The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 07, 1912, Image 2

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Items Culled from Columns of Es
teemed Contemporaries for
Herald Reader
Rev. O II Mnrleigh came up from
tiordon Friday and paid Mils office a
fraternal visit . He Is traveling with
wimple for the Collin
House and has a flue line. He re
lnt Mrs Burtotitti aa til In a
peemrious wtate of health since Berlfa,
awful experience In that runaway ne-
.1. nt Pro. Hurleigh make his
home In Crawford, where his daugh
ter Oladys and husband are located
Rushvllle Recorder. Feb. 2.1.
The revival meetings In the M. E.
enure h were brought to a close las
Sunday night, wlien Dr. ( Jones
prenohed an injtereallnjr sormon on
( Mldren, to a large congregation It
would have been a good thing If ev
ery pan-iit MMM haTe heard some
of the truths the divine had to de
liver, for we believe that 90 per
eent of the average parent do not
Mm ('. K. Mathews is visiting
friends In Alliance thin weak.
I, T. Poole returned Iumtio from
the west laat Saturday. Mrs.
Charley Kvans returned from a few
days' vleit with friends in Alliance
Mrs MM lltinsaker of Al
liance Is spending the week visiting
at the home of Thomas Hiinsnlicr
Marsland Tribune. March I.
L. W. Wilson drni o down from
Calendar Mernn in his auto Tuesday, taking
Mr. 8. K. Warrick of Alliance with
him Hroken How Kl i'ress. reb.
' Superintendent and Mrs. II
M. Mnrra went to Alliance yester
day, where I'rof. Marrs served
one of the Judges In the debating
contest last night. Mrldgeport
News-Blade, March 1.
; .
Mason Writes in Rhyme of
Winter Discomforts.
Oh. winter bus Its Joys and charms
as I've remarked before; we do not
heed the storm's alarms. Its fury or
Alliance Public Library Continues
Make Progress in Meeting
Demands of Public
Headers of The Herald who have the articles in this paper in N
sard to the Alliance public library
ktnoW of the progress that institution
has been making under the effi-
lent management of its board of
directors, and particularly under the
patronage of the Alliance Woman's
Club. Mrs. Nellie U. Wilson is the
present librarian. This paper was
furnished last week a list of books
recently added, but the Item was
crowded out or our last issue. Wo
are pleased to publish the list this
week, which is n-s follows:
List of New Booka
"Strawberry Acres," by Orace Rich
Secret Garden," by Francis Hodge
son Burnett.
Htmly their children close enough to wh bv . N w slt and 'ZY'" T", .
realize some of the tragedies of droWKe an SUf.k H lrrlai,s stem; hut Iron Woman. by Margaret
child life. In the making of future on nt, nMin ww mlk(, 11P COWB
citizen, ket alone Christians.
5 o'clock a.m ! The hired hand he
the end of the sermon a large part taveH ng rOUOh before the rooster
of the congregation advanced to the (roW!.: wonder that he has a
altar to shake hands with the preach- KroU(,h aH he put on his clothes?
and say a good word -iRushvllle Thevre (.0ider than the law allows.
with ice along each hem; and he
must go and milk the cows at 5 '
",eier I clock a.m. Down to the arctic barn
he goes and packs his frosty pall;
and Bossy biffs liiim on the nose
r night In town. Felix bought the wMl her lon fro7,en tai1: ly ian.
rarm, consisting oi mows, "i ,ua.c. would the dead arouse -each
Fred and they were up having the CU8gword is a gem; I weep for him
transfer placed cm file This gives wh ml,ks tn- cowt. t . 0(.ioek a.
renx a nice prace oi mv aeres, m Ta,k not of haraf,hlpH or of Woe
wfhleh will permit him to keep quite ye who at we recline, till ye have
Recorder, Feb. 2.1.
Felix Sandoz and Fred
eatne up from Running Water pre
clnot on Tuesday and remained ov
a number or cattle besides all tne
good land he wanta to farm. Ruah-
vilte Standard. Feb. 23rd.
Mra. Dr. Copsey of Allinnoe. who
has spent the past three weeks vis
iting her mother, Mrs. Mary 'O'Bry'
tin, and other relatives In and near
Broken How-, returned home Mon
day morning.'- Custer County Chief,
Feb. 23.
The Misses Nora and Swendola
Johnson were visitors at Alliance the
fore part of the week, going down
Wednesday. h. l. Hawkins.
sat In sleet and snow, to milk tlhe
spotted kine! When old King Win
ter doth carouse with Ice work dia
dem, abed tears for him who milks
the cows at 6 o'clock a.m. Walt
'Queed," by Harrison.
Whining of Barbara Worth
Harold Bell Wright.
"Harvester," "Freckles," "Girl of
the Mmberlost," by Gene Stratton
"Children or Tomorrow," by Laugh
'Bluebird," by Maurice Maeterlinck.
"Sidney Carteret," by Harold Bind
Broad Highway," "Money Moon,"
by Jeffery Farrol.
Mlsa Gfbble Gault," "Mary Cary,"
by Ilosher.
"Glory of Clementina," by W. J.
'House in the Hedge," Henry Bar
Following of the Star," by Florence
Woodcarver of Lympus," Mary E.
Robtnettn," by Kate Douglas Wig
Everything To Go
Colburns Cash Store
Hay Springs News Gives Advice
that Others May Use.
The question ot who shall repre
sent the (list ritt composed of Box
Butte and Sheridan counties in bh
next abate legislature, and the part
wno ii 1'iimh a lew nays , district ,, p,. ,,.,, t
in nome. iiueniimg to niaim-rs con ,,,;,, i,,
I ...t, . I ..... l I ! . 1 ..I J . ...1. 1
iiwieu won seuuoi imuwi iiuinwir ...... u, ..,, ,.,,i., h.Il .-
taav crirtm uw ii it i ii in n j " no
52, Sioux county, returiuKl to hl.s
work at Alliance, Sunday. In
Mead of going to Alliance lust week
as he Mild he would, Ben Curtis
made a trip to RajmtBjrtfeftt, bUJ w,
are informed on good atrthoHt that
he made the Alliance trip Tuesday
We hope this explanation will be
awrricient, a.s we meian to he truth
ful. A farmer near Can-
think it is about time for Hox Hut.te
and south Sheridan to have re-pre
scntatli.n in the s::itc legislature
The following it tin Irom last Fri
day's Hay Springs News makes
some suggestions that ot liens may
ait upon:
M the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Ar
thur H. drove, six miles Dorthweei
or Alliiince occurred the wedding of
Mr. .lames II. Strasak and .Miss O
deasa Weir, Sunday, March :i, Judge
orrii lating. Only the rem
nd a few immediate friends
were present. Arter the ceremony
bonoteOUl wielding dinner was
The bride has been a resident or
Sioux county and the groom has
Crown to manhood in this part 0!
the state. They will make their
home on Mr. Sirasak's ranch nt Lis
ten brought in the blowing list of but ,lf ls not g)lu, ,n He
KepiescinatiM- w, u. ivent says 0 Nebraska. The Herald extends
it has always been customary, when I ,nKra .llatlons and best wishes for
in office to run for Hie second tftn.a R and happy wedded life.
I'. . .lohaiistn made a ool race
for this office a few years ago, and
lie would have liei n elected
produce to exchange for supplies:
35 pounds of butter. 15 dozen eggs
and 1" pounds or beans, for which Lt.iee
he received $lti.5S. How is this Tor
hi? And thie is not iniKsslble for
moat any one, ordinarily. Canton
correspondent, Curly Sentinel. Feb
9, 1-912.
Pete Watson was moved down
near Mltthell right aftir his acci
dent, to be closer to ;.he doctor's
care. Fete wae reported much bet
ter and Is getting along nicely
Howard Lashley took Ifaalph laFev y(. editor was a visitor to Alllanc
. . .. I kk II.. M. i II n - ' I A . . ...
er nu uiiin-j xu mnciien ine lauer uist sat urdi'.y, and while there was
part of last week. Mrs. laFever entertained most substantially by
and the children left ror Missouri, the Kaglea and Klks, who did everv
The postal authorities
at Vah
liabiliiy of
pust uuusters to make mistakes in
getting letters in wrong boxes, have
ln around his head and therefore rued a i ualty of two hundred dol
lars on persons taking mail out of
the offi other than their own and
for a not re in ning it at once. The law
also iiK i:i'efi newspapers. The ex
cuse ih.i it is the post master's
fault ' i ,.ts iiio Ice." If you have
been gjtting other people's mail
out of the ost orrice and not re
turning It, better quit now before
you get yourself in trouble. Ex.
if his opponent had not received the Ington, recognizing the
greatest number ot votes. He liais
always heard an "official bug" tuzz-
he Is going to resign in his favor
Now, Fred, get busy, you know
erybody here would "vote
home man."
n on
and Mr LaFever went to Alliance
Curly teatlMt, Fh. L'
The CuRjure Club uu-t Thursday
htliing possible to make enjoyable the
time pattscd in their city Moth
.cluli rooms were thrown open to
("elf and friends, and Carter ("aider,
afternoon. Mrs. H II Keimund was Al Seufert ami die Wortiiy President
elected delegate to attend the dis
trict convention to be held at ('had
ron April 10. Mr. and Mrs
(Thas. Weston, of Hay Springs, pass
ea tnrougti v rawtoid ruesmiy on
thair rturn frcm a business
pleasme trip to Alliance.
Mrs. H. 11. New , ot Orel la . w as a
Crawford vb:tor Thurst'ay
K. L. Mctauley. supei inteiident of
const ru Hon work for the Cr.nwford
Tekeehone Co.. has been suffering
with a severe attack or rheumatism
and his condition was auh tliat it
wus thought best to send him to
the Sinters' hospital at Alliance,
which was done Tuesday. -Crawford
Tribune. March 1.
Mr. and Mm. Chat- Westou vis
ited relatives ar.d friends in Alli
ance the first of the wek.--Hay
Springs Enterprise, Marc4i I.
Eugene Hurtou ot Alliance, as
si&net of the eetote of Hosier &
Fetter ot Angora, received ouly
one bid for the ... t of uierctuui
dlse lam Tuesday, aad uliat for on
ly $20U. Mr. Burton will now pro
ceed to sell Lie stock at retail. '
M. Huntukcr of Ijakevide ts vis
itiig (bis week at the home ot his kv 1
brother, Thomas Huosaker.
of the Eagles did the entertaining,
of w(hich ajt they are past masters.
Mr. Calder ls making good as secre
tary of the lodge, and has the sup
port of all the members. Mr. Sei
atel feit devoted his time to our enter-
tainment. and is certainly a grand
best. -Edgemont Express. Eeb.
The Columbus IMemaph of March
1 saya there Ls a boy in that town
who has snow white hair on his
head but who lias seen onl fifteen
birthday anniversaries. This boy
whb born on February J'.itli Febru
ary L'!th of this year was his fif
teenth birthday We would like for
iome of the boys and girls who reed
The II, i. .1,1 to tell us in what year
tie was born and how old he
was on Ins last bin Inlay If w
ni-ie un iiieir last mrt Inlay. If we
receive any answers before next
punihatlon day. we will be pleased
0 publish tlie same with the names
if Hie boys and giris sending or
bribing them to this office.
Mi Donald brass and nickel plated
piumuiug goods none better. Sold
W. Ray. i'lunibiug and Heat
Adam Zurn, brother of Judge (ire
gory Zurn, arrived in Alliance last
Tlhursday from his home near Craw
ford, dining through with a load or
honey When Mr. Zurn left home
he had with him more than I ,."i0
pounds for sale but bail disposed or
all but L',15 pounds by the time he
reached Alliance in his apiary are
tin stands of bees which gather thejr
honey from alfaUa fields, and u
very good product il is, too.
The Nebraska Kxperiinent Sta
Hon has just ruoed llulletin lj:t.
wliich includes the t suits ot sever
al years' work in 'i tenlug hogs on
alfalfa and oru. and on a'falfa. corn
and other grains and mill products,
at the North Platte Substation T;ie
results of feeding alfalfa hay in
the rack, chopped alfalta anil alfalfa
meal, and of feeding various propor
tlons of corn und alfaira are compar
ed. This bulletin rollows Hulleiin
121. which shows the cost or keeping
brood sows, the cost or the pig wh u
it has reached the w light or 5u
pounds and the cost or pwrtaf pigs
during the summer This bulletin
may be had free of cost by residents
of Nebraska on application to the
Agricultural Experiment Statiou,
1,1 li oln Nebraska.
A New Town at a Railroad Center
If you are looking for a location
get busy and investigate North
port and its probable future
We need a drug store and a hardware store. Tell
your friends about it. We want live boosters who
are willing to work for the development of the North
Platte Valley.
It you want to know anything about Northport or its
surroundings call at the office or write.
iff ,he
Northport Townsite
ri kAtVi