Classified Advertisements ABSTRACTERS F. E. REDDISH Bonded Abstracter. I have the only set of abstract hooks In Hox Butte rounty. Office In MrCorkle Building. 10-tf-670 TO RENT FOR RKNT. Rooms for Unlit housekeeping; nlso single room Phono L'!"'. !MIS Hox Untie Ave. 13tfll20 FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT 314 Sweetwater Ave., Phone :i87. 1 Iff 108,1 Three rooms for rent. HI 4th St. Phone 674. 11tfl089. West FOR RENT. Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. No children. 603 Box Butte avenue. Phone 196. 3tf959 MISCELLANEOUS HOUSE CLEANING WANTED. Inquire at Henald office. lOtf 11062 VALUABLE PAPERS LOST In dueling deeds to land. h;t on Sntur day, Feb -4, between Alliance and my place eight miles north weal Finder ples leave at The, Herald office or return to nie. K! L I 1 13 PETER KICKEN WANTED, by boy in High school, work after school ami Saturdays Enquire at Herald office tltflilQ Repair and Oil Harness and Tanning Now is the time to repair and oil your harness. Don't wait till spring when you and the harness man are buy. but DO IT NOW Call and aee my samples of tan niig. Select a good hide and bring It to me and I'll have it tanned in 30 days' time. Highest price paid for hides. 7tfl018 GEO. A. HILLS. Buy your coal of Rowan & Wright. Phone 71. tf Money to loan on real estate. F. E. Reddish. 3tt Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and posts. Phone 71. tf FOR 3ALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. 100 egg Queen in cubator; will be sold at a bargain. Enquire at Nohe's Restaurant. 13-1-1121 CALL FOR PRECINCT ASSESSORS' MEETING On the 14th day of March, 1912. the precinct assessors of Box Butte County, Nebraska, are requested to meet at the Court House to get their books and supplies, and for the transaction of such business as may properly come before the meeting. E. P. SWEENEY, 10-4-1059 County Assessor. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC FOR SALE. Rhode Island Red and Plymouth Rock cockrells for breeding. Also, pullets. Eggs from and Plymouth Rock eockerls for breeding. Also pullets. R. I. R. and P. R. eggs for hatching. Prices rea sonable. 519 Big Horn Avenue. My wife, Mrs. Bessie Pickett, hav ing left me, notice Is hereby given that 1 will not be responsible for any debts she may contract. Dated at Alliance, Nebr., March 2, 1912. A. J. PICKETT. HORSE SALE FOR SALE. 160 acres good tann ing land, In Sec. 3, Twp. 24, Range 51, near Kllpaxxich's Dam. Address MRS. M. HELFRECHT, 618 Nichols St., Springfield, Mo. 12-41104 E. I. Gregg & Son have a large amount of first-class alfalfa and wild hay at a reasonable price. 48tf779 I will sell at my livery bam at Lakeside, Nebraska, commencing at 2 o'clock p. m., on Friday, Mart 15, wenty head of horses, consisting of work horses, saddle horses, 1 and 2 year old colts. This Is your chance to get a work horse or a colt that will grow Into money. The colts are good heavy bone that will make their buyers money. Terms, eight months' time on bankable paper at 10 per cent. RAY WESTOVER, Manager. L. M. SCOTT, Auctioneer. W. L. MARCY, Clerk. Four room, cement block house, in Belmont Addition to Alliance, for sale at a big bargain. Will take less than it cost to build if sold soon. In quire at Herald office. 4tf964 Coal office at Rowan's feed store. ROWAN & WRIGHT, phone 71. tf Old papers at The Herald office at 5 cents per bunch. Old papers at The Herald office at 5 cent per bunch. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE All of my household furniture for sale, consisting of rugs, brass bed stead, mattress, springs, dining room chains, rockere, dresser, roll top desk, Kurtzman piano, book case, at private sale, at Snyder's dray office, 210 Box Butte Ave. B. H. PERRY 6if984 All klnd of dyeing, dry cleaning and pressing. MRS. W. H. ZEH R1ING. Phone 635. 9tfl048 FARM IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE For sale: 1 Disc, $15.00; 1 Spring Wagon. $25.00; l Stirring Plow, $5; 1 Breaking Plow. $5; 1 Old Wagon. $5; 1 Set Light Harness, $5; Open Buggy. $12.00. A. D. WHIR. 8ec. 20. 27-53. miles northwest of Canton. 1 Utf 1 ioa GASOLINE LIGHTING PLANT FOR SALE. One 5-gallon gaso line tank, 25 feet hollow wire and two double gas burning lamps all complete and as good as new. Will sell for a song for cash. Inquire at Herald office for prices and partic ulars or at 109 Box Butte avenue. J M. DONOVAN. Alliance, Nebr. i::-2-U24 Viavi VIAVl assists Nature to do her work, and bring about natural and permanent cures without humiliation and mutilation. All Information free ELENA M. NICHOLS, Resident Mgr IH QwyWH Ve Phone 651 i:;-4-i095 Let me figure on your bath room outfit. Satisfaction guaranteed. E. W RAY, Plumbing and Heating lltf1072 HEMINGFORD W. M Spencer left on 44 Wednes 1 1 a for Denver on business. Mr Bradford Fcnner and family left on 43 Wednesday for Chadron. where they spent a few days visiting with Mrs. Kenncr's parents. Mrs. C. W. Canfield was a MNS ger to Alliance Wednesday on 44. The Ladies' Aid of the M. E. church met with Mrs. 0. .1 Wildy on Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Frank McCoy came up from Alliance on 43 Wednesday for a vis it with her daughter, Mrs. Cliff Huh ble. Miss Edyth Hroshar came in on 4:: Wednesday from Scottsbluff. wh ere she has been spending a few days visiting with her sister. Rev. Cox was an incoming passen ger on 43 Wednesday from Reno. Omar Scrlbner was a passenger to Alliance on 44 Wed. returning on the local freight Thursday. Mr. Chandler from Sioux county was taken suddenly 111 at the Hubs Hotel Tuesday night. He Is under the care of Dr. Boland and Is getting along pretty well at present. their home about eight o"clock to spend the "veiling. (lames were played until h late hour, when I hey departed for their homes. Mr and Airs. Pradford and child ren (ante in from Chadron on 44 Sunday. Mrs Alex Doh.-eoti and daughter Ellen left on 44 Saturday for Lincoln for a few days' visit before ROtBfl to their new home in Iowa Win. Spencer came in on the local freight Saturday, returning to Den ver on 44 Monday. Ora Phillips came down from Mars land on 44 Sunday. Misses Kuth and Blanche Wlltsey oanie down from Crawford on 44 Sunday, beginning school Monday Otto I'hrlg came up from Alliance Sunday, when he has been working for tht Newberry Hardware Com pany. Mrs. Win. Spencer has been quite sick for the paat few days, but Is reported some better at this writ ing. .Mrs. Ed Wildy and mother, Mrs. Potmesil, were passengers to Alli ance on 44 Monday, going down for a couple of days' visit with Frank Potmesil and family. Oren of Lead, and Eugene of PI dts mouth, Nebr. The sister. Rose, and brother, William, were presi n1 a the funeral, which whs held irom the Congregational church Tuesday, March 5. Rev. II (). Cox officiating The body was Inld to rest In the He uiingrord einctert The bereav ed ones hnve the sympathy of the COtnAtMlty in their hour of sorrow I DR. F. W. BOLAND Office Over First State Bank Hemingford, Nebr. tor in the Boyd a. Barker law iii. ,n Mliance. Wednesday J. T. Nnbb and Jesse Tt lie blood made a business trip lo Alliance O Wednesday . Prospects are good for favorable weathe r and gcod crop conditions the outing spring and summer, and farmers are expecting to raise a bumper crop. Mrs. Jesse Tun Mood visited at the home- of .1 T. Nabh We dnesday. oooooooooooooooo o BINGHAM o oooooooooooooooo The weather in this locality has been disagreeable the last week; blizzard like and cold. Miss Marguerite Welch went to llyannls Sunday, returning Monday. Win Welch returns! from Valen tine last week by way of Alliance. Jake Craning spent Tuesday af Mrs. Lydia Tracey and daughter Ethel were east bound passengers Thursday for a few days' visit with I business " - ., M, .,, I ' 1 .1 I I V 1 n 111 .MI.IM, " B. E. Johnson left on 44 Monday for the eastern part of the state on NOTICE OF HEARING OF THE PROBATE OF A WILL State of Nebraska ) ) Box Butte County ) TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN BEUT- LBR, DECEASED. ' Whereas, Margaret Deutler, of said county, has filed in my office an Instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of John Beutler, late of said county, deceased, and said Margaret Beutler has filed her petition herein praying to hare the same admitted to probate, and for the issuing of letters testamentary, which will relates to both real and personal estate: I have therefore appointed Satur day, the 16th day of March. 1912, at 9 o'clock In the forenoon, et the county court room in said county, as the time and place for hearing said will, at which time and place you and all concerned may appear and contest the allowing of the same. It is further ordered that said pe titioner give notice to all persons in terested in said estate of the pend ency of this petition, and the time and place set for the hearing of the same, by causing a copy of this or der to be published In the Alliance Herald, a newspaper printed and published in said county, for three successive weeks previous to the day set for the hearing. In witness whereof I luive hereun to set my hand and official sail this 24th day of February. It'll. (Seall L. A. BERRY, 134M48 County Judge. Alex Muirhead was passenger on 44 Thursday from the West, where he was spending a couple of days on business. Mrs. Ella Hlckey spent a few days last week visiting with her daughter Mrs. Fred Davison. V C. 8. West was looking after bus iness matters in Hemingford the lat ter part -of the week. Miss Stella Klester closed her term of school In the Wlnten Dlst. last Friday and returned home Sat urday. The Addy Brothers and their fam ilies came in with their household goods from Iowa Friday. They go on the Lynch farm, vacated by Hen ry Smice. a H. A. Fish of Crawford was an in coming passenger on 44 Friday, go ing out to the Advent Home. Will Snyder and family have mov ed on to the Lynch farm vacated by Ed Stigele. Bert Langford came In on 44 Fri day from Crawford where he attend ed the funeral of his mother. Ernest Spencer came In on 43 from Denver Friday. He will assist "Wm." In the lumber yard here. Alex Olds weut out to Potmeslls' j Miss Mabel Hazard came up from an incoming lance on a Sunday for a visit with the Misses Carter. turned on 44 Monday. She re on the river Thursday to repair automobile for Jas. Potmesil. in J Mrs. Lydia Tracy and daughter re turned from Alliance on 43 Monday, after a few days' visit with rela Bert Mart and family have moved onto the Qoodenough farm west of town. Mr. Miller, a brother-in-law of W. D. Johnson, came In on 43 Tuesday. They will move to the farm vacated by Bert Mart. Mrs. Bradford Fenner and child ren visited at the homes of C. J Wildy and Dr. McEwen the first of the week. Mrs. M. Hutton has been on the sick list for the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bell have mov ed Into the John Anderson house In the west part of town. Mrs. Philip Michael was the win ner In the Hemingford Journal con i t, she receiving the Singer sew ing machine which the Journal gave to th lady receiving the largest num ber of votes. Alex Muirhead was a passenger on 44 Tuesday, going down to Mor rill on business. Mrs. Fred Hueke was a passenger to Morrill on 44 Wednesday. Miss Fannie McCoy of Alliance has been engaged to fill the place as teacher at the price school, made vacant by the resignation of Mrs. Geo. Young, formerly Miss Myrtle Hockenberry. W hi taker's team from Canton came in Friday, taking out a load of coal the next day. John Mart came in from the east Thursday for a visit with his broth er, Bert, and family A number of the young folks sur prised Miss Ina and Carl Hucke on Saturday evening by gathering at ernoon at the home of Wm. Breck- ner. Ill On March 15th there will be a house warming In the shape of a dance at the new home of C. V. Townsend. A large crowd Is expected. Leslie Ballinger returned from Denver with his bride last Sunday. They will live on his ranch twelve miles south of Bingham. It is rumored that Olen Ban- and Miss Marie Calder were united in wedlock the first of the week. We wish them a happy and prosperous married life. Ml There will be a dance on the 16th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rupert twelve miles north of Bingham. Mr. Rupert pitched ball for the Chicago settlement vs. Bingham last sea son. The box social at the Bingham school house was a grand success and largely attended. The boxes sold fast at. a good price. The bid ders were keen to buy. Misses Hazel Stuckey, Delia Breck- ner and Rose MeNulty of Alliance attended the box social. oooooooooooooooo O FAIRVIEW O oooooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MALINDA 8QUIB8 o oooooooooooooooo Another fall of snow has covered the ground to the depth of about four Inches, which puts the ground In excellent condition for crops. Mr day. McLean went to Angora Frl- Mr. and Mrs. Cal Duerr; Mr. and Mrs. Wescott and John Duerr and family visited at the Bert Miller home Saturday. e Mr. Dean organized a singing school at the Mallnda school house Sunday, the 18th. They will meet every Sunday at 2 o'clock p. tn. when the weather Is favorable, eo let everybody come and help sing. Mr. Dunlap and little girls went to Alliance Friday I II Mr. Burns went to Alliance Sun day after Mrs. Burns, who wm In town all week with the baby which was sick. Fred Wescott and wife departed for their home Tuesday, after mak ing an extended visit In this vicinity. CANDIDATE IN CONTE8T Alliance Man Trying for Omaha Daily News Prize tiara Belle Warner was lorn on March 26, 1886, at Rapid City. S. D.. and departed this life March I, Ltll at the age of 25 years, 11 months and 5 days, after a very short Ill ness. The deceased came to Hox llutte county with her parents when only a child, and grew to woman hood here. She was murried U Elmer L. Vaughn February 13. 1 !oi'. at Alliance, Nebr. To this union one child was born. She leaves to mourn their loss, a husband, a H 1 1 It son of eight years, two sisters, three brothers and many friends The si.-ders are Mrs. Cora Butler of Rap id City, S. P., and Mrs Rose Foster of Washington. The brothers are William Warner of Rapid City, S I) . Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pagan, who have made their home in Alliance the past year, left Monday night for Hampton, Nebr., where Mr. Fagan becomes manager of the farming la te rests of his father, Thomas Fagan, a wealthy retired farmer. Mr. and Mrs. Fagan made many friends dur ing their stay in Alliance who re gret very much to lose them but wish them success in their new home. The Herald will keep them posted on news of Alliance. $100 Reward, $100. Tbr readers o( thl paper will he pleased tn learn thai -l-err la ut least one drcailetl dlaeaae that acleuce haa been ible to cure In all u ataura. and thai la Catarrh HaU'a Catarrh Cure la the only positive, eure now known to the medical (rutemllj. Catarrh being a roeircltuttoual disease, require a eoualltu ttonal treatment Hall Catarrh Cure I.- taken In ternally, acting Clrectly upon the bloud and mucous jrfacea of the ayatem. deatrojtng the Inundation of the dtaeaar. and giving I be nutlet ' strength by bullillng up the constitution and assist Ing nature In doing It work The proprietors have ao much faith lo It curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollar for any cane that It falls to cure. Send for wm of testimonial. Address F J. CTIKM'.V A Cv . Toledo, O. Htgd by all Druggists, lie. lake Hill rainllv fill for constipation. THE BEE HIVE STORE PHONE 214- Special for Saturday. March 9 A 10-qt. Heavy Retinned Dish Pan The sale at Mr. Trenkle's on last Thursday was well attended, every thing selling well. John Pahlovv moved from the Sam Trenkle place, which he farmed last year, back to his own place. Frank Westenberg, who left here a couple of weeks ago going to Col orado, returned Sunday morning. He has not yet decided what he will do this summer. Hall Rust has been quite sick for several days, being unable to attend school. D. R. Lawrence bought 8(1 acres C land in section 17-2-47, which wa sole! by the- m eminent us an iso lated tract, last Friday. a ' ). John Wchr. of Leaver Crossing, Nebr.. moved onto the old Logan place Saturday. His wife is flatting friends in the a!,t and will not come here for a couple of weeks. Link Lowry broke the rear axle' on his 'auto while on the mail route Saturday He brought out a new axle Tuesday with which he repaired It. I) It Law re lief has been very ill tor several days but is improving at this time. Mr. Roily, who fanned the Logan place last year, has gone to the sand hills, where he has taken a homestead. J. R. Lawrence butchered three fat hogs, which he took to town on Tuesday. There has not been much visiting a molil.' friends and neighbors the tiMKt wM-k on account of stormy weather. P. W. Hicks of Alliance la a can dtdate In the subscription voting con test which is being conducted by the Omaha Dally News, and The Herald sincerely hopes that he may win the automobile which Is being of fered as first prise, or at least one of the other nineteen valuable prizes. We had Intended to make this mention sooner, but It is not too late yet for readers of this pa per to help Mr. Hicks in Ills en deavor to win, as the contest will not close until the 28th or this month. The Omaha Dally News is an Interesting paper and the price Is lower than that of most dally pa pers. The dally coBts but $2 per year and the dally and Sunday, $2.50. We hope that all readers of The Herald who are subscribers to the News and wish to renew or wish to become subscribe i s will notify Mr. Hicks at once. BLOCKADED AND AN 8-QUART PRESERVE KETTLE FOR 14? EACH A ST. PATRICK SOUVENIR FREE Every Houehold in Alliance Should Know How to Resist It The bac k a li; because the kid neys are blochadi d. Help the kidneys with their work. The back will ache no more. Lets of proof that Moan's Kiduey !' tl do this. It's the best proof, for It comes r in this vicinity. John i. Llngte, Wayntde, near 'hadron, Nebr., says: ! first used oan's Kidney Fills while living in Iowa several years ago. At that line I was Inning a ;;nat deal of rouble frs-in backache and an almost onatant soreness across my kidneys. I I caught cold, the complaint was aggrevated and I was unable to vw.rk I took teveral remedies but was not benefited until a friend ad vised me to try Doan's Kidney Pills nd I did so. They cured me and had no trouble until I came here about h year ago. Doan's Kidney ills benefitted na as before and tt was not long before I was well." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 !ents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, New York, sole agents lor the Unit ed Stlte Remeuiber the- name Doan's and like no other. t oooooooooooooooo o BEREA NEWS oooooooooooooooo Charles Calmer of Madison, Nebr arrived in Alliance last Saturday and moved on the O H Sundermanu place. Mrs. P. J. Knapp and Miss Ros Knapp visited Miss Carson, stenots WEEKLY WEATHER REPORT Readers of The Herald at a dis tance from Alliance who have land Interests iu this country will be pleased to learn that prospects for the coming spring and summer are very favorable The weather the past week has beeu disagreeable most of the time but it is looked up on as favorable for farming. Snow has been falling and lias thawed to some extent. Tenia noon it ia snowing and thaws as it falls. The weather forK-ast is for snow flurrlea tonight and Friday und colder to-night