The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 22, 1912, Image 9

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    W. I. TraKHUKT went his friendK
card from Ogden. Ptnh. where he
nd Conductor ClnirNv Rider were
lut Saturday. They were going
from there to Salt Lake City.
George Young of Merwlnnd wan in
Alliance Saturday end Sunday. Mr.
Young nays hU lumber yard at Mars
tend to doing a fine bimines.
Mm. Mary Hewn of Deadwood i I
guest at Hie home of Dispatcher
and Mm. Cox in Alliance. Mm.
Cox wa reported quite sick the paet
coin. Mr. Callahan
locate here.
may decide to
Owing to quiet buslneaa the lo
cals have all been put back Into the
Supt. C. D. Peckenpaugh of the
Sheridan division was in Alliance on
Mrs. Rockcy and her two datigh-
tern are
friend in
RmkMiian .ludson. who for sornie
time was In the hospital, has made
rapid recovery. He reported for
work Wednesday and went flagging
on Weldenhamer's run. Mr. Weiden
hamer will go braking for Conductor
James Ponath, the little son of
Conductor Ponath, has been suffer
tag for some time with rheumatism
Mrs. Ponath is making arrangement
to take the little fellow to Hot
Springs to see If the hot baths will
relieve him.
Conductor Swift, of the high line Is
taking a short vacation. He Is be
ing relieved by Kxtra Conductor Horn
of Deadwood.
.7 P. Dniley, train master on the
outh line, was in Alliance last Fri
day and Saturday on Company bust
Mr. Thurston, tie and timber ln
pector for the Burlington, was In
Deadwood on Company business this
Suocrinifendemt eitleiihamer was
In Deadwood this week and was ae
OOflipanlod over Ihe high line by As
hstant Supt. HoMorf.
visiting relatives and
Grand Island.
Mr. and Mm. M. E. Johnson left
on No. 42 Sunday night for Waver-
4y, Penn. They had not planned to
go until later, but. they received
word of the illness of Mr. Johnson's
Mrs. ilennau Is very sick at her
home in this city. She is having
tin' best of care and we hope will
soon be beuT.
Mr. ;ind Mm. John Adiinis of Sher
idan, Wyo., and Miss Helen arrived
in Alliance Wednesday noon for a
short visit, at the home of Machinist
Davis. From here they will go to
tncoln and Havelock, where t be
have relatives. Miss Helen Adams
will remain in Alliance until their
Mr. and Mrs. Magi! I left on No
42 Wednesday night for a thre
weeks' visit In Ottumwa, Iowa.
rhe ladles' Auxiliary to the En
gineers will hold their Kensington
Thursday afternoon, at the home of
Mrs. F. H miser.
Electrician Carl Hockey is making
arrangements for a trip to the Pa
cific coast.
Mm. Ous Holden, who has been
visiting at the Fitzpwtriek home,
left for Sheridan Tuesday noon.
Fred Hiedermann, brother of IMs
patcher Hiedermann of Deadwood
was thrown from a delivery wagon
last Saturday. One wrist was brok
en and he was badly bruised up. !i
Bell wood set the wrist and soon hail
him resit in g nicely, lie will be out
in a few days.
The firemen have every reason to
in proud (f the grand ball they gave
In the onora house. Kebruary 14. The
decora tion In the hull were red
white and green lanterns and bunt
inir. and were beautiful. The hall
wb.i packed with people The r
cepl'oi. commMtee looked after all
the strangers, and everybody had a
fine time. Over two hundred tick
et were sold. The firemen have
Lfrtninlv shown that they know how
to cnurnin
Switchman Drlscoll. ii( bad plan
ned 10 go to New YOIV, us a
mini; t'e men who -tie sent lo
Oslesburg He writ H UltU there will
be work there for at least two
Engineer Sam Til let has been en
Joying a few days' visit from h
mother, Mrs. Tillet, of Denver
Machinist and Mrs. George IhvLn
are now nicely settled in their new
bungalow on Toluca Ave.
Brakeman Bay Mark has a brothe
from Fori Collins making him
short visit.
Brakeman ami Mrs. It K. McKen
zle were very much pleased last Sat
urday by the arrival of Mrs. M
Kenzie's father, Mr Callahan of I. in
take one Incident that happened this
Inst pay day A brakemnn with s
very pitiful story of a sick wife,
with whom this climate did not a
gree, had serurc-d board and room
for six weeks. On pay day morning
he went south, met the pay car and
drew his check. Iater on he sign
ed over his time check to keep from
having It garniaheed. The people he
owes here have to keep right on
working whether the climate agrees
wfth tihem or not,
Mies Mlnta Painter, a sister of
Fireman Boyd Painter, Is a new
clerk in the Norton store. She took
the position made vacant by the res
ignation of Mrs. Holloway.
Mrs. C. E. Bennett was the charm
lng hostess at a card party at her
home last Thursday afternoon. A
bout twenty ladles were present. The
delicious five course lunch was great
ly enjoyed. This is the first time
Mrs. Bennett has been "At home"
to her friends since her return from
After the dance Friday night Mr
and Mrs. Harry Gantz entertained a
party or ten at Holsten's. A very
appetizing hrf4l was served In Joe's
best style.
Meet mo at the Bee Hive Store
and get one of those 4-ply brooms
for 35 cents, while they last.
C. A. Simmons, the barber, marie
a business trip to Crawford last
week, where he formerly rani a bar
ber shop.
T. S. Jones, bandmaster at Alliance
law! summer, who moved to North
Platte in the fall, has gone from
Traveling Engineer Morrison, who
went to Chicago on a Company case
ten days ago, writes that court Is
now in session and that he hopes to
get home soon.
Engineer Howard and wife, of
ifcauwooii, are visiting relatives :n
this city.
Fireman .luck Stephens left for
Lincoln Sunday night. From there
he will go on to Omaha. We won
der what for?
Engineer and Mrs. Jim Oarretl
passed inrougn nere .-Sunday nignt on
their way to St. Jo'. Mo. On their
return they will stop here for
visit at the Fit .pat rick home,
Master Mechanic and Mrs. I'helix
Kennedy of Sheridan were here ov
er Sunday for a short visit with
their son who is a student In th
hi. Agnes Academy. 1 hey are on
their way to Texas for a .dx weeks
Airs, w s Kosenkranz has gone
to Crawford for a visit with Mrs. L
A Baschky.
Mrs. Harry Hamilton, wife of En
gineer Hamilton, of the south line
ha.s been very sick the past week.
Mrs. Arnold of Ktigemont is visit
in at the Rockey home
The firemen and hrukenicii vvim
were sent to Calesburg write bach
thai they have to pay cash in ad
vance for their room and board. This
would be much better in Alliance.
here to
Alliance Shoe Store
Ending Saturday, Feb.
HN the entire stock of winter shoes. This is a pre-inventory sale, held especially to
U room for the most complete line of Men's and Women's Shoes and Oxfords for Spring
ever brought into the city.
All shoes are marked in plain figures, and 25 per cent less is what you pay
Maitland I
c o
For Range and Furnace
All Kinds of FEED
Wholesale and Retail
At the basket social given by the
hoir of the Episcopal church, the
baskets, fortytwo in number, brot
one hundred and seventy-five dol
lars. We mll this "going some."
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mungcr's two-
year-old boy was taken sick one day
this week. A physician was called
and the little fellow Moaned a six-ll
of pneumonia, although he came near
having it.
Hon. W. W. Wood had the pleasure
tliis week of a two days' visit with
Ills brother, .lames A. Wood, of Ap
pleton. Wis., who arrived in Alliance
Tuesday morning en route from a
visit to the Pacific pOMt
We are ready for springy baring
received I package of flower seeds
from the I'. S Department of Agri
culture, sent out from Washington
under the postal frank of the junior
IT. S. Senator from Nebraska.
The Herald has another Canada
subscriber. We have received notice
that the address of Mrs. C. H. I'res
ton has been changed from L'sn:
Jackson street, Seattle, to general
delivery. Vancouver, B. C.
To The Herald's already fine list
of correspondents from the country
and towns surrounding Alliance, we
are pleaised this weeK to utld one
from l-tkeside. who will furnish us
news from that neighborhood. The
first installment of the same appears
in this iesue.
It. c. Laait, formerly chief night
dispatcher at Alliance but now nici
ly located with his family in Salt
Lake CH v where he is engageil in
railroad work, visited with his many
Alliance friends a few days last
week, leaving for home on Thursday
Miss Bertha Coates. who resides
eight mile this side of Hroadwatt
and tenches near her home, wan in
Alliance on business over Saturday
recently She is evidently interest
ed In music as well as teaching
While in Alliance she purchased a
Itvron piano of Mrs. Ida M. Bosh.
it. D. W Montgomery, paatoi
e.angelist of the Presbyterian church
tor northwestern Nebnutka, returned
Mi. inlay from an extended trip cov more than two weeks, during
which time he vfedted towns along
lie line of Hie I'lilon Pacific and
the (iuerusey branch of the Hurling
10. M Mucken. one or The Herald
subscriber at Platte Center. Nelir..
writes a that he is expecting to
move out of thiat iKtate. lit does not
state where he i expecting to go
but we are wondering if this winter's
cold weather gave him the southard
fever as it did a good mam others.
We learn thut Mr and Mrs. I
Herman will terminate a five or six
weeks' vfcsk in Iowa about the firxt
of March and return to Alliance.
They have been having a splendid
tim ev tutting among friends where
Regular Price $6, now $4.50
T. D. Barry Shoes for Men
Reg Ptice $5.00, now $3.75
Ml- Prlca $4.50, now $3.4-0
Rf. Ptici $4.00. nw $3.00
Ree Price $3.50, now $2.65
E. P. REED & CO.
Regular Price $5.00, now $3.T5
Regular Price 4.00, now 3.00
Regular Price 3.50, now 2.65
Regular Price 3.00, now 2.25
Regular Price 2.00, now 1.50
Every fall and winter shoe in this store included in this sale
Remember, this Sale Ends SATURDAY, FEB. 24
No shoes charged or sent out on approval during sale. Rubbers and spring goods not included
lime visiting among mends where
eye slide. tin tile secoim ol mis
month they attended the golden wed
ding anniversary of Mrs. Herman's
pairents, .Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Halm,
at Mallard, Iowa. An ImHWOM crowd
was present, consisting ot eiu iu ren ,
gvrajid children and tit her relative
and friends.
Carl Rockey and "Shorty'' Thomas
left Alliance Tuesday, headed west.
The hitter's destination was Sheri
dan and the former said he Intend
ed to keep going till he reached the
coast. Elmer Vounkin is filling the
position held by Hotkey as electri
cian at the Crystal.
Rev. R. H
school work
Houseman of Omaha,
secretary of Sunday
for Nebraska of the
board, is in Alliance
today and will hold a conference on
Sunday school work at the Kirst
Presbyterian church tonight.
Miss Sarah I'atton of Hiawatha.
Kansas, visited at the home of Rev.
and Mrs. A. I.. Godfrey from last
Saturday till yesterday. She had
been making an extended trip thru
the west and was en route home.
Being an old college friend of Mrs.
Godfrey, she of course found it very
tun eable to stp a few days in Al
liance. As reminder tO stockmen we
mention lliat Thursday, February
L'H, in the date of the grand public
sale of registered Hereford cattle
at Grand Island, advertised in last
IVOek'l Herald. The sale will begin
at 1 O'clock in the aflcrnoom,
Mrs Howies, proprietor of the New
York Hh4 Shop, anil Miss Pat ia Hren
Hainan left last Saturday for Saint
Louis, expecting to be gone a week
or ten Mays, .m i.ouls is one ol tne
Lading wholesale millinery centers
ami will give the ladies an excellent
oft port unity to post up on the latest
spring styles 1 hey will order a
soring stock of goods while in the
Hev ('. E. McKall came over from
Gordon Monday to remain in Alliance
few days ami go from here, to Re
no to attend the dedication services
Saturday ami Sunday. Mr. McEall
Is pastor or the I .aval -a circuit of
the M E church and repoits a sue
cessful revival meeting at Newman
Chapel, oue of his appointments. An
a result of the revival meetings
there have already been several at-
cessions to th;- church and more to
We wish to call attention to the ad
vertisement in thi issue of the Al
liance Tailoring Company of which
Ira Phillips is now manager, assist
ed by Dick Shute who ably assisted
E. T. Enyeart when he was manager.
When Mr. Enyeart removed from
Alliance to Maryland many thought
that the Alliance Tailoring Company
Would close their shop but as our
readers will see by their advertise
ment they are still doiug business
at the old stand.
Owing to so much sickness in the
Eairview neighborhood the Frances
E. Willard Memorial Day program
that had been arranged for Febru
ary 25 has been postponed. Further
announcement will be made later.
There was a time when it would
have been difficult to publish The
Herald If deprived of the efficient
assistance rendered by a young lady
compositor whose name was then
Miss I .aura Miller, but there came
a tune when it became necessary to
get out the paper without her help.
Two years ago she left the emulov
of The Herald to many Conductor
Clyde E. Mullock. Although deprived
of the services which she formerly
rendered the paper, it still has the
help of a cordial word from her oc
casionally. She and her little son
Lloyd farmed the office with n call
yesterday which was much appreciat
ed by the entire force.
Mrs. Thomas Strupper was taken
seriously ill last Saturday with la
grippe. We are pleased to note
thai she is somewhat better at this
writing. Her daughter. Mrs. M. L.
Phares, came up from Hridgeport
yesterday to remain with her until
she is convalescent.
The '
Hig :!" is a whirlwind Watch
for further particulars.
Do You Want Cheese?
We havo Swiss, Lim
burger. New York Un
colored Cream. McClaren's
Imperial and Roquefort,
Parmesan Pimento Cheese
and HanoverBrickCheese,
at Alliance Grocery Co.
The Bee Hive Store
An Assortment of Enameled Ware
l qt. Dairy Pans Soap Dishes 9-inch Pie Plates
qt. Pudding Pans 10 inch Basting Spoons
We give a 10c bottle of Perfume J
with every 25c purchase