My new stock of $ PLUMBING GOODS Is now arriving. Something new in Bath Tuhs and Closets. Come In and get prices A before buying elsewhere. AJ. Plumbing and Heating Phone 720 Green 43 I Wall Paper Decorative art like music or drawing reaches its fullest expres sion in the hands of those naturally gifted in that direction. Though some may acquire an understanding of the fundamental principles arrangements, harmony and contrast their efforts lack the grace and symmetry of design and purpose so apparent in others. Interested parties are in vited to inspect my work. Papef Hanging, Painting, Decorating, Kalsomining . L. E. COOK 611 Niobrara Ave. PHONE 679 Save Your Time Travel by Telephone Personal trips arc always expensive, often inconve nient.andever a loss of valu abletime. Telephoningcosts little, is just as satisfactory,' and saves valuable time. Your message might le written or telegraphed, but only the telephone injects your personality into the communication. The tele phone cohveys the power of your individuality. Telephone Convenience Far Exceeds Its Cost. Nebraska Telephone Co. Bell Telephone Lines Reach Nearly Everywhere. oooooooooooooooo o FAIRVIEW o oooioooooooooooo Mln Prudence Parrot l visited with Mrx. Ajx1oi Thursday evening. Mr, Orlffelh of Unooln Is vllt Vng with her daughter, Mm. Kreil Nason. Mrs. Oriffeth Ir here vtaVtlng wMh her children before going to New York state, where she intend ito make her future home. J. R. Lawrence and wife vlait'-d with Mr. Aspden's, Friday. Mra. M linger has been slaying in lown the past week with her grand mother who is very lck. Mis Nettle Nation closed her ttftt of sohool hi the Nason District Jam Friday .1. R. LAW fB net and wife attended the lxwry meeting In town Sunday wnmg, returning home the same evening. C. II Ackcrniun of Schlll stopped M1h T. J. Imwreneo Friday and Sai urday nights while on a business trli) to Alliance. Airs. J. C. West and aiater, Ixira Nason, came down from Hot Springs, 6. I)., Monday, for a visit with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nason. Mra. Ann lewls of Alliance has been staying with her daughter, Mrs. U li n Pahlow, whose little child (MM been very sick for a couple of 'weeks. Mrs. II ad ley has been on the sick list the past week but Is Improving (at this writing. Wm. Hilling commenced threshing corn for Louie M linger Tuesday but ihad to quit on account of the storm. Link lowry did not carry the mail on the Mantle route last Saturday, because of bad roads. Wm. Loraiiice took his cattle to his winter pasture Tuesday morning but had to take them back home the Mme evening on account of the D. R. Iiwrence and Bert Iawson rtook a couple of loads of spuds to town Tuesday. Henry Hilling left for Canada on Monday where he goes to visit a twin. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Lawrence are the proud parents of a baby girl, born Thursday morning, March SI, The two year old daughter of John I'ahlow died Wednesday of lung fev er and whooping cough. Funeral services were held at the house on Thursday morning at II oVlock. Mrs. ! Marsh vtslted Mn Glen liamon Monday of thin week. Mrs. C. H. Underwood ha been having the rheumatism of lae. Mrs. Coker went to Alliance today on a business trip. Charley Coker has moved on the .Jessie Mills place which he hns bot In the hills. Little Dwight t'lark go a very bad fall the other day from his high chair. Miss Nell Hrown hn closed her school on account of bad rtyuls. O. H. Hagaman Is vaccinating his cat He. He has lost eleven with black leg. oooooooooooooooo o LAKESIDE o oooooooooooooooo Mrs. Fred Baker of North Yakima, Wash., arrived here last Wednesday and will make her parents an ex tended visit. Messrs. Crowther, Hunsaker, Cook and WeBtover were business visitors at Ruahville this week. Mrs. M. J. Murphy and son, Cnas., were passengers to Alliance Monday Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cravat b are rejoicing over the arrival of a ten pound boy born to them last Thurs day. Mother and child are doing nicely, but slight hopes for Albert. Seems the weather is very deceiv ing this spring. Kven the geese were fooled and came north those nice days. C. H. Burleigh and Mrs. J. H. Lunsford arrived home Tuesday from Lincoln, whore they took Mrs Bur leigh for medical aid. Frank Curly, the Lakeside school inarm, was an Alliance visitor last Saturday. I'M Walter Marry, manager of the Lakeside Mercantile Co. store, went to Lander, Wyo., Wednesday to look after his ranch Interests there. C. C. Joy came into lakeside on Tuesday afternoon after a load of provisions for his ranch. Verner Moore and Mis Mildred I Infer of Strasliurgcr, were Lakeside visitors this week. oooooooooooooooo o BEREA NEWS o oooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooo o MOUNT PLEASANT o oooooooooooooooo HllllimH Ml MimilUMIIMIIIM I .jocl Still Handling:l c 0 A L My prices and quality of coal satisfy my cus- X tomers. Give me a trial. I sell for cash. Office at Keenen's Store 1 15 Box Butte Ave. Phone 6o7 J HENRY HOPKINS ilMIIIIIMIIIinillllMMillMIIIMMIIMIIMMiiiii J. C. Hawkins and family visited J. C. Wright and family Sunday and report a fine time. Mr. Robi-son and mother have leas ed the i aiii ton place and moved Ih. Mrs. Nettie Barton is visiting in Alliance this week and attending church. Mr. and Mrs. John Henley staid all night at P. S. Mailey' Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wright were visiting in this neighborhood this ek They live near Canton. Johnnie V? right, Mgt II, read the old and new Testament through In ! days and went to school besides. A. A. Wright and family were vis iting Fred Robin's Monday. Mrs. J. C. Hawkins has received the sad news that one of her cons ins In Illinois had his left arm torn otf in a corn sheller. Quite u crowd attended the Tom Gilshannon sale the 21st. Things so'd well. The lion hits gone at last and the iamb has come today, the lath. Mr. .nil Mrs. Hawkins visited Q, Q, Clark and family Sunday. P. S. Mailey is able to be arouud again. Little Johnnie Wright and Ins bro ther Stanley go one mile and a half to school and lave not missed a day through the stormy weather Mrs. Walnier has been the Huguiuuu baby through the wliooplug cough It is much better. Don't forget the box social at the Berea school house, March .'10. Joseph Barkhurst and daughter, Mrs. L Carson, spent Sunday with A. J. Gaghagan. J. T. Nabb and family and Jess Trueblood spent Sunday with Chas. Calmer. Mrs. Kunpp and daughter Rose, and Mrs. A. J. Gaghagan visited with Mrs. L. Cm son last Tuesday. Chas. Calmer went over to Chas. Riley's one day last week and bought a bushel of potatoes and had a load of straw thrown in with the deal. That was a bargain, Charley. FEEDING CAR OF OIL CAKE Stock Doing Well on King Ranch near Angora Recently we mentioned that some of the ranchmen of western Nebras ka were feeding oil cake this winter on account of the shortage of hav Cattle do well running on the MM when fed a small ration of oil cake and no hay. About three weeks ago Win. King ordered a car load of oil coke from Kansas City to be fed on the ranch near Angora run by Tom and Anna King. He informs The Herald that the cattle on the ranch are doing splendidly 011 this feed. We have observed that Mr. King is quick to recognize a good thing in a real es tate or stock raising proposition, and the promptness with which he or dered this feed to tide the stock ov er till grass comes shows that he understands the stock raising situa tion in this country at the present time and knows how to handle it. FAIRVIEW W. C. T. U. At the Fairvlew church Sunday af ternoon an interesting temperance program was given, consisting of singing, recitations, etc. The next meeting (f the Fairview W. C. T. U. will be held at 2:30 p.m., Sunday, kApril th. Denton's Variety Store Our first installment of Granite Ware and Tinware has just arrived. More coming Best Quality Lowest Prices Come in and see it. Also, our hundreds of use ful articles for the home, children's toys, candies, novelties, etc. 313 Box Butte Ave. ISohe's Bakery d? Cafe A Good Bak ery IS YOUR SALVATION When Company Arrives Unexpectedly. We have won many a HERO'S MEDAL For the numerous rescues we have made. Why Not Become a Regular Daily Patron and always be Prepared, Fancy cakes should be ordered a day ahead. THE jOLD TRUSTY I INCUBATOR 1 has the new patented copper-pipe heating system in full size of egg H chamber and extends to all four M corners; no cold corners or hot centers, a rapid circulation of warm water that distributes the i heat evenly over all the eggs. M See them at NEWBERRY'S HARDWARE CO. I i ft i i I K (' W liismau, painting contractor. 1 vmtu Easier Terms for Government Water Rights Payments for water rights on the Government Shoshone Project in the Big Horn Uasln are now $4.70 per acre first year $1.00 per acre second year- $1.00 per acre third year $:5.40 per acre fourth year $6.00 per acre fifth, sixth, seventh eighth and ninth years- and $11.00 per acre the tenth year. No Interest. 6300 acres to be opened to entry soon. BRIGHT PROSPECTS FOR FARMERS The splendid outlook for farmers this season Indicates a strong move ment to your locality in the near future. Good prices for farm pro ducts arc apparently assured for many years to come. Now is a good time to let your eastern friends know about the chances to get cheap Jands in your neighborhood, OUR NEW BOOKLETS describing opportunities for farmers to buy heap lands will be gladly sent to your eastern friends If you will only send me their names and addresses. Ilonieseekers' files from the KaM every first and third Tuesday. D. Clem Denver, Immigration Agent 1(X4 Kamam Btreet, Oman, Nebrwki J Office Phone, 5 Res. Phone. 48 t Wallace Dray Line i All work looked after carefully i Office at 213 Box Butte Ave.