The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 25, 1912, Image 6

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    J. J. VANCE
Cement Walks, Cisterns, Basements,
Foundations, etc.
Cement Silos
are the preference over all others In the east
where they have been tested for years. 1 will
construct these silos In the most approved
manner the coming season.
Let Me Figure with You
My new stock of
t iit Mirr. -x w-v r
is now arriving. Something new in Bath
Tubs and Closets. Come in and get prices
before buying elsewhere.
Plumbing and Heating
Phone 720 Green
Telephone Your Friend
And Get An Instant Reply
The Ioiik distance linos of
the Bell Telephone System
bridge space and bring
friends from everywhere
within the range of personal
A Hell Telephone in the
home is essential to every
woman's convenience anil
pleasure. It banishes loneli
ness and bring! I feeling of
comfort and security.
Telephone Convenience Far Exceeds Its Cost.
Nebraska Telephone Co.
Bell Telephone Lines
Reach Nearly Everywhere.
I' 94 nun Mll
l Still HsirLd.!
My prices and quality of coal satisfy my cus
tomers. Give me a trial. I sell for cash.
Office at Keenen's Store
1 1 15 Box Butte Ave. Phone 6o7
i rt ii 1 1 iim
Snow drills everywhere Will
spring ever romp? That In the talk
In thin neighborhood.
There was no Sunday school on
account of the blizzard.
(1. llagaman and wife and J. C
HmMM and wife were snow bound
In Alliance Saturday, ami Hayed all
night ni C, PrlnkniMii'-
Quite a numlier of cattle were
lout hi the storm and perished.
Mrs. Call I mlci wood is papering
her house this week.
Mrs. J. V Wright Is visiting .Mrs
U. . ("lark while .1 Is on the
election board
Miss Mable Carey Is visiting the girls this week.
Miss Kthel Hagainan has moved
bnito her homestead.
Mrs. J. C. Hawkins visited Mrs
IV S Malley Thursday while I he
men did some carpenter work.
Frank Uainsdell made a business
trip to O'Neill on Wednesday,
Herb. Kobison is the proud father
of a fine baby girl, W4 are told.
John Hunt of Halrd was visititu
and buying seed com In Hiis n.-igh
borhood this wwk.
Uncle Call Underwood took dinner
with George Clark and wife. Tues
Tlus was the snow storm
that you read about.
O. L, Harris moved onto a place
three miles west of Berea, known
as the .lewert place. Mr. Harris
children frtnrted to Ilerea school on
last Monday.
K. K. Stockwell and family re
turned from their homestead last
E. K. Miller lost two valuable
colts In the last snow storm.
Joseph Harkhurst and daughtet
Llllie, spent Sunday with A. J.
Clark Calmer visiied with (ieorge
and Kred Knapp Saturday.
K. K. Sloekwell and family went
to Hemingford last Friday.
('has. ( aimer bought some straw
from K Vaughn and is now busy
hauling it.
Al Miiben was seen going to Alii
a nee Sunday with the poll. On ax-
count of the storm he was unable to
go Saturday.
Mrs. J. T. Nabb visited with IM-
lie Carson last Wednesday , while
Mr Xabli made a flying trip to Al
Mrs Floyd Duff, who was opera
tor at ISerea. is now visiting Borca
and Hemingford friends
less Trueblood went to town last
Tuesday. While passing by his
neighbors, they all would say. "Hring
out the mail, Jess."
Coo Thomas of Kineaid and Co
arrived Saturday. com in it sooner
than expc;-tt1.
Rcfcaff How, II returned rrom Hush
I Sunday, where he had gone to
lake the election proceeds.
A vary unexpected telegram rea h
14 William Kmerson Sunday even
it or i he leath of his sister at
Tv urn sell She had ihI been ailing
as any one knw of. Mr. Kmerson
has our sincere sympathy.
Asa Sui ky. accompanied by one
oT his sisters, returned Inan Alli
ance Sunday
Miss Delia Hieckncr, who arrived
at Hiugham last Monday, has failed
to learn the whereabouts of her
lank, which started wi n her, but
strayed elchere. The trunk con
tallied a large amount of valuable
good Most of her clothes went
with tt.
Pat Doraty Juat arrived from Omn
ha in time to receive a wire mes
sae that his mother died Ssturday.
in the same city. He is not w.ll
known here, but he has our heartfelt
Our city Is growing, Todd Whaley
having started an up-to-date barber
shop on R. R. Ave.
Charles Wilson's brother who has
been here for ten clays past return
ed Monday to his home nt Ansley.
He has helped his brother Charlie
settle on his homestead northeast
of here.
The Holy Sacrifice of Mass will
be offered up at the home of Andy
Appleguarth for the benefit of the
Catholics In thin neighborhood, by
Father Donnelly, at 10 o'clock, on
Tuesday morning.
Win Hreckner goes to Alliance on
Tuesday to make final proof on his
homestead, as he has been a con
tinuous resident. He will have but
little trouble in proving up.
James Westover of Hyannls was
in Hinghani on business the first of
this weeje.
To Ira Hogard and Jane Board.
hft wife, whose true Christian
name is unknown, non-resident
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 41 h day of Ap
ril, A. D. lit 12, the Kquilable hand
Company, as plaintiff, filed In the
district court of Hox Uutte county,
Nebraska, its petition against you,
as defendants, Impleaded with Ora
E. Phillips as your co-defendant,
the object and prayer of which is
to BV6 an accounting of the amount
due upon a certain promissory note
and mortgage deed, made, executed
and delivered to the said plaintiff
by the said defendant, Ora E. Phil-
Hps, on the 1st day of October,
1010. for the sum of $325.00 with
interest upon the following describ
ed premises and real estate, situate
in said county, to-wlt: the south
east quarter of section twenty-two
(22) in township twenty-five (25),
north of range fifty-one (51) went.
In Hox Uutte county, Nebraska; to
have the same adjudged o be a
valid and subsisting first lien upon
said mortgaged premises; to have
said lands sold In the manner re
quired by law, by or under the di
rection of the sheriff of said coun
ty, for the payment and satisfac
tion of the amount found due, to
gether with the costs of suit and
cosOs of sale, and for general relief.
And you are further notified to
answer said petition in the clerk's
Offtci of said court by the 20th day
of May, A. D. 1912.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
1st publication April 11th, Mil,
I S 41-154
-it 1
! Kentucky Blue Grass J
i White Clover Seed
vjtuucu i uuls, ruuury
Netting, etc.
Model Candy Kitchen
406 Box Butte Ave.
Delicious, Healthful,
Home-Hade Candies
Also Best Factory Goods at Prices Lower
than Same Grade of Candy is
usually sold for
To Jennie McMillan, Mr. McMillan
bar husband, whose true name Is
unknown, and to ail other the
unknown heira-at-law and devi
sees of Anna Miller, deceased, de
fendants :
You and each of you will take
notice t liar on tat Mh day of Ap
ril, ISIS) Nathan llroadhurst and
Samuel Swinbnnk. as plaintiffs, f 11-
d their petition in the District
Court in and for Box Mutte county.
Nehraska, against you as defend
ing, the object and prayer of whi.h
are to haw- an accounting of the
money expended by plaintiffs and
heir grantors for the taxes and as
sessments made and levied upon
lots numbered three and four, and
he south half of the northwest
luarier of section two, in township
wenty-elght, north, range fifty-one,
west of the sixth principal meridi
an, in Hox Mutte county, Nebras
ka, in and to which the plaintiffs
allege ownership of an undivided
linn lift lis interest . and in and to
which it is alleged the defendants
own an undivided one-fifth Interest.
ind that sufficient of said land be
sold to pay the amount so found
due to the plaintiffs, and that the
remainder lie partitioned and tin-
plaintiffs portion be set apart to
hem, it it can be done without
manifest injury; if not, then that
thf whole of said premises be sold
according to law and that the cost
and expenses of this action and
he amount so found due the plain
iffs he first paid, and partition be
made as provided by law.
You are required lo answer said
petition on or before the 20th day
K May. 11:.'
SA M l Kl. SW INHANK, by
J. K I'ortar,
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
I V4 152
THE COMING LAND MOVEMENT. This is the time to tell your
Eastern friends about the splendid moisture conditions in the West, both
as to prairie and irrigated lands; tell them about the 320 acre Mondell
homesteads. livery new settler in n locality means financial benefit to
everyone there. Ask for the new government land folder.
The latest development In irrigated lands is the opening for home
stead on April 22nd of 6000 acres of government irrigated land in the
Hlg Horn Hasin near Powell, Wyo. ; the new and very liberal graduated
10 payment plan will apply; it is about the next thing to giving the set
tler a perpetual water right. Ask for the new Shoshone Irrigated hand
YELLOWSTONE PARK. The feature for Park travel is the
new Cody scenic way with complete tickets, including hotels and stages.
The Cody way now offers tourists aH the conveniences as to transpor
tation, hotels, and permanent camps, that are offered via other gateways.
The lookout from Sylvan Pass isone of the world's magnificent views.
Also ask about Frost A Richards' personally conducted If day eump
inig tours of the Park, making one of the most enjoyable vacation lours
in the country. Ask for new Park folders.
Alliance L. W. WAKELEY. G. P. A.,Omaha
Office at Rodger.' Grocery, Phone 1.
Successor tl Funk Wallace
Transfer Line
Household goods
moved promptly
and transfer work
Ret. phone 583
Cont ractors
Plans, Specifications. and Estimates tarnished Without Charqe
Members Local Union No. 1138 PHONES: 5Q dnd Red 44Q
J Office Phone, 5
Res. Phone. 48
Wallace Dray Line
i All work looked alter carefully I
Office at 213 Box Butte Ave.