Classified Advertisements The following "Want Ads" are classified under appropriate headings for the convenience of readers. CASH RATES One cent per vo.-d each Insertion. No ad received for less than ten cents per Inser tion. Black face double rate. CREDIT RATES One cent per word each Insertion, but no advertis ing account opened for lass than twenty-five cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Black face double rate. Ir answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw It In this paper. A classified advertisement will in troduce to each other the next buy er and the next seller of property In this town. ABSTRACTERS P. E. REDDISH Bonded Abstracter. I have the only set of abstract books in Box Butte county. Office In McCorkle Building. 10-tf-570 TO RENT FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT .114 Sweetwater Ave., Phone ::T 11tfl083 Three rooms for rent, :u" West 4th St. Phone 674. lltflWW. Two room house for rent. Mrs. Nellie Moras, 201 Yellowstone Ave. Phone 665 Green. 5tf979 FOR RENT. Two furnished room for light housekeeping. No children. 603 Box Butte avenue. Phone 196. 3tf959 MISCELLANEOUS HOUSE CLEANING WANTED- Inquire at Herald office. 10tfl1062 Buy your coal of Rowan & Wright. Phone 71. tf Money to loan on real estate. F. E. Reddish. 3tf Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and posts. Phone 71. tt FOR SALE. 800 Egg Incubator, used one station. Enquire at Nohe's Restaurant. 12-L'-1101 FOR SALE. Rhode Island Red and Plymouth Rock cockrells for breeding. Alo, pullets. Eggs from and Plymouth Rock cockerls for breeding. Also pullets. It. I K. and P. R. eggs for hatching. Prices rea sonable. 51 ! Rig Horn Avenue. FOR SALE. 1 acres good farm ing land, in Sec. 3, Twp. , Range 51, near Kilpatrlck's Dam. Address MRS. M. hTJBLFRHCHT, 618 Nichols St.. Springfield. Mo. 12-41 104 E. L Gregg & Son have a large amount of first-class alfalfa and wild hay at a reasonable price. 4Mf779 Four room, cement block house, in Belmont Addition to Alliance, tor sale at big bargain. Will take less than it st to build if sold soon. In quire at Herald office. 4tfit4 Coal office at Rowan's feed store. ROWAN & WRIGHT, phone 71. tf Old papers at The Herald office at 5 cents per bunch. Old papers at The Herald office at 5 cents per bunch. VIAVI The drugless home treat ment. Elena M. Nichols, 524 Chey enne Ave. Phone 651. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE All or my household furniture for sale, consisting of rugs, brass bed stead, mattress, springs, dining room chairs, rockers, dresser, roll top desk, Kurtzman piano, book case, at private sale, at Snyder's dray office, 210 Box Butte Ave. B. H. PERRY. 61984 Repair and Oil Harness and Tanning Now is the time to repair and oil your harness. Don't wait till spring when you and the harness man are busy, but DO IT NOW. Call and see my samples of tan ning. Select a good hide and bring It to me and I'll have It tanned in 30 days' time. Highest price paid for hides. 7tfl018 GEO. A. HILLS. CALL FOR PRECINCT ASSESSORS' MEETING On the 14th day of March. 1912. the precinct assessors of Box Butte County, Nebraska, are requested to meet at the Court House to get their books and supplies, and for the transaction of such business as may properly come before the meeting. H p. SWEENEY, 10-4-1069 County Assessor. NOTICE OF HEARING OF THE PROBATE OF A WILL State of Nebraska ) ) Box Butte County ) TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN BEUT UBR. DECEASED. Whereas, Margaret Beutler, of said county, has filed in my office an instrument purporting to be the last Will and testament of .lohn Beutler, late of said county, deceased, and said Margaret Beutler has filed her petition herein praying to have the same admitted to probate, and for the issuing of letters testamentary, which will relates to both real and personal estate: I have therefore appointed Satur day, the ISth day of March, 1912, at 9 o'clock In the forenoon, at the county court room in said county, as the time nnd place for hearing said will, at which time and place you and all concerned may appear and contest the allowing of the same. It is further ordered that said pe Hi inner give notice to all persons in terested in said estate of the pend ency of this petition, and the time and; place set for the hearing of the same, by causing a copy of this or der to be published in the Alliance Herald, a newspaper printed and published in said county, for three successive weeks previous to the day set for the hearing. In witness whereof I have hereun to set my hand and official seal this 24th day of February, l?lg, (Seah L. A. ilERRY, ' U'-M-Nn County Judge. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Parties holding chattel and real ea te' mortgages that have been 'Sat isfied should see that the release has been recorded that they may not he charged in their 1912 tax. M . S. H ARC HAVES, !t-t-104:i County Clerk. Different sets of modern rooms for light housekeeping, close in. 'All rooms on first floor. Phone 629. 9 4-1053 M. BAYER. All kinds of dyeing, dry cleaning and pressing MRS. W. H. ZEH RUNG. Phone 635. 9tfl048 FARM IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE For sale: 1 Disc-, $15.00; 1 Spring Wagon, $25.00; 1 Stirring Plpw, $5; 1 Breaking Plow. $5; 1 Old Wagon. $5; 1 Set Light Harness. $5; 1 Open Buggy. $12.00. A. 1). WEIR, Sec 20. 27-53, 7 miles northwest of Canton latfi iu:; CONDENSED NEWS all ill ill il iff I I 1 " - 3 The total loss In Houston's great fire was $; 500, I, w ith total insurance of $4,600,000, A UlUM-neetlng of Russians in St. Petersli.iru resented the repeal of the treat, by the United States Former State Senator Virgil S. F i M BOB was struck and killed by a Northwestern train at Sterling. 111. Italian warships bombarded Beirut, killing sixty persons and wounding many others, Americans are safe. Governor Dix ot New York has sus pended the inquiry Into the Brandt case pending a ruling by the court of appeals. Senator Ioindexter advocated be fore the Interstate commerce commit tee his bill for the abolition of the commerce roert. The Cuban supreme court decided that the law pMIOal last December bus pending the operation of the civil ser vice law Is unconstitutional. President Taft. in a message to con gress transmitting the report of t'e postmaster general, opposed federal ownership of telegraph lines. Johnny Kilbane of Cleveland de ! feated Abe Attell for the feather weight championship in twenty rounds of last fighting at LOS Angeles. A collection of diamonds and pearls, valued at 60l00, was stolen from Mrs. Eugene de Sabla, at her apart ments in a San Francisco hotel. leroy T Venon, Washington corre spondeut for the Chicago Dally News, was appointed chief of the publicity bureau o the Taft headquarters. Tbrr Is more Catarrr m Inn ar lion or th count r tii i i nil oiorr dlsraai-s t it toartiirr. and until in. last few jrwira wis MipooK-iJ to be Inrunililr Kur a great nii iy yean doctor pronounced II a local dJaeaac and prescribed local renvoi. and by constantly faillnf to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Science has proven Catarrh to be owatltullixial di ease, and therefore reouircs constitutional treutinent Hill's Catarrh Cure, nuuulirtiiml by K J i I i , i A Co.. Toledo. Ohio Is the only Cnrstltiitio-ul i lira aft the market. It i taken Intrmall) In doses from hi droits to a MMpwsitul. It acts directly on tie- Mood and mucoua surfaces of the system. They offer one huidr1 dollars (or anv raar II (a'4a to rure Send fur cri-tilar and trstimo--' iN Address t I. t'HKSI V A CO . Toledo. Ohio. Sol I by Drumsis. : Tai.e Hull's luraily I'ltli Inrcotialipullou DULMT wLL- U. P. CHURCH 10:00 a. in. Sunday School. 11:00 a. m. Preaching MVS sue, la the absence of the pastor. John W. Thomas will occupy the pulpit 6:.'I0 p. m. Y ft C. I'., followed by prayer niei ling There will be no preaching ser vice' In the evening next Sunday. A. L. GODFREY, Pastor. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays of each month at' 11:00 a. m. nnd 7:30 p. m. First Sundny in each month at 11:00 a. m. Sundny School every Sundny at 10:00 a. m. Junior Auxiliary, Chapter A, meets every Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. Junior Auxil iary, Chapter B, meets at 2:30 every Sunday afternoon. GEO. G. WARE, Missionary. GERMAN EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH Drake Building, 519 Sweetwater Ave. Services every Sunday morning, at 10:30. Sunday School every Sunday morn ing at 9:30. Everybody is cordially Invited. Parochial German-English Lutheran school every day except Saturday and Sunday, from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. TITUS LANG, Pastor. 623 Cheyenne Ave., phone 359. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10 a. m., Sunday School. 11 a. m., Public Worship. Subject, "The Rounding Out of the Christian Character." 6:30 p. m., Christian Endeavor 7:30 p. m., Publrc Worship. Subject for evening, "God's Moral Standard for the World." Mid-week Service. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. This will be a union service. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Olin S. Baker, Pastor 10:00 a. m. Sunday School. Graded Bible Classes. M a. m.. Public Worship. 6:30 p. m. Young People's Ep wortli League Meeting. 7:30 p. in. Public Wonsiiip. Wednesday evening, 7:30 o'clock, prnyt r meeting, union service at First Presbyterian church. All the services of tilts church are for the public. Strangers and all who come will find a cordial wel come. Owing to tlie absence of the pas tor there will be no service next Sabbath morning or evening. HEMINGFORD SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Sabbath school at the residence of Prof. G. M. Munis every Saturday af ternoon at 2 o'clock. Topic of next lesson, "The Millennium." MRS JOHN' PILKINGTON, Supt Irs Phillips and children left on 44 Friday for their new home at Alliance. Irs having taken the place of Earl Enyeart at the Alliance Tailoring shop. Mr. and Mm. Ar tlnir Powell are the proud parents of a bnby boy, born February 15th. Miss Nettle Unrig came home on Thursday from an eight ninmtha' visit with relet Ives in Germany. Si Mrs. Belle Brown visited a few dns last week with her daughters in I lemingford. returning home on Monday. Guy Hprowles moved his family In to their new house last week. H L Rushnell moved into rooms over the store, and Ed Stelgel to the Husbnell farm a half mile west of town. John .Moravek came in from Sioux county the last of the week, going down to Alliance on business. Miss Agnes went home wlrth hint to suiy ii while with home folks. Oiner Scrlbner has been quite busy for the past tw-o weeks, hav ing put down a well for J. J. Lloyd, also one for K. L. Pierce in town, and one on the farm occupied by sTreorge Shultz. Mr. Cox's father, from the eastern ,pnrt of the state, visited with him for a few days last week. Wesley Green came In from Oma ha the last of the week, where he had spent several days on business matters. Jesse Chandler was an incoming passenger on 43 Thursday, going out to Sioux county in the after noon. sea Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hubble came in from Sioux county Thursday where they had been looking after affairs on his homestead. s '. Oscar Rouse loaded a car of po tatoes for C. J. Wlldy the last of the Week. Mr. Cory came in from Sioux county Thursday w here lie had been spending a few days visiting. Miss Jessie Clayton came in with him for a ft w days' visit. Mis. Arthur' Bass and Edith Bro- shar were passengers on 44 Thurs day, going down to Scott sbluff. Mrs. B. V. Shepard came In from New Castle, Wyo., Friday, where she had been for the past two weeks helping Mrs. Strong with the care of her mother, who is very It : M present. W'li Spencer returned Friday from a bisiness trip to Denver. Charles Shindler returned Satur day from Denver, where he has been for several days on business. A. M. E. CHURCH Meetings in Marks' hall, northeast corner Laramie avenue and Third street. Sunday school at 10:30 a. M. Preaching at 7:30 p. in. All are wel come. BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday school, 10 a. in Morning Service, II o'clock. B. Y. P. U., 6:30 p. in Evening Service, 7:30. Mid-week service. Wednesday, 7:30 p. in. This will be a union service at the First Presbyte rian church. You are welcome. GEO. A, WITTE. Pastor. Rev. O. S. Raker received word today from Mrs. Baker, who is in the Methodist Hospital in Omaha, requesting him to come to the city It is net thought that Mis Baker s condition Is worse than it has been, be: Mr, I ik r will take the train to-iii-hi fir Omaha and will probably iie : over Sunday. The Herald sinn lily hopes that Mrs. Baker will be able to a company him on his return lo Alliance next week NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received up to 12 o' clock noon, March 4. 1912, by the secretary of the board of education of the Alliance city schools, for the erection of a two-story with ba ment addition to the Emerson school building, with heating and plumbing. Plans and specifications may be secured upon application to the secretary of the board, a depos it of twenty dollars $20.00) being required for the safe return of the same. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. D. W. HCCHES. 9-41-1051' Secret a r. Miss Ella llollinrake lot t on 4:: Sunday for Cliadron, when- she will ! attend school for a while. Mr. and Mrs. Cox and Mr. and ' i r-w I Llmi'iiii tin1 Cue in I iu I'ionri i nuui in- i ii ii nur" tx imi inuil were among those going to Reno for the deiii'ation of the new church Sunday. a Cliff Hubble and wife and B. C. Shepard and wife were Alliance vis itors Saturday evening, going on the local. Roy Church left on 44 Monday for his hOIBd at Bennett, Nebr. Mrs Hiiusakcr of Alliance spent a few days the first of the week visiting with Mrs Elliot, going out on the ridge the last of the week for a visit with Fred Whetstone's. Born, February 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Planausky. a boy; Febru ary 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robei ! .VshTord. a girl. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hughes lias been quile sick for the pasit two weeks but is bet ter at this w riling m Einll Rockey and wife have mov ed on the farm where Lee Roland I i veil last year. see Mr. Snyder came with his family from Iowa. They will occupy the Snyder farm one mile north of town where Emil Rockey lived last year. The- Hut II. brothers from near Bert a loaded a tar here Tuesday. They are moving up near Craw ford. a Lou Neeland took a lively spin Tuesday while coming to town The team became- rrightened, running for about three miles before he suc ceeded In getting them stopped. t whs fortunate for him that Ire man aged to -stay In the buggy. r Mrs. Mulrheiid and daughter Ruth are visiting friends In Lincoln at present . Henderson's wagon was In from Curly Tuesday for supplies for the store, going out during the storm Wednesday. SJ About twenty-five ladies or the Reliekah lodge of Alliance came up Tuesday to organise a Rehekah lodge here Tuesday night Don't eNperlnii tit with paint. I'se the trietl and proven Lincoln Chin nttc or Sherman Wllllatnrs paints They are the best, at (l)HE If It OLDf DRUG STORE DR. F. W. BOLAND Office Over First State Bank Hcmingforil. Nebr. oooooooooooooooo o QUAKER VALLEY o oooooooooooooooo This cold snowy weather Is hard on stock where hay is aciiTce. A. B. Haworth from Ackwoiih, la.. Is visiting with hie brother. Dr. Haworth. see Dr. Churchill came down to his ranch Saturday. We are Informed that Mrs. Bast gate has gone on from Chicago to New York to visit relatives there. Wednesday seemed to be a day for visiting. Allen Jamison and fam ily took dinner with Roy Scott'e. Mrs. and children with Mrs. Robblns, Mrs. Howe with Mts. Jas. Jamison, or would If they had been at home but they hart gone to visit with Wiin. Elmore's, or would If they had been at home but ae they were away from home It endeel up with Mrs. James Jamison's taking dinner with Win. Howe's. lee Worth Jones entertained the young people at his home last Fri day night. Oysters, Ice cream, fruit and nut salad were served; games were played and a general good time was had. see The I'. S Club will meet next Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. Dr. Churchill. The Jr. U. S. Club made a sur prise OH Albert Haworth last Thur day Iu honor of his ninth birthday. Dinner was served and tleorge Wash ington games played, aside from the missionary lesson. Some of our young people attend ed the dedicatory services at Reno. The Hire aitning storm kept some people" frr.m going. oooooooooooooooo o RENO o oooooooooooooooo Tlie weather has been snowy and cohl the :ast week. W C tlibbs from Anselnio. Nebr has been transacting buslne-ss Is R( no the an week. see Mrs. Ella Young i ad Miss Reulnh Smith of Alliance spent a few i in Reno, attending the Sunday ser vice and visiting friends J. O. Wilson of Merna. Nebr., spent several days last week re newing old acquaintances and visit ing his brothers and slaters. E. A McFal! was transacting bus iness in Alliance Tuesduy and Wt d ncstlay. Mrs. W. C. Moultcn and children of Anselmo are visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Berry, this week. L. W. Cox of Purdum. Nebr.. Is visiting his son. Rev. H W. Cox, and friends in Reno Rev. C. E. .McFal! spent several hays the past week visiting his son iKlmer ami family, also assisting in the meet lugs. Mrs. Mary Hrlce spent several days visiting her son In Alliance. Bhe returned home Monday. Mr and Mrs. C. C. Joy lsUed at the home of (1 F. Rooker Saturday, Sunday and Monday, returning home Monday in his auto. oooooooooooooooo o HOMESTEAD oooooooooooooooo Please, Mr Editor, If your ator can't read my writing, or yosr proof rentier cant rend proof "clean." send my Items back to me. Lat-t werk our notes were so dis figured that even a Hemlugford lawyer couldn't straighten them out. (Our Homestead correspond ent sends us a nice batch of news each week, but we have been think ing of employing a Philadelphia lawyer to help us decipher his pen manship Ddttor.) Mrs. A I) Weir has been suf fering with bronchitis the past week, ess With the longest, hardest winter In the history of the White man la this country just passed through it Il wiih much thanksgiving that we can write of no serious sickness, or deaths among our neighbors, and very little loss of stock, although the hardships lo the- people and the shortage on feed for stock have been enough to threaten us all with nervous prostration. An Interesting time was enjoyed at our literary Saturday night listen ing to the young people less than twenty years old debate on the val ue of the oow against that of tJtie horse. The cow won over all argu ments. Rob. Spoon and family spent the day with Charlie Hieer's family on Sunday. a A Mr. Pugh, cousin of John Keane and Mrs. Garfield Ball, Is visiting in the Keane and Ball homes. Little isel and Baby Scott were reported sick a few days ago. ess John Keane bousht a separator from the Weirs last week. The question to be debated on by the literary society at its next meeting, March 10, will be Resolv ed: That It Is cheaper to buy than to borrow. A mighty practical and much needed question. Every home steader In these parts ought to .be there. "The Siouxs" were in Marsland en masse last Friday and Saturday, and on Saturday huuled our new neighbor, W. A. Rider, who has bought the Mrs. Miller place, out to his new home. Mr. Rider comes from Burns, Wyo.. bringing with him 2 cars of household goods, farm implements, live stock, etc. and It was something of a sight to see the caravan of nine heavily loaded wag ons plowing its way thru the deep now, lead by J. W. Scott, with his boy Glen bringing up tlie rear with the tattle. John Ryan. L. M. Haw kins. Oliver and Glen Scott, Charlie Htssr. J. W. Scott, Joe Romer, A. D. Weir, Mr. Bin k, a cousin of Mr. Rider, and Mr Rider himself made up the party All behaved them selves fairly we'll in :own except Brother Scott. After - i.iuiliig the Richey ILtel, "The BiOOX-S" Indul ged in other pasii iMs wll Into the tight of Friday night, chiefly load ing their wagons for their l.turn trip to their tepees. We reel sure that Mr. Ritler and Ii i v.lie mil two little girls, will form a Mr ag t'ctcr id ct:r i ". "hL. rhccd, and g dly welrcn.i- bini jiucag uj. Six inc.-Mui.oes can hum around and u.ake th unromfoi able for three hundred pople. it is a great pity when mosquito members get into a neighborhood. The pi. Is Which OOatdces not Iu.- is sJwsiya the pleasantest; the neighbors CUO doe-i m.; have are it he e-iiiii.-t to M:t on w ith; the pe" does not know are the most agr cable; the church to which one does net belong is freest from the hint s thai vex and pi rplex Some where and something eNe is always bettor until ne gets there and lues i: IK in i ctnstaiii change without .-.itisfai tlon. Missions. M. SPACE. If you have that weak and hungry feeling get a sack of Monitor Flour at the Bicknell Grocery Co REBEKAH LODGE ORGANIZED The Rebekah Degree staff went to Hemingford Tuesday to assist Mrs. Elizabeth KeMiolds. past pres ident of the Rebekah Assembly of the state of Nebraska, organize a Rebekah lodge at that place. The Alliance Rebekah Degree staff is composed of thirteen ladies, viz.: Mesdames Drake. Martin, Jeffers, Bachmann, l.eul. Wright, Cox, Sny der, Beach, I! rink man. I.oury, Grebe and Lester The) had a very pleas ant trip, and their services ware much ap reciated by the Heming ford lodge. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Persons wishing stenographic work done can secure the same promptly by calling at The Herald office. Phro S40.