The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 28, 1912, Image 2

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Carelessness in Gathering and of Value When Carefully Cared "Bratesl Good to Greatest Mum-
Packing Causes of Trouble. For and Properly Applied.
Out of every five eggs that arc sold
from the farm to the omtnlss Ion man
In the city, ono In unfit for food. This
one egg Is waste, and makes a Iota to
the purchaser. The commission men
candle all the ems they purchase, and
discard those that are had. Thua the
loaa would naturally fall upon them.
The commission merchant, however.
figures ahead on this loan, so that
after all (he farmer Is the loser. If I
(By P. B. Barker. Assistant Professor
and Acting Head of Department of
Instructional Agronomy.)
Ono hundred tuns of farm manuru
la worth $200. This la a surprising
statement, but becomes more reason
able with a little consideration ami
thought of the matter. Very few have
given this Important subject Its due
attention. There la usually such a
large amount of work to do on the
Of erery fire one ts
Spoiled" A tots the. farmer as
well as the consumer
tier, With Least Possible
Injury to Anyone."
the farmer receives 2 cents, a doton
with this loss figured In. he would re
ceive 2;' centa If It were not figured.
Bad eggs are caused in several waya.
One is carelessness in gathering.
Sometimes there will be found a whole
ne8t full that have been covered sev
eral days These are not fit to go
into the case for sale. One of the
moat fruitful causes of. trouble la the
leaving in the flock of a lot of cock
erels. Except during the breeding
season these should nil be removed,
ior when the eggs are fertlllied they
spoil much more quickly. There la
no need for the roosters In the flock,
and It is claimed that the hens do not
lay quite so well. It ia certainly true
that there la a difference In the qual
ity of the egga.
There la a demand for egga of cer
tain quality, especially In the cities.
Such places aa soda fountains and
high class restaurants are willing to
pay a better price if they can be sure
of the product. The way to get the
better price la to produce better egga,
pack them carefully, and deal direct.
Eggs of uniform size and color are
much desired. These can only be ob
tained by having pure bred fowls.
Some markets prefer the dark colored
egga. while others prefer white shelled.
In packing eggs care should be
taken to keep them away from con
taminating surroundings. It la some
tlmea thought that the egg shell la a
solid armor, which protects the egg
from all odora or flavors. This Is not
true. 8nores of the moldH sometimes
penetrate the shell from a damp pack
er and the Inside of the egg tnUea on
a mouldy flavor. Flavors of fruit, veg
etable, rotten potntoes, etc., are
quickly absorbed.
It Is usually advised to pacl eggs
for special market In cases which hold
a doien each. These i r convenient
and can carrv advertising matter for
the farm.
What can a farmer Know uhout hla
soil? What Is written there that he
may read? Nature Is the greatest of
all chemists, and the analysis shown
bj the plant growth Is as certain afl
tliat shown In the laboratory
Many soils need htmun. None ex
cept peat hogs have too much of It.
Humus makes the soil durk and
flaky. It makes It loose Instead of
Sticky. It Increases the power of the
soil to hold water. Whatever is grow
ing on a soil that Is rl h In humus
grows rank and tall and leafy. This is
true of everything from pigweeds to
corn and clover The reason for the
o.rinaea anil si I oils? ETOWth is the
presence or nitrogen in the humus, aa
ell as some decaying action of the
vegetable matter. Humus Is made of
decayed vegetable matter. Nitrogen
makes dark green leaves and a healthy
appearance In plants. When there
isn't enough nitrogen the plants are
likely to show pale green or yellowish
and the leave will be thin and sparse
instead ol luxuriant.
A peculiar thing that some fanners
have noticed is that the wheat plants
will grow strong and vieoro i an(1
k..-. ovt-i-v Hiinparanee of a' . . . " .
good crop but when they are threshed
out there wll! be n lack of grain The
i U ments that go to form the grain, or
seed, are lacking In the soil It hap
pens that these elements are phos
phorus and potash. Phosphorus Is the
element thnt was found in the fish
when the colonists, and the Indians
before them, used fish for fertilizer,
rbosphorus Is an essential part of the
,.,; of wheat, oats, etc When the
plant grows vigorously, but falls to
form grain, it Is a pretty sure tndtca
tlon that either phosphorus or totash
U lacking.
Every man who has noticed and
studied the problem says that nitrogen
Is the most important e'enieut we have
io supply We don't have to buy that,
but can take It out of the air The
legume plant, such as clover, cow
t.eas, alfalfa, .-ov beans. Mc take nl
irogen out -f the all and fl it lut ta
soil The ml'owln ear It 's r dy
to be m$4 into plant growth Pros
aniv ,i T st thins to do on inert T'j
braskn If to ha ll on the mm" re.
Tre next thing Is to plant Lewi
Cowpear will grow whete so c ot ra
will not. fowpeas not on'y ei t i
oll In excellent condition and Improve
'ts fe-tllliv. but they make p reo t ex
e lie nt forage crop lor feed
farm that there is very little time to
consider the subject of farm nam"''
or anv other important subject. The
writer is frank to confess that during
the cultivating s'-nson he went to the
corn fields early in the morning with
but one main Object in mind, and thnt
was to make nine half-mile rounds.
He went to the fields after dinner
with but one object, namely, to make
nine half mile rounds. This voices the
sentiment of many farmers.
Farm Manure, a Nuisance.
Notwithstanding the great value of
manure when carefully cared for and
properly applied to the farm land, It
Is too often allowed to lay around the
barns and sheds, here It Is a mils
nnce not only to the farmer and his
family, but to the public In general.
The manure Is allowed to accumulate
to such a large extent In ninny caseB
that It Is in the way of people and
stock, and consequently Impedes the
movement around the buildings.
Some barn yard contain sin h large
accumulations of manure that the
stock cannot move nhout them as com
fortably as under better conditions.
This Is especially tine during wet
springs. Instances may be mentioned
here the cattle are obliged to stand
knee deep In mud and slush, largely
due to the cumulated manure. Many
new feed lots have been made rather
tnan remove the manure from the
older ones.
Many people have been heard to say
that they disliked to drive past cer
tain farm buildings because of the un
sightly manure piles surrounding the
barns, Rheds, etc.
It if not nn uncommon thing to henr
men and women complaining about the
unpleasant odors encountered In pass
Ii.g certain places becnuse of the vast
accumulations of this refuse. How
disagreeable It must be to live in the
midst of such odors. Is It any won
der that rotne wives wish to leave the
Of all the 111 effects of farm manure
possible, the most alarming ones are
tlpse connected with the unsanitary
environment of such accumulations
Many stock wells are unfavorably lo
cated In sonic draw or on land that is
lower than that where the barns are
located, r.nd consequently much of
the teachings from the manure are
carried Into the wells during heavy
rainstorms. The shallow stock wells
are sometime so contaminated with
such leadlines during early wet
springs that the water is colored, and
Believing lu the fundamental prin
Clplcs of Democracy, and in accord
ance with a statement which I made
about the time I filed as a Democratic'
randidate for United States senator. I
anbrnll herewith a brief declaration
of tht platform most agreeable to the
views ol the rank and file, which Is as
The greatest good to the greatest
number, with the lenst possibly Injury
to anyone, or which the following is a
part: More rigid economy; better
enforcement of existing laws; lower
the tariff to a revenue basis; construe
tlon and Improvement of highways and
public property throughout the states,
nt national expense, during periods ot
serious depression, that there may be
public employment for the unem
ployed, if anv, forcing no one to lower
his manhood by begging, accepting
charity, or resorting to crime, and, up
revival of general business enter
nrivate employment again; Initiative
and referendum ; fair and just pen
alons to those who served our country
In time of peril; make a member of
the railway commission of each state
ex offleio a member of the Interstate
rnilwav commission to represent the
state affected when rates are to be
changed in any manner, that we may
have one rate Instead of forty-nine as
we now have, enlarging the powers
and duties cf such commission. And,
. II .1 HI 1 1 IB W llll I IOT IM ' M III II I !! II I II I IIIIB IT II -H T fT
I Come and inspect the only new
k J stock ol toot wear in the city
IJf vjjA We carry most
S numbers in A, fl
jfL B C, D and E W I
IflE 1 111
(Democratic Candidate for Uuted
States Senator.)
that we may go further than the phya-
Ical valuation of common carriers, we
should require the commercial valua
tion of all common carriers; I oe law
yet the milk cows and othe r stock are r,,,a,Ulf, , ,,.,;lt m should be so mod
compelled to drink this Impure water
Many wells f'-oni which the drinking
water for the family is obtained are
located so as to become contaminated
with ItaobtOfJ from the manure One
or tht' most Important conaldarntlona
on any farm Is the posit ion of the wells
with reference to barns, feed lots. etc.
How Seme Farmers Dispose of Manure.
The disposal of the manure on live
scoc k farms ts a big one. Various
method are used in managing these
accumulations of manure.
Some farmers build their barns, reed
lots, etc., on the hillside in order to
permit the manure to be washed down
the :-:ue during the heavy rains. A
few have doomed it advisable to build
on sandy places, since the large por
tlon ot the manure would leac h into
tne soil, leaving the yards in a drlei
condition than would be the case on
heavier soils which are more or lest
level. Many farmers are making a
free use of their whe at straw for bed
line purposes to absorb end hold the
I'.qntd manure and at the same tlm
dmtnJttt-rini ,n lO0 comfort of thr
stock A Kicnt number are s?rapinfi
t'i manure onto nearby field-, where
the anaUcationa an apt to bo toe
t e iw and preqneal for best crop ri Ma
Una ouanlities of manure are hauled
fram livery hams and dun peel intc
nonrbi leMs. Bnmo Imtanees, by tht
ray, have been observed where sued
dumping grounds were lu the same lo
ralitv where the town pe ople ge t tbeil
'ce for the summer.
According to data iu the office ol tut
tOnitrimtnl of instructional agiouoiuj
which baa been collected In the past
UWOO years from persons registered It
the soils classes of the college am
school of agriculture" and wintei
cours.-a. numbering about jnN indi
v'dunls from Nebraska farms, a very
'.arae portion of the manure is hurnet
or a.s(ed in other ways A few local
Ules are us'ng all the manure for far
t'.llzer pnKOteo. Many are applying
about per ce rt of it to the land
..nd many counties are utilixing les
.hnn fin ne i cent in any way whatever
White button boots
and Colonials
fled as to n leas" the innocent public
w ho. at pn se nt are legally charged
with knowledge! of rates which, on ac
count of :!ieir multiplicity, it is 1m
hoaaiblet for them to know. It is bet
ter that tkO railway be forced to lose
where b y have made undercharges
hi fielv' i or passenger rates than to
subject the innocent public to higher
rates oi I rlminal prosecutions, as is
the cas. under the present law. Con
nervation of all national resources;
election of United States senators by
fttrect vote of the people; International
arbitration as well as between labor
and capital: such remedial trust legis
lation as will best relieve the public
from tiniuat exactions, and so plain
nnd eleor that honest business efforts
mav not be thwarted through a mis
conce ption of the law. The rights of
the state should be carefully guarded
r.nd In no nianrer surrendered In viola
tion of the- federal constitution and Its
amendments. The national incorporo
tion act, as proposed, would soon he
come serious menace to the general
welfare of the people and the rights
of the :.lates. is an undemocratic
measure' and should he defeated The
Aldrich COtTOncy bill Is equally threat
entng injurious and unjust and should
neve r be permitted to become a law
Knih r.ronosed measure should he
considered fairly and justly with
view of Improve ir nt upon the strue
ture ol our laws and In the adnilnistra
tion or lonttro. and 't should make no
difference from w'.-ut source or party
the measure is a-: . need, if It Is a
good It shou'-J M supported, tl bad
It should be rele'ed.
If noi.iinatel and electe?d I shall do
Oil in mv power to carry out the fore
fjolng platform. Wild IS E ROED
St. l-ouis. March 22 Daniel Calla
Inn war arrested by postofftce Inspect
o:s, who say Jie is wanted for complic
ity in three diamond robberies, aggre
anting USO.Qiti l ,n' robier of a
.oMeittire sub station In St. I ouls and
other thefts.
it la mlataken Idea that sparse
feeding is fa.orable to reproduction
It Is, nonrevejr, true that a method o
fcec'.ng which induces excessive fat
ties is unfaorah!e to reproducti to
Union raw Division mm
P.'rrary Bill in Michigan.
Lansing. Mich., March 22 The
Miring; r house passed an immediate
effec t proa! dentin prontrenoo primary
bill. The measure Is now before the
Senate, where it was defeate-d during
A New Town at a Railroad Center
If you are looking for a location
get busy and investigate North
port and its probable future
We need a drug store and a hardware store. Tell
your friends about it. We want live boosters who
are willing to work for the development of the North
Platte Valley.
II you want to know anything about Northport or its
surroundings call at the office or write.
The Northport Townsite Co.