C., B. & Q. Time Table Jan. 14, Effective commencing 1912, Mountain Time. Eaatbound Arrive Leave No. 42 Dally 12:13am 12:45am No. 44 Dally 12:60pm 1:10pm Westbound Arrive Ieave No. 41 Dally, Edgemont. Black Hills, Billings, 3:65am 4:19am No. 43 Dally, Edgemont, Bill ings, 12:30pm 12:50pm Southbound Arrive Leave No. 301 Daily, Bridgeport, Denver, 12:35am iSo. 303 Dally, Bridgeport, Denver; daily except Sunday, Guernsey 1:10pm From South Arrive Leave No. 302 Daily 3:20am No. 304 Dully 11:30am POST OFFICE DIRECTORY Mails close at the Alliance post fficc as follows. Mountain time: East Bound 12:20 p. m. for train No. 44. 11:00 p. m. for train No. 42. West Bound 12:20 p. m. for train No. 43. 11:00 p. m. for train No. 41. South Bound 12:20 p. m. for train No. 303. 11:00 p. m. for train No. 301. On SundayB and holidays all night mails close at 6:00 p. m. instead of 11:00 p. m. IRA E. TASH, P. M. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS Pale Faces Pale-faced, weak, and shaky women who suffer every day with womanly weakness need the help of a gentle tonic, with a building action on the womanly system. If you are weak you need Cardui, the woman's tonic, because Cardui will act directly on the cause of your trouble. Cardui has a record of more than 50 years of success. It must be good. From Friday's Dally: Frances Sturkey and Mm Duncan left today for Whitman, Nebr., on n business trip. Secure your tickets now for the Edmund Vance Cooke entertainment Saturday night. Mrs. E. C. Whetstone and Miss Bra) Duncan, two very popular ladies of Alliance, have accepted positions at Harper's Toajgery Store. Mla Esther Norbeck, a student at St. Agnes Academy, leaves to night for Gothenburg to attend the funeral .services of a friend. She will probably remain a week or ten day 8 at that place. Mrs. K. A. Ayers and children, of Sterling, Colo., are visiting at the home of Mrs. Mary McDermott. Miss Edna Cray is at present In Central Oity visiting with Jessie Barge. Mrs. Barge is a former Alli ance lady. Mrs. L. H. Highland has been on the sick list of late but is better to day. Wm, Butts and daughter Bertha of Cleveland, Mo., are In Allia nee visiting with Mrs. C. Ianion. The many friends of Mrs. Thomas Strapper will be pleased to learn there has been a slight improvement in her condition the past ten days Word is received from Mrs. J. F. Yanders, who has been confined in khe Jennie Edmond hospital at Coun cil Bluffs for several weeks, that she had hoped to be home by Haul er but now fears not on account of improving so slowly. Chas. Murphy of Lakeside has been In Alliance since Wednesday morn ing, returning from Ruahvllle that day. His brother, James P. Murphy, was cited to appear before the grand jury in Sheridan couynt on the chg. of cattle stealing. After inveatiga tilon, the grandjury refused to re turn an indkitment. E 00 Take CARDUI The Woman's Tonic Mrs. Effie Graham, of Willard, Ky., says: "1 was so weak I could hardly go. I suffered, nearly every month, for 3 years. When 1 began to take Cardui, my back hurt awfully. 1 only weighed 99 pounds. Not long after. I weighed 115. Now, I do all my work, and am in good health. Begin taking Cardui, today. Iiotopplis THE KIND THAT PLEASES YOU Better get some made at Alliance ArtStudio Very Serious It is a very serious matter to aak for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For thto reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine BLACK-KUGHT y ' Liver Medicine The reputation of thia old, relia ble medicine, for constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It does not imitate other medicine. It is better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than all others combined. SOLD IN TOWN F2 From Saturday's Daily: The Ladies' Aid society of tli" I're.-hyterian church was entertained T. Vilnesday afternoon by Mrs. W. D. Jtumer. Mrs. (5eo. Moody, being (present, was called upon to speak to the ladies, which she very gra ciously consented to do, telling them of her work In revivals, a theme full of interest to all present. Rev. Fred Berry, state missionary for Baptists, will be at the Raptist Sunday school Sunday morning. Mar. 24 All Baptists are urged to be present . Mr. and Mrs F. A. Hlvely re turned today from Sheridan where they had spent the week visit inn friends. Mrs. G. M. Banks of Marple spent the week In town. Her son of Den ver arrived on the noon train yes terday and will spend a few days under the parental roof. Norman McOorkle arrived from Omaha today where he has been at tending business college. He will fvislt home folks a couple of weeks before returning to school. Mrs. Simmons, the milliner, finds 'business so rushing that she has dispatched to Kansas City for anoth er trimmer. A. T. Seybolt, abstractor of Bridge port, was in town Friday on busi ness and incidently doing a little po litical work for his brother, Floyd Seybolt of Geneva, who Is a demo crat le candidate for state Treasurer. We are not acquainted with Mr Seybolt, the eaniddute, but judging 'by liis brother, A. T., we are pleas ed to give him our hearty endorse ment and hope to nee him carry this end of the state by a big ma I Mr. and Mr. H. . Itall of North port are In the city. W. H Miller, wiih the Heinz Pick ling Co., will Sunday at home. From Monday's Daily: Mrs. Newberry, of Kearney, ninth er of C. A. Newberry, arrived yes terday and will remain in Alliance until after Kaster. Harry ('. Nicholson, wiio was for we are sure they will bo pleased to hear of his advancement. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Braman are moving today to 420 Niobrara avenue, where they will make their home. Miss Lulu Huffman went to Den ver Saturday expecting to remain a couple of weeks. John Wallace, who recently pur chased the Rice Brothers dray line and has changed it to the Wallace dray line, has an advertisement in this Issue of The Dally. This line will give you good service and we hope the ad will be the means of bringing It some trade. J, f. Colburn went to Anaelmo Saturday- nlight on business. He Is ex pected back tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Kendall are visiting friends and relatives In the Ijikeside neighborhood this week. Mr. Kendall la a brother-in-law of Rev. C. H. Burleigh, well known in this county. He was formerly one of the proprietors of the Chadron Jjurnnl, and is an experienced printer. He kindly consented to help us out at The Herald office during our ex treme rush of work. Glenn Miller left yesterday morn ing for Grand Island and other east ern points. He expects to be gone several days. t t I FOUND l-adie' Black Fur Scarf. Owner call at Herald office for same. 8-.",t-31 Wanted. For general housework in family of two, a competent cook of cheerful disposition. Bring or send references to Lit, Ralph Talbot, Jr., Fort Robinson, Nebr. 7-2t-24 F. L. Vaughn, who went to Can ada a couple of weeks ago to look over the country, arrived home yes terday. Dr. Chas. E. Slagle, physician and surgeon. Office in Fheian Opera House block, room formerly occupied by U. S. Land Office. Phone 65. A mistake occurred in the last Issue of The Dally Herald in the list of hotel guests. The heads for the Al liance and the Hurlington hotel were transposed. Thomas Gilshannon's sale last Thursday went off very well, the stock selling at a good price. He and his daughter, Fanny Gilshannon, expect to leave the last of this week for Creston, Iowa, for a visit with friends. Geo. W. Younkin lias dlscont tamed bis auction sale. He has a stock of good goods and considers that at the prices which they are sold, they are almcst given away. He will wait awhile before selling the balance of the stock. a Harvey Myers has sold his farm six miles southeast of Alliance to Charity Honess for ten dollars per acre. The place contains 560 acres. Harvey will devote his time this spiiug and summer to taking pic tints, making his headquarters in Alliance. He has a good outfit, and does good photographic work and wilt no doubt have plenty of orders to keep him busy most of the time. He is at Oshkosh, the county seat of Garden county, this week but will return to Alliance in about a couple of weeks. his parents. Dr. and Mrs H P. V. Ttogue. reside. Since leaving there he has received word from them that the insurnnce has been paid on the iMary Allen seminary, which was burned down some months ago, and of which Or Rogue Is president fcVork will be commenced at once on rebuilding. Dr. and Mrs Rogue's Many friends in thia city will be pleised to lenrn that they re en- Jo.ving perfect health. Hon. Dan Hill, banker and ranch man of Gordon, is in Alliance today OB Imslneas. Mrs. C. C. Bushnell of Bingham Is one of the many persons outside of Alliance who. Is attending the reviv al meetings. A. W. Johnson of Norfolk. Nebr , (list rid manager for the Royal Type writer Co., was In Alliance today Forenoon. F. M. Crook, bookkesoei for the Forest Lumber Co. and an experienced typewriter man, Is agent for the Royal for Box Butte county. P. S. Olson and B. F. Oilman re turned from Lincoln a few days ago, Where they had been before the pardoning board, presenting the ap plication of Oliver Olson for a par don. It will take some little time to look over the evidence and files. It will be ten years In June alnce Oli ver Olson was sentenced and M is SeeereDy felt here that his is a case for executive clemency. Mr. Langston, who has been day foreman at the round house, left Tuesday night for Alliance, where he has accepted a similar position at it he shops there. His many friends lu re are sorry to see him leave and he has made a lot ,of warm friends in this town. He stated that he would always have a warm spot In his heart Tor Kdgemont and would feel that lie was coming home whenever he rgot off the train at this place. T he move is a promotion for him and ev eryone to glad to hear of It and they will alwav s welcome any news of further promotions that he may re ceive and will cordially welcome him back any time the whirligig of rail road employment will put him here. His services In the Presbyterian church choir were certainly appreclat ed. Edgemont Express, March 22. Elder G. W. Berry of Angora was In the city yesterday afternoon and today forenoon. He is a minister of the S. D. A. church, and came to A I Hirnoe t(8 officiate t the -PIDrtng on-Hedgeeock wedding last evening. From Tuesday's Daily: Ezra Harris of Lakeside was in Al liance Saturday enroute to Denver. Dr. L. W. Ilowinan was called to Angora last Saturday night and went down on the midnight train. PILKINGTON HEDGECOCK Popular Box Butte County Young People -United In Matrimony It is a pleasure for us to record for publication the wedding of two young people who are well and favor ably known in th'.t ity and county. At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pllkington, at six o'clock, Monday evening, March SI, 1!)12, Mr. Ole Hedgecock of Hein Ingford and Miss Frances Pilkington of Alliance were united in the holy bunds of matrimony. Elder G. W. Kerry of Angora. Nebraska, officiating. The wedding was a quiet affair, as is usually said of such occurrences when only a few guests are present. Besides the contracting parties, the! family of the bride and the offielat- 1ng clergyman, there was present Mrs Ray Hoag, a friend of the bride. The groom has resided with his parents in the northern part of Rox Butte county for much If not all of j Ins life. lie Is well known as an upright young man. The brie".? was for several years saleslady at Mil ler Brother' furniture and china store, and there became acquainted with a larVS number of persons, all of which she numbers as her friends. She) is an estimable young lady and j held In highest esteem by all who ! fcnow Iter The Herald extend heartiest con gratulations and wishes for a long THE BEE HIVE LEADING VARIETY STORI: SPECIAL for SATURDAY A beautifully decorated China salad dish and large enameled dish pan, each lc 13c Come aRtl see our new supply of FUNNY POST CARDS lc ,' i v V Women's Spring Dress Problems can all be easily solved at this store No matter what you need, a new dress or skirts, waist, embroidery, belts or hand bags big values in every instance. Stuckey Co. The Store for Women Who Care S Majestic I THE RANGE RFPUTAT ION I I fWITH A mm mmm m w m w m m -v "w S In case of serious illneas, you wouldn't call In any old doc- WE In case of serious Illneas, you wouldn't call In any old doc tor, but would get the beat doctor you knew of. The Doctor with a Reputation, the doctor that has shown his worth by years of good honest service. Then why buy any old rarge, when you can get The Great Majestic, The Range with a reputation a reputation won by years of constant, honest and economical service. The Majestic to made rlghtOF NON-BREAKABLE MALLE ABLE IRON, and RUST-RESISTING CHARCOAL IRON. All parts of the Majestic are riveted together (not bolted) practic ally airtight no cold enters range or hot air escapes, thus bak ing perfect with about Iialf the fuel used In a range that is bolt ed and pasted together with stove putty. The All-Copper Movable ReservDlr on the Majestic to ab solutely the only reservoir .woithy of the name. It heats 15 gal lons of water while breakfast to cooking, and when water bolls it can be moved away from fire by simply shifting lever. Call at our store and let us show you why the Majestic is absolutely the best range on the market. Your neighbor has one ask her. All styles and sizes. I. L. ACHESON PHELAN OPERA HOUSE BLOCK Mrs. J. H. Carroll returned Sntur day from a three weeks' stay in Sioux county. e e. e W, F. Surber of Mina.are passed ;"l1 hitp'-v 1":,lli'l "fe through Alliance ttday on his way home from Kansas City where he has been spending the winter. Miss Nellie Baker, daughter of Rev S. Raker, arrived Saturday from Billings, Mont. She will make a short visit in Alliance and then pro The newly inarritd couple left on ' the early morning train following the wedding for Portland, Oregon, where they will reside and win re Mr lltdgecock will engage in buslnesh. J. J. VANCE MANUFACTURER OF CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS $100 Reward, $100. The r.- i m t.f ihtt paper will br ,(.-. I to Irani , Ih.tl llj-rr In It .tt -Hh- (lrradnl iliwatsr Ui.tt M-H-mtJ Let US HINT 'TOPS. SALE BILL with her mother when she is Kuffi elently recovered to travel Henry Ashbtil'Ker o Lakeside came up Sunday on business and will re main for a couple or three days to attend the revival meetings Horace Rogue arrived Saturda.v merly assistant cashier of the First i night on his return from an extend ...! Hi Chii'Mifii Kiiei-lliu i-.trnrii I t"" '' " ' '' ''. mt ' M " ' r " I l.rH. I National bank of this city, has b appointed a national bank examiner. Ijast June he was appointed a state lalt a Cuiarrti Cur.- 1b tin- .mly i i nrr unw kunv.il li 11m- molK-aJ lr.it nill ( , c.rrli l in it (-.HiHtiiutioiiul rtw4v. rMiulnra a rutivtau t, mJ m-aliwia. II. ill I'ularrh urr i itn-i lie UTDftHv. Ji-llliif I'm rlii tlHi tin- UinhJ .it.il imio.iui mirfiir.- of ilk- Mit.ii Umt-I'V .l.-niri .njr 1 lie f'HIldltUtfl of tlu- (lift. m'll L'lvllilt tlv pultvllt mrr.'itrth liy buililii'S mi tlu incHtHiitimt und hm'.iiI IM nature In iI"'-iim M work. Tin- priijiririiiri have i much tallh In Hi '-I'rallvr povtni lli.il liny offer On lliridnil la-Man for any rr lll I II tll Id run. u. l for IM of ti niliiH-nlalft. Vililrrto V J 1 III SI V CO TiaXio. O. - .11 ! all I iriiu-aal : I- i .k ui. tuiuily Ciio tut oa stlpatlon. SIGNS OF SPRING ed southern trip, coming home via New York City, where he spent sev eral days transacting business with aim eiMiiiiiier. jir. .iciioison inane wholesale houses and visiting friends may be taken as a sure indication many friends while in this cliy and He visited Crockett. Texas, where that spring is not far away. IVter Kicked reports wild geese on his farm norihvveM of Alliance. This and CONTRACTOR Cement Walks, Cisterns, Basements, Foundations, etc. Cement Silos are the preference over all others In the east where they have been tested for years. I will construct these silos in the most approved manner the coming season. Let Ale Figure with You i