The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 22, 1912, Image 7

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    m Business hens uubJ "
""""i-""" GRIND
to mi
- . i f . titrnlch In-
a 1MB e cniicm iwfiiiiiint i -"-
fftnnatton by the ditthbution of telected
latent liVe tha Maffailne. "The South 1 oday' and
Mhtr reaa.U literntuni, to Induce lh home
Mtktr to com to the Memphie dittrtct. whara
9 18 TO $75 AN ACRE
na ean purchase land of deep alluvial richneaa,
Ml which ean ba frown from two to fly cropi a
Thlt la tha land of health, rood roadt. food
r wora ine fwr rounu.
Is and out of doo
rrtere Cotton Is worth ttS par acre. Corn $eo.
Ha? Bioo. Potatoes suu, atrtwirnfi rw,
att. w have the belt produce markets In tha
Tha few priced rich lend, in Ik Memphte
iMrtat will advance rapidly. No auch value
ealt In any other portion of tha country. Send
far 'The South Today" and other literature fn
Mnd rlfht now.
tadnetrial Cotnmiesloner.
Irtt Man' Ctab, Mcmphie. Term.
The Slow
Did you ever hoar your
telephone boll ring and ring
again, when you were busy
and did not answer?
If you did the operator
probably finally reported to
the party calling you, "They
do not answer." (Note she
never says, "They are not
there.") Then she discon
nected your line.
Perhaps live secondslater,
just six seconds too lat,you
answered. ,You got no reply.
You, no doubt, exclaimed,
"My bell rang."
Yes, your bell did ring,
but you did not answer
promptly. Your delay
caused either the loss of a
customer or Inconvenience
to a friend.
Our constant endeavor is
to give the quickest and best
telephone service that hu
man integrity can devise.
Your attitude in calling or
receiving calls will hinder or
aid our beet efforts. Won't
you help us'r
: : A
J 1
February !7tJi.
QfJtt) number "i people went up
to Reno Wednesday evening to at
tend the valentine nodal Riven by
he ladles of the church.
a a a
One of tire fasten! basket ball
gumes of the season was played on
the local floor here Friday evening
between the two teams of the city,
the core ending in favor of the
flntt team 16 to 12. After the
game the boys had arranged for a
basket supper, which was nerved.
and also a short entertainment was
given, In Which MIbb Beulah Smith
of Alltan favored u with a read
ing. After all voted a good time,
they returned home.
a a a
Reno was well represented at the
basket ball giaine Friday evening.
a a a
Clair Wilson made a buslnews trip
to Alliance Tuesday, returning on
a a
Mr. Wight man of Ellsworth was in
our city Friday.
a a a
C. K. Crowther and R. A. Westov
ct made a flying trip to Crawford
lat Wednesday, returning the next
a a a
R. A. Cook has been down Cen
tral CMy for the past week on busi
nesH. He returned home Thursday,
a a a
Clarence Cook made'a trip to Al
Itance Saturday on business.
a a
Mrs. Chas. Brown drove up from
the homestead Saturday and is mak
ing the A. A. llrown home a .short
a a a
Messrs. Ashberger. Welch and
Strong were up at. Rushvllle the fore
part of the week, where the former
went to lake out his last papers for
Otto Haun returned from a busi
ness trip to Alliance Saturday,
a a a
Harley Richardson of Alliance Is
at the home of his grand parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Rlchey.
a a a
II. (5. Furman shipped two -car
loads of hay this week. One to Clif
ton, Wyoming, and one went to
8. D.
a a a
Mrs. Kate Walbrldge returned
from Alliance Monday.
a a a
Clarence Richardson went to Alli
ance Tuesday returning Thursday.
a a a
Hurt Furman and Ora Phillips mad
a flying business trip to Alliance Sat
urday returning Sunday.
a a a
Mrs. Thomas Spencer of Alliance
ts spending the week visiting at the
home of O. H. Gregg.
a a a
Miss Hazel Knglish Is spending a
few days visiting friends in Alliance
a a a
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kvans went
to Alliance on business Wednesday
-Marsland Tribune, February LI,
Jk Farm Land
n flftF an acre i
PJLlMB a cm ka aarcku- I
BBfl Bfl 4 m the SMkut
Ml BV Saaiaaia Railway . Jp
PMflV NAuiuun I
B Ce. Se. I He. If. 5j
flf eaBal partial fi I
H ekareaa. etfceek, Mare aaa uaareeee1 eaiawara. I
H aeai paya bf. and u conducted at aailfat ceat I
I Aaa i other eecboaa at the couaur. Laianeel I
H paaruree and areta Balda the whole real rauad I
afl aaeae thai poaaut. 52
I ALT ALFA GROWS aUadaaar ia eoerty el parti I
H oi tha Swathaaat. Maar acta paduaa 4 la 6 H
I waa. aefcaa localy hcaa )l 4 par toe up. jS
Amis. nun. tiuck and cotton an
t I A I k 1 . a I An I
bh aenai nej paywa croaa. ahm n a i Af
I e $500 aa acaa. and truck aariaaieg $200 up I
H paar eea caa work ia laa fcalda. TV loa H
I in - i : 1 ' ' I
H aaaaa 11 each rear. Maa S
9 Safcacripaoa to "Soath- BaV M
are FaaLTaad book- afaPaHl lLk.
I U on State, or Va . WZYm
S ai FREE. K' mlB&jLj
1 L and I. Aaaat. frtl
baVi laJew, LMMMr
J eW.WaaJgyr
.1. T. Watson. Iietter Known as
I'ele Watson, Hie old time Wolf
hunter and rancher. was severely
hurt Sunday, Feb. 1 1 Ity a cow
kicking him and breaking both bones
in the lower leg, dislocating the in
tieir bone and breaking a small bone
in the leg called the fibula, also
tearing all the ligaments loose I'n
der the Itipon ision of Dr. Kaulk he
is doing very nicely. He was taken
to Mitchell last Wednesday, where
he could be near the doctor. With
the exception of a great deal Of
uaiu he is doing as well as can be
experled of one ot his age
Miss Mamie l.ukins has accepted
a position as teacher in district No
46. Mies Miller has tendered her
a a T
K.ra Tucker came in from his
ranch last Friday. His horse slipped
and fell with him, spraining his
wrist very badly.
We thought spring was here as
some have reported they saw green
grass growing on the hill sides. We
are having uuite a snow storm to
day but there Is one consolation, it
is not cold.
a a
The dance at I'lainview Saturday
evening was well attended and ev
ery one report etl a good time, much
to the satisfaction of the young la
dies. Their leap year dance was
well attended one week before, but
a few of the young men who per
haps were overlooked or there were
not enough girls to go around, failed
to get Invitations, so they sought to
break up the dance by getting drunk
Htid using some very profane langu
age, and behaved in such a manner
that the floor manager flxtdod the
( for them was outside.
X. IV Collins returned from Alli
ance Friday evening with his white
faced animal that he bought from
Mr. Fagan of that place.
Aged Lady of Marsland Died Feb
ruary 10th
The following obituary of Mrs.
Elizabeth Squil-b, who died in Mars
land on the 10th of this month, in
taken from the Marsland Tribune of
latst Friday:
Elizabeth Fox was born in Cobles
kill, Scohara county. New York, Aug.
4th, IS:!4, was married to Adam Ed
ward Squibb in December, 1855. and
died In our city February 10th, 1113,
"Smooth the locks of silver hair.
On our mother's brow with tenderest
Oat her the robe in final fold
Around the form so still and cold;
I ay on her bosom, pure as snow,
The fairesl, sweetest flowers that
ler and have her our heart's
pain is over site sleeps to
She died at L':L'(I Sunda morning.
Funeral services were held at the M.
E. Church after which all that was
mortal of thin old mother was ten
derly conveyed to our Silent City,
by the sidf of a devoted hulband
she rests in peace. The d 'ceased
was the mother of twelve children,
six of whom are left to mourn her
lea th. They are as follows: Mrs.
Thomas Saul, Fargo, X. IV, Mr. .Ino.
Squib, Ida GrOVe, la , Mr. BlrSWOrth
Squibb, Marsland, Xehr.. Mr. Thos.
Squibb, Moffat. Xehr.. Mrs. Laura
HunS&ker, Marsland, Xehr. and Mrs.
Armeda Clark, Marsland, Nebr. Rev.
Calauie conducted the service! at
the church and the sweet, solemn
music of the choir touched ever?
I If
1 sell Kohler enamel bath fixtures
Guaranteed to be the beet on the
market K. W. RAY.
JltfT0?2 FLumblng and Heating.
Km iit Coll is returned to lliugham
Saturday last.
Mr. George Howell came home on
44 lasi Saturday.
Mr Kugeiie Kentfro has returned
home from a few weeks' visit In
Oklahoma among her friends and
' relati es.
a a e
Carl Townsend was in Alliance tlie
first Of the Weah (in business
The agricultural experiment sta
tion of tlte University of .Nebraska
issued this week a bulletin on the
germination test for seed corn which
gives some practical information for
the convenient testing of corn in
tended for seed. We recomnn nd
to Herald readers who expect to
grow corn the coming season that
they net this bulletin without delay.
It may be obtained free of charge by
writing to the Agricultural Experi
ment Station, Lincoln, Nebraska, and
asking for Extension Bulletin Xo .1.
Big Illustrated
Piano Catalog
illustrations of the new Lit) I'iano
styles, with prices and full details of
the "Knight Campbell Easy i'i
Flan This catalog will be sent.
prepaid, on request to anyone inter
ewted in Pianos. Big IMayer-l'iano
catalog will be sent also if desired
Buy direct and save the middle
man's profit. We sell more I'ianis
and IMayer-l'ianos direct to western
buers than any other two Houses
combined. Nearly 40 years' suc
cess and reputation behind rOeU
dealings with us. Address Knight
Campbell Music Co . Denver, coio.,
Dept "A". 10-S lnTo
The Norwegian cabinet has resigned.
Indlnna bandits who held up m Vn
dalia train eluded pursuers.
Anthracite miners will present utl
mattim to operators Feb. 27.
The question of Panama canal tolls
may i a use trouble with Europe.
House Democrats are being urged to
frame and take up the wool tariff bill
before the uigar schedule.
United States Circuit Judge William
M. Iaanning died at his home in Tren
ton, N. J., from heart trouble.
The house rules committee author
ized a favorable report of the Pttjo res
lution for a money trust investigation.
Appeals for a constitutional amend
ment granting votes for woman were
made before the senate woman suf
frage committee.
Four persons were killed and twenty-five
others were Injured when nine
cars of the Pennsylvania limited ex
press were derailed at Warriors Ridge,
The house committee on postofflces,
by an almost unanimous vote, inserted
in the postofflco appropriation bill for
the next fiscal year a provision for a
limited parcels post.
Albion college will he represented in
the state intercollegiate oratorical
contest at Olivet. Mich., on March 1
by Miss Sul Wang, a student in her
Junior year from China.
Adjutant General Fred C. Ainsworth
of the army has been relieved from
duty at the war department pending
consideration of disciplinary measures
which prohahly will he taken.
Six men were killed and several In
jured wht n a locomotive hauling an
ore train at Bingham, Utah, left the
track and rolled down a hill, crashing
through the roof of the Bingham State
A woman clad in man's clothes ap
plied at the St. Joseph recruiting Sta
tion for enlistment in the navy. She
said she had hoped to be accepted in
order that she might get to see the
Theodore Roosevelt of Oyster Bay
has neen drawn to serve as trial Juror
at the term of court beginning March
4. Most of the other veniremen are
farmers and business men of the
More than 140,000 persons in nine
states of the south were treated for
the hook worm disease by the Rocke
feller unitary commission last year,
according to the second annual report
of ihe commission.
The price of artificial ice in New
York is to he advanced 25 per cent, or
from $2 to $2.50 a ton. on March 1,
notwithstanding that there has been
harvested this year a record crop of
the natural product.
Three children were burned to death
when the farm house of Thomas
Friend was destroyed by fire near
i , OUla. The parents were away
when flames from a cooking stove ig
nited the house walls.
Mrs Elizabeth J. Eckersall, wife of
Walter Hd ervall, the former football
player ot the University of Chicago,
wis granted a divorce by Judge Bren-
tano, One of the ground! for the de
cree was cruel treatment.
Ml tally wounded in a duel with a
bartender at Helena. Ark., James Gil
bert, who came from Kentucky, de
clared he was the man who fired the
shot that killed Governor Goebel at
Frankfort, Ky.. In January, 1900.
The Elliott circular letter, regarded
as adverse to the future of some of
the drained lands in the Florida Ever
glades nnd which was suppressed by
the department Of agriculture, was
pr si nteil at the house Everglades in
Arm'd with a sharp pointed file.
Edward Delhantie, a negro convict,
ran amuck in the prison yard at San
Quonttn, Cal and killed William Kauf
man, a lellOW prisoner, while William
Peterson, also a convict, received fa
tal wounds
Two discharged Pullman car por
tera are under arrest at St. Joseph
pending an investigation of a series of
robberies of passengers in sleeping
carl on trains entering St. Joseph. A
Pullman car key was found on one of
the negroes.
Death by shooting was selected by
Darby Mi Whinney of Salt Lake when
ihe ciMirti before passing sentence,
liked him host he preferred to die for
the murder of C, U Brfekson, Oct. 6.
lti II March 25 was fixed as the day
of execution.
President Tatt may have to exercise
his constitutional right of veto g or
d-r to save 'he commerce court. It Is
not at all unlikely that the senate will
pass the bill introduced by Senator
Polndexter providing for the abolition
Of this tribunal.
Alliance Tailoring Co.
Still doing business at the old stand
403 Box Butte Ave.
Phone 58
Cleaning and Pressing done
promptly and satisfaction guaranteed.
Special attention to ladies' work
Our Club Proposition
will save you money. FOUR
Suits cleaned and pressed for
We have the only shop in northwestern
Nebraska equipped with celebrated
Hoffman Steam Press
has the new patented copper-pipe
heating system in full size of egg
chamber and extends to all four
corners; no cold corners or hot
centers, a rapid circulation of
warm water that distributes the
heat evenly over all the eggs.
See them at
It has been some time since I asked you to send me the names and
addresses of your Kastern friends that I might send them literature de
scribing the chances to get cheap farm lands in your locality that will
soon very materially increase in value.
All reports now indicate that the mountains are full of snow insur
ing plenty of water for the irrigated lands, and the great level plains
that are known as Mondell lands are also well covered with snow, insur
ing a good condition of the ground in the early spring, and it would
seem that (this year will be an opportune time to attract new settlers to
your locality.
it will only cost you a few moments thought and a postage stamp
to send me the names and addresses of a dozen or more of your Kastern
friends, and it may be worth many times that to you to have more
No. 3 Peerless Black
berries in heavy syrup,
23c while they last.
Bicknell Grocery Co.
Charlt K Mtillin. formerly cashier
of a national bank at FittsbiirKh. and
Otorejaco C. Waller, formerly conne' t
paj with I back at Port Smith. Ark.,
an- .inning ten prisoners for whom pa
fSlM were received at the leaven
worth penitentiary
RXMa initio! of the btdy of William
HofTjrhlll) a nlUionnlra producing oil
land owner, who died suddenly at
Sapulpa. Okll., was begun by physi
cians at the instruction of relatives,
who MMti the belief that the man
was the rloiUB f foul play
HiwnN Howard, foriv-five jears old.
of Jat -kson. Mil. was killed by falling
.-twii stories down an elevator shaft
In the National Hank of Commerce at
St. I.oab lie atii-mpt'd to leave the
elevator while the doors were half
.-losed and the car was moving up-ward.
D. Clem Denver, Immigration Agent
1004 Fiirnam Street, Omaha, Ncliraska
of ail descriptions
for any part of a.
house or barn.
Dierks Lumber & Coal Go.
Phone 22 0. Water, Mgr.