jUUNCEjfeRAID Published every Thursday by The Herald Publishing Company. Incorporated JOHN W. THOMAS. Editor and Mgr. Subscription, ft BO per year in ad vance. Entered at the postoffice at Alli ance, Nebraska, for transmission tbrouKh tho malls as second-tiaBB matter. THIS PAPErf REPRESENTED FCH For :; ADVERTISING L Y Tbf GENERAL OFFICES NCW YORK AND CHICAC BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES 1M2 APRI L 1912 7T234a6 8 9 10111213 15 16 17 W 1920 22232425 ?27 29j3tTrn THURSDAY. M'KIL 4. I I PASS WOOL BILL CLEAN BILL IS Democrats Willi Aid of Propes GIVErHORIMER site Republicans Pass Bill. Majority 0( Zmm m EFFORTS TO RAISE RATES LOSE Senator No! Guilty. LEE DE FOREST. Noted Wireless Promoter, Who Was Arrested In West On Federal Indictment. aq Sp Pv "' XiMl4s4lilnBAlHBB9i LEE DE FOREST ARHbSTED Wireless Fromoter Lambed Under Nev York Federal Indictment. San Francisco, April i. Los no For est, the w.reicss promoter, was ur rested ai Pa'r Alto on a War rant is sued on an indict. neat found against him by the fed' nil gnu. i u-y in New York. Tl:e indictment cbl r el the use of the mails to detraud. SCOTT'S QUEST FAILS From Terra Nova Brings Message ; British Explorer. Captain Robert F. Scott's vesselTerra Nova, which carried the British cxpe ditlon to the Antarctic, has arrived at Akaroa, a harbor In Banks peninsula. New Zealand, but has not brought back Contain Scott or the members ot his Attempt to Substitute Minority Mess HIMES IS ALSO EXONERATED. ure Is Defeated Tariff Board Get. Criticism All but Three Democrat. Stand With Their Party. Th wool hill passed the house, l$f to 92, wltli twenty progressive Repub llcans voting for It. Representative Rin ker (Colo.), who "opposed It in do hate and answered "present" on the roll rail, and Representative France (O ), who voted against it, were th only Democrats who did not line up with the majority. Representative Payne moved to re commit the hill with Instruction to the committee to report tlte Republic mi sul I t'tnte. hut tliis was lost, 108 lo IhH The twenty Republicans who voted for the hill were: Anderson. Llnd borgh. Miller. Nelson. Nye, Steener Ms, St vens, Volsted, rtettfen, Huh hard, Alin. .I.ickson. Murdoek, Young Ia Follette, Warbitrton, Laffcrty Hnnna, Kent, Norris. Resolution Acquits Lumber Magnate, Accused of "Putting Him Over" With 1100,000, of Wrongdoing 8enate Will Consider Report Next Week. Washington, March 29. Senator Jjorimer of Illinois won an overwhelm ing vindication at tho hands of the special committee of eight senators who have finished a second lnvestlga tion of his elertion by the Illinois legislature in 1909. Twice challenged and once acquit ted, the committee by votes of 5 to 3 on all vital points completely exoner ated him of any knowledge of legisla tive corruption. Edward Hlnes, the millionaire lum berman, referred to In the lnvestlga tion as "the man who put Lorimer over," nlso got a vindication by the committee. It had been charged that Hines raised a corruption fund of Supporters of the bill declared It Jt00000 t0 Hoot Primer to the sen would not out the government's rove Hue, hut would save more than $50, Oon.non a year to consumers because ol the readjustment of rates. All the attempts of the Republicans to amend the bill lo Increase the rates were lost. Tho tariff board came in for o.rltl clsm In the speech making. Representative Kltehin considered that Senators Smoot and Warren had deliberately Imposed on the tariff hoard to maintain the high duty on wool. "How Is It," he cried, "that sheep growers In Washington are able to raise wool at one twentieth of a cent a pound and In Wyoming, according to the board's report, a pound costs thlr teen cents." Mondo.ll renlled that wool costs 15 cents to produce in Wyoming "And yet." returned Kltehin. "this Infallible board shaded that cost price Just two cent?. The gentleman's es timate discloses the Beauty of the system." WAS AFTER ROOSEVELT Crazed Pole at Waukesha. Wis., Went to Meeting to Club Colonel. Colonel Roosevelt was saved from attack by a maniac by the fact that the train he took in passing through Wisconsin did not go through Wau kesha. This was the statement made in the county jail by Charles Schomolla. the erased Pole who tried to kill Senator Gore with a club during the Wilson III' eling. Schomolla is slightly more rational, though he is still possessed of the do luslon that ho is Jesus Christ and has a mission to kill He tohl the Jail an thorithM he supposed Roosevelt was to pass through Waukesha and speak there. When he went to the Core meeting he supposed he was going to bSTS :i Chance to club the eoloned. He says devils told Roosevelt of his pians, and thai Senator Core. whos. Identity he does not seem to realize, v as sent to tak'- Roosevelt's place. The man b'oanie insane from a blow on the head wh. n digging a sewer a year ago. MINERS SUSPEND WORK ate. The majority repudiated that and passed a resolution that the evidence had shown that he did not raise or contribute any sum improperly. The majority hold that no new evi dence had been adduced to justify a reversal of the senate's previous ac tion in Senator Iorlmer's favor; that there was no evidence of a Jackpot in the Illinois general assembly of 1909 In connection with his election, and finally that no corrupt practices had been shown by the investigation. Will Come Up Next Week. The case will be squarely before the senate probably next week, when a protracted debate will begin. Neither side has made a thorough canvass of the situation. Republican leaders point out that there will be about twenty-seven new senators to vote on tho case, in addition to those who have already voted on substantially the same charges. The committee's action was the plea raised by 1orlmer's counsel that the previous action of the senate bars re consideration The majority report on the main proposition will be signed by Senators Dillingham. Gamble, Fletcher, John ston and Jones, and the minority by Senators Kenvos, Kern and Lea. Senator Jons was against Senator lyorimer on the first Investigation He reversed his position and present ed three of the leading resolutions to exonerate Lot inter. V'ews of Minority. The contention of the minority members will be thnt the senate passed upon the question of tho form er adjudication when it ordered the present investigation, and that if res adjudlenta were to prevail it should have h' "ii neforo a second exhaustive invest lg.it Ion at a cost of $50.00ii was begun. They contend that the new in vestigaMon was ordered largely be cause the former committee had not made a full in instigation and tho conn try demanded all the Cacti Their viewpoint is that the new In vestigation has developed much perti Rent to Lorimer's election which the old committee failed to discover; that doubts if to tho eorreeiness of State Senator Molstlaw's confession have been dis- lied; that State's Attorney Wayma-i of Chicago has clearly refut ed the r ' 'n that coercion was used to cstdrt fessions, and that Re pro sentat'" ' White's confession was cot robonii l in manv uaiticulars They Four Hundred Thousand Men in Cen tral and Eastern Mines Idle. Four hundred thousand miners quit work this rOS in the anthracite fields cim thai the res adjudicata plea is a in the "central the bituminous oi rvnosyiTsms and nmiwt!l l e flM' rf portion of the industry. Officially the niovet.it nt is a 'suspension" of work and whether It la to develop Into a widespread strike depends upon the expedition. The commander of the ( outcome of voting in the union r.mUs Terra Nova brought instead the fol j and ol confOTOBCOf botWOOH the men lowing brief message from Scott: land employers next week. "I am remaining in the Antarctic loi Diffotent from a strike the miners, another winter In order to coutiuu- left pumpmen and others at WQfk to and complete mv work." protect the mines from flooding. The latest news bent back by Cap taiq Scott to his base nt MrMuido WILL ARREST LCONEY round, showed that on Jan. 3 he had t reached a point 150 miles from the Kock Island Editor to Be Charged South Pole and was still advancing. With Misuse of Mails. John Lioney, the Rock Island ed j Jury Disagrees in Sugar Trust Triai. (ten WhOSO publication ot an attach; New York, April 2 The Jury In the Oil Mayor Sehriver was followed by case of John F. Parsons, Washington the recent riots, may be taken Into' H. .nomas, ucorge ii. r ranter ai u ar eusmuv i me leuerai autnoriuos ioi : . , , lon was ioW,,Kt lawyer's subterfuge to befog the real Issue. FIND SEED CORN POOR Bureau of Plant Industry Tests Sam ples From Over Whole Country. Washington, March 29 Because ol the poor corn crop last year, the bu reau of plant Industry of the depart ment ol agriculture, has tested sam pies from all over the country and ((Mind I VOT) ,)W average of get initia tion Dr. H T. Calloway, ehiel of lha bureau. adises the farmers ol the count-y to be particularly careful about their planting this spring. We tested nearly S.OOti samples," he suid. and found that the average germination was only 81 per cent, whereas it should have been W; and thur Donner, charged with violating , tending INMleus and obscene matter ' the criminal clause of the Sherman thiough the mails, postoffice inspector, . . A - " .!...... IL.. II 1 I 1 I V. ft k I I anuiruHi inw wnm- unmuiM ui no' n.u i na m-i oi i ne nicugo omce nas American Sugar Refining company, reported a disagreement in the United States district court. Girl Killed; Fiance Injured. Vermilion. O.. April 2 Miss Beinice Light nt r, aged twenty, was crushed to death beneath a fast train on the New York, Chicago and St Louis railioad here, and her fiance, Dr. Russell A Jewitt of Cleveland, sustained u brok be t! sent to -k island to handle th I (AM ugainsi the editor. The ar rest is Spe t'd as soon as l.oone l as recovered sufficiently from the In furiet inflicted on him by the mayor. POWDER PLANT BLOWS UP Two Men Killed and Three Others In jv:red at Wayne, N. J. in the large eoi n growing states. i advise th I larmerK to plant the iMtal seed lhe i an get. They should MM Selected corn c:i the cob, each ear of which has been tested for germina ! tion; and il they gve to use shelled orn. should test it SB4 plant nough, I depending cn the percentage ol ger I initiation to Insure a good stand " Claude Allen Surrenders. Hllbivtlle, Ya.. March 29 Starving, leeploss and fatigued. Claude Swan The LAfluvBatti powder mills at 8ou Allen came nut of the laurel thick en leg and other injuries. The couple; Wane. . J . blew up The detona ,., a the Blue Ridge, pointed two six- were walking on a hlrb trestle over the Veriniiion river Senate Votes for Smoot Pension Act. The senate rejected the Sher wood dollar-a-dny pensiou bill, which had passed the house, and enacted the Smoot general age and service pension law, which It is estimated will increase the pension roll by $20.0iin,iiii an lion shook the district for miles around ! sho n. i , toward the sky and gave him Thtee of the buildings ol the plant .., , the posse which for nearly v on- d-si. information a to t wo weeks has hunted him the furtner extent of the explosion was leji ouwi.nanie at tne company s offices at Wayne. Two nnn were Lilied and t br. othets injund Plaza President of Ecuador. Killed Under Cars. Sanborn, la.. March 29 - -Robert Mc rirannahan. aged twenty two, was killed In ISS Northwestern ards at Sahara, la He fell under a car TEE E TOS IT PERPETRATED BY WALT WDOUCALLv THE PESSIMIST. HE KEEPS HIMSELF GUESSING-. THIS WILL PR0BA3LV BE MY UNLUCKY DAY 4 W,AT IS DEPRESSING- ME P a .. - 1 V SCHCNE ,S HOPELESS ! J2J E.VERY TICK OF THE CLOCK. BRINGS ONE'S END NEARER.' r v r 1 H. ( THIS MAY SE I I MAY OIL ! I MY LAST TONIGHT! J . LADIES White button boots and Colonials -1 r.ually during the next lle years tie. ted prciideut oi Ecuador Oeaeral I conidas Plaza has been win!., leaking a coupling Eight wheels pasnil o3r l is body. 1 EASTER V J I Come and inspect the only new R ? f stock of footwear in the city M yr We- carr- most sen t , v bbsbssj I W XAL numbers in A, J 'gfo ilrniOl mm 1 iii.Ui.ll.. Wi I