Published every Thursday by The Herald Publishing Company. Incorporated SCHOOL BOARD MEETING JOHN W. THOMAS, Editor and Mgr. The circulation of thin npwipapfr la guaranteed to be the largeat In western Nebraska. Advertising ratea will be furnished on application. Sample copies free for the asking. Subscription, $1 50 per year In advance. Alliance Board of Education Convert ed In Regular Monthly Meet ing Monday Night SUPT. W. R. PATE RE ELECTED Entered at the poatoffice at Alli ance, Nebraska, for transmission through the mails as aeoond-class matter. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGh ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES .MEW YORK AND CHICAGC BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1912 STRAW VOTE RETURNS Showa Breeze in Box Butte Neighboring Counties Blow ing Strong for Clark and CONTINUES ANOTHER WEEK Th Herald's straw vote will close one week from today. Readers of The Herald who wish to vote but have not done so yet are requested tc send In their votes at once. Use tiie following blank: Name of Person Voting Add re Political Affiliation , First Choice for President Choice for president, whether candidate or not: For Democratic Nomination First Choice Second Choice For Republican Nomination First Choice Second Choice Following is the result of the vot to date: First Choice Champ Clark. 19. Woodrow Wilson. I. Bryan, 1. Rooevelt, 1. Second Choice Clark. 2. Harmon, 1. Wilson, 1. Underwood, 1. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Council Meets in Regular Session Tuesday Evening for Trans action of City Business CITY TREASURER'S REPORT The regular monthly meeting of he hoard of education of the Alli ance city schools was held In the superintendent's office at the High school building, hist Monday even lr The matter of elect in superin tendent for next year was taken up and Prof. W. R I'ale was reelected by a unanimous vote, at an inc rease of one hundred dollars in salary. His re-election was expected and will give universal satisfaction, as he done good work and Is well liked. In the matter of school bonds vot ed at the laRt general election for Improvements, Secretary D. W. Hughes reported that the bonds had not yet been issued for the reason that a question has been raised as lo the constitutionality of the law under which these bonds were voted. A case from University Place, test lng the law, is now pending before the supreme court. The bids for the contsructlon of the addition to the Bmerson building were not open ed but will be held until the ques Hon concerning the law has been settled. After the transaction of some routine business such as the allow ing of claims, etc., the board ad Journed to meet at the call of the chair. City council met in regular ses on, March 5th, 1112. Officers pres nt: Mayor Harris, Councilmen New berry, Martin, Snyder nnd Vaughan tlnutes of the previous meeting eRd anil approved. City officers' reports were received and read a8 allows: Report of Police Magistrate for 'ebruary. 1!M2: Fines $61.75 Marshal Fees .15.70 Lowry- Moody Meetings The Lowry-Moody meetings at Beatrice closed Tuesday evening of this week. Many people were con verted and the Rev. Mr. Huston, a former Alliance pastor, writes that Beatrice never hnd such an awaken Ing before. Mr. and Mrs. Moody ar rive in Alliance today noon and will remain here until the Alliance evan gellstlc campaign is over. Rev. Os car Iowry will arrl'v the latter part of next week. The meetings will begin Sunday evening, March 17th and will be held In the tabernacle to be erected across the street north of the Prake Hotel The seats are now being made and the building will soon be put up. It will be well heat ed by stoves and though a tempor ary structure it win oe made com fortable even for cold weather. Ar rangements are being made for large chorus under the direction of Mr. Moody, and an orchestra will al so assist In the music. Ietters of congratulations have a ready come to Alliance because w have secured such strong workers as the ixjwry party to lead us in thl campaign. A great blessing is store lor tms city. iet every on have a share in it. ADDITIONAL LOCAL Mr. Fred Keavitt entertained Sunday school class of hoys at home last Tuesday evening. CHAMP CLARK. W. H. Zehrung bas su far recov ered his health as to join with his force of employes iu bis contracts that have been couiiug lu for spring work. Rev. O. S. Bakev returned from Omaha yesterday moraine on 41 where he has been vUitisg with his wife. Mrs. Baker has been iu hospital there for mhuc time He daughter. Mrs. Bwek. who resides iu Chicago, MM to Omaha and upon returning horn- was acoompunied bj Mrs. Baker, who will make an ex tended visit in Chicw Total $97.15 City Treasurer's Report, February !)12: Receipts Bal. Feb. 6th. 1912 .. .. 21518.96 Marshal Fees :i5.70 21554 66 Disbursements Sewer 35.80 Park bond 4000.00 Water bonds 2249.54 Bal., March 5, 1912 .... 15269.I12 Art. Nelson, ditto ::.95 I. C. Carmtcle, lowering water pipes in street 4.40 C. A. Anderson, ditto 4.50 The following motion was carried by unanimous vote, that the City i lerk be instructed lo present bills to all the property owners for whom the city had thawed frozen water service pipes in the streets last winter and to collect the total cost of same. Thnt the City was not liable for water service pipes free ing In (he streets. SIGNS STATEMENT NO. 1 ULMT PCS D mm LI SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Sabbath school at the residence of ITof. O. Mi Burns every Saturday af ternoon al 2 o'clock. Topic of next lesson, "The Mil lennium." MRS. JOHN P1LKINOTON, Supt. U. P. CHURCH 21554.36 Recapitulation Park Bonds 1000.00 Water bonds 3345.36 Light bonds 7120.40 Light Sinking und .. .. 3314.97 Sewer 3 16. ".8 General Fund 172.12 Karl I). Mallery has yielded to the requests of friends and filed as can didate for the republican nomination for state representative for the dis trict composed of Box Butte and Sheridan counties. He is well qual ified by education for the position, and while having had no legislative experience, he has hnd some obser vation while attending the state imi versity Unit may be helpful to him in the event of his election. He is popular nt home and no doubt will also receive considerable support in the north end of the district. While Mr. Mallery has other qualifications that commend him to the public, that which is most pleasing to us is the fact that he shows himself in harmony with the present day spirit of progress by signing Statement No. 1, In regard to the election of United States senator, which pledges him to vote for the candidate re ceiving the largest preferential vote in the Btate. Bal. March 5, 1912 .. .. 15269.32 General Warrants unpaid 1378.67 Report of Water Department for month ending Feb. 15, 1912: Operating Revenues Water rents 781.54 Merchandise 54.95 Maintenance of water metera 118.30 Operating Expenses Cost of Pumping Salaries Office sup. and ex Maintenance of water meters 964.79 223.75 105.00 17.40 18.00 429.15 Gross Income 525.61 Number of water consumers Feb. 15th, 1912: 668. Report of Light Depart nient, for month ending Feb. 15. 1912: Operating Revenues Commercial Light earnings, 1982.27 Com. Power earnings .. .. 105.83 Com. Lamp supplies .. .. 157.70 Merchandise 163.80 City Lighting I6I.7B Water Dept. pumping . . ISt.76 Misc. earnings 77.15 10:00 a. m Sunday School. 11:00 a. m. Preaching service. 6:30 p. m. Y. P. C. U. 7:30 p. m. Preaching service A. L. GODFREY, Parstor. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays ot each month at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. First Sunday in each month at 11:00 a. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 10:00 a. m. Junior Auxiliary, Chapter A, meets every Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. Junior Auxil iary, Chapter B, meets at 2:30 every Sunday afternoon. GEO. G. WARE, Missionary. A. M. E. CHURCH Meetings in Marks' hall, northeaet corner Laramie avenue and Third street. Sunday school at 10:30 a. m. Preaching at 7:30 p. m. All are wal come. BAPTIST CHURCH GERMAN EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH NOTICE FROM 8TATE ENGINEER The Herald is In receipt of a no tice from State Engineer D. D. Price, secretary of the State Board of Irrigation, Highways and Drain age, notifying all persons interested in water appropriations from the Platte river and its tributaries to ap pear at the office of the State Board of Irrigation, Highways and Drain age, State House, Lincoln, Nebraska, April 3, 1912, to protect their rights and to submit evidence in support of, and nd verse to, the adjudication of the water rights claimed by the Kearney Water & Electric Power Co., of Kearney, Nebr. The Kear ney Water & Electric Power Co. claim the right to divert four hun dred cubic feet of water per second of time from the Platte river. Drake Building, 519 Sweetwater Ave. Services every Sunday morning, at 10:30. Sunday School every Sunday morn ing at 9:30. Everybody is cordially invited. Parochial German-English Lutheran school every day except Saturday and 8unday, from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. TITUS LANG, Pastor. 523 Cheyenne Ave., phone 359. Sunday sc hool, 10 a. m. Morning Service, 11 o'clock B. Y. P. U., 6:30 p. m. Kventoig Service, 7:30. Mid-week service, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. This will be a union service at the First Presbyterian church. You are welcome. GEO. A. WITTK. Pastor. CARD OF THANKS FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Dr. Kunz and Mr. Frold Sunday visiting in Denver. spent 10 a. m., Sunday School. 11 a. m.. Public Worship. Subject, "Evangelization the supreme work of the church." 6:30 p. m., Christian Endeavor Topic, "Christian testimony thai counts." Leader, Mr. Bundy. 7:30 p. m.. Public Worship. Subject for evening, "What will do for the sinner." All Invited. Strangers welcome. We desire in express our heart felt appreciation of the many acts of kindly assistance and tender sym pathy extended us by our neighbors, friend and the Royal Highlanders Lodge, in our great bereavement. I the Illness and death of our beloved wife, daughter aaid sister, Mrs. R. A. Tull. We desire to make special mention of our thanks to Mrs. Knight, the nurse, for her kindness and unceasing efforts. We also thank the many friends for the beautiful floral offerings and espec ially the friends at Alliance. MR. R. A. TULL MR. AND MRS. S. S. COX MR. O. C. OOX MR. G. H. COX MR. C. C. COX MRS. WM. ARMSTRONG MRS. ADOLPH WIND, God METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Olin S. Baker, Pastor 10:00 a. m. Sunday School. Graded BiLle Classes. 11 a. m., Public Worship. 6:30 p. m. Young People's Ep worth League Meeting. 7:30 p. m. Public Worship. Wednesday evening, 7:30 o'clock, prayer meeting, union service at this church. OBITUARY NEXT WEEK Next week we will re-print from the Wymorcan, a paper printed at the home town of Mrs. R. A. Tull. deceased, an extended obituary notice. Remember the waffle supper at the Mounts home next Tuesday evening. Miss 1 1 a el Stuckey returned from Bingham last Monday where she has been visiting with friends for a few days. Enjoy yourself St. Patrick'! Da bv attending the dinner at Holy Kos ary church basement, from 12 to p. m. The pupils of th sixth grade. Cen tral building, with their teacher Miss Monier. were entertnined Miss Mary U ykoff at her home on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Sylvia and two children of Franklin, Nebr., are spending th Wrath at the home of Mrs. Thorn Britt. daughter of Mrs. Sylvia Mrs. Curtis has received her n hotel range mentioned u few week ego and is now as busy as a bee putting out home baking for her cus toniers at the Charters Hotel building. Mr. Cable, manager of Ihe Horace lUgue store during the absence of the proprietor, orders a half page ad in this Issue of The Herald. In which will be found some matter that will ptrV interesting reading to buyers. We call attention to It on the last page The many friends of Camille Nohe. who is attending law school at Anu Arbor, Mich., will be glad to know that he Is getting along nicely and will oon be entirely recovered from the operation on his nose which he underwent some time ago. The New York Hut Shop moved this w?ek into the building tormerly occupied by Mrs. S. J. Holdridge. but more recently by the Phillips Land Company, at 403 Box Butte avenue. This gives a somewhat better location and a very much better room. 2869.25 Operating Expenses Merchandise Set .39 Power Plant labor .. .. 296.60 Fuel for power 769.78 Misc. expenses .4.00 CoOUMrciaJ lamp sup. .. 257.12 Misc. g. n. expenses .... 1.72 Custone rs Premises ex., 2!Uo Snlarii 175.00 Office ap. and ex 17.20 .Main; I aance of light meters 25.00 1640.81 Gross earnings 1222.44 New customers during month, II. Number of light customers Kebr. 15, 430. The following claims were allowed: City of Alliance. W L dept., water and light claims . . S444.W i J, Kridelhiiugh, f rt . on new boil- eira & I I Q:l City Of Alliance, W and L dept., city lighting 169.15 City claim dept.. street and sewer labor 29.45 B 0 Keek, concrete work pow er plant building 900.92 C. A. Newberry, mdse 4.45 Herald Pub. Co., printing and publishing 7.00 E. C. Whisman, labor .76 Tom Tuck, board pris 20.00 liraut V- l.etton. witness in sewer case 30.00 .las. Keeler. auto, hire .. .. 6.00 Clarence W. Zurn, guarding, pris oners 8.00 K M Nussbaum, labor .. 45.80 M. F. Donovan, special police, l.Voo F. K. Donovan, night marshal and Janitor 75.00 I K Hunsaker, sal. and ex .1. H. Carlson, labor 7.50 .1 1) Emerick. sal. and ex .. 26.10 Ben .Ionian, killing dogs .... 2.00 F. W. Harris, sal. and ex. 16.67 C. C. Barker, salary 62 46 The following claims were received but not allowed: A. P tiordon, thawing (rosea, wa ter pipes in street 6.60 T. R. Randall, ditto JI K W Kay, ditto 13.95 First Showing of Spring Hats We SurelyLead with Our Spring of 1912 Millinery Op ening THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY March 14-15-16 We carry the largest stock of first-class millinery goods in the northwest, and our prices are always the lowest for the best goods and latest styles s S See Our TltA A U4 Display of 1 dllUI CU dHU rdUClll I Id lb We take pleasure in pleasing you First-class trimmers always ready to artistically fit hats that will please the most fastidious customers yvY r. s I7V17VOINS 310 Box Butte Avenue