The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 07, 1912, Image 8

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    FREE! absolutely FREE!
"The very style that
was made for me"
WHHN a delighted customer
makes this remark about the
coat or suit we have shown her, she
pays the highest compliment that
a designer or a store can receive
We hear it often in regard to WooLTEX
garments. For these masterly creations
are designed and tailored with such con
sumate skill and fashion knowledge that
they seem made to a woman's own or
der. We are showing a selection of the
choicest productions for the season in
coats, suits and skirts.
See them today.
Grey with Dark Stripe, Silk lined, $22.50
Novelty Blue Diagonal 20.00
Tan Diagonal, Messaline lined . . 25.00
Large sine in all wool, grey, silk lined 27.50
oanagnitii n.H bug.
Fancy Trimmed Blue Serge, Champagne WHli
Serge Collar and Cuffs, a nifty up-to-date spring coat at $13.50
Beautiful White with Black Stripes, trimmed in a rich green,
large reveres, a snap at $17.00
And many others others we will he glad to show you at any time
Call at our store for particular I sitting of the following pieces, 3-qt. seamless covered pail, 2-qt milk pan,
sauce pan, 4-qt. sauce pan, 5-qt. pre- 2-qt. pudding pan, 3-qt. mixing bowl,
in regard to a beautiful $45.00
serve kettle, 6-qt. Pectin kettle, 17-12 inch basting spoon, 12 inch deep
Kitchen Cabinet and equipment aa dl,h Pn Mr seamless coffee ladle, 1-qt. dipper, 2 pie pans and 2
Dot. 3 pin seamless tea cot. 2-qt. drinking cup.
follows: rolling pin; potato masher;
To be liven away
Saturday, May 4
Every customer will receive
an aluminum cover note book
7 glass Jar with aluminum screw
caps for spices, tea and coffee;
glass measuring cup; alarm clock; 25
pound family scale; large size food
chopper; a 6 piece cutlery set con
slating of a butcher knife, bread
knife, 2 paring knives, meat fork
and meat knife; also an 18-piece set
high grade granite ware in blue mar
blelzed finish with white lining, con
Brown Suede Pumps 3.75
Two Strap Dull Kid 2.50
Two Strap Patent 3.00
One Strap gun metal 2.50
Black Satin Pump 3.50
Two Strap Tan Pump .... 3.50
Two Strap White Canvas .. 3.50
Gun Metal Button 3.50
Tan Button Oxford 3.50
Dull Kid Oxford 3.00
White Canvas 3.50
Dongola Blucher 2.50
Gun Metal Blucher 3.00
New Rubbers just In to fit any ladies' shoe
We are exclusive agents for famous
Black Velvet Button 3.50
Cravenette Button 3.50
White Canvas Button . . . . 3.50
Pat. But. Cloth Top 2.50
Tan Button 3.50
Misses High Top Pat. But.. 3.00
White Buck 4.00
Velvet Top Gun Metal 4.00
Vlcl Kid Button 2.75
Petticoats 69c ea. i Our Basement for Remnants
We have on sale at all times
Ladies' Guaran- 7 c 0 nr
teed Silk Hose ' Hr-
25 off
Choice of our en
tire stock of
Blankets Satur
day and week
following at a 25
per cent discount
10c Hosiery 10c
Infants' Stockings, all colors, 10c
Children's Stock's, all sizes, 10c
Men's Half Hose, black
and colors, 10c
Ladies' Thread Silk Hose at 29c
Men's guaranteed
Socks. Men's 25c
half hose in black
and all colors at
21c pair
6 pair, $1.15
Best Lisle
We have a large assortment in
this department. And can sup
ply ydu with the best grades at
the least money. And we have
at all times the latest styles,
best fabrics and newest modes.
Ask to see tur No 667 if you want
i stylish, law bust, long hip Corset
Special value at
Oar Name Self Adjusting
Reinforced Corset at . .
$3 oo
Bath Mats Sale
10 off on all
Bath Mats and Rugs Sat
urday and week following
Heavy Turkish i QC
Rug, fringed, at I "Oil
Other Rugs Proportionately Cheap
Grand Opening in our Millinery Department, Thursday, March 14
A carnation to
each lady visitor
The Horace Boaue S
Train Muster D. J. Nelson had
business on the high line nearly all
of last week.
Miss Dorotha lioag of Youngs of
fice has been off this week with a
very severe case of tonsllltls. she
Is slowly recovering and hopes to
be able to report for duty next Mon
et. Bmkeman John Castle was laying
off this week on account of the sick
ness of his wife.
Station Agent J. H. Kennedy of
Hemlngford was a passenger to Oma
t.a on No. 44 last Sunday. He went
to consult a specialist In regard to
Ms leg which was broken October
29. 1011, and is still giving him
Miss K.I m.i Hullock. office attend
ant In Dr. Bellwood's office, la tak
ing a short vacation She expects
to make a n ip to Norfolk. Columbus
and Ravenna.
The marriage of Mr Ogam Young
of Marsland came as a great sur
prise to his many Alliance friends.
Oeorge has been In Allian c sever
al times since but did not toll his
secret The following is a clipping
from a Denver paper: "Married at
Denver. Colorado. Dev. II, Ittl, Mr
Oeorge Young of .Marsland, Nebras
ka. and Miss Myrtle llackenberry of
Bast Waterfurd, Pa., the Rev. Dr
Elder of the First Presbyterian
church officiating."
The third o( the Lenten teas given
by the ladles of the tfplscopal
church will be given at the home of
Mrs. J. A. Armour Thursday after
noon. Brakemau Asli returned Tuesday
from a three weeks' vacation spent
In eastern Nebraska.
Conductor Arthur Pickett has been
laying off this week. Owing to
lack business Pickett is on Bullock's
onr as rear bmkeatnn.
Passenger Hrakeman ltobert Mori
fort has been off several days on
account of sickness.
The trains on Monday were about
nine hours late on account of No.
4S being stuck In the snow near
Kara, west of Newcastle. No. 44
had to wait ut Kara, and No. 41 at
Upton. The snow plow was at
Morecroft so men had to be sent to
dig No. 46 out.
Passenger Conductor Zollinger and
Freight Conductor John Leidtka
were in Dead wood this week on bus
loess. hast Sunday No. 4:.' ran through an
open switch at Waco and struck the
way car of a freight, completely de
molishing the way car. A colored
porter was tlie only person hurt on
No. 41'
Mrs. D. Fitypatrick went to Oma
ha Sunday. On Tuesday she re
turned accompanied by Miss Agnes
Rowland, who has been in the hos
pital for the past threee weeks. Her
many friends are very glad to hae
Miss Rowland at home again.
Machinist Kd Kugen has resigned
and with his family has moed to
a farm near Aurora, Nebr.
A sneak rhief went through the
pockets of Kngineer Pete Rowland
ut Seneca last Saturday night and
stole his pocket book and nine dol
lars in money. He was sleeping in
the hunk house. A man w ho would
do such a thing is on a level with
the boomer who tells the hard luck
story of a sick wife to beat his
Mr. and Mrs. K. it. Morrison came
in last Saturday morning from Lin
coln Mr Morrisou had been in
Chicago on company business. Mrs
Morrison had gone to Lincoln to vis
it relatives anal meet Mr. Morrison.
aits i. uosKtns came In on
delayed No 41 Sunday morning from
Lincoln, where she had been fori
tho past week visiting relatives.
A card from J. T. Hughs, at one
time a brakeman hero, says that he
god Former Hrakeman Tragasser
are In Long Beach, Cal. Me says
they are having a fine time but to
keep the latch string on the outside
as there is no telling when they may
feel the call of the sand hills in old
Hrakeman Fred Vaughn has taken
a thirty days' layoff and will go to
the Paciric coast, and Trom there to
Canada. He will leave here March
18. On Monday he went to Ravenna
for a visit with his brother, Frank
The engineers who took a pleasure
trip to Canada some time ago have
returned. N. T. Shawver and E. B.
Holman are in Alliance. George Bell
went on to Oalesburg. where his
family are visiting.
Galesburg may be an all-right
place to work, but one of the Alli
ance men sent back to one of our
leading clothing stores for his spring
suit. He couldn't find anything
there that suited him half so well.
Passenger Brakeman Weidenham
er is planning on a trip to the home
of his parents in Oalesburg as soon
as a man shows up to relieve him.
Mrs. G. A. Hildebrand of Craw
ford is visiting in Lonu Pine, Nebr.
Mrs. Hildebrand has a beautiful
voice and lias been kind enough to
sing for the revival meetings being
held there.
W. H. Corey, formerly yard mas
ter at Kdgemont, has accepted a
position in the yards here.
Mrs Charles Olson of The Dalls.
Oregon, is in Alliance, being called
here by the serious illness of her
father. Mr Haker. Charley Olson
was for some time a freight conduc
tor h. re but is now on the Oregon
short line. He has had steady work
on a work train all winter.
a very serious one. Mr. Hunsnkcr
is a nephew Of Chief of Police Ihin-saker.
Box Butte County Farmer Raises
Full Blooded Cattle
As will be seen in our Herea Items
this week, Charley Calmer arrived
from Madison county last Saturday
and moved on to the O. if. Sunder
mann farm northeast of Alliance. He
brought a thoroughbred bull from
the herd of Walter Sundermann of
Madison for P. J. Knapp.
Mr. Knapp already had fourteen
full blood .short horns, besides other
cattle, and the animal brought by
Mr. Calmer makes a fine addition to
his already valuable herd.
The program used in the observ
ance of Lincoln legion Day at the
IT. P. church on Sunday, February
25, was a good one. and deserving
of some mention, which It did not re
ceive last week. There was a good
attendance, which was, of course, an
encouragement to those who took
part In the exercises. The first
part of the program was Scripture
reading alternately with the classes.
The second part was made up of
children's speeches, one number be
ing a dialogue by one of the small
est classes. The third part of the
program was a chart talk on tem
perance. This waa followed by the
classes going to their usual places
and most of them signing the pledge.
The S sters of St. Joseph's hospit
al desire to express their thanks to
the Daughters of Isabella for sewing
done, and for reading matter fur
nished last week.
. 4 i I
Sunshine Maitland
For Range and Furnace
All Kinds of FEED
Wholesale and Retail
litland I
Tuesday, at Marsland, Hrakeman
F. K Hunsaker, in steppiug off an
engine, slipped and sprained his
ankle. The report came to Alliance
shortly after the accident happened
that he was fatally hurt but we are
glad to learn that his Injury la not
The ladles of Degree of Honor
lodge will meet In their hall Thurs
day evening, March 14th, at 7:30.
All members are urged to be pres
ent as important business is to be
Mrs Kngstrom, who is here from
Chit ago participating In the Woman's
Presbyterial, will lecture tomorrow
(Friday) night in the First Presby
terian church at T:30. All who have
beard atra. Fngstrom w'ill desire to
. - v .L : BM
, f ' . .. i f ,
. I
:j vW
At Stuckey's
and Opening of
handsome new
styles in Ladies'
Hats, Dresses,
Waists and
March 16, 1912
hear her again, and those who have
not heard her should not miss this
Gingham and percale at Simmons
There will be a meeting of the
Woman's Club tomorrow t Friday af
ternoon with Mrs. (1 F. Hamilton,
at 617 ltrami Ave.