An investment in good western land will bring good returns. We have the land to sell and can offer you some bargains. If you want to know any thing about this country, write us. Your inquiry will be given prompt answer. If you want to see this country, call on us. We will show vou NEBR. LAND & AUTO CO. J. C. McCORKLE, 1gr. McCorkle Block, Alliance, Nebraska Liberty-Brush Is Here! A Motor Car In Reach of Everyman $350 MOTORISTS everywhere have been talking about the remarkable Liberty-Brush automobile for $350. They have been wonderins how it i4 possible to build a motor car for such a price. Vou have heard it discussed. The Liberty-Brush is here in our show-room for your inspection on the street for your trial. When you see it and ride in it you will wonder still more and your enthusiasm will be as great as ours. We want you to investigate the Liberty-Brush carefully, for it has established history in motordom since it was announced. Its appearance and performance are as wonderful as its price. Yet the secret of its production is simple vast resources and manufacturing facilities make it possible. It is but another instance of the ap plication of modern mechanical skill and quan tity production which has brought the typewriter, the telephone and other wonderful machines within reach of everyone. The day when an established maker, with sufficient capital to build in vast quantities, would bring forth a car for Everyman, is here. The United States Motor Company, the largest pro ducer of high-grade automobiles in the world, has made the Liberty-Brush at $350 possible. You realize what a car can do for you? You know how it can save your time, the equivalent of lessening distance, and can increase your in come. It will enable you to avoid daily annoy ances of travel in public conveyances, or in the slow horse and buggy, and at the same time, it is cheaper. It will be well worth your while to investigate this Liberty -Brush now. There are scores of ways in which it is invaluable to you regardless of your occupation. The family can run to the station or the store, or take afternoon drives. Salesmen cancover more territory in shorter time saving expense of livery bills and increas ing revenue. Architects, Builders, Bakers, Com mercial Travelers, Farmers, Grocers, Insurance Men, Sewing Machine Salesmen, Physicians, Storekeepers are using Liberty-Brush cars. The Liberty-Brush is a real automobile, not an imitation, or a toy. You have heard your motoring friends speak of the advantages pre sented by a long-stroke motor, by vertical cyl inder under the hood, by multiple-disc clutches, selective transmission, side-chain drive, bevel gear differential. The Liberty-Brush at $350 has features by which high-priced cars are judged. It is easy to examine the Liberty-Brush, and we are g!ad to answer your questions. Ask us to tell about the AbcrnathjT kids, ages 9 and ti, who drove a Brush from New York to Oklahoma City; or of K. V. D. Carrier Ingersoll, who drove 25,000 miles at an average cost of V$ cents a mile. Or ask about the Brush economy contest in which the winner ran 100 miles for 39 cents and 98 of 109 cars ran for less than a dollar Let us explain how the United States Motor Company 'cares for your car wherever you are." We represent the Liberty-Brush here and we want you to know it. We will call for you it you let us know your address, and we can take you any place in our Liberty-Brush that any auto mobile can go. W. C. T. U. DEPARTMENT Mra. J. J. Vance, Preae Supt. 1 i m Buy a Gasoline Engine WILLIAM MITCHELL. ATTORN V AT LkW, ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA Kansas Conservation Policy ' Prohibit ion in Kiuisa Ik not it UilPKtinti Murk hut a I't rtn- Jinont fact." There In no argument for prohibi tion so overwhelming! y eonvineing us duly attested verified facts. Those living. Incontrovertible argu mints Hre to bp round In evpry pro hibition statp and in nil prohibition territorv. Kansas is neer,nt a loss to furnish this valuablp (lata, certifi ed by hpr most prominent men In professional and official life. It has hpen well said, "Kansas (an boar the scrutiny of honest in vestigation Tho last census bullet ins tell the story of her prodigious advance of real estate vmIups in the state, aggregating morp than ItOO, 000.000 wince LtOO, Slanders of Kan sas will bo multiplied while the pro hibition movement is on. but the truth will out. There la not an equal area of the earth's surface that enjoys greater o r more aolid and enduring prosperity than the 80, 000 square miles of Kansas." Rev. Charles M. Sheldon, the well known clergyman, sociologist and writer, says, "Constitutional prohi bition has done more than any other thing to make Kansas the garden spot, morally, of the universe. It has educated thousands of the finest young men and women to abhor In toxicating liquor as they would abhor any kind of sin and crime. It has helped educate the entire population In ways of sobriety, and sober, healthy thinking and conduct, and has raised the entire moral tone of the state to the highest level of cit izenship." J, K. Codding, warden of the state penitentiary, a man who certainly lias had a wide opportunity to study criminals, says. "I'nder enforced prohibition the drunkard-making busi ness has stopped. Illiteracy and crime are decreasing. poor-houses are empty in many counties, n families of laboring men are better fed, belter clothed, better housed and have better advantages than in any other state in the union. The saloon vote no longer counts at ele lions. We have mor-e homeowners and fewer renters than any saloon commonwealth In the world, and the church is slrongcr because its worst tii, my, the saloon, has been dethroned in Kansas." 1 he president of the Kansas W. ('. T. V . Mrs. I.iilian .MiK liner, savs "The brewarS are wasting their time and their money, to:, in speeches and documents trying to arouse pub lic sentiment with referenie to pau perism in the tunflowsr state. Flf Veil of the I Of) coilll lies of tho st. have no inmates at their poor farm v hile Ctok county, Illinois alc-ne h i over five times more pau per tha.i I lie entire state cf Kan sas. The state of Mil lints, accord ing to its population, has 1 no per cent more paupers than Kansas. Kan eas is mors free from menial and nervous diseases than any other state in the union, and authenticat ed scientific facts will prove that our temperance policy for thirty years is largely responsible for this condition. It has fifty-four counties without an idiot. It has eighty- sev en counties without an insane in mate. The death rate In Kansas is lower than that of any other state or nation on earth and our condition In this respect is due largely to our temperance policy." In a book recently Issued by F D. Coburn, secretary of the state board of agriculture, entitled "A Few Kansas Items," he tells of the splen did agricultural record of the state which, in a year of admittedly gen eral shortage, raised more winter win lit by about 35 per cent than any other state, and concludes, "Kur thermore, and better, those who have homes in Kansas live in a state where the man who sells in toxicants thereby encouraging drunk enness, poverty and crime and the m-aking of more drunkards out of the rising generation. Is an outlaw, who, when convicted, lands in Jail or in the reck pile, und found Hv-ilty a second time. goe to the stale ) uitentlary." - (nun Signal. You Can Depend Upon burton & wkstover i . a ftiiurncy ai Law E3 4 TWO engines may look equally good, may even work equally well for a tim'c In the end OtlU proves satisfactory, the other becomes a nuisance. Why? The satisfactory engine is one that is (arc fully built, and thoroughly tested. Thorough testing takes time and costs money. It means careful adjustment under trying conditions. It is an expensive process, but a necessary one if the finished engine is to be dependable. I H C Gasoline Engines Are Thoroughly Tested No engine leaves the factory until it has proved itself thor oughly dependable. That is reason enough for buying an I H C engine. It is a good buy because it is dependable it is dependable because it is thor oughly tested. If you want en gine satisfaction for years to come go to the local dealer and buy an NIC gasoline engine. It is the safe way and by far the cheapest in the long run. lateraationil Harvester Company of America (Incorporated, Chicago USA I H C Sendee. Bureau Tli purpose of this Bureau Is to furnish, free of charee to all, tho best informal ion obi.ihiablo on better farmluy. If you lirve any worthy questions conceniinn soils, crops, land dralii'tKi. Irriallnn fertlllier. etc., make vour Inouiries specific and send tliein to 1 H Service Bureau, Harvest! Hutldiu. Chicago. U ." A LAND ATTORNEYS Office First National Bank Hid Phone ho. ALLIANCE. NEB. H. JU. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, AJLtatANCK, IV KB. F. M. BROOME LAND ATTORNEY thrift pxperlenr a Heccivei (' 8. Landoaase la a ftuarnntea for prompt and efficient service Office in Opera House Block ALLIANCE. . NEBRASKA BRUCE WILCOX Lawyer and Land Attorney Practitioner In civil courts since tM aaa Kejrlster U. 8. hand Office from IMS to UffT Information by mall a specialty. orriCB IN LARD office uiLDmo ALLIANCE m hhasra. DR. H. H. BELLWOOD, Surgeon C. B. A Q. Ry. Office Over Noletea'a Dree Store Day Phone 87 Night Phone 86 NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT FENDANT8 DE- To Frunk A. Massie, Annie E. Mjeetie, Cordei Colvln and Burma) Calvin, non-reHident defendants Vou and each of you are hereby notified that on the 4th day of Ap ril, A. D., 191L, tho Equitable Land Company, a plaintiff, filed in the district court of Hox Hutte count v, Nebraska, its pet It km against you a- defendants, impleaded with Ota K. Phillips, J, Lawrence Bowman and Jane llowman, his wife, true ChHettaa name unknown, your co defendants, the object and prayer of which Is to have an ac count inn of the amount due upon a certain promissory note and mortgage deed, made, executed and delivered to the said plaintiff by the said defend ant, Ora E. Phillips, on the 13rd day o .May, l!Ul, for the sum of $4iMUHi with interest upon the fol low lap described premises and real estate, .situate in said county, to-wit: the southeast quarter of Bection thirteen (13) in township twtnty-si: C'6) north, range fifty-two 152) west. In said county; to have the same adjudged to be a valid and subsisting first lien upon said mort gaged premises; to have said lands sold In the manner required by law, by or under the direction of the sheriff of said county, for the payment ami satisfaction of the a mount found due, together with the costs of suit and costs of sale, and for general relief. And you are further notified to j answer said petition In the clerk s office of said court by the Mil day of May, A. D.. till, AlatiKKT v. critks. Attorney for Plaintiff. 1st publication April lltli. lilt-18-4t-15a. ( "It IF. COPPERNOLL lies. Phone 30 F .1. PETBBMH is m Res. Phone Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen OSTEOPATHS Rooms 7, 8 and 9, Rumer Block Phone 43 GEO. J. HAND, PHYSICIAN AND Sl'HflBON Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. C. H. CHURCHILL PHYSICIAN AND Sl'RQEON (Successor to Dr. J. E. Moore) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCI Office hours 11-12 a.m. 8-4 p.m. 7:10-9 p, m. Office Phone 62 Res. Phone, 8 H. A. COPSE Y Physician and surgeon office Phone 300 Hcs. Phone 841 CalKsnswered promptly day and night from ounce. unices : Alliance National MnliillnR overtbe PoatOfllce. J. P. HAZARD Surveyor and Engineer, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Parties ont of town sboald write, as 1 as ontoinchof 1 lie time. Charges will not as feed 16.00 and expenses per day. Dr. Oliver McEuen Physician and Surgeon HEMINGFORD, NEBR. SPECIALTIES: Diseases of Women and Children and Genii j Urinary Organs All calls aaswt:ed pranatly day ar aiflrt HARRY P. COURSEY Live Stock ami General Auclioneef Farm Sales a Specialty TERMS KBAHOKAKt.t Phone 64 ALLIANCE. NEBR. FOREST LUMBER COMPANY How's This? A. P. LEE, MANAGER We ofler Onr Hundred Dollar Reward for any ass l Catarrh that uunm be curd by Halls CStarrta Cure. F. J. CHKXEY A CO.. Toledo. O We, tlie undersign t-d, have known V. J. Cheney lor the last l& years, aod Delteve him perfectly h,ai ur.kble In aU business transsrthsu and Ouaimally able tu carry out any ubllfalMais niade by bts flnu National Mans or Comukki . Toledo. 1 1111.. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is Internally, actios directly upuu Hi. bhasl and mucous surfaces of the system. Testliuisnals sent free. Price II cents per bottle. Hold by all Orusstata Take Hall s family fills for coustiatluo. NOTICE Mr. A. H. Motrin U 110 Ioiikcm- in tuy employ as Funeral Direc tor und KmuuliiicT, nor in any oilier caac-ity. April I, I'.u: ceo. IL DARUNO. ITlfl l PUBLIC NOTICE Dr. C. E. Single, who has been with me the past five yearn as ae uitttant, U no longer in my employ. All bills for work done by him prior to Feb. lt. 1912, are payable direct to me 11. H HELL WOOD, If. D. lloH-U-tf ll. I TV I , Kit OENTI8T. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. PHONE 167 Aihai-.ce. Nebraska son SttssY Prut. May S tatty. Sic Tftaa. Nelson Fletcher Fire Insurance Agency INSURANCE OF ALL KINOB REAL ESTATE AND LOANS Alliance, Nebraska G-eo. Q-. O-sid-sToy Licensed Embalmer ,,, ) Dav 408 Phone . . ?? ( Nihtsio FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Being no louger in the employ of in .1 D. Darling. I am Mill in position to serve my former friends a Funeral Director aod Einbaliuer. ALLEN 11. MORRIS, I'hone ITU vl7tniM-dl7tftl Seo E. C. W'lilsmiin for lowest prices on paUiting, pajier banging and kalsomiuiug. lUiudi (itoiraplis THE KINO THAT PLEASES YOU sstttttttttttttttettM Better get seme made at AllianceArtStudio