The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 02, 1912, Image 1

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Gives all the news
of Box Butte County
and Citv of Alliance
The Alliance Herald
L.irest Circulation
of any Newspaper in
Western Nebraska.
C Don't c.ffcr your pcrson.'.l check to a hotel man who knows
neither it nof vou.
C "A. B. A." Cboquci are pladl.v accepted from guests hy hotel
people throughout the civilized woviil, hecauso they know these
Chenues and your signature identifies you.
H, The easiest way to travel Is with a hook of "A.Ii.A." tens,
twenties, fifties :-.nd one hundreds, made up to suit your needs.
The First
National Bank
Notice of Annual Meeting
Meeting of
be held at
June, A. D
suing year
which may
Chas. C.
is hereby given that the Seventeenth Annual
the Nebraska Stock Growers Association will
Alliance, Nebraska, on the 20th and 21st of
1912, for the election of officers for the en
and for the transaction of any other business
come before the meeting.1
R. M. Hampton, President.
Jameson, Secretary.
ill start
Get ready for a
big time
cgte Corsets
l)R. L.W. BOWriAN
Office Upstairs, First National Bank
Phone, Office 362
Phone, Residence 16
All Electrical Equipment
Evenings by Appointment
KEPOBT OF THK condition OK
At lll:nicc. in' lli' it nt.- of N.-fr;i-L:t. at
1 1 lOSSot Imstttesi, Airil l. ltd'.'.
Loans anil discounts . ..9!WS,IV5 40
Overdrafts, secured wd unsecured iti 3J
U. S. bond to secure circulation .Vti.ttuti mi
0 s. Bonds to secure O. 8. Deposits, i.amion
Banking bouse, furniture and fix
tures ItMNNMI .
One from national banks
iiidi reserve attenlsi i
Due f i "in Btatts and Private
lianKs anil Hankers. Trus)
Compiiiiit'K, and Mvtngs
Hanks 2.W7 75
Dm- from approved i ensue
annul !.7'Wxo
Checks ami other ca h Items -j. 4-1 3H
Kxehaaeas for ClserlQgBoassl.ujl w
Notes of other national
bunks tt.VOO)
Fractional p 'per entreaty,
nickel 1 and cents sj rs
I.awi-'i i. Mnnan ttBseva in
Hank, viz:
Ppecie kt74H id
total Cam asd Sight Rxceanua.. iM,m! in
Bsdemptton fund with r.
s. treasurer i' per tjenl of
circulation) tWN
Total 571.:i l
Capital stock paid in 1 on
Manilas fund ;i0,0tl0 00
Una I rided protits. less expenses and
taxes palif 4. Till .
National bank poles outstanding 10,90! 'J
Due to other Nat I Hanks. Mi 99 M
Due to Stale suit Private
Hanks ami Rankers Vi7 71
Dividends Unpaid MtOO
Individual deposit sun-
jeet to check 9W :ui SS
Demand certlOcaw of de-
isit 7,si:uc
Tin ii I ihVatesof deposit l.u.-io at
Certified ('bocks miuo
I'ttltcil states deKlts mi
Tutvi. Dst'osiTs. 4lti ..!M -:i
Total f&TlJftJ XI
S I A I K OF N Kill! ASK A I
CoanU of itox Unite, i
I. 8. k. Warrick. I'ashlerof tlieiilmve Haloed
bank do solaaanly swear thai the above
statement is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief. i. k. Wkiiu k. Uasfeier.
t'oKHKiT Altet:
en s. K. t'om. Directors.
P" .1. W as I
SubM'rilii d ami sworn Kg before me taiaJSth
day of April. MS,
Iskai.1 U M, svutii.
Noiary Public.
()Hirc in Alliance National Dank Klk
Over Postohu r
Phoue 391
-Mrs Praties II. Heald. state
presidool of ilt' VT. c. T. r., is r
ported bO arrive in Use city the lati
or the veOh. She w:il drive lo Pair
view (in Saturday, speaking there
Sunday morning, .it II o'clock.
A woman' mass meeting will be
li-l(l at the IT, I i linn h ai ', p. in..
Sunitay, in Vllialice, to h- iddress
I cmI by Mm. Ilenld. She will nn
j ;ive an address ai a union meeting
lu be held in the Methodist cliiinh
in flic SVCRiaC
"71 Remember i
Ybat tver added Mb
criber heip to make tku
papsr better for everybody
V W Norton and wife returned
last Friday from a several wev-ks'
I sojourn in California They were
I accompanied by U'urd and his w ife.
. who will stay in Alliance duriiiK UM
'summer. I'lirln Mr. Norton's ab
I ellce, lua sJoie was under The effi
cient iliHUHxeiiient (f Mr Saeer.
Mrs. Anb MrlRgR of Monnor was
in Alliance Mondtiy between trains
:;m tind tt.
K. A. McFall of Lakeside had bus
ines and vii4etl In AlHance Mon
day and Tuesday.
Mrs. Lol HI ley is at St. Joseph '
Hospital recovering rapidly from nn
operation two weeks fco.
Perry Yeast, the well known
ranch man, was trnnsnctlnK business
In this city the first of the week.
Mrs Boy Beikwith, who has been
very aick with an attack of appen
ili itis, is now very much impnn m!
A new front Is being placed in
the building occupied by Louis Luffs
salooji. at Box Butte avenue
The DaagbJbere of Isabella held
their second annual ball at the I'he -Ian
opera house last night. May day
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Smith were
a nn tin the number who chntiKed
place of residence this week They
now reside at SO" Laramie.
The plate glass In the front of
llolsten's drug store, which was
broken during the storm. April II,
has been replaced by a new one.
B. A. Charlton made another trip
to lenver during the past week, re
turning with an Overland car. Mrs.
Charlton and child came back with
The Four Square (ilrls' Club will
entertain Hie Young Men's Bible
Club at the First Presbyterian
church. Friday evening of this week.
:ii X o'clock.
Aa nnnbinced NubI week. Coyle'a
i t siauraiit at 215 Rox Hutte ,
nue opened lor iNUtfMM 00 Tuesday
cf this week. It started out with
a go-jd trade, having forty five per
sons for dinner the first day.
Mrs. Carrie Lore, who was operat
ed cn some days ago for appendi
cMia, has left the hospital and gone
to the home of Charles Brinkimui,
to rest before going to her home In
the i,:4is
Kev B. II. DUBSaS, pastor of the
.Mi;: hell Christian church, will preach
to this city, Friday and Saturday ev
enings, and Sunday morning and ev
ening. May in, 11 and 12. Watch
for Uster Moouaoontoat,
c. B, Wilson (.t BbofMu county
COOM l to Alliance OO -l Monday
returning on 44 the next day. He
informed The Herald thai true WM
starting w'll atrl condit ions are l'a
OreMa to thO cattle country.
Ray .Johnson from Harrison, who
was operated en som time ago for
append! -itis at S:. .Icseph's Hospiuil
aTfl' wheae life was dispaired of far
some time, is recovering nicely and
Is well on the road to recovery.
Bhv. I) W. Montgomery returned
Monday from Henry. Nebr., where
he spent two Sundays. He wa.s
joined at Itridgeport by his fatlur,
Bev .1 II Moiilgoineiy, who DOOM
to Alliance for a few days' visit,
W. II Ltiiiu, f Omtha, brother of
A. T. Limn, airived In Alliance yes
Urday ar.l will renir'a a we-k or
two. during which time he will be
k pt busy fan! an. plaoca, as tberc U
QUlta .i ii 'in iinl here for his aervitc
:n ih it lliu .
The rt oin at 2l!l Box Butle ave-n-,(
, I'.riiieny t(iupitl by the I'hil
Plj r h.'hiiis sitore. has leeu paint
;l and oUltVWiaa repaired, prepar
tOry to being OBC'UplnsI by the Cook
Wil-on sail. on. which will move
into it soon
At a nieeling of the Youiik Men s
Bible Club, Sunday aiiernoon, tlM
following persons were chosen a
(lelegales to r 'present the club M
the Chadron (invention, Friday: Cal
ln Clitic. ((il Smith, Max Wilcox
and Charlie Spacln.
One of (juif a number of sue
cexsful school teachers that (be Al
liance tiiul, si bool has turned out is
Mi- Alue Acbeson, daughter of Mr.
nnd Mra. W. S. Aeheann. She t
cently closed a term of school near
Beno, In Sheridan county, in which
she plMed the patrons by her faith
ful work.
Kdward Sdiullr, orders his nddress
for Tnte llertiltl changed from Alli
ance to Bingham, lie ha a Kin
kitld ea;hteen tulles south tf that
town, near the Tully ranch. He haw
Ik en making improvement on his
claim and has taken up his rest
dense on 1t.
MIsh Josle Hampton returned Inst
Tuesday morning from Lincoln wh. re
ehe has been visiting with friends
for the toast three weeks. Site met
h numlter of Alliance young people
who are attending school there. Jo
ale reports an excellent time while
.1. L. Lamb and W. O. Tintsman
of Oilier, Nebr., were In Alliance
last Friday They were looking ov
er this part of the west With a view
to making real estate Investment
From bere they went on farther
northweat, but expected to (tunc
back to this county before returning
Mrs. (Juprlse entertained a few
friend! last Monday evening. In lion
or of her friend. Mis Wa-'ers. The
ladies passed the evening playing
"500". Mrs. Jerry Rowan won tin
hand painted plate. A dainty three
course lunch wa served. Mra, Wat
ers is a general favorite and will
ba greatly missed by her many
K. K. Fbrd, who lias been assist
ing in the First National Bank, left
last Thursday with his father, C. F.
Ford, for Chicago, from which pla e
BO will leave sjon with his parents
to spend the summer in Kurope
Dining his stay in Alliance yumm
Mr. Ford made many friend by his
genial dfspotfon, ettpeeially among
the patrons of the bank.
m m m
A proposition I hat will interest the
ladies is that made in the adverflse
of Harper's Ladles' Toggery, in this
issue or The Herald. This estab
lishment is always up-to-the-minute
and everything they offer is depend
able They will have a fine loca
tion, first door north of The First
National Bank, and much more room,
which their growing business makes
Steve Lewis has leased the Key
stone rt stanram) of f. B. ptonor,
wUh a view to purchasing it. and
took possesion this week Mr. Lew
Mi has had experience in the restau
rant business In St. l..u -. ami go
mi into a place line already popn
lur should have a good trade. He
st. uts out right by ordering a sup
ply of printed matter for hia busi
The Herald has a number ol BOO
advertisements this week which are
deserving of notPe. Amo'jg them
you will find the ads of F W. Irish
& Co., advertising the celebrated
Nettleton shoes fqr men; F. .). Ilrcn
nan. the coiner drug store; Forest
Lumber Co., automobiles, Pardi y
Bakery, "made right, baked right
bread; A I). Bodgers, quality gn
ceries; Geo. A Mollting. dry goods,
ready to wear garments.
e a
Uoyd M. Smith, who iias been 'el
ler in the First National Book qJ
this city for several years, has been
transferred to Omaha He h;.s
been given, the position of assistant
dralt clerk in the ('. S National
Hank of Omaha. This 0001 as
a well earned promotion to Lloyd.
He lias boot very faithful in his du
ties with tkO First National and has
w hi no- esteem of the bank officials
by his work. We (eel sure that thi
pri.motiou is ouly a start and that
as the year go by be will occupy
a pu.-ition worthy of one of his a
Mitt) M a busiin m man. Ho left
last Sunday ror Omaha.
The glowing business aj Alliaine
(f the Bennett Piano Co has made
more store room necessary, bofl
Hie ndJototOf room in th- First N;;
tfooal Bank building, which w is va
cutid this week by Harper's LadleV
Toner y, lias ben eocufod by the
Beliticlt people. The partition be
twen the two rooms will be retiiov
ii and 'he place fixed up in elegant
style for a piano siore and sales
j raoiu. They bavv a ear load of
goods on the way, including two
grands and six player pianos, and
l.oon rolls "nf player music. The)
will have H initslc library on clrcttl
nting plan, aii p'rsuis oojroboatai
player pianos will have the privilege
of exchanging music.
Miss Jennie Hoon is confined to
her bed with a severe BOM Of ton
sllltls. She ha-s been sick a week
and it is feared an c, perm ion w ill be
necessHi y to relievo liet .
Mrs. Oregory Znrn started today
noon for Calgary, ABa. Canada,
where nhe was called on account of
the serious Illness at her daughter,
Mrs. ABIeda Wilson. Mrs. Wilson
Is crMlcully 111 with typhoid fever
Mayor-elect Barnes gave a dinner
party at the Burlington today in lion
or of Colonel Irwin if Cheyenne.
Others present were I. K. Tasb. A.
H. and Claude Vaughn. K. I) Mal
lery, B. M lljunpton And Nels Wor-
Mrs. Oily Lockwood and children
leave today for Omaha to spend a
couple of months visiting at lit
home of her mother During Mrs.
Lock wood 'a absentee from Alliance
The Herald will try to keep City
walking In the straight and narrow
way, but we ate not sure how well
we will succeed.
Considerable commotion 'ii caus
ed at 3:16 o'clock yeeterday morn
ing by the jandtor at the Firet Na
tional Bank accidentally setting off
the burglar alarm. The police force
was aroused but when they attempt
ed to round up a bunch of bold, bad
burglars they found only the inno
cent janitor in their clutches. Aa
he did not know how to slop the
noise, the hank officials were noti
fied and came down at that i irh
hour to turn the thing off.
MrOhO00M i I 'OO'OM'Oaiaj
Brakemen McCarty and Bay Mark
are now nicely settled in a south
. :n over the First National bank
Messrs. Bagland and Blehey. who
were employed here as brakemen a
short time iigo, have resigned and
will try the N. P,
Mrs. Hughs, wife of Timekeeper
Carl Hughs, and little daughter re
turned Monday from a two weeks'
'mH with n lathes and friends Id
.1. W. Hughs returned Sunday aOOfl
from a three rnOMfbf' stay in CoJHfQrV
nla. Mr. Hughs is an xperi -need
brakt iiian from the etut sad may
decide to enter the train service
W. J. Ti av.a.-Ki r enjoyed a da;,
last week on the Albro ran h With
his friend, ("has Hoflm.-.u Mr Hoff
man U vi ry weil pleased with hi
ecrh and will no doub: make u
gra.nd hucci .s.
("ondttcK r For.n Hill of lite hull
line ha.-i tui' tile road and s j:ie on
to his rant h near ChadrOO. Hy his
resignation the Burlington I seel :w
of Its best mil Th" good wishes
of all the railroad boj go with him.
Activity in Automobile Bus.ness In
dicates Return of Good Times
The spring ootontehile trade of
tin ihta ka L.u:l Ai Auto ' -m
pauy is starting out trie and Lndl
! cates not onl.v that good tftoes are
abcait to return but thiol they are
alt ady bona, The fait that publi
i i mil, deuce in I his eoiitpahy and their
I mat Hiiies t xteitds tbrotigliout norib
woateru Nebraska is shown by their
aales lii.ii cover the terrllorv sur
rouniliug Alliauce. as well .'is in
this city
On Monday of tins week in-y sold
a Ford touring car to laMilO Ibaalr.v
of Bridgeport, and on Tuesday de
livered one of the same machines to
Theodore Johnson, seven miles east
of Heuiiugford
Farmers ueeding help inav find it
to their interest to write J. A. I.eav
Bl. V M C A . Omaha, Nebr.
10:00 a. m. Sunday school, Oiadd
11:00 a. m. Preaching service.
".1:00 p. m. Meeting under auwplcns
of W. C T. U.. addreseed by state
president, Mrs. Heald.
7:00 p. m. Young people's meet
ing. No evening service on account of
union service under auspices W. C.
T. U., at M. R. church.
Prayer meeting, Wednesday even
ing, at 8:00.
A. L. GODFREY, Paaior.
Services 2nd, 3rd and 44h Sundays
of each month at 11:00 a. m. and
7:30 p. m. First Sunday In each
month at 11:00 a. m. Sunday School
every Sunday at 10:00 a. m. Junlor
Auxlliary, Chapter A, meets every
Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. Junior Auxil
iary, Chapter B, meets at 2:30 every
Sunday afternoon.
GKO. O. WARE, Missionary.
Drake Building, 619 Sweetwater Ave.
Services every Sunday morning at
Sunday School every Sunday morn
Ins at 9:30.
Everybody Is cordially Invited.
Parochial Herman English Lutheran
school every day except Saturday and
Sunday, from 9 a. m. to 4 p. in.
523 Cheyenne Ave., phone 3S9.
10 a. m.. Sut'dny School.
11 a. in Public Worship.
7:00 p. m. Christian Kndenvor.
No evening service acqpnnt at
union service at M B. church
Prayer meeting. Thursday night,
at H:00.
Olin S. Baker, Pastor .
10:0(1 a. m Sunday School. Oraded
Bible Classes.
II a. m. Public worship.
7:00 p. m. Young people's Kp
worth League meeting.
8:00 p. in. Address by Mrs. Fran
ces B. Heald. State President W. C.
T. C.
Prayer meeting, Wednesday even
ing, at t:0t,
Sabbath school at the residence of
Pror. G. M. Burns every Saturday af
ternoon at 1 o'cio k
Topic of next lesson, "The Sab
baiti. It's Change and Restoration "
10:00 a. m. Sunday tchoot.
11:00 a. in. Public worship, tiietne.
The Baiiii.-in of Jesus."
7:00 p. m. B. V P. II.
No evening serv ice account of un
ion service at M K. churt h.
Mid-week servb-, Wednesday.
9;M m.
GEO. A. W1TTK, Pastor.
Cottage Prayer Meetings for :I:00
p. m , Tuesday, May 7:
A. B. Acheson, 713 I t ramie Ave.;
II. I) Haeher, IS1 Missouri Ave.;
W S dieson, 4 IH Cheyenne
.1 .1 Vance, i'laite Ave.;
Mrs. E. P. Ed mist on. K20 Che
en lie Ave. ;
Mrs W. E. Spencer, 1004 Cliey-
( nue Ave.
Meetings ill Marks' hali, northeast
(orner Laramie aveuue and Third
street Sunday school at IU Jo a. m.
PyeoeMaj at vim p m. AH ore wi
All the talk in the world, you
Won't make your garden grow.
So to tlie Bee Hive Store you must
And get a -'ie rake or hoe.
W. II. Luiiii, the piano tinier is
in the cit) und will remain fas;- about
teu days. Those (U siring his ser
vices cau call the IMinett Piano Co ,
phone 362. It-JMhM