Classified Advertisements ABSTRACTERS f. E. REODISH Bonded Abstracter. I have the only set of abstract books in Ro Butte comitv. Office In McCorkle Building. 10-tf-670 TO RENT FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT 14 Sweetwater Ave.. Phone :i7. 1 ItflOS.t Throe rooms for rent. .".17 WoRt 4th St. Phone 674. 11tf108!. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT at 620 !aramie Ave. Phone 748. 10-2-l065 Two room house for rent. Mrs. Nellie Moran, 201 Yellowstone Ave. Phone 565 Green. 5tf979 FOR RENT. Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. No children. 603 Box Butte avenue. Phone 196. 3tf959 MISCELLANEOUS HOUSE CLEANING WANTED. Inquire at Herald office. 10fl1062 Buy your coal of Rowan & Wright. Phone 71. tf Money to loan on real estate. F. E. Reddish. 3tf Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and posts. Phone 71. tf FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS E. L Gregg & Son have a large amount of first-class alfalfa and wild hay at a reasonable price. 4Stf779 Four room, cement block house, in Belmont Addition to Alliance, for sale at a big bargain. Will take lees than It cost to build if sold soon. In quire at Herald office. 4tf964 Repair and Oil Harness and Tanning Now Is the time to repair and oil your harness. Don t wait till apring when you and the harness man are busy, but DO IT NOW. Call and see my samples of tan ning. Select a good hide and hring It to me and I'll have It tanned In 30 days' time. Highest price paid for hides. 7tfl018 GEO. A. HILLS. 150 Old Time Songs, words and music complete. Will please both old and young. A neatly bound book for TEN CENTS IN SILVER, ('has. McDonald, Dept. 7, Concordia. Kansas. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received up to 12 o' clock noon, March 4. 1912, by the secretary of the board of education of the Alliance city schools, for the erection of a two-story with base ment addition to the Emerson school building, with heating and plumbing. Plans and specif ioations may be secured upon application to the secretary of the board, a depos it of twenty dollars ($20.00) being required for the safe return of the same. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. D. W. HUGHES, 9-4M052 Secretary. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Persons wishing stenographic work done can secure the same promptly by calling at The Herald office, riione 340. Coal office at Rowan's feed store. ROWAN & WRIGHT, phone 71. tf Good Health Baking Powder, 9c, 13c. 21c. Sat urday only. Bicknell Gro cery Co. REMEMBER Alva Ore ein. Indiana's most fa mous entertainer, at Opera House, Feb. 13, Old papers at The Herald office at 5 cents per bunch. Old papers at The Herald office at 5 cents per bunch. VIAVI The drugless home treat ment. Elena M. Nichols, 524 Chey enne Ave. Phone 651. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE All of my household furniture for sale, consisting of rugs, brass bed stead, mattress, springs, dining room chairs, rockers, dresser, roll top desk, Kurtaman piano, book case, at private sale, at Snyder's dray office, 210 Box Butte Ave. B. H. PERRY. 6tf984 Different sets of modern rooms for light housekeeping, close in. 'All rooms on first floor. Phone 529. 9-4-1053 II. BAYER. All kinds off dyeing, dry cleaning and preying. MRS. W. H. ZEH RUNG. Phone 535. 9tfl048 NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Parties holding chattel and real es te mortgages that have been sat isfied should see that the release has been recorded that they may not be charged In their 1912 tax. M. S. MARGRAVES, 9-4 1043 County Clerk. CALL FOR PRECINCT ASSESSORS' MEETING On the 14th day of March, 1912. the precinct assessors of Box Butte County, Nebraska, are requested to meet at the Court House to get their books and supplies, and for the transaction of such business as may properly come before the meeting. K P. SWEENEY, 10-4-1059 County Assessor. Now that spring is coming on ev ery lady should buy a corset that will hold its shape. Dressmakers recommend the Nu-Bone Corset, sold only at the New York Hat Shop. 8tfl023 Edward Scbultz of Wisconsin and John G. Heterich of Illinois arrived in Alliance about three weeks ago and have been making this city their headquarters while prospecting in this part of the west. They both think of entering homesteads. Mr. Heterich Is a gunsmith and has been working at his trade in the rooms over Gadsby's carpenter Bhop. Th , irct to remain in this country and wish to keep posted on local news, and accordingly Mr. Scbultz sub scribes for The Herald. The annual meeting of the Wo man's Presbyterlal Missionary Soci ety of the Presbytery of Box Butte will be held in the First Presbyterian church. Alliance, .March 7 and 8. Three services will be held. The first will commence with a luncheon served at the church at " I p. m., on Thursday. The evening service will begin at 7:30. The meeting of the Presbyterial Missionary Society will close with a service wihich will be gin at 9:30 Friday morning, although an address will be given in the church at 7:30 Friday evening by Mrs. J. P. Kni-strom, field secretary of the board of the northwest. The program, which will be published in the next issue of The Herald, will be a very interesting one to persons interested in Hie missionary work of the church. The principal address of the convention will be delivered at 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon by Mrs. Engstrom. A BIG RANCH Hall & Graham are showing their confidence in the ranch proposition in this country by increasing the size of the Hampton ranch, which they purchased in the fall, and by increasing the number of cattle with which their ranch is stocked. Thvy now ihave one of the largest ranches In western Nebraska and with their experience in the handling of live stock and their knowledge of ranch conditions will, without doubt, make a great success of their enterprise. LEGAL NOTICE TEACHERS' EXAMINATION County Superintendent' Notice of Special and Reading Circle Examinations STATE TEACHERS' EXAMS Special Examinations In order to accommodate the nor mal training students who wIfIi to complete their examinations before commencement time. and enable teach is to take examinations In subjects that usually come on Fri day, without closing school, a spec ial examination will be given on Sat urday. April M. The entire exam inallon will be given on the one day. The Friday and Saturday forenoon examinations will be given on Sntur lay forenoon; the Friday afternoon and Saturday afternoon subjects will be gi(Mi Saturdav afternoon. Reading Circle Examinations On Saturday. May 18, the reading in lie examinations for the year 1911 1912 in Colgrove and Hoyt will be given. The examination on Col grove's The Teacher and the School will be given In the forenoon: Hoyt's History of Modern Education will come in the afternoon. The examination on Winshlp's Great American Educators, upon which credit in General History will be allowed, will be given on Friday forenoon May 17. Please Note. In addition to the theory examination based on Col grove there will be the regular ex amination in theory on Friday after noon. May 17. Likewise, in addition to the examination on Winship's Great American Educators, there will be a regular examination in General History on Friday forenoon. May 17. State Teachers' Examinations Regular State Teachers' Examina tions. March 15-16, 1912. DELLA M. REED, County Superintendent. HIGH SCHOOL DEBATE High School Teams Meet in Foren sic Contest, Thursday Ev ening. Feb. 29th SIDNEY AGAINST ALLIANCE The High School debating squad will meet the trio from Sidney at the I'helan Opera House, on Thurs day evening, February 29th, al I okioel; This la one of the first of the serie.; of dc-bates for the champ ionship of the Ncrthwest district. De bates will occur between the follow ing schools of this district: Scot.ts bluff vs. Minatare; Crawford vs. Chad rotlj Gordon vs. Rushville; and Sidney vs. Alliance. The winners of each pair of schools debate against the winners of another pair and the two victorious teams meet for the fi nal debate for the championship. The question for discussion is: "Resolved, That the movement of or ganized labor for the closed shop should receive the suppcrt of public opinion." Michael Nolan, Ray Bige low and iJorothy Smith will repre sent Alliance and uphold the affirm ative. The program for the evening will be as follows: Piano Duet, Rattle Renswald and Eunice Eldred. Violin Solo. Paul Thomas. DEBATE. Vocal Solo. Miss Anna Nerud. Instrumental Solo. Mrs. Wayne Zediker. Decision of Judges. Inasmuch a there will be some ex pense attached to the debate, an ad mission fee of 26 cents will be charged. Seats may be reserved at Holsten's on the day of the debate. A cordial Invitation to attend is ex tended to the public. The Unknown Heirs and Devisees of John C. Clayton, deceased, will take notice that on the 24th day of January, 1912, Theodore Colvln, Plaintiff herein, Bled his petition in tlM district court of Box Butte coun ty, Nebraska, against said defend- , ants, the object and prayer or which are to quiet title In the plaintiff to I V southeast one-fourth (SEVi) 01 Si iion 27, In Township 27. north of Range 50, West, In Box Butte coun ty, Nebraska, as against the defend ants and all persons claiming through or under them and to exclude the defendants and each of them from all right, title and Interest therein. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 1st day of April. 1912. Fated Februarv l, 19U', THEODORK COLVIN. Plaintiff. The stockholders of the Co-Opera-tive ore have decided to close u the business. It seems that while they have bad u large trade, their goods have been sold at too close I margin and the proH would not pay running expenses. Mr. and Mrs. Will Howard of Deadwood came to the city on busi ness Saturday, returning home this morning. Vrs. Julia Hale, accompanied by UlU pat rl and Virgil, spent a couple of r '.vs visltnlg with friends at An fOn Md Bridgeport the first of tthe we. Word received from Mrs. O. S. Baker, who is confined in an Omalia hospttal, is to the effect that she It resting nicely, there being no dis couraging report so far. The Epworth League railroad ex cursion will leave the Tash home at H p. in., on Friday, March I. There will probably be upwards of 200 tick ets sold. Each should secure before starting, not only the regular ti kt : but also an accident ticket, whit h will exempt the holder from fines during t he Journey. The price of a through ticket is only 15 cents, and accident tickets 10 cents. Plenty of refreshments and the best time of your life. Procure your tlekeis early and awtid the rush BULPI1T PRCS mm U. P. CHURCH 10:00 a. m. A Temperance program will he rendered by the members of the school, to be followed by a Chalk talk by the pastor, after which tin Lincoln Legion Pledge will be presented for signatures. 11:00 a. m. Preaching Service. :M p. m. Y. P. C. U. 7:30 p. m Preaching Service. Subject for evening, "Risk in Re ligion. " A L. GODFREY, Pastor. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays ot each month at 11:00 a. m. and 7.30 p. ni. First Sunday In each month nt 11:00 a. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 10:00 a. m. Junior Auxiliary, Chapter A, meets every Tuesday at 7:30 p m. Junior Auxil iary, Chapter B, meets at 2:30 every Sunday afternoon. GEO. G. WARE, Missionary. GERMAN EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH Drake Building, 519 Sweetwater Ave. Services every Sunday morning, at 10:30. Sundny School every Sunday morn ing at 9:30. Everybody is cordially invited. Parochial German-English Lutheran school every day except Saturday an Sunday, from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. TITUS LANG, Pastor. 523 Cheyenne Ave., phone 359. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10 a. m., Sunday School. 11 a. m., Public Worship. Subject, "The God of Our Fathers and the Progress of Our Nation." At this s K ice Airs. Philip Nohe, Jr., will sing "Rock of .Ages." S:J0 p. in., Christian Endeavor, Subject, "The Home Missionary Whose Life Has Most Inspired Me." 7:30 p. m., Public Worship. The evening service will be a "Good Fellowship" sen ice. Every member of the congregation Is urged to be there Strangers welcome. .Mid-week Service, Thursday, 7:30 p. in. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Olin S. Baker, Pastor 10 A. M., Sunday School. Graded Bible Classes. 11 a. m.. Public Worship. 6:30 P. M., Young People's Ep worth League Meeting. 7:30 P. M., Public Worship. Wednesday evening, 7:30 o'clock, prayer meeting. All i lie services of this church are for the public. Strangers and all who come will find a cordial wel come. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Sabbath school at the residence of Prof. G. M. Burns every Saturday af ternoon at 2 o'clock. Topic of next lesson. "The Mil lennium." MRS. JOHN PILKINGTON, Supt. A. M. E. CHURCH Meetings In Marks' hall, northeast corner Laramie avenue and Third street. Sunday school at 10:30 a. m. Preaching at 7:30 p. m. All are welcome. BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday school, 10 a. ni. .Morning Service, 11 o'clock. B. Y. P. U., 6:30 p. m. Evening Service, 7:30. Mid-week service, Thursday, 7:30 p. m. You are welcome. GEO. A. WITTE, Pastor Mrs. W. S. Rldgell and Mrs. Theo dore Waddell are among those en tertaining this week for Miss Row ena Kromer. George H. Stanton and A. C. Bracken of Newberry's Hardware Company left Tuesday night for Den ver, where they went to attend the annual meeting of the Colorado Hi tail Dealers' Association. The man friends of Pete Watson who are readers or The Herald will be sorry to learn of his misfortune in having his leg broken, mention of which is made in our Spotted Tail items this week, and will joiu us In hoping that he may recover from the injury. Made in Nebraska. Sand Hill Brooms, 25c each, at Alliance Grocerv Co. Watch this Space for the BIG BIG (TO BE CONTINUED) annnmn oooooooooooooooo o FAIRVIEW o oooooooooooooooo The social at Mr. Munger's last Wednesday evening was well attend ed, the proceeds amounting to over $13, after all expenses being paid. A large number attended the Ladies' Aid at Mrs. Aspden's laal Friday, Mr. Warrick of Alliance be lng one of those present. Mrs. Wm. Rust. Jr.. has been very sick for the past week with tonsill tis. Dr. Bell wood has been attend ing her. Mrs. Fred Mason has been quite sick for several days with tonsilitls and la grippe. Grace Lawrence has not attended school the past week on account of being sick. a There were no church services on Sunday evening on account or the storm. Rev. Washburn Intends to hold protracted meetings for the next two weeks. m Ray Aspden und Miss Parrot t vis ited at the home of Wm. Rust. Sr.. Sunday. D. R. Lawrence and wife took din tier with John Parker and family on Sunday. The dance at Elmer Peterson's on Saturday night was well attended and a good time reported by those present. J. W Fra.ier helped T. J. Law rence saw wood last Thursday and Friday. James Pctmesll of Long Lake was seen going through these parts Sun day In au auto which he purchased from Mell Wilson of Alliance. The only trouble was that Jim could not use the whip when going up hill or when he struck the mud holes. T. J. Lawrence helped D. R. Uw rence butcher three fat hogs Mon day. Wm. Rust. Jr., took three loads of hogs to town Monday, which brought him over $200. Geo. West and Tom Aspden helped him haul them. I.. cm. ml Aspden has the honor of having killed the first wild ducks of the season in these parts, having gotten two the first of this week. Mrs Luitou Jay and children are visiting a few days with her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. W. Fra.iei . before going to her new home in Cherry county. The Indies' Aid which was to have met with Mrs. Mu tiger Weduesdav 'was postponed on account of the sickness of Mrs. Munger's little boy. has Trenkle, J. Betzold. Ed. Curry and Ferd Trenkle, Sr., were some of those who had their corn threshed the past week. Wm. Hilling doing the work. There was no school in Dlst. 5 on Wednesday, the teacher, MIbs Par rott, being sick. Violet Hadley returned home Wed nesday after dosing a very success' ful term of school In the Geo. Dill- ing district. The W. C. T. U. will observe Fran ces Wlllard day with a program at the church Sunday afternoon, Feb. 25, at two o'clock. Every one Is invited WOMAN'S CLUB The Woman's Club will meet Frt. day afternoon with Mrs. Fred Moll ring. TIi'.h being a general meeting all members are urged to be present. Following is the program Roll Call, Cumnt Events. Debate, "Resolved, That Lire to What Ycu Make L." Affh mitlve, Mrs. Mall.ry: Negative, Mrs. Les ter. Discussion. "Hew to Simplify House keeping. " Music. RETAILERS' STATE MEETING The annual meeting of the Federa tion cf Nebraska Retailers will hold Ua annual o:iventlon In Omaha on Marat 12, 18 and 14. A program has been arranged that will keep Che Nebraska imr. hants busy from the time they reach the city until they leave. Made in Nebraska. Sand Hill Brooms, 25c each, at Alliance Grocery Co. Bernard F. Rodger , brother of our townsman, Ivan Rodgers, Is traveling salesman for the Alliance Fruit Al soc ial ion, w it h headquarters In Alii ance. He making the towns on the south line this week. Miss Rowena Kromer, a musician of note whose home is at tiering, it visiting friends in Alliance. E T. Kibble, one of our prosper ous real estate men, returned the firm of the week from points in Tex as, where lie has been on a business trip. Lloyd Kibble atiipped a car load of fat hogs to Omaha Monday. W H Miller, traveling salesman for the Heinz Pickling Co.. came la Thursday W H Swhu is expected home on Friday from law where he waa .ailed to attend the funeral of his sister. Mrs. Castle