The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 29, 1912, Image 8

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    h'f ! f-fr I' I' t
( Continuwi from page three.)
Supt. WeMenhamer went to Hen
os Saturday on conipan business
Mr Weldenlmoier, who has been
pending a few days visiting la
Seneca, returned wllh him on No
48 Sunday.
Engineer Guy Allen, who has
been running Hie helper engine at
Ardmore, returned to Alliance on
No 44 Sunday.
Fireman H. F. Trenkle of Heneea
pent a few day visiting in Alliance
thla week.
Claim Agent Phillip of the Bur
lington went t Bridgeport Sunday
m company business.
Fireman Clarence Hull writes to
Ms brother, Roes, of this city, that
lie was In a head-on collision on
ibe main line between Peoria and
palesburg. No one was hurt.
D, H. Wagner, eX-chlef- clerk of
the train master's office, writes that
lie ta nicely located on his farm at
Logannport, lnd.
Conductor ft Campbell la laying
off. Conductor Kddie Deard ha
Ills car and crew.
Engineer Will White returned
from Lincoln, where he has been
visiting; relatives.
Road Foreman K. R. Morrison
came in on No. 41 Saturday from
Chicago, where he has been on com
pany business.
Road Foreman E. R. Morrison re
turned to Chicago on No. 42 Monday
Mrs. Morrison accompanied him as
Car as Lincoln, where she will visit
Cor a few days.
Mrs. L. A. Baschky of Crawford is
visit inn In Alliance a few days this
Brakeman A. E. Judson has gone
to work again, after a long epell of
Special Saturday only.
A one pound can of high
grade violet perfumed tal
cum powder for 16c, Sat
urday only.
Bicknell Grocery Co.
Contracts for New Bridget Across
North Platte River at Bridge
port and Bayard
The Herald is in receipt of a let
iter from State Knglneer I). D.
Price, enclosing "blue prioit" state
ment showing bids received at
Bridgeport on the .Morrill coutity
state aid bridges, February 20, 1912.
Both of the bridges were approxi
mately eight hundred feet long, one
design was a 83 ft. span concrete
girder, and the other a BO ft. span
concrete arch with the Luten pat
ents of piscement of steel.
The fills contain approximately
.18,000 yards and surfacing 1,400
Tile contract was let to John L.
Mullen, 645 South 18th street, Lin
coln, Nebraska, for $41,600.00, being
everything complete including two
brldgtes of the girder type, one at
ltayanl and one at Bridgeport a
cross the North Platte river, with
fills and surfacing.
Work will probably be commenced
on these bridges early in the spring.
The people of Morrill county are to
be congratulated upon the prospe.-t
of soon having two of the best
bridges in the western par of the
state. Persons who have been us
ing the old bridges will hiKhly ap
preciate the change to the new
when that is made.
Seed Corn Train Behind Sched
ule, but Farmers Wait,
Bennett Piano Company
up Reputation
The following pianos have been
Bold by Mrs. J. T. Wiker of the Ben
nett Piano Co. during the months
of December and January: Pete
Watson, Mitchell, Nebr. ; Mrs. Sarah
Gilleran, Alliance; J. 8. Shelton.
Marple, Nebr.; Woodmen Lodge,
Lakeside, Nebr.; Minnie Ring, Orel-
la, Nebr.; Glenn White, Majestic
Theatre; Karl Harshman, Crystal
Theatre; W. A. Grubbs, Harrisburg,
Nebr.; Mrs. II. A. Cunningham, Al
liance; F. J. Coil, Marsland: A. K.
McDermoM, Eastwood, Nebr.; A. L,
Honeycutt. Morrill, Nebr.; M. K.
Coleman, Alliance; R. B, Driscoll,
Alliance; Guy Miller, Alliance; B. L
Gardner, Marsland, Nebr. : L. I).
Blair, Reno, Nebr.; O. E. Williams,
Alliance; Mrs. Poole, Alliance.
Subcribera to The Herald who
wf-h to know how their subscription
account stands may find out by con
sulting the dates stamped with their
Mines on their papers or the wrap
ters These dates are given In fig
ares, representing the month, day of
month and year to which paid.
9ov instance, a subscriber who is
paid up to today will find stamped
with his name on his paper, or the
wrapper In which it is enclosed,
2-29-12, which means February 29,
Following are the prices paid for
produce, Thursday, Feb. It, 1912:
Butter 25
Eggs 17
Potatoes 1.00
Miss Edna Duncan entertained on
Thursday evening In honor of Mari
on Mark of Ft. Morgan, Colo., broth
er of Ray Mark of Alliance.
Bananas, 35c per
Bicknell Grocery Co.
Maitland I
A Ll
c o
For Range and Furnace
All Kinds of FEED
Wholesale and Retail
Lectura Cars Filled, Though Snow
Cuta Down Attendance to Average
of Hundred and Fifty at Each Stop
Between Lincoln and York.
York, Neb., Feb. 27 The Nebraska
seed corn special, scheduled for towns
on the Northwestern from Lincoln to
Fremont and from there to Stockham,
left Lincoln three hours late and ar
rived in this city two hours behind
schedule time.
The attendance was onVfourth what
it would have been had the train ar
ilved on time. The average attend
ance at the first seven atops was about
150 farmers
At David City 200 farmers waited
three hour? for the train. At most
points the two lecture cars were filled
and a great deal of interest was manl
fested. Reports were made that large
numbers of farmers all along '.-.z route
were testing their seed.
At all stops the farmers are com
mending the university in its seed corn
campaign. The severe weather has no
doubt cut the attendance more than
one-half. A largely attended evening
meeting was held at Stockham.
Frank G. O'Dell, secretary or tne
Nebraska rural life commission, was
in charge of the special
Farmers Snowed in.
Prague, Nab., Feb. 27 The Burling
ton seed orn special from Platts
mouth to Prague did not draw a large
attendance. The blizzard and bad
roads kept many at home, but In spite
of all this a fairly good attendance
greeted the train here and all present
expressed themselves as well repaid
for coming and from the hour lecture
gathered much by which they will
Attorney General Appoints A. W. Scat
tergocd in Sellers Case.
Attorney General Martin has named
A. W. Scattergoou oi Ainsworui
to represent the state before the Cher
ry county grand Jury which met at
Valentine Monday. The appointment
grows out Of the lyncning of Charles
Sellers and the pleading guilty of four
young men to a charge of murder.
The charge is that guilty parties
have been shielded and that then la
much more to the tragic artair tnan
has yet come to the surface. Mr. Scat
tergood is a practicing attorney at
Central Union of Lincoln Doesn't
Want Him in Car Hearing.
The Central lJbor union of Lincoln
has protested against Dr. Winnett
siting in lodgment of the Lincoln 5-
cent fare cast- when It come up be
fore the state railway commission, on
the ground that he had previously ex
pressed an opinion on the merits of
the case and for the further reason
hat before being elected a member of
he railway commission he was em
ployed as physician by the street rail
way company.
Farm Lands Advance in Price
Omaha. Feb. 2 - -' Nebraska is en
tering upon the best year In its his
tory." said H. J. Plerson of North
Platte. ' While Lincoln county U not
experiencing any boom, lands suitable
for agricultural purposes have ad
vanced 10 to II per cent in price since
last fall ami there are plenty of buyers
t these prices, This is in a measure
ine to the snlendid outlook for a
bum per crop the coming season."
Fire at Geneva Damages Stores.
lieiicta. Neb., Feb. 27. The Boston
store, C M. Pierce proprietor, was
bum d. the stock being almost a total
loss The postomce, iii an adjoining
building, was damaged, hut all mail saved ami all government prop
:ty is sale The Nebraska Signal
printing office was Injured b smoke
ami wiiter. The local Independent
telephone plant sustained some dam
Educators Off for St. Louis.
Lincoln, Kelt H, A large number
Of NebiaskH educators left for St.
liouis, where th will attend the
Meeting oi the department of super
inteudencei I tfW National Educational
association, tmoai tnem werg state
Supei llltendenl Dalzell. County and
dtj Superintendents Mclaughlin and
Perdue ot I incoin Altogether there
wi re about fifty in the party.
Second Requisition Mada for Him on
Colorado Governor.
Box Kutte county officials have ob
tained another requisition for the re
turn from Colorado to Alliance of
Raymond Brown, the former requi
sition having been denied by the gov
ernor of Colorado. The refusal was
based on the ground that the previous
one did not state what was an extra
ditable offense under the law of Colo
rado. It is thought the new one will meet
this objection Brown Is accused of
defeating the ends of Justice by remov
ing from the state certain records of
the Colorado Lumber and Fuel com
pany, doing business at Alliance and
Hay Springs, the intent of the removal
being, it is alleged to defeat the prose
cution of a conspiracy indictim nt.
Labor Bureau Issuea Bulletin on Fruit
Raising in Nebraska.
The slate bureau of labor has just
issued a comprehensive bulletin on
unit raising in Nebraska. In nddition
to giving some examples of what
financial returns some fruit raisers
have received, the bulletin sets out
what kinds of lands are suitable for
raising of different fruits and also
what sections have made a success of
it. One nottble article is what a
Cass county man did to make profit
able an orchard which had been un
profitable because it did not bear good
crops and that little of an inferior
quality. He called in experts from
the university and they made his or
chard a big money maker, by proi ess
es within the reach and comprehen
sion of anyone.
Assailants of Revivalist Given Mini
mum Fine and Costs.
About 200 people came down to
Kearney from Elm Creek to hear the
evidence in the "egging case," which
was brought before Judge Drury.
The case was the outcome of an at
tack upon Professor Thonncs, a reviv
alist. Eleven men were arrested in all
and ful'y fifty witnesses were at hand
when the case was called to trial.
Hundreds of listeners crowded into
the ( v. 'i t room with the expectation of
hearing some startling evidence
orought out. They were disappointed,
however, as the prisoners pleaded
guilty and were given the minimum
fine and costs.
Sticks Head Under Wheels of Engine
Pat Barrow suicided at Hastings by
sticking his head under the wheels of
a switch engine. The man crawled
tip to the track unobserved and placed
his head beneath the wheels. The en
gine was barely moving, but the crew
was unable to stop it until the wheels
had passed abcut two thirds over his
body. Barrow was fifty-five years of
age and leaves a family. An Inquest
will he held.
Asks Delay in Prince Case.
Albert Prince, the convict who
killed Deputy Warden Davis at the
penitentiary was arraigned and his at
torney asked that the case be post
poned because he alleged there was
at present excitement and prejudice
which would make It impossible to ob
tain a fair trial. The state objected to
any delay. The court did not rule on
the motion and may not for several
Warned Against Bogus Elk Teeth.
Jewelers will he told how to tell a
real elk tooth from a bogus one when
they meet in convention in Omaha on
March fi and 7. Recently many Jew
elers ot the state have been victimized
by sharpers, who have been palming
off fake elk teeth An exhibit of real
and bogus teeth will he placed in the
convention hall at the Paxton hotel
and lectures will be given to instruct
jewelers how to tell the real thing.
La Follttte's Name Filed at Lincoln.
Lincoln, Peh. 27. Rebort La Fol
lette's name was added to the list of
candidates to be voted on at Nebras
ka's presidential primary by a pe
tition of the La Follette slate league.
The petition contained the names of
nearly 1.000 voters, widely scattered
over the state
The Bee Hive Store
Seethe 2 for 5c bargains j
i in our Saturday bargain windows I
A 10c bottle of perfume given with
every 25c purchase
X'SW' TELEPHONE 214 waw4
Defendant Snowbound.
Lincoln, Feb. 27 John F Hauls
Wa to have heen tried in the district
court on the charge of murder, but
tiie case was not called on account of
the lion appearance of the deiemlaiit.
rho is out on hall He has leen at
his home in Illinois and the morns de
layed the trains. He is to le tiied
for llie killing of David McKry. June
St last The men were employed by
the Beatrice Creamery company.
Nebraska Makes Higher Score.
Uucoln. Feb. 27 The Unlvejatty of
Nebraska rifle team Scored its best
mark of Ut season in a by mail shoot
with St Thomas, totaling 874 poiuts.
or thirty four points more than it
made In Ita last shoot.
Epworthians to Meet in Sutton.
The cabinet of the Epworth league
of the western Nebraska district
sel. i led Suiton for the annual dis
trict convention, it was also decided
to maintain a missionary in China, at
i sa'ar of $1,000, to be paid by the
eauue of the district.
Wilson Men Called.
A call bus neen issued for a meet
ing in Lincoln Mann & oi uie wif
MM Democrats This Is counter
DOVe n ti:e Harmon men, who re
cent mei in Fremont and formed an
organization to push the candidacy of
the Ohio governor.
Seed Corn From Beatrice.
The first really high grade seed
coin tbal tin pure food department
has tea tee yt is a lot sent in lrom
Beatrice. It is from loo bushels of seed
H'.rchas-d b cne of the inspectors for
Ms own use.
Mason Held for Death of Beeson.
The coroner's iury called at Ericson
to investigate the death of Or villa I
He son has i turned a verdic t that it
was aused by a shot from a revolver
in the hunds of David F. Mason.
Another Switch in Ticket.
Another sw'tch has been made in
the Ijt Folh tie Roosevelt ticket Judge
A Q, Wiay of York, candidate for dis
trict delegate, has retired and (leorge
w Need ha lakea bis plica.
The "BIG 3" is not
quite ready to come
out watch for it,
In case of serious illness, you wouldn't call in any old doc
tor, but would get the best doctor you knew of, The Doctor
with a Reputation, the doctor that ha thown his worth by
yeans of good honest service.
Then why buy any old rarge, when you can get The Great
Majestic, The Range with a reputation a reputation won by
years of constant, honent and economical service.
The Majestic Is made right OF NON-BREAKABLE MALLE
parte of the Majestic are riveted together (not bolted) practic
ally airtight no cold enters range or hot air escapes, thus bak
ing perfect with about half the fuel used in a range that is bolt
ed and pasted together with .stove putty.
The All-Copper Movable Reservoir on the Majestic is ab
solutely the only reservoir .woithy of the name. It heats 15 gal
lons of water while breakfast is cooking, and when water bolls
It can be moved away from fire by simply shifting lever.
Call at our store and let us show you wfoy the Majestic is
absolutely the best range on the market.
Your neighbor has one ask her. All styles and sizes.
Cement Walks, Cisterns, Basements,
Foundations, etc.
Cement Silos
are the preference over all others in the east
where they have been tested for years. I will
construct these silos in the most approved
manner the coming season.
Let Me Figure with You