The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 22, 1912, Image 3

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Great Gulf Between Extreme Con
dition of People In America
Increasing Year by Year
It Is an old Raying that one ex
treme begets another, and this Is
nhown to be tme In the financial
con 'lit Km of the people of any na
tion bp well as In psychological mat
ten, to which the Haying WM prob
ably intended to lie applied when
first used. Conditions which give
A few people special privileges such
that they can easily accumulate nill
lfcnns of dollars, which they have
never honestly earned. nuiBt of MM
srty work ain Injury to u large mini
ber of people who are not so for
lunate s to be beneficiaries of
puch special privilege.
The Herald's Washington com
pondont strikingly emphasizes this
ptrint In h comparison of the condi
tions of certain pennons fcn the east
era pant or uie united states, to
which attention has recently been
directed by newspaper publicity
While 30,000 men, women and
children, mill workers at Lawrence
M iss . were out of work because of
a strike to prevent a out m their
wages of $6. $7 and $8 a week, Mns.
Kvelyn Walsh Mcl-eati, mother of
the baby that Is heir to $100,000,
000, gHve a $.16,000 dinner to 50
guests at Wellington, the nation's
The hostess at this banquet wore
duvmonds that actually coat more
than half a million dollars. In her
hair was displayed the "famous"
Hope diamond, which cost $180,000,
and at her throat another widely
celebrated gem, "Star of the East,"
which is even larger than the Hope
at. the McLean
I cm n in.-
111! l.
wotis mi-
have not learned, but It has been
intimated that the members of the
reception committee have been tax
ed heavily for cigars to treat the
boys since their mistake was made
Nebraska Lend Company Sett Pace
In Lining Up for Buainess
Others Should Follow
That the hard times of which we
hear more or less are caused by a
feeling of distrust on the pnrt of bus
lam nun there can be no doubt. We
do not BtM merely distrust on the
part of large manufacturing and
wholesale establishments, but the
tef to launch out In a business way
which affects retail dealers and
those in other lines of business in
the smaller cities and town at
times when there is general talk a
bout buainess depression and hard
t lines.
When business men launch out
and prepare for the transaction of a
linger amount of business you may
safely expect that there will be an
improvement In business conditions.
The Nebraska Lnnd Company, of
which f, C. McCorkle is manager,
sets a pace that we think others
will do well to follow. Land buai
ness especially has been rather
quiet in this country during the last
two years, but there are splendid Large Pencil Tablets 5
opportunities -here for profitable in- Large Ink Tablets 5f
e-simem. am. no t.oum there arc . -
Plenty of men who wonhl invest I
money in this country if conditions. HJfro
present and prospective, were put ltrajners 5
up to them in a true light. RJatfl 1 Machine Oil 5
estate men do not only benefit, -their Watch Fobs 5
wHii ouBiuess nv a correct am
thorough representation of this coun
at 313 Box Butte Ave.
Showing a New, Up-to-Date Stock of Novelties in 5, 10, 16 and 25c Goods. The
public is invited to call and see that dollars are not the only thing we are after
in conducting this business. Fair Dealing and Honest Merchandising is our
motto. Come and see what you can get for your money.
try to parties in other localities who
ave money to invest, but they 'heir Paper, in roils
would also mnterhilly benefit other Paint Bruebea
of the highest paid mill work-
it i i rtv i i.'in t . . (iii ii i.i mi , ii i n
84 years to receive the cost of thin
banquet. The earnings of a dozen
Iawrente workers for luilf a cen
tury would not have purchased the
gems worn by Mis. McU-nn. A Ijiw
renee worker would have to labor
i!0 years to pay for the yejlow UUcil
The strike of the men, women and
children tit Lawrence, and the $700
a plate dinner in Washington, Is a
striking example of conditions exist
ing under a system of excessive
protection in the year of our Lord
1912. Neither the Lawrence strike
nor the $35,000 McLean dinner MM
exceptions. They are but dimples
of many similar Illustrations which
could be cited if space permitted
Only recently, Wtn. M. Wood, the
head of the woolen trust, whose em
ployes are now on strike at Law
rence, was arrested for kncking
down and running over a pedestrian
with his automobile. W In n ar
raigned in court he was asked how
many automobiles he owned, and
replied he didn't know. Imagine
man so rich he doesn't knew how
many autos he has on hand!
Fortunes which make it possible
for one woman to wear a half ml
lion dollars' worth of diamonds at
one time, and which enable a man
to posses so many automobiles he
cannot keep track of them necessar
y come through the power to place
a price on the things which the
common people must have in cu'de
to live.
k Is significant, in this ptHMHM
4ion, that the tariff, the coat of Hv
lag. $700 -i plate dinners every
thing but :he workingman's wages
have increased hand in hand, re
vealing the Intimate relationship o
one to the other.
business interests here by so doing.
The Henijd does not wish to see
eastern .parties come Into this coun-
ry and undertake to do something
time who were unfamiliar with con
it ions lu re have done in past
ears, usually the pioneers in the
evelopment of any country are the
nes who lose money in attempting
o develop It. Those who come a
r.'Ule later and have the benefit of Chimney Stops
thik. experimentations made by the Gate Hooks H
Men's Handkerchiefs
Ladies' Handkerchiefs
Brushes all kinds 5
Tooth Brushes 5
Tape Measures
EM they will make a failure of, as No- 9 a" Silk R'bbon, all colors.
first settlers can profit by their los- fin Cups
es, and profit by the knowledge of
conditions secured by them. To at
empt to farm in this country in a
haphazard way means failure a it
dot I in almost any other country
but to those who have closely stud
led conditions here and have watch
eu tin' results that nave tieen se
ured through careful and intelligent
farming, otherwise known as Helen
lific Carmine, there can be no doubt
Miat this country has a wonderful
effect in the development of iis
agricultural and dairying possibili
ties, as well as in stock raising.
The task of properly advertising
this country and letting people else
where know about Us undeveloped
resources and possibilities ought not
o fall entirely upon a few. A gen
eral movement here to boosi would
produce wonderful results. In this
boosting we believe that all pwtlea I tbo has
ought to be careful to correctly rep- Mollrin
Yard 5?
Darning Cotton jC
Finishing Braid . ...
Baby Bibbs
Cake Cutters
We have not space to
mention all the good
things, but call at our
store and inspect our
stock . Satisfaction
For lOc
Cut Glass Card Holders 10
Cut Glass Spoon Holders 10
Cut Glass Creamers I 0
Cut Glass Jelly Dish 1 O-
Cut Glass Cheese Dish 10
Syrup Cups 10
Hatchets 10
Whisk Brooms 10
Egg Beaters 10
Bread Knife 10
Whitewash Brushes . 1 0f
Clothesline 10
Good Claw Hammer 10
Chopping Knife IOC'
Coffee Can 10
Glass Cutters lOf
Large Frying Pans 10?
Curtaim Rods 10
Good Flour Sifters ... 10
Graters 10
Dust Pans 10!
Household Paints 10l
Drinking Cups 10
Toasters 10
Cake Dishes IOC
Call Bells r
Pencil Boxes lQip
1 Doz. Wardrobe Haofcs lOc
Toilet Soaps 10
Teacup and Saucer 10"
Dolls, dressed 10
Ladies Hose ... 10"
Men Hose 1Q
Talcum Powder lO
No. 16 Ribbon, all colors lOf
Peroxide 10
No. 60 all silk Ribbon ,""
Talcum Powder X5
Hand Bags 15
Cut Glass Vase 15
Cut Glass Card Tray 15
Cut Glass Fruit Dish 15
Cut Glass Sugar Dish
Cut Glass Butter Dish 15o
Large Granite Wash Dish . . . tTC
6 Quart Granite Pans 15f
3 Quart Colander 15
4 Quart Mixing Dish lff'
1 Pint Petroleum 15
Wash Boards 15
Plate Glass Mirror 15"
Hdse Supporters, Men's and
Ladies' 15
Turkey Dust Brushes 1 TC
Paint Brushes 1J5
Men's and Ladies' Hose1 .... ir
Children's Hote 15f
Pocket Books 15
Briar Pipes 15
Large Granite Kettle 15
Box Stationery 15
Composition Books l'it
Ink Tablets 15
Padlocks 150
Suspenders .... 15C
Large Towels 15
Large China Plates .... 17C
Dolls 15
Large variety of 1p
Post Cards for.. Iv
Cut Glass Cake Dish 120o
Cut Glass Water Pitcher 20
Cut Glass Fruit Dish 20
Letter Paper and Envelopes in
Boxes 20o
Large China Dishes 20f
Ladies' Hose Supporters .... 20c
1 Box Toilet Soap 20r
Large Granite Dishes 20
Merc's Ties 200
Men's Hose 20c
Men's Hose Supporters . . . . 20c
Men's Suspenders 20f
For 25c
Large Box Letter Paper and
Envelopes 25.
Men's and Ladies' LisJe Hose 25
Men's Silk Ties 25
Ladies' Back Combs 25c
Hair Brushes 25C
Clothes Brushes 25?
10 Quart Granite Kettles 25C'
Large Dressed Dolls 25c
2 Quart Decorated China Water
Pitcher 25tf
Perumes, all kinds 25f
Pocket Books 25?
Pockt Knives 2S?
Watch our show windows
What you can buy in Candy for 15c A POUND
Burnt Peanuts Assorted Cream Wafers Co Co Cubes Maple Blocks
Co Co Bon Bons Duchess Sunt Drops Cream Dates Chocolate Creams
40c Chocolate Cream
Candy, 25c A POUND
always at this store
J. B. DENTON, 313 Box Butte Ave., Alliance, Nebr.
i fn here. Altogether Mr.
Ins a strong sales force
resent the country to outside parties and may well congratulate himself
so that none may be deceived and upon haviag secured such efficient
undertake to make a success of I assistance.
something here that is not practica
ble. There is a line of development
that may be followed In this coun
try that will produce wonderful re
sults and return big money on in
vestment that are made In the
right way and work done along right
B. Demton Opens Store as Pre
viously Announced
Monday morning of this week J.
teuton's new variety store at
1,113 r.ox llutte Ave. was opened for
Campaign Started to Make Alliancd
the Most Beautiful City of
Western Nebraska
I usiness. The last few days a , ikk of trees In the city of Alliance
Recently a carload ot elks m
shipped frcm the Jackson Hoi.' coun
try in Wyoming to SpearfUb, South
Dakota They were loaded at QffMH
River and went over ;be Union Pa
ctflc to Sidney and from there to
Spearfish over the Burlington, via
Alliance and Crawford Before the
train reached Crawford it was re
ported in that town tluit the elks
were coming. The vivid iiuagina
lion of some of the people tbt re who
are constantly on the lockout for an
opportunity to show their hospitality
leaxl them to suppose. the train
was reported due at a time different
from that of the regular passenger
tralns, that it was a special train
loaded with members of the Order
of Klks. They skirmished around in
an effort to get the braae band to
geher. which unfortunately they did
not have time to do, but a delega
tion made their way to the elation
to give as cordial a greeting as pos
sible under the circumstance Just
Mrs. U Z. Holloway has accepted
a position as sallady at Geo. A.
Mollriug's store. She commenced
work there on Monda morning. Mrs.
Holloway U an experienced salesla
dy an.l well acquainted with people
of Alliance and surrounding country
and will prove a valuable addttian
to Mr Mollriug's already strong
sales force In this establishment.
V. A. Mollrlnn. who ha had eten
sive in some large retail
establishments in Chicago as well as
smaller cities, is head salesman
force, consisting of Mr. and Mrs.
Denton, J. B. Saeger, O. H. Mo;n
and Mlsfc Mae Moon, were busy net-
.tny the store in shape, opening
goodl and arranging them for thf
opening day.
As will be seen by his advertise-
mtnt In this issue of The Herald,
Mr. Benton's sfore is well stocked
with new noods and still he informs
us that he has more goods ordered
hlch are now on the way and will
U here within a f days. Mr.
and Mrs. Denton own the building
in which the store is located ami re
side upstairs, which will make it
if properly taken care of, is more
attractive than a mansion standing
om bare ground without the attrac
tion afforded by a beautiful lawn
and trees and shrubbery.
We might make some suggestions
in regard to improvtug appearances
of the city otherwise, by cleaning
the streets, alleys, yards and vacant
GET READY TO PLANT TREES lots, but we presume the city offi
cials will attend to that when spring
arrives. In order to secure the
planting of trees In numbers such
as should be an interest must be
created among the people. Our
object In publishing this article
Is to try to set on foot
a movement looking to the
planting of more trees the coming
spring than have ever been planted
here before and taking care of
them In a way that will insure their
growth. What Is worth doing at all
is worth doing well. We hope ev
ery property owner in Alliance will
resolve to do something along this
line the coming spring.
For a long time The Herald has
had the matter under consideration
of opening a campaign for the plant -
I i . . .. (...., f. . , I . . . . i , 1 . wiLr
Miss Winnie Spacht. who is so well lu,,t "'"- "
after the store i ney win ue auij
and favorably known to Box Butte
county people as to need no intro
duction to our local readers, con
tinues in t lie position which she has
held for some time past as salesla
dy. Miss Lula Huffman, who came
to Alliance from Denver some thret
assisted by Miss Mae Moon as sales
Crawford ! to have sewer sys-
moiiths ago to accept a position In I Mm. A special election was heiu in
this store, has had considerable ex that city on Monday of last week to
perience as a saleslady and altera vote on a proposition to bond the
tion lady in ladies" suit departments city for 1SJJM for the construction
and is rendering valuable assist of the system. The proposition car-
what the elks on biwrd that freight ance. She has mane many friends I ried by a ote of exactly tWO to
traiu thought of their reception we in Allianie during the short time I one.
This city is already the metropolis
and commercial center of this part
of Nebraska and may be made one
of the most heautiful cities, not only
of this section, but of the entire
state. ,
There is one way In particular in
which the city may be made beauti
ful by a concerted effort on the part
of the citizens, and that is by the
planting and proper care taking of
trets in the yards and on the
streets. It is not possible for ev
ery owner of a lot to erect a man
sion, or even to put the Improve
ments on the buildhigs already e
rected that will give them the ap
pearance that might be desired, but
by a proper effort every property
ovMiei tan plant trees to some ex
tent and take care of them so that
within a few years they will do
more to give the city an attractive
appearance than many times their
cost would if spent merely in build
In our opinion, and we think in
the opinion of people generally, a
cottage witli a well kept lawn, nest
ling among trees and shrubbery, lux- i
uriant with foliage as they will be
The new Congregational church at
Reno will be dedicated Saturday and
Sunday, February -4 and 25. There
will be services Saturday afternoon
and evening, and Sunday forenoon,
afternoon and evening. A cordial in
vitation is extended to the public to
attend these services. Besides the
paMor, Kev. II. W Cox of Heining
ford, the following named ministers
will be present: Kev. S. I. Hanford,
superintendent : Kev . T. II Kraem
er. Rev. W D. King. Kev. J. D.
Stewart, superintendi nt ; Kev. Jas
B. Brown and Kev. C. K Mi Kail.
Surveyor Hazard Receives Commen
dation .from State Engineer.
J. P, Hazard, the surveyor, re
cently surveyed irrigation ditches
from the Running Water for James
Montague of Dawes county and Wil
liam Iodence of Box Butte county,
locating head gates, etc. The plan
will cover about a section of land.
Applications for irrigation permits
together with the maps made bv
Mr, Hazard were sent to the state
engineer. Cnder date of February
15 the state engineer acknowledged
receipt of applications and added the
following commendation of the sur
veyor's work: "Both maps are in
very good shape." The applica
tions were granted.
If you like The Herald subscribe.
It will be Interesting news to
many Herald readers to learn that
Miss Floy C. Shumway, daughter and
only child of Mr. and Mrs. G. L.
Shumway of Scottsbluff, and Mr.
John W. Rider of Lingle, Wyoming,
were united in marriage ot, Wednes
day morning, February 7, Kev. T.
C. Osborne, pastor of the Scottsbluff
Presbyterian church, preforming the
ceremony. The Herald extends con
gratulations and best wishes.
Everybody's Peas. I2c
per can. Bicknell Grocery
A classified advertisement, per
sistently printed will sell anything
of value.