Beauty of Hebron, and Peach Blow. As Nebraska is one of the landing potato states, all her counties are interested in the produce or pota toes, especially is this true of Box Butte county, of which Alliance is the county seat. BASE BALL ON FRIDAYS Hemingford People to Devote Two Hours of Week Day After noon to National Game GIRLS' FOUR SQUARE CLUB The third meeting of the "Girls' Four Square Club" was held at the home of Miss Glenn Mounts on last Friday evening. As well as being a source of knowledge anil benefit, these meetings are uVo sources of much enjoy inent. We are hoping for a .still greater attendance at our nex,t meeting to be held on Friday, May 10, at the home of Miss Alta Young. CURE YOUR KIDNEYS Alliance Suf'erers Should Further Risk Take ' No Turn Over a New Leaf By subscribing for THIS PAPER I Nitrogenous matters Starch Sugar Fat Saline matter Water Total 1.1 18. K 14 .7 75.11 I on We owe this highly profitable ami valuable product to the Spaniards of Quito, where it was cultivated by the natives. Hetionymus Cardan, a monk Why will people OOtttltttfB to suf fer the agonies of kidney complaint, backache, urinary disorders, lame ness, heatlaches, languor why al low themselves to become chronic invalids, when a I anted remedy is offered them? Ooan's Kidney Pills ts the rmnedy to use. because It gives to the kid neys the help they need to perform i heir work. If you have any, even one, of the symptoms of kidney diseases. cure vourself now, before gravel, dr:ps or Bright's disease sets In. 'an Alliance residents demand mure con viu -ing proof than the following.' James A. Kersey. S Main St., Chadrou, N. br . says I have peed I loan's Kidney Pills on several tasic-ns and I am Mire they are a remedy well worth recoiiinit tiding. ' had slight syuiptonYs of disordered kidneys for some time antl as there has hi II a irace of Bright's diset-e in my family for several genera lone, i decided ' 'ry DoMsV'i Kid- ne nils This rcmeuy soon cum pletely cured me I ludieve Doall's Kidney Pills to be unequaled for kidney dlnoffnV re." For sale by all dealers Price 5n cents. Foster . Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the I'nit ed Stales Keiueinber Hie name lKan's and take no other. SETS PACE FOR CLEAN SPORT The Herald wishes to congratulate the people of Hemingford, anil es peeially the business men, on their goM taste anil good sense in de id Ing to devote two hours of a week day afternoon to base ball. Sundav ba.se ball is offenirive to a large number of people Those who wish to play the game on that day should go to some place where their engag ing it will not Infringe upon the rights of others By having a part of a week day afternoon devoted bp the game, those who wish to engage In the sport without doing so on Sunday will have that privilege. Following is from the Hemingford Journnl of lasi Thursday: A base ball day has been estab lished in Hemingford. Friday after noon of each week has been s. t a part as a time in which the whole community may enjoy the delights of our national pastime. The busi MHM men of the city have unani mously agreed to close their places of business during the hours from 2 until 4 o'clock dn that day. so that the business men themselves, their clerks and their customers may enjoy the port, free front business cares. Men who thus voluntarily range themselves on the side of clean sport and recreation may be trusted to "keep the lid on" during those hours. The' school board has arranged to close the school at I o'clock on Frl day afternoon during that part of this year remaining after May 1 and that part of next year coining be fore October I, On these days school will convene In the afternoon il H 2: 45 Instead of I o'clock. The Journal, It is needless to say, is heartily in favor of this depart ure. A period set apart for the en joyment of good, clean sport Is a distinct asset to the business, intel lectual and moral life of the com inutility. Folks will labor more earn estly and more intelligently, feel better and be better, i! these Friday afternoons are used to their full val ue by every one In the community. The closing of the business hous es, will tause some confusion, and perhaps some misunderstanding, at first. Some will be only lukewarm in their support; a very few will knock; but the sentiment of the community is behind the movement, and it is bound to succeed. As soon as it is fully understood, and its value reiognized. every one in the city and for miles around will appre date its benefits antl become Its loyal supporter. A few suggestions. Might It not be Well to expend some time antl money In putting the base ball ground in first class condition, mak ing it the equal of the hesl; a com fortable stand, which could be ere ed at a small cost, would increase the plea ra re of the afternoon, es pecially for the latlies. Two perma nent teams might be organized by the ball club, these teams lo play a series of games during the season for the championship. No doubt the business men could be Induced to offer to the winning team a prize worth playing for. The best from the two teams could be picked for the city team when playing out Qf town games. This movement will certainly be permanent If every individual In 'er ected in a bigger and better llein Ingford gets behind it anil "booMs Cm in line and do your part. K I Gregg v Sou have a Urge amount of first-class alfalfa aud wild hay at a reasonable price. 48177! jt. RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE Whereas, Our beloved Heavenly Father has seen fit in His infinite wisdom lo remove from our midst our sister, the wife of our pastor, Mrs Q K. Baker; ami Winn as. Her Christian character as a wiiuan, a wife, a mother, and as a member of this society tver showed forth as a s'andard of Chris tips life to each of OSj therefore lu ll; Ucsolved. That Ihe Ladies' Aid deleft) of the M. E. church extend their heortfell sympathy to the be reaved family in their sail afflic tion, be it further Kckolved, That a copy of i hee I er.ilui ions be presented to the be reaped fatliil, that a . o; be pn senietl to the local papers for publi cation, antl that these resolutions be iu the minutes of our soci- in The Leading Dry Goods Store of Alliance Headquarters for Ladies', Misses' and Children's Ready-to-Wear Garments Suits, Coats, Skirts, Waists, Shoes A Complete Line of Athena Underwear You and your friends are welcome KSP, Geo. A. Mollring Sunshine Maitland COAL For Range and Funace All Kinds of FEED Wholesale and Retail PHONE 3 J. H. VAUGHAN & SON Model Candy Kitchen 406 Box Butte Ave. Delicious, Healthful, Home-Made Candies Also Best Factory Goods at Prices Lower than Same Grade of Candy is usually sold for YOUR TRADE SOLICITED copied e-t I . mus a p i shown, mks w n cat:, KM w. a hknnktt. oiuuiiltee. Watches, Diamonds, Cut Glass Hand painted China and Silverware of the best grades EVERY ARTICLE GUARANTEED HAND ENGRAVING FREE on any article purchased here Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty Don't tail to jje t our prices before you buy F. J. BRENNAN