Liberty-Brush Is Here! A Motor Car In Reach of Everyman $350 MOTORISTS everywhere have been talking about the remarkable Liberty-Brush automobile for $350. They have been wondering how it is possible to build a motor car tor such a price. You have heard it discussed. The Liberty-Brush is here in our show-room for your inspection on the street for your trial. When you see it and ride in it you will wonder still more and your enthusiasm will be as great as ours. We want you to investigate the Liberty-Brush carefully, for it has established history in motordom since it was announced. Its appearance and performance are as wonderful as its price. Yet the secret of its production is simple vast resources and manufacturing facilities make it possible. It is but another instance of the ap plication of modern mechanical skill and quan tity production which has brought the typewriter, the telephone and other wonderful machines within reach of everyone. The day when an established maker, with sufficient capital to build in vast quantities, would bring forth a car for Everyman, is here. The United States Motor Company, the largest pro ducer of high-grade automobiles in the world, has made the Liberty-Brush at $350 possible. You realize what a car can do for you? You know how it can save your time, the equivalent of lessening distance, and can increase your in come. It will enable you to avoid daily annoy ances of travel in public conveyances, or in the slow horse and buggy, and at the same time, it is cheaper. It will be well worth your while to investigate this Liberty-Brush now. There are scores of ways in which it is invaluable to you regardless of your occupation. The family can run to the station or the store, or take afternoon drives. Salesmen can cover more territory in shorter time saving expense of livery bills and increas ing revenue. Architects, Builders, Bakers, Com mercial Travelers, Farmers, Grocers, Insurance Men, Sewing Machine Salesmen, Physicians, Storekeepers are using Liberty-Brush cars. The Liberty-Brush is a real automobile, not an imitation, or a toy. You have heard your motoring friends speak of the advantages pre sented by a long-stroke motor, by vertical cyl inder under the hood, by multiple-disc clutches, selective transmission, side-chain drive, bevel gear differential. The Liberty-Brush at $350 has features by which high-priced cars are judged. It is easy to examine the Liberty-Brush, and we are glad to answer your questions. Ask us to tell about the Abernathy kids, ages 9 and 6, who drove a Brush from New York to Oklahoma City; or of R. F. D. Carrier Ingersoll, who drove 25,000 miles at an average cost of l's cents a mile. Or ask about the Brush economy contest in which the winner ran 100 miles for 39 cents and 98 of 109 cars ran for less than a dollar Let us explain how the United States Motor Company 'cares for your car wherever you are." We represent the Liberty-Brush here and we want you to know it. We will call for you if you let us know your address, and we can take you any place in -our Liberty-Brush that any auto mobile can go. FOREST LUMBER COMPANY A. P. LEE, MANAGER 1TEEEASZA MMinmiiiiiiiMimm n mi in i tmt s i TYPECDRITBRS AND OFFICE SUPPLIES E have added to our large stock of every make of typewriters manufactured X a large and complete line of office lixtures and supplies. Tell the Editor of this paper your office worries, he will gladly tell you how 2 to overcome them, with , latest methods. Our prices are naturally lower than elsewhere, owing to the large volume of business we do. It will pav vou to become acquainted through Mr. fohn W. X Thomas with the largest exclusive office supply house in the Middle West. Write for Information on Any Office Fixtures or Supplies You May ISeed I The Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Co. j 1406 O Street, Lincoln, Nebraska COUNTY SCHOOL NOTES Item of Interest from Surrounding Dietricte. Good Work Being Done Everywhere EIGHTH GRADE EXAMINATIONS Ten pupils from rurnl win ol dis tricts took eighth grade examina tions before the county superintend- t'lvt Friday. Ko.low Inn lire I he n;imoH and district of whleh they an' resident: David I'li-rlBtOT., Dllt. 12; John and Margaret lliirJu1, Dint. 23; John Ke.hder. Herman Render, George Raft, l)Ut. Katherine Brhill. Mangle Fitzgerald. Mat :!4: wm. Bit la, mm. ii: Uyak Oakar, Plat. i. Miss I.' nun' Douglas closed a suc cessful term of school in Dint. 1' lat Vrldn Miss Ressie Pease also closed lior term on the .same day iii I tist .IS. These two young ladles are from York. Nebraska, and de parted for their homos at that place laKt night. They have made a fav orable impression while here and Ptt Butte will gladly welcome thoni should they decide to return to this bounty. Ml8 Nina Nation returned Sunday morning from Peru, where she has completed the training course for teachers at the State Normal. She had already received enough credit for work at the Alliance Junior Nor mals to enable her to complete the course in Six months at Peru. She will receive her life certificate in May, aftei the Issuance of diplomas. INTERESTED IN DRY FARMING The home mission workers of Rome of the churches have become Inter ested in the dry farming proposition in the semi-arid distrcts of the west. This is especially true of the Pres byterian church. Rev. D. W. Mont gomery was called to Denver recent ly by Dr. Donaldson, superintendent for home missions in the Rocky Mt. district, for a conference with other home mission workers on the pres ent crisis In dry farming. In order that a report could be made to the board in New York concerning the conditions in the middle west. It is also planned to have a summer school In Colorado for the purpose of giv ing special instruction to home mis sion workers on the subject of the rural communities in this part of the west. A. M. MORRIS3EY, Crr lidate for the Dcvc -rvtic Nomi nation for Attorney General, at the Primaries April 19th, 1912. From the spring of IR'lS lo Hie fall i ! 1911, Mi Morrlssey was engaged In the practice of the law at Valentine, the county seat of Cherry county, and dining the first four years of that time, lie was the county attorney of that county. At tiie expiration of his sec nd term, he declined to hold the office longer and engaged in private practice. As prosecuting officer of this big county he met and tried cases Kg Unit many of the foremost lawyers of the state, who had been called in to defend In criminal cases in suc cessfully coping with these big men of i he profession, his reputation as a trlat lawyer spread into the adjoining coun ties and for the past ten years he has been rated as one of the moat auc lul men at the bar. In the summer of 1911 he gave up his residence at Vi lentine and removed to Lincoln, wl-ere he is now engaged In the prac tice of his profession. He was a delegate to the last demo cratic national convention and has a wide acquaintance with the party workers of the state. His friends be lieve that his nomination will greatly strengthen the state ticket, as he la the only man who has filed who la representative of the western end or the state, and this, together with his high standing aa a lawyer, will help to round out a ticket that will appeal to the voters next fall. I.e Is a native of the state of New York, but has lived for twenty yeani in western Nebraska and may be said to be one of the pioneers of the slate. WILLIAM MITCHELL, ATTORNVY AT LkW, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA BURTON & WESTOVER Attorneys at Law LAND ATfORNEYS Office First National Hank Bldg Phone 180. ALLIANCE, NEB, H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, ALL1ANOK, NEB, LAND ATTOKN ET I. oi iM'M.erlciu-oas Itrreiv,., U.H. t.itndOflto lis guarunte for prompt and efficient servlM. Office in Opera House Block ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA BRUCE WILCOX Lawyer and Land Attorney Priwtlth.ner In civil court since 1M0 ul NrlMir U. 8. Land ofttrn from 1908 to Mr Information by mall a specialty. orrioa is i.ahd orrtce Buu.Diito ALLIANCE NEBRASKA. DR. li. H. BELLWOOD, Surgeon C. B. A Q Ry. Office Over Holsten's Drug Star Day Phone 87 Night Phone 86 OKIE Col'PERNOLL Ken. Phone 20 F J. I'KTRBSKM M 41 VOTE FOR Woodruff Ball OK Viavi 1 1 1 1 T T ' t44 T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ml H Q. H. Wood N. S. Cook WOOD & COOK Painting, Paper Hanging, Decorating Carriage Work a Specialty All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. PHONES 434 and 679 LEGAL NOTICE 11 ' 11 ITf.JWiialW v" JOHN GARRETT (Saccotto rtihiUK.ifict) Transfer Line The Unknown Heirs and Devisees of John C. Clayton, deceased, will take notice that on the 24th day of January, 1U12, Theodore Colvlu, Plaintiff herein, filed his petition in ! the district court of Uox Butte coun iy, Nebraska, against said defend iinth, in.' object and prayer of which aiv i unlet title in the plaintiff to f " ioutheast one-fourth (SKV) of But t log If, In Township 27, north of ltanse 50, West, In Uox llutte coun ty, Nebraska, as against the defend ants and all persons claiming throug or under them and to exclude UM defendants and each of them from all right, title and interest therein. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 1st da of April. ItU. Dated February 21, 1912. thkodokf. 0OLVIN, Plaintiff. Household goods moved promptly W and transfer work solicited. Off lea at Rodders' Grocery, Phone 1. Ree phone 583 iota Saetty. Proi May Saetty. Sac. -Treat Nelson Fletcher Fire Insurance Agency INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS REAL ESTATE AND LOANS Alliance, Nebraska VIAVI assists Nature to do her work, and bring about natural and permanent cures without humiliation and mutilation. All information free. F.LENA M. NICHOLS, Resident Mgr. 622 Cheyenne Ave. Phone 51. ia-4 1095 State Senator At the Republican Primaries April 19, 1912 Snow Drift Flourat the Fair Store, $1.55 per sack. Phone 589. LEGAL BLANKS A large line of conveyancing and other legal blanks is carried in stock at the office of The Alliance Herald. We can supply these In any Quantity desired. Following Is list of some of the blanks carried in stock: Agreement for Building Agreement for Warranty Deed Assignment of Mortgage Application for Druggist's Permit Administrator's or Executor's Deed Hon d for Deed Hill of Sale Chattel Lease Contract for Sale or Real Estate -Mortgage font factor's Uond Contract for Ileal Ksiate Farm Lease Ksiray Notice Kxtenslon of Mori gage Indemnity Hond Lease of City Property Lease of Personal Property Laaaa Mortgage Deed Mortgage, for Coupon Notes .Miscellaneous Hond Mechanic's Lien Notes OptlaW Contract Peddler's State License Quit Claim Deed Real Ksiate Mortgage of Mortgage Reltase of Mechanic's Lieu Subpoena Warranty Ieed Warrant Writ of Replevin The above list includes only a part of the blanks which we carry in stok If there is any other blank tuai jiiu wisn, can at our oiiicc, or write for M, and we will supply the same in any quantity you (lustre. H Kit ALD PUBLISHING COMPANY Alliance. Nebraska. Valentine. Cherry Ctiiiiy FOR Mas lived IS years in the dis- t'ict and has been closely identi fied with the growth and develop ment of Northwestern Nebraska. If he is elected to the senate our district will have a man who can take front rank in the senate and our interests will be carefully guarded. He has never before been a can didate for office. Let us have new blood in the state house. Ken. Phone Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen OSTEOPATHS Rooms 7, 8 and 9, Rumer Block Phone 43 GEO. J. HAND, PHYSICIAN AND si KfltOH Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat PHYSICIAN AND SL'ROBON (SucoMaor to Dr. J. E. Moore) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK Office hour 11-18 am. 2-4 p.m. 7;M-a p, as. Office Phone 63 Res. Phone, l hTaTopsey Phyalelan and Surgeon Office Phone SAO Nee. Phone 342 Calls answered promptly day and night f roes oflllce. Offices : Alliance National BajU Building over the Post Office. J. P. HAZARD Surveyor and Engineer, ALLIANCE, NEBKASKA Parties out of town should write, u 1 II out 11, urli of the time. Charges will not el feed 15.00 and expenses per day. Dr. Oliver McEuen Physician and Surgeon HCilNGFORD, NCBR. SPECIALTIES: Diseases of Woman Children and Genito Urinary Organs All Mill answsred promptly day ot HARRY P. COURSEY Jve Stock ami General Auctioneer Farm Sales a Specialty TKIOIS kl.ASOAH;.E hone 64 ALLIANCE. NEBR. WEEKLY HERALD LOPE ARE YOUR KIDNEYS WELL? Many Alliance People Know the Im ortance of Healthy Kic-neys The kidneys filter the blood They work night und day! Well kidney remove impurities Sick kidneys allow impurlMes to multiply. No kWlney ill should be Defected. There is grave dunger iu delay. If you have backache or urinary trouhles, If you are nervous, dliiy or worn out. Hegin treating your kidneys at once ; Uae a proven kidney remedy. None endorsed like Doan's Kidney I'll Is Kt unintended by thousands. I'roved by home tent line. i Mrs. G. K. lA-idy. Tit K. .Dakota St .. Allianoe, Nebr , says: "I can highly recommend Doan's Kidney Pills to all sufferers from kidney com plaint as I have used them on a 11 umber of occasions with good re sults." For sale by all dealers. Price So cents Poster Milburn Co.. Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the Unit ed States Remember the uauie Doan's aud take no other. rit. i) 1 :. TV 1 1 : 1 1 DCNTI8T. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, PHONE 167 Alliance. Nebnska G-ec Or, 3-a.d.s"fo3r Licensed Embalmer Phone Day 498 Night 510 5 X""" SkTKMKTGMet HAS I NESS PS V S FARMS VJtI,'tn Z0 TO SELL "-ij- we uiuc Mens Club) fl AXtS TO GRIND This is a ckUeeV siiiisul to furnish in tormauon by ths distribution ol selected pubuee Uons hks tho Msjraiina. "The South Today ana Othsr rekWUe literature, to induce the hoins seaker to corns to ths Memphis district, where for from f IB TO $75 AN ACRE one can purchase land o deep alluvial richness, on which can be grown from two to fire crops a year. This is ths land of health, aood roads, good schools, and out of door work the year round, where Cotton is worth $79 per acre. Corn 60. u.. ftinn PM.tnM 4900. Strawberries S50C. etc. We have the best produce markets in the world TV low priced rich larc's in the Misaehsi district will advance rapidly. Ko such values exisi in any other portion ot : country. Sand for "The South Today" and literature free. Sand right now. Industrial ComraLeinner, Men's Club. Memphis. Tee e